
Creativity Encouragement Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"You have such a creative mind, and you should use it to something very powerful."
"The key is you can't go on your phone when you're bored because if you go on your phone when you're bored, then you're entertained. So you're not bored anymore, so then it doesn't force your brain to start coming up with ideas of how to entertain yourself."
"It's like when you get a Hot Wheels toy set... it's kind of telling the kids, 'You need to imagine that bit.'"
"Thank you for drawing today and for adding some of your creativity to this world."
"Chase Excellence, stop comparing yourself and start creating."
"Just start creating just start making things you need a portfolio of great things."
"Just have fun, be original, get some good stuff up, and honestly, that's all I can give you."
"Get creative with any hopes and dreams and little Sparks of interest that you have."
"Everyone can benefit from setting aside a little time to get creative." - Skillshare
"So if you are looking to create a YouTube channel if you're looking to do something [__] do it man."
"Don't be afraid to shine, go off on your own and create things."
"It's kind of... I don't know if this is the best message. Like, are... should see that I'm not scared to say is is don't be scared to be creative."
"All I'm seeing here is just you could probably really enjoy some excitement and some creativity."
"Creativity and imagination, challenge yourself."
"You can do anything creatively, it's in you."
"Stop waiting till it's perfect to share your stuff, just share it imperfect things as often as you can."
"Embracing your creativity, letting that energy flow through you."
"I keep encouraging people to do the weird stuff that they want to do because right now it's like the weird stuff that's going to work."
"Please go ahead and take this project, make your own, improve on it."
"Experience the power of your inner creativity."
"It's important that we don't suppress creativity, in the opposite, but in your room, in your space, please find your solution."
"Just trust me okay and create create create great time to create create from pain from love from boredom from happy place from knowledge from whatever it is in whichever area of life that you work in just create more"
"Let your imaginations run wild and see what you can create with this."
"Let's take it to the next level man, let's create [ __ ]."
"Start creating, stop making excuses, stop putting it off."
"Go out there and take some of these lessons that I've showed you today."
"It pushes the imagination which is always a good thing."
"Bring that creativity to your craft...try new things, try new ideas."
"I just want to get people's imaginations working about what is possible and what is relatively simple to construct."
"The Crayon Case is a cosmetic line dedicated to amateur makeup users and aspiring makeup artists aiming to encourage all people to treat their face as a blank canvas as they pursue the ultimate creation of their personal masterpiece."
"Go out there and make stuff. It's not gonna be perfect. You're always gonna look back on it and be like whatever I was young and I didn't know what I was doing but it's such a better step than doing nothing and not finishing anything."
"If you've ever left the cinema or turned from your TV screen wishing that you could invent your own Death Star's stormtroopers wearing ornithopters and wild-eyed heroes then this is for you."
"Create for yourself. Make creating fun again. Go back to the heart of it all."
"It's time to create, Aries. Spirit guides and the universe want you to know that you're going to experience a lot of growth and abundance through this."
"I take great pleasure in teaching someone... just play anything, we're going to make this work... open your mind up."
"Free your mind and be creative, be fearless."
"I can't wait to see your future fan creations. Own or gift these books now!"
"If you can quilt, you can paint. If you can scrapbook, you can paint. If you can fix a car in your garage, you can paint."
"Don't be afraid to think outside the box, manifest everything."
"Imagine what you could build and create clear-minded... great sleep, positive intention."
"Daydreams are not a waste of time; they're the precursor of every invention."
"Your imagination is really your only limitation here."
"I look past what something is currently and look to what it could be and it takes a lot of creativity but you guys are totally capable of that."
"Let your imagination go, you can do anything."
"Make 2020 a year where you explore new skills even existing passions and get lost in creativity with Skillshare's online classes."
"I encourage all of you every single person viewing this video to create something fresh and brand new."
"I like practicality with aggressiveness... I would do stuff that pays the bills but I would keep a good allocation of fifty percent of time... doing stuff for yourselves to keep those artistic juices flowing."
