
Political Instability Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"This wasn't a natural disaster; this was a catastrophe fueled by political instability and infrastructural neglect."
"Political instability always leads to economic chaos."
"Right now, the Conservative Party looks ungovernable, and more worryingly for the rest of us, it looks well increasingly incapable of governing at all."
"An armed mutiny in Russia is a sign of the fact that the president's authority is in question."
"I've seen countries where there's a change in government and they just sh [__] can everybody, bring in an entire new intel service. That's politically bound to whatever administrations come in. That is a disaster. That you definitely don't want."
"Putin's biggest threat lies right now next to him in Moscow: Russia's political stability revolves around the elites supporting Putin."
"A coup is a knife in the heart of a sleeping giant."
"The year 69 subsequently became a year of the Four Emperors."
"Political instability can weigh on an economy."
"Our civilization is under attack, our social system is under attack, our political system is under attack."
"Democracy in the U.S. is in serious trouble... it's been in crisis for almost my entire life."
"State officials are warning of Civil War-like conditions and the possibility of complete collapse."
"The possibility of a military Uprising against the current leader of Russia Vladimir Putin has been brought up by a former Russian Commander."
"What we're seeing is the extraordinary confusion of the Republican party at a moment when it's really crumbling."
"The Iranian regime has been teetering on the brink for quite a long time."
"The failed military coup attempt by the Wagner group has definitely destabilized the political situation in Russia."
"2024 is going to be a very unstable year politically and financially."
"The CCP... is at its end... because if you look at modern industrializing societies, regimes fall because of revolutions in cities."
"My greatest fear is that the Eurozone will not survive. Because if it doesn't, the centrifugal forces that will be unleashed will be demonic, and they will destroy the European Union."
"Unfortunately, it's not working so well because the country looks like it's a very slow implosion."
"The New Republic’s struggle to emerge from a devastating conflict, the political gridlock and instability that followed, the bad hand it was dealt, we’ve seen these sorts of things time again here on Earth."
"Food shortages topple governments they turn moderates into revolutionaries a food shortage is a big deal you don't want one but now we're getting one just a little over a year into Joe Biden's presidency."
"Putin became the source of instability instead of being the source of stability."
"Nothing worse under a weak sovereign that is in the middle of a civil war."
"Depending on where you are in this country there's a very real possibility that in your lifetime given higher levels of political instability the area you're in might like legit become a conflict Zone."
"I'm worried about the future of the fabric of American democracy."
"Putin may lose power as a result of This Disaster."
"Prepare for more social conflict, prepare for cyber wars, political systems will fail."
"The political climate here and in many places worldwide is in a very precarious situation."
"If the top seven members of the Politburo Standing Committee have fled Beijing... What does it mean if the public finds out these members have fled?"
"There's a lot of talk about Civil War and uprisings."
"We should be very worried about them going forward I hope that they have an incredible amount of security because these are very these are unhinged people they have weapons."
"Nothing could be worse than government blowing hot and cold on the winner's prospects."
"The situation in this country has done nothing but deteriorate from Al Qaeda, the local insurgency, the death squads buried within this government, to Iranian influence."
"The terrorists are running the country, Afghanistan, and if the terrorists run the country, who then is designated a terrorist?"
"The effectiveness of the Secret Service was proven in the 1970s and 1980s, when an unstable political climate led to more assassination attempts."
"When societies slide backwards into authoritarianism, nationalism or religious fanaticism, women have much more to lose."
"Let's go get Delhi. They're saying, 'Oh right now, yeah, they've got problems with rebellions already.' You know what? They're not managing themselves very well. Let's just conquer them."
"The implications of spiking food prices are unfortunately leading to more poverty, starvation, and political tumult if you like across some countries."
"As long as we have the war of gods in our region and foreign interventions, the only solution is democracy with civil states."
"Every day that fails to happen brings us closer to the point of no return for Ukraine."
