
Independent Artists Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Oh bro, they are trying hella hard to get rid of independent artists right now. What's wrong, mainstream? You don't like the competition?"
"In the future, all the big independent artists right now are gonna be some of the best, wildest, most unbelievable music stories of all time, and guess what, mainstream is going to have zero affiliation with it."
"An independent artist can go on that platform and blow up overnight... does that not make the current paradigm almost preferable?"
"I could literally be the first independent rapper ever to get a number one pop song on Billboard."
"We made music history as an independent artist."
"The vast majority of independent musicians that you listen to on Spotify are in some way or another dealing with the exact same problems that Josh and I are dealing with."
"Support independent artists with Tarot Stack."
"Anybody can just upload a song to SoundCloud or YouTube and it can go you don't need a label you don't need you see me because that changes the there's not as much of that the the the glass ceiling."
"AJR were technically an independent band with full creative control over their output."
"You can self-release on the internet. That's pretty powerful."
"There are so many ways to get your streams up without you being on those major playlists."
"BTS were able to get to the top of the music industry without the music industry making a profit out of them."
"It's raw, unfiltered, dynamically mixed music... not done through any kind of label."
"But if you're ready to commit and consistently release music, you have a chance to be discovered without spending a dime."
"Independent Artists who are willing to put in the work and find a way are in the best position to win."
"It's like a pretty cool thing, like two of the biggest independent artists in the world made a collab."
"All of the success that he's had is from an independent artist, no label push, no promo, no nothing."
"I'm not on AEW I'm not on WWE I don't have this this TV show worldwide I have to promote myself."
"This decentralization and blockchains and cryptocurrency and nfts - that's why this is so important for independent artists moving forward into the future."
"If you have enough grind and hustle mentality, you don't even need a record label nowadays."
"Someday, you'll see that the best music is independent music."
"We support independent artists and we support people that make that [ __ ] bump."
"It's the best and most affordable way to release music independently."
"Every anime convention should have an artist alley somewhere Independent Artists can set up and sell their products while the convention takes place."
"There's a lot to praise about supporting independent artists."
"You could be an independent artist in a small town in the UK, create beautiful music, upload it, and people from all over the world can engage with that."
"I think it's safe to say that in the years to come we're definitely going to see more and more artists going independent."
"I just want to thank you so much. This is such a big deal, not only for us but for all other independent musicians and artists."
"Independent artists have a huge opportunity."
"Support your local if you have a local and support the artist directly through Bandcamp."
"Independent Artists, it is our time."
"I highly recommend checking out Etsy because there are so many small independent artists that you can help support."
"It's never been a better time to be an independent artist because anyone can have access to uploading their music to platforms that anyone from the world can hear them."
"If you're looking for an official way to release your music to major streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon, all the rest, use DistroKid."
"They are specifically geared towards independent artists and producers, much like myself, most likely you as well."
"Crowdfunding and social media have made it easier for independent artists to grow an audience and support themselves with their music."
"This is insane, three of some of the biggest artists on the planet, Independent Artists, absolutely doing stuff that nobody else is doing."
"It always mesmerized me how awesome it was that these indie guys were trying to make a name for themselves."