
Action Call Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Now is a moment not to undershoot or to wait and see; now it's a moment to act."
"There is no debate, it's real. Let's just get off the pot and do something about it."
"The alarm bells are sounding. It's time to fully awaken."
"Plastic pollution is slowly crippling the Earth's vital ecosystems, and it's now up to us to try and stop it."
"Neutrality is not an option. That's not an option right now."
"Let's do something that will solve the problem."
"I do have anxiety about the way the planet is hurting right now. I do feel like this is a time for extraordinary measures."
"Let's make a power move. That's how you make a power move."
"The truth of the matter is that climate change is happening and we need to do something about it."
"Let's just [ __ ] achieve your goals, let's make it happen."
"The tragedy serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the urgent need for action to address the root causes of gun violence."
"If something is discordant, that's a call to action."
"Do a video about our mission... or jump right in."
"We don't have six months to lose at this point... it's dire beyond belief."
"We have to support these people, we have to help them, we have to stop this."
"It's time to stop interfering in that way and turn this around."
"It's a criminal conspiracy and it's time to put an end to their hegemony."
"That was just in time, get on your bike, let's go to this GPS location!"
"This is a crisis and it requires action with urgency."
"Okay, time out, we have right now, we have to do something about this."
"This is just horrific taking place and I just don't think the world can now sit back and say we're just not sure if this is happening."
"If everybody can see that these wounds are oozing pus and blood, we can't continue to turn a blind eye."
"Feel free to smash the hell out of that like button."
"Global warming is becoming a serious crisis, and we need to do something about that."
"The force awakens. It's a call to arms, a call to action."
"We need to listen to what the data tells us. We need to take action. We must take these warnings seriously." - Ontario Premier Doug Ford
"Make sure you go down below, hit the like button."
"I think something needs to be done... come on Susan, do something."
"Now is the time to awaken. Now is the time to take action. Now is the time to embrace Him and His help. We need His supernatural power to understand our world and fight the evil that's permeating it."
"Take action and say yes to your membership today!"
"It's time to put those labels to bed, talk about what we're actually going to do for the American people."
"It's time to take action and start implementing those particular things."
"This is the moment when we should be talking about what we do next."
"The garden needs pruning, all right boys, it's time, it's time to engage in a little bit of pruning."
"Let's get it done if that's the truth and that's the case."
"This crisis is dire and it requires immediate action."
"What Britain needs is its leaders and Parliament to step up to the plate."
"Everybody needs to do what they gotta do, get ready because it's going down."
"They've been stealing our stuff for too long. We need to stop that."
"This is incitement this is a direct call to action."
"Either we're going to do something about it or we're not."
"It's now or never, we gotta turn this around."
"Courage is the key to countering leftist movements."
"If you turn away now... change will not happen."
"The clouds clearing for a new beginning, mental clarity, triumphant victory."
"Prayers aren't enough. We need food, supplies, and water."
"Our responsibility is to answer the question: How do we dismantle systemic racism?"
"Get in the game, take advantage, make the call."
"If you don't stand up to traffic, America will stand up to you." - Mike Pompeo
"What are you waiting for? Do it, just do it! Yes you can!"
"Tell somebody to turn it off, turn on the screen, let's get ready!"
"Climate change is real. If we don't do something about it, then we're going to pay a terrible price for it."
"What are you waiting for? Grab your VIN, head over to pca.org and sign up as an official member."
"The world's watching so it's up to you, what are you gonna do?"
"In the end, the question isn't actually why is classical music dying; the question is do we care enough to fix it."
"For everybody who wants to help the elephants in Kenya, today is the day."
"We will delay no longer; the time is now."
"Time is short and those people aren't going to free themselves."
"It's time to step up to the plate; that time is now."
"It's go time, ladies and gentlemen, let's do this."
"We've got to do something about global warming or it's catastrophic."
"If you can do stuff that nobody else can do, let's do it now."
"If this hasn't hit you yet, or you're not paying attention to it yet, you better start. This is the point of my video: Get busy."
"It's time for you to make your move or to get moving towards something that you desire."