
Niche Market Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"Hollow Taco's raison d'être was bringing specialty nail polishes to a mass audience."
"E-commerce is very competitive, but Etsy has carved out a niche that no one can really compete with."
"In the fitness niche, people will spend thousands of dollars on improvement."
"Start a Services business that's in the same niche as the software company... just to learn about your Target customer."
"Are there strange sounds going on underneath the earth?"
"We thought of Holo Taco as a way of bringing unique, special polishes that you aren't gonna find in the drugstore and making those accessible to a mainstream audience."
"There is a very dedicated market for this type of content."
"You can profit over ten thousand dollars per van."
"There is a lot of money in the candy skull niche."
"The Cybertruck is exclusively for the type of person who buys a truck and literally never uses the back area for anything more than groceries."
"Leslie's is my number one trade coming out of this catastrophic Texas event. I think they're the cleanest, purest social arb trade coming out of this entire event."
"I'm the freakin tall lanky Conor McGregor that the youtube fighting industry looking for."
"Kenshi really stands on its own with regards to uniqueness."
"Surround yourself with like-minded entrepreneurs that are in your niche."
"That's it for this one, fun to work with, really interesting product, a small market but well built."
"Deagle sidecar? Probably not unless we get enough people who actually carry one every day."
"We have created a loyal following of ice users."
"Shop Titans is an RPG shopkeeper simulation game which is quite a specific genre indeed."
"Ashes of creation isn't going to be the perfect MMO and it most certainly isn't going to be for everyone."
"Fuji's carved out its own little unique niche."
"So really if you wanted to get into a fintech that does this backed might be your only option for doing this right now."
"Our business exists to fulfill the niche of repairing liquid damage MacBooks, physically damaged products, out of warranty products, and to provide data recovery services, which are services that Apple does not provide."
"Griselda tapped into a vastly underserved market of 30 plus rap fans."
"New Balance historically was basically the connoisseur shoe."
"We're a sales and marketing company in the garage space because that's really what it takes to win."
"The most mom and pop feeling store is Sweetwater. They come across as the most mom and pop."
"Classic WoW is going to appeal to a specific audience, a niche audience, a niche audience doesn't necessarily mean a small audience."
"I think there's still a crowd that is looking for this bike. It definitely screams Harley-Davidson."
"Jamali will be the biggest name in coconuts in Australia."
"It was appealing to only the wealthiest of dodge fans."
"Let’s make something hardcore, ultra-niche, with pixel art and ridiculous difficulty."
"It's only two times people don't want this shoe: a reseller and the small niche people who actually like the shoe."
"It's probably the first mover and the leader in this Niche."
"There's a lot of shooters out there if you like that kind of thing is the system for you it really is."
"I started my detailing business when I was 13... Dad said, 'You can always make money doing what nobody else wants to do.'"
"There is no loyalty like comic shop loyalty. Once it's gone, it's gone. There is no business like the comic book retailing business."
"If you are a car fanatic, if you are a clean freak freak, this is the business for you."
"People will pay you to clean up the dog poop in the backyard."
"Damien became an interior designer specializing in torture machines. Last month Vogue magazine called his products the refined marriage between macabre and chic."
"But if you're a fan of games from smaller European studios or just slightly smaller experiences but not quite indie games, we call them AA games."
"Farm to smoothy CBD, we finally done it." - Tariq Freed
"With this series, the only spendy set is the Mario Odyssey wedding three pack in box. It goes for around $125 bucks."
"Turns out nobody wanted to release something for adults on a portable where the average owner’s age was probably 8."
"What makes this interesting is specifically that it is a handheld computer."
"They carved out a very special niche for themselves by catering to the little guy."
"There's just not a lot of rifle scopes out there designed for those applications."
"I take my custom sock store Lulu Pub to the next level."
"I quit my job and teamed up with my sister and mom to create a house cleaning company just for the elderly."
"Power couplers: the perfect stiffness, just as they are."
"Kieran White carved out a distinct, unique, valuable niche for itself."
"What would you do next? Create the best card shop on the planet." - Simply Lucky, envisioning the future
"The G Class represents a unique niche market, combining hardcore off-road ability with handcrafted refinement."
"Hooded horse are an indie publisher that are focusing heavily on finding Niche games and getting them directly to the audience that wants to play those games."
"It's very niche but it's actually got quite a lot of popularity."
"For now, this Nokia 808 PureView is in a league of its own."
"Over the last three years, this channel has grown into the largest luxury real estate channel."
"The people who buy this are the pure enthusiasts."
"This is not a cheap keyboard, but that's kind of the point. This is for the enthusiast."
"If stony you like some of your more unique pieces and W tests and also some unique pharmacy shows, then this place is for you."
"Gaming... arguably the best Niche to make money in."
"Our goal was simple: find out where this exciting new category of mountain bikes shines."
