
Vehicle Ownership Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Buy vehicles that total up to be less than half your annual income if you want to be wealthy."
"Turns out, like you probably already guessed, the Austrian post figured out through real-world use that EVs have a lower total cost of ownership than gas vehicles."
"So instead of having to go and sell it as a used car or a certified pre-owned vehicle, it is now going to just be out there making money. It's not going to be sitting on a lot."
"The total cost of ownership of an electric vehicle... is lower today than that for a gas-powered vehicle."
"The total cost of ownership is significantly lower for a Tesla versus other cars with similar sticker prices."
"Every vehicle has its pros and cons a long way."
"The Lexus RX is likely going to be less expensive all the way around."
"A growing number of car buyers have loans worth more than their vehicles."
"The total cost of ownership (factoring in repairs, maintenance and energy costs) of a Tesla is far cheaper than an ICE vehicle over the long term."
"What's your opinion on owning one car? One's good, am I right?"
"When you own your own trailer you no longer have to worry about disconnecting your trailer."
"The problem is that happens a lot because manufacturers mass produce their vehicles, but that wouldn't happen if you owned these."
"Stop handing the keys to someone else to drive that car around because ownership, you know, like buying the vehicle is part of ownership you cannot operate it, it's not really your car."
"Do I still love owning a Tesla Model 3? Yes."
"This is my newest truck that I own, because I sold my ranger. That being said, I need this thing to be reliable, and right now, it's kind of iffy."
"If I lived up in the mountains, I would definitely have an XJ. I would definitely buy one of those."
"This is actually my favorite vehicle that I've ever owned."
"If you're looking for the most efficient or just the least expensive to own and operate, look no further than the hybrid trims of the Avalon."
"If you buy a new car, automatically as soon as you drive it off the lot, you're gonna lose about 10% of that car's value."
"Shop around for insurance, become a one-car family, start to learn about vehicles, live closer to wherever you work, or simply just focus on buying a car at the right part of the depreciation curve."
"Vehicles are an investment that is familiar to millions."
"You cannot keep stolen vehicles, you can only keep vehicles that you buy or acquire yourself through missions and activities."
"If it's not your car, don't go driving it because if you're gonna do some illegal stuff and have a cop steal you, you're pretty much just gonna get taken in."
"So everybody basically in the black ones are the ones that are copies of my car."
"You guys see that car? That's my car, that's my new car."
"...even as pretty as these vehicles look...be careful because every year just for basic servicing...you're going to spend $1,500 to $2,000 a year just to keep it serviced and greased."
"...transmissions are common failure in these...you may need a partial rebuild or a complete replacement on the transmission."
"I've had no maintenance I have no issues or anything like that it's just been a very cheap vehicle to own and run."
"It's about being one with the vehicle so to speak. I know it sounds cheesy."
"...who doesn't want a vehicle that's cheaper to operate..."
"I just cannot come to terms with buying or keeping like a 50,000 Mi truck like this and devaluing it."
"Make sure to leave a comment down below if you've owned this vehicle. I'm sure there's people interested in purchasing these vehicles watching this video, so I think they would appreciate reading some comments from real-world owners."
"So as much as those vehicles are easy to buy for North Americans, if you're looking to go global, you need to do some research if your vehicle exists in the places that you're going to."
"Getting my own vehicle was extremely liberating."
"Whatever van you choose, you will be so happy with it because it's going to be your van, you're going to take so much pride in it."
"There's always a lot of stuff that you learn about a truck or just any vehicle in general after owning it for a while."
"This is a beautiful two-owner car."
"The dream of owning a Jeep is more than just owning a vehicle."
"I've owned this Jeep for about two months, and I absolutely love it."
"If you don't turn back and look at your vehicle every time you get out, you've got the wrong vehicle."
"I hope that this video does help you in making your buying decision a bit easier or has made you a better informed owner."
"Your car loses about 10 to 20% of its value the minute that you drive it off the car lot."
"If you own a Kia or Hyundai, we want you to be the experts on your own car."
"It's a very practical vehicle that you never thought you'd need until you actually own one."
"The break even point for the average driver in this Volkswagen Jetta TDI is over 8.5 years."
"I just feel like a grown adult with like a grown person car."
"There's nothing like a hassle-free ownership experience for a vehicle to endear itself to the motoring masses."
"Would it not make more sense to get something older for a lot cheaper and then perform the same maintenance and the same repairs?"
"I'm very grateful that I'm able to have this vehicle."
"This especially is going to affect those who can't afford to just renew and buy a brand new car."
"I had a six-year term on that SUV, and I paid that SUV off in two years."