"Be unconventional. Conventional thinking gives you conventional results."
"Upward Mobility is possible but you're going to have to get creative now."
"Keep creating. The fact that you guys are going out there and utilizing the stuff that I am teaching makes me so happy."
"You'll never create anything great if you never create anything at all."
"Life doesn't have to be hard, difficult, defeating, and that even now more than ever your spiritual team's trying to lead you back to that sanctuary back to that source of creativity into that magic to remind you of how beautiful life can be."
"I like to encourage women in homemaking that it never has to be boring there are always new things to learn and explore and get better at there really isn't a more creative career than homemaking."
"Do something wacky, get crazy, grab a fig from an army you've never painted."
"Let's be creative and let's inspire people to do more."
"Making kids go be creative or encouraging them to get out and into the world in whatever way, I think that stuff is really helpful."
"I love how much it encourages that exploration and experimentation that I think the Mario games along these lines are so known for."
"Courage. Dare to be different, to make mistakes, to create."
"You're really only limited by your imagination... So get creative!"
"I want to hear your automation ideas, no matter how crazy or far-fetched they seem."
"You have to become a creator. I want you to be a creator in your life."
"You have to be creating something. Create something."
"Opportunity doesn't knock, build the door." (Repeated for emphasis)
"Wish you guys the best of luck with sketching and have the most fun in exploring this wonderful world."
"Get creative in your spare time. It's not just fun, it's a great use of your time."
"Create your own characters, create your own universe, do your own thing."
"Make time to daydream and imagine the possibilities."
"This new 2.4-liter boxer engine is just fantastic because it finally gives us the power that we always wanted."
"More than anything, I hope you got great ideas out of this video."
"We encourage all of you to go off and make something... and share your ideas with us."
"Just let these things flow. Flow right out of your imagination."
"You build a road everywhere. So, you let the creativity and imagination of all those who have ever looked up say, 'This is what I want to do.'"
"Make something, anything. Cook, weld, carve, sculpt—anything that you need to make."
"Kiwico lets kids remind us grown-ups of the real power of small."
"Keep making your videos, dude, and keep making your game. Keep making stuff, everybody, just keep creating things."
"You can either follow a paint-by-number kit approach to life, or you can decide you want to create your own masterpiece."
"An educational system without grades would foster creativity and development."
"They discouraged me from copying. They didn't want me to copy, they want me to be unique and create your own brand, your own identity."
"It's okay to be creative even if you're a beginner."
"Anything you turn your hand to will be very lucrative... but it's more about you being very creative this month and doing more things that you love."
"Approach these drawings in a fun way... have fun."
"Stay safe, enjoy it, be creative, and peace."
"It's okay to make characters new ones, you know? Not every character has to be the ultimate cliche."
"Just do it. If you've got a cool idea for another and it sounds like you do, just do it."
"If you can dream it, you can create it. Your imagination is the key to manifesting the life you desire."
"Run with those crazy thoughts. Own your brain's own random creativity."
"If you're creative, be creative. Don't follow what you feel people may think of you."
"The spider is here to remind you that now is a good time to get creative and start a new project."
"You don't have to do exactly what I'm doing, feel free to be creative and do your own stuff."
"Give yourself the permission to be creative and try things out. What's fun for you? What's joyful for you?"
"Now is a good time to get creative or start a new project, the universe is supporting you."
"When the inspiration comes, note it down, pay attention to it, and take even the smallest step."
"Be creative and allow others to be accommodating."
"Be prepared, not scared. Have a plan. Be creative."
"Have fun and build stuff that you're excited about."
"It's my favorite space in the house because it's where I create things."
"Be creative with that. Use technology, man! Use the automation in your home."
"You never know what spark is going to go off when you hand somebody a camera."
"Celebrate uniqueness rather than inhibit it."
"That's badass and work on something creative."
"Children need to Foster their creativity, imagination, and playfulness; kids need to be kids."