"It feels like a project, a niche little gaming device with solid hardware and almost solid software."
"I love these people unironically because they are some of the funniest dudes out there they have cornered that satirical market"
"His brand is the anti-establishment place where you won't get censored by the woke police."
"Definitive Arms started with the 5.56 rifle."
"Identify a niche that has potential profits, market, audience, and competition."
"I rarely hear people telling me, 'You know, I wish I had a car-based pickup truck with a small bed,' but I'm glad they made it."
"When it comes down to competition and finding a niche that you want to go ahead and really dive into I will never ever tell anybody not to steer away from competition."
"Scarcity is a marketplace that sells bitcoin goods for bitcoin using bitcoin technology."
"This product targets a passionate niche of hobbyists and they can't find these cool stamps for cake decorating just in Walmart or in Target or whatever big-box store they walk into."
"I always had the idea that somebody out there should make a chicken sandwich store that's only available on Sundays."
"Finding your Niche is the most important thing you're gonna do at the start of starting your Etsy shop."
"You want to pick a niche that applies to a smaller group of people that are not on the radar of a Target or a Walmart."
"Funny parrot t-shirts are popular with people that own parrots."
"The key to being successful as a new Etsy seller is to create a product that provides a specific solution to a specific problem for a specific target customer."
"If you have a very good idea that is proven to make sales, go all in on that one particular niche."
"I just love how you stuck with the niche. You started with selling this program on how to get in event space."
"It just kind of makes sense to look more in the niche direction these days."
"You really only need to find like-minded people who love the same kind of things that you love and figure out how to make that product really well and put it in their hands."
"Get rich in the niche. Do something, own it, be the master of the universe so that nobody can ever take advantage of you just so you can get the best deals, and so that you can teach other people to do the exact same thing."
"Maybe you're really good at designing for blankets, and you may be the next six-figure blanket print-on-demand seller."
"I make good money doing something from my home in this super super niche market."
"I think if you made a shop dedicated to custom pet products it could do quite well."
"You have a significantly higher chance of making a sale by just going after the Evergreen for pickleball like a pickleball niche as opposed to scrapbooking when you step back and you think long term about your business."
"The perfect niche would be one where there is lots and lots of customers and very little competition."
"If you weren't that specific market, you wouldn't love it but you would get it."
"Step One is I've got to find a niche where there's not 10,000 other people all trying to sell the exact same coloring book because that's going to be hard to make some money"
"I actually dug a little bit deeper into this one because I understand the power of niches and the deeper you go into a niche the better chance you have getting sales and dominating that niche"
"If you specialize just in a few niches that you very well understand and know a lot about, it would be easier for you to sell stuff."
"By limiting and niching down, you can actually create a much stronger, better brand experience which over time will translate to a stronger business with more sales and a stronger repeat customer base."
"Plain and simple, you don't have to love your niche in order to make a profit."
"You don't make stuff for everybody, you make stuff for the people who will love it."
"Army of Darkness got up to a 12 million dollar budget which seems like nothing today but for a niche horror franchise that was mostly an underground cult hit that's pretty amazing."
"If you're trying to sell something so specific, just be aware that your market may be tiny, doesn't mean it's not lucrative."
"Consider exploring niche markets like adult content with AI tools."
"The big thing that started to happen in SaaS is instead of saying, okay, we are CRM for everybody, people started to niche down."
"If you have your niche selected and you have one product, then right now I would stop doing what you're doing and go open that store, get that product listed, and call it a day."
"...almost all of the most successful independent restaurants that I've seen focus on becoming the perfect option for a specific type of customer."
"The pricing circle: the more focused you are on the niche and the problem, the higher you can charge."
"I can start a shoe store with size 12. I could call it size 12. Everything will be size 12."
"I'm a big fan of focusing more on the customer than the niche. A niche can be part of that, but we're not picking a niche and being strictly defined by that."
"Sometimes they don't connect, but I just been having like a lot of success at radio for like a long time right now, that's just my niche."
"Niche down is basically finding niches that are narrower than the pet love Niche so an example of this is cat lover if you want to get a little bit more specific maybe Persian cat mom Persian cat Dad."
"The market for twenty four hundred page cookbooks was kind of zero. Amazingly, people actually liked it."
"This lens definitely fills a need and a niche that have existed for a long time."
"I think this is a good niche to start adding these products to our product tracker, which is very simple by just checking however many products we want to add and then adding it to our product tracker."
"I think it's a great niche business to start."
"Finding a niche... you can make an absolute ton of money."
"I'm in a niche market, the anti-Cornet, anti-Trump, anti-God market, and that just weeds out a shitload of people."
"You can create a brand only creating journals like this for kids and then you become a monopoly in that particular area."
"Instant credibility in your niche, that's another massive benefit of being indexed in Google News."
"Picking a profitable Niche is one of the most crucial things when first starting your recruiting business."
