
Personal Judgement Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"You knew this person was trouble when they came into your life."
"I trust the American people to make a judgement what they believe is in their interest."
"Donald Trump surrounds himself with the absolute worst people who apparently are there just based on some sycophantic level of personal loyalty to him."
"If I'm a cop looking at me, I would have done it, I'd have used every resource to squeeze me."
"Saying someone's dating preferences makes them a bad person is about as nonsense as someone being called a bad person because they like chocolate ice cream but not vanilla."
"Trust your gut instinct in this situation because whatever you've been feeling, you know it's for a reason."
"You judge people by the way they teach, not who they are."
"If he's not giving you red flags and he's doing what you need, that's a trustworthy man."
"Nobody's judging you as hard as you judge yourself... nobody's even thinking about it."
"Only you know if this is a healthy relationship, only you know if it's perfect."
"But there will come a point where you suddenly realize, yeah I'm not rooting for this guy anymore."
"Your life isn't summed up by the worst thing you ever did."
"You can trust that you have a better gauge on it."
"You gonna judge me that I lost? I don't give a fuck what you think."
"Your job is not to be a human lie detector. Your job is to see if what they're saying aligns with the kind of person you're seeing in front of you."
"It's so clear now just how manipulative and truly evil she is."
"I should have trusted my instincts all along."
"The bottom line is, why would you do that, you know?"
"These sorts of human beings I find them quite unspiritual."
"It's up to you to make your own opinions up."
"Trust yourself instead of trusting the mass media."
"The quickest tell that somebody's a loser is complaining."
"She's the only [ __ ] sane one in the entire Bunch."
"Stop worrying about what somebody else thinks about you."
"Trust yourself. If it doesn't smell right, if it doesn't feel right, it doesn't sound right, trust yourself."
"If we don't personally think something is safe, it doesn't really matter how many times someone else tells us that it is."
"Be careful who you pick as your heroes and even then so be careful how much you devote to your heroes."
"A mistake doesn't make him a horrible person."
"If somebody shows you who they are, believe them the first time."
"You don't have to believe what everybody says and you are totally capable of making your own decisions."
"For some, we are past the second chance way past."
"If you did it once at your big age, you'll do it again."
"Oh, dude, he's going all out... This guy's insane."
"Nothing is going wrong. That feeling of something must be off track, it's just judgments from your ego."
"I refuse to judge you based on the color of your skin. Period. End of story."
"Once you show me who you are, that's that. I'm gonna take that and keep that."
"I think I'm taking this person for the right reasons."
"If I'm going to hell, I'll see you when you get there."
"Basically, to get into an Uber, you get in somebody else's car, and then you judge them."
"Trust yourself. If something doesn't seem right, it isn't."
"He is very intelligent in my our conversation with him that comes off I can tell that."
"Maybe William isn't as bad as Claire was led to believe...or maybe he's just a complicated person."
"Listen to your own feelings and intuition about a situation."
"Trust your own intuition because you know your circumstances."
"Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, who judge yourself now, see, are you a new creature?"
"Don't judge someone based on their Instagram page."
"I don't think that you're busted in some way."
"There's no consideration of just basic common sense, there's no understanding of why does someone do something that's not what I would do."
"I am good enough. Do not judge your own Worth by their opinion by somebody else's opinion."
"Being able to either cut your losses or just be like 'ah not into this' is an underrated skill."
"Obey the rules, but let your conscience be your guide when it comes to taxes."
"Stop pretending everything's woke, okay? Something wrong with you."
"He's not mean guys. Well, at all. He's super chill, and I feel like we gave him too much flack on his drip when he had just come out here. He was just fresh off a flight, maybe his clothes are all over the place."
"I guess I don't know. You're not enlightened, Dan."
"Always pay attention to the actions of a man, not their words."
"Ultimately, you don't think Steven's apology was sincere."
"As an individual, I'm not going to characterize them based on their group."
"Reflect on the past, the way this person treated you."
"You guys need to see one of these in person before you make your judgement on the style cues on the car."
"We say individuals are very equal when they take my choices to say this is the right choice for me, not the right choice for everyone."
"The only difference is how we decide to think about something."
"I would never lie to you, and if you trust my judgement, know that what I tell you about this person is true."