"She's very musical too, my daughter, so I want it to seem normal to her that people follow their creative ideas and make things out of them into adulthood."
"Fair use is like a muscle, if you don't exercise it, it'll wither. So use it, exercise it, go up there and keep creating fantastic new things."
"It's incredibly rewarding to see what people can make with workshop."
"Sucky ideas are better than no ideas, and trying is better than not trying."
"Why be cautious with your chest? Have fun, learn, be creative."
"It's cute it's silly it's far-fetched but that concept of simple mundane banale things inspiring technological revolutions is so profoundly hopeful for this species."
"People tremendously underestimate their own creativity."
"Don't fear the blank canvas; use it to turn your life into a masterpiece."
"Anyone who says they don't like to paint is doing it wrong."
"Don't be afraid to do a sketch... just get out of the computer for a bit."
"If they're gonna [ __ ] everything up I guess I'll make something and I hope you guys out there if you've got a creative bone in your body if you've got a story to tell uh please please do the same we need more storytellers."
"We're all creators, have fun with it. That's the whole point of it."
"Permission to make mistakes is so freeing, the root of creativity and change. Allow yourself to make as many mistakes as you need freely from the prison of perfectionism."
"Whenever I've recommended to one of my students that they do this even if they're not very well trained or they or they don't understand music theory just playing along on an instrument it always leads to some sort of inspiration."
"Whatever inspires you to create... you should do it."
"Give yourself license to think about one of those crazy ideas in the back of your head, one of those wild ideas from your youth, and maybe pick it up, dust it off, and see where it takes you."
"Creative mode honestly feels like a breath of fresh air."
"Stop sitting around doing things that don't result in experience boosts. Write your own book, live your own life."
"You can get so creative and there's so many videos out there posted so just start with one room start tackling it clean it get it decluttered get it organized."
"Pushes you to create in ways you don't usually."
"Stop playing the minor blues scale just don't play it anymore for a little while."
"To be great, you got to divorce yourself from your traditions and your culture because convention makes no room for creativity."
"Even if you're not a crafter even if you think you don't have a creative bone in your body I genuinely really encourage you to just have a go at an easy craft and see how it makes you feel."
"It's a lot more powerful to just show it and let other people kind of like create their own imagination."
"I always encourage people to make their own YouTube channel... do this yourself in the same way Bob wanted people to paint."
"...inspires us to think outside the box when we're brewing."
"You gotta feed the creativity. If you are interested in learning this, do it. That's your nudge from God."
"Just create something, make a poem, do whatever you want to do, just create something."
"We're going to try and be as creative as we possibly can, and if you've got any suggestions, you know that we are all ears."
"It's really made for you to be creative."
"Take your paints, take your pencils, and fill a few pages with whatever you want."
"So, there is plenty of paint and plenty of paper, go do it!"
"Don't forget to make your corner of the web just a little bit more awesome."
"Creativity was good and that you should feel free to be creative."
"Our goal is to make you guys creators, not consumers."
"Just have fun, send me a link if you end up creating something cool."
"Please be creative with this; find something to do on it."
"But I wanna encourage you all to happily pursue whatever wacky, creative ideas you may be coming up with because, sometimes, those are the coolest."
"Now that you have everything you need, go be creative and share with me what you make."
"I hope you guys have so much fun creating these and I would love to see the designs you come up with."
"I would love to see what you create with these techniques."
"Just be creative and try and do your best."
"Let's create more fun stuff. I'll see you in the next chapter."
"Embrace that creativity and let your brain force flow."
"Don't be afraid to color outside the lines."
"Start creating and stop consuming."
"Stay creative, make art, and have a great day."
"Now is a time to prioritize play, it is through playfulness that you open yourself to receive solutions to problems."
"Giving away the techniques and the ideas... it doesn't limit you, it doesn't inhibit you, in fact, it does precisely the opposite."
"Stay creative, guys, and I'll see you all in the next video."