"Micro-SaaS businesses, they're all the rage right now, and they offer niche software products."
"I wholesale my top competitors' products so I, like, completely dominating, got and own that niche kind of deal."
"He invested in starting an antique selling business for eccentrics and lovers of strange items."
"The more niche you are, the more you can demand."
"I think that's where you want to be—in order to be there, you want to be in a niche-specific solution."
"Bug bounty is not all web. There are a lot of games programs, and it's quite a niche area."
"There's clearly a market for ex-cult memoirs and or for high demand religion memoirs."
"Cottage gear companies also tend to offer items that aren't available in mainstream manufacturing."
"I genuinely do care about helping black women grow their hair."
"Find your niche, stick with it, be the online auction."
"The average seller in this Niche that is pretty new and is under 100 reviews is earning $21,000."
"I love this niche; I think it would be an awesome niche."
"I think this is a great niche; there are of course topics that could be widely applicable to a lot of people in a lot of relationships."
"Board game people are crazy about the niche."
"It's a cool niche, big opportunity."
"It's a great niche, very profitable."
"I do like selling alpaca because people love their alpaca."
"Rock is the first streaming service made specifically for fans of rock and metal."
"To have that festive look into it, you know, it's targeted to a specific niche of people who love sweets, who love this whole festive vibe, who love ladoos."
"It's a double-edged sword because they are hard to find, but then there's also not that many people that are size 15 looking for shoes."
"Letterheads on their own are a huge area all in on themselves."
"Niching down helps you stand out in a crowded, over-competitive space and it limits your competition significantly."
"There is an audience for everyone, and sometimes you are just niche."
"Everyone out there has a whole different niche, you know."
"The company Swift, the only thing that they do is sell springs...it is the best kind of spring that you can buy."
"Ice cream sales is a profitable niche in which you can start a business with minimal investments."
"This bike is going after a very narrow niche, that niche being people who are probably older who like the classic look of bikes but don't want any of the maintenance."
"We just kind of fell into this niche market of microgreens and salads which we were doing and we were eating, so we were inspired on a personal level to share that with the world."
"It's a niche product for hobbyists and certain fields that demand the use of film."
"We don't try to be everything to everybody; we know what our niche is."
"Astrophotography sells every one of these that they can make."
"E-commerce is basically about this: first, you have to pick a niche."
"Creating a niche helps earn a loyal customer who comes to you for that niche."
"Choosing a profitable product niche... not everything is profitable on Etsy and not every type of product sells well."
"Finding profitable niches is the key to succeeding with low content books."
"Identify your Niche where do you want to focus."
"Hardcore bone-rattling hot hatches aren't for everybody."
"If you do have the time, you have skills in editing, and you want to be creative, then this is a great sub-niche to get into."
"Shirts for parents are one of my best sellers as well."
"If you're looking for a small casual instant camera, there are very few choices."
"It's a sort of HubSpot for real estate agents just zoomed in, zoomed way in on that one niche."
"The clientele of my hotel consists entirely of cats."
"I like to do ones that like everyday sellers probably aren't searching."
"It's still very, very expensive but it has that very niche, colorful market appeal."
"The car business is a long game, you develop a client base, you figure out a specialty."
"Strategic thinking... figuring out your niche."
"Great car, but a very niche market."
"What I really love about Adventure Van Expo is it's a trade show just for vans."
"Start small and niche out like we did; we chose Japanese and Korean products to build us up."
"Imagine if you created a space where you can sell unique pet supplies and attract pet owners."
"Our factory is dedicated to repairing classic cars; we don't have many competitors, so we are doing really well and making good money."
"I always talk about making sure that you have a niche."
"They're absolutely killing it in their own niche."
"An argument can be made that maybe a rise in minimalism would actually help a niche product like ours."
"I was really impressed, but that's their niche, right? Fresh quality food."
"He's making about 200,000 a year only doing the letters."
"It's really important to find a niche that you are familiar with, have a little bit of knowledge in, and feel comfortable designing multiple different products in."
"These are 100% exclusive and they're not sold only on Etsy by these custom creators."
"You can make a living selling to one school if you get all of their business."
"These are main pain point categories and this is where I always start when finding a winning niche."
"That right there is exactly the step-by-step process I use to find winning niches for digital drop shipping brands."
"We're in the geek business. Geeks will always find their fix."
"I'm glad to see that they have actually carved out a niche of the market for themselves."
"The business that Joseph was running was titled Earth Inspired Products and was a fairly successful indoor/outdoor custom water fountain manufacturing and installation company."
"There's a huge demand for these types of videos."
"Focus on a niche especially when you're starting off."
"Good products are always not those with big market in mind, but just products in very small demand in a very specific niche."
"There's a built-in market for this that's hard to replicate anywhere else."
"I'm creating a whole nother niche, brand new, nobody ain't doing it."