"Any attempt to destabilize Putin may spark a new Russian Civil War."
"It is chaos. I think it actually feeds the feeling that the country is out of control."
"And discovering, that not only was that a paper tiger, but that the whole thing was founded on sand."
"Thank God if things continue as we are seeing, I could definitely see the balkanization of this country."
"The real chaos that Nigeria is going to face, the one that will shake Nigeria to its foundation, it's not actually because of Elections only."
"The state of their union is strong yet the title House of Cards underlies the delicate fertility of any union or political empire, just as Frank's career is always one dirty secret away from ruin."
"Well, the historical record shows that plutocracies are extremely fragile because the plutocrats in power first of all don't have any popular support but even more importantly they are constantly falling out amongst themselves."
"We are chilled to our bones at the thought of a coup succeeding."
"The demise of Putin, his country's president for over 30 years, would undoubtedly signal the start of a huge catastrophe."
"Is this the end of the American empire?... we've got a presidential administration in chaos, a political party that can only rely on hating the other person."
"China is showing more civil instability even as its economy continues to decline due to its zero covet policies."
"When the political order gets crazy, you know what you want to do? You're going to want to have some tangible assets." - Michael Knowles
"Democracy is fragile... we need to worry about unprincipled men seizing power."
"It demonstrated the tremendous fragility of our democracy."
"If you've never played before we're in 1930s Germany before Germany went full fascist but they're on their way. It's a dangerous slippery slope."
"The foundation of our democracy trembles under the weight of this harrowing revelation."
"Putin's Throne, which refuses to budge, is beginning to rock."
"The crisis continues to undermine Putin's Authority."
"The modern Muslim majority nation-state is a weak and unwieldy creature."
"A government without a majority, a prime minister who was never elected by the public."
"If Xi Jinping is losing control over the central government, the regime is in danger."
"Ever since last year's assassination of the president of Haiti, we've seen increased international attention on much of what's going on with Western intervention there." - Lance Gross
"Failed states infect the states around them."
"The establishment class is losing control... hence why they're just going to keep pushing back."
"Putin faces precarious situation in Crimea as Ukrainian advances continue."
"Tide turning in favor of Ukraine, creating political instability for Putin."
"Putin's career in jeopardy as rebellion looms amidst war with Ukraine."
"As long as Donald Trump draws breath... there is the potential for chaos."
"Half of Americans now predict the US may cease to be a democracy someday."
"It's the erosion of democracy that brings us closer to civil war."
"Authoritarian States always seem secure up until the moment that they're not."
"But like any time a king dies, there's a power struggle, so other rivals have returned to try to claim the throne."
"The odds of America slipping into a civil war type scenario over the next 10 years is around 30 percent."
"This is history... it's an anomaly... but in fact, what we learned is that the institutions we have strong though they are were not strong enough to prevent an attempted coup."
"You cannot plan progress where the people in charge of the place actually reign and rule in chaos and lawlessness."
"Political turmoil hurts the country long term."
"There were two shocking attacks on the western hemisphere's two largest democracies... both prompted by presidents who had questioned their legitimate election losses."
"Governments collapsing around the world continuing to collapse."
"The weaker the Putin regime becomes the less likely it is to win on the battlefield."
"Nigeria is in chaos... any terrorism everywhere. What are we gonna do?"
"When governments no longer have the best interest of the people, those governments are on limited time."
"America is on a collision course with just imploding, completely deteriorating morally, spiritually, politically, and just about every other way."
"At some point moving forward, somebody in Putin's Camp may decide to do a Power grab and take Vladimir Putin out of the leadership."
"Putin's fear stems from the belief that defeat in the war will also overthrow his 24-year-old Throne."
"The government overthrows and political discontent arrive when people are hungry."
"The Civil War in the United States appears to be increasing in likelihood."
"Political realignment, reform parties, NATO instability—Europe's setting themselves up for a freaking mess."
"The impossibility of having an economically sound nation was fertile ground for coups and government assassinations."
"Our democracy is hanging by a thread right now."
"I think the US will expand its public services after its current year of political instability."
"Ethiopia's slide to a failed state is evident. It's a genocide of colossal proportions."
"Democracy itself is under threat due to controversy over elections and political violence."
"Mutually assured destruction is definitely super scary because I feel like it only takes like a few crazy world leaders, a few people that are just crazy and that have lost it all, to damage everybody."
"It's important to remember that when there's a crisis in food and when food prices go up, the political crisis is almost immediate." - Vijay Prashad
"Enhance your growth through exposure to new ideas and information much faster, easier, and cheaper than ever before."
"I've never been more fearful of the state of this country than I am right now."
"When legitimate legitimacy of existing governance is undermined, you get insurgency."
"Politicians will become crazy with war and people will revolt."
"Breaking India forces will become BI 2.0 because they'll be able to use all these technologies to create chaos in India, to create political upheaval, to create violence, to create riots."
"That discontent is not finding expression within the political system."
"The disintegration of the British Union is the big unanswered question."
"They want Civil War... to destabilize America and gain full control."
"There's gonna be some sort of civil war, I'm sure."
"Putin has struggled mightily to maintain control of the country for a significant period of time."
"Democracy stands on the brink of serious trouble."
"The coup in Prue shows once again that the Peruvian oligarchy and the US Empire do not accept leaders who are union organizers and Indigenous rise to government to work for the people."
"An attempted takeover that's likely. I mean, we had one already. You know, maybe a more successful attempt to take over, but I don't think it'll, um, I don't know how far that will go."
"The Russian Federation today is going to collapse."
"How did you get in here? What's all this about? Questions, questions, questions. Everybody wants to know. Everybody's chasing me. Everybody's arresting me. And Russia's going to pieces."
"Political unrest continued around the globe."
"There is a coup in Russia, it is an evolving situation and what started initially is like wow this is concerning is now extremely concerning."
"One of the problems is when you have an insurrection political party that wants to undo and overthrow the system."
"Our democracy is on weaker ground now than it was a year ago."
"Failed states are not only in the global south... Russia, France, the UK, and even the U.S should be understood in similar terms."
"I genuinely fear that the liberal order itself is likely to collapse."
"You're done okay that coup happens you're [ __ ] melted butter okay they will melt through you with a [ __ ] reaper drone shut the [ __ ] up."
"Several years after the fall of Malkier, another kingdom began to head toward political chaos."
"The country once again fell into Anarchy."
"Rome sank into chaos; the next hundred years brought a sequence of random emperors proclaimed by the army."
"We are small crippled economy that has failed to take off because of two things: the pursuit of destructive politics and the failure of our democratic politics to change Zimbabwe."
"There is an incredibly high correlation between political instability and discrimination against women."
"Morocco was so internally fractured that all 21 years of Hassan's Reign he would be on campaign."
"A coup would destabilize the entire region."
"The northeast of India has been going through political instability and ethnic insurgencies for decades."
"There is no such thing as stability within politics."
"This social destruction would lead to political instability."
"Bosnia and Herzegovina is a very unstable country right now."
"Thailand is stuck in a cycle of coups that keep it from experiencing being one of the miracles like Singapore or Japan."
"More than two years after the fall of Muammar Qaddafi, Libya remains on the verge of collapse."
"Democracy has never been in more precarious shape since the 1930s."
"The whole country broke into pieces. Everyone is fighting with each other for local power, and it's anybody's game."
"...being an elite meant both enjoying special privileges but also risking being purged at any moment if they backed the wrong horse."
"It was a combination of these challenges that truly threatened the Weimar Republic."
"The nation is in chaos; if nothing changes, the Empire will fall, and it will lead to widespread war."
"Europe is clearly becoming unstable, and therefore we must start contemplating the consequences."
"The kind of political instability and social instability we've associated with the third world is coming to the developed world."