
Ants Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Allah mentions in the Quran that the ants actually communicate; they have a language."
"Yes, we've got yet another new colony of ants joining us this week, but I guarantee, these ants are unlike anything you've ever seen before!"
"Ants are like superhumans because they can lift 20 times their body weight."
"I don't know what ants think in their brain."
"Ants working together can do things well beyond their own capacity."
"Ants are the closest to humans on earth in terms of social structure."
"Ants can learn interactively, that is, acquire knowledge based on someone else's experience."
"Ants don't actually start fleeing until the danger is confirmed."
"Ants don't have to remember anything, and their communication methods are much richer than they seem."
"Ants use pheromones for more than just trails."
"Leafcutter ants arrange entire mushroom plantations and use finely chopped leaves as a substrate."
"Ants have learned to keep livestock, but instead of cattle, they breed aphids."
"Ants can actually become zombies; a typical zombie apocalypse scenario we see in movies."
"The ant effectively becomes one with the fungus, like a real puppeteer fungus pulls the strings."
"AC Family, behold: my new arsenal of ant housing materials."
"Ants are important decomposers in all ecosystems of the world."
"My favorite species of ant, I would say Camponotus novaeboracensis."
"Ghost ants are called ghost ants because it seems like half of their body is transparent."
"Ants, the most successful creatures to have ever lived."
"Does the concept of the individual break down in ant colonies?"
"No single ant knows what the temperature should be in the colony."
"Ants are mesmerizing creatures and if you've ever studied the efficient intricacies of an ant colony, you'll know that these tiny insects are some of the most hardworking creatures on planet Earth."
"It's incredible how epic the lives of ants are!"
"What makes weaver ants so different from most other ants, is instead of burrowing down and forming their nests within the ground, weaver ants form their nests up in the trees."
"They're such an incredibly unique ant species."
"This here is a terrarium I call Marauder's alley, home to my epic young Marauder ant colony that, believe it or not, lives inside that castle deep within the recesses of this Castle's basement."
"An epic exploratory video of a total wonderland for ant lovers!"
"All ants have two separate stomachs: their personal stomach, which they use for their own sustenance, and their social stomach, used for storing food to later be regurgitated to their fellow colony members."
"Ever wonder how an ant colony starts?"
"Ants communicate exclusively through pheromones, biochemicals which form an ant language."
"The ants were truly the most horrific part to me."
"Ants are like underrated, to be honest. They're so tiny, but they're so intelligent."
"Go to the ant. I mean how many of us have actually gone to the ant and sat in our backyard and just watched them?"
"For me, the colony has already helped show ants in a new light."
"The different ants, like cells and organs of an animal, have different functions but operate together as an ordered whole."
"And the more we come to understand it, the more we can harness the genius of the ants for our own benefit."
"We're only just beginning to understand what they can teach us."
"We've given our ants time to settle into the main nest area, now we're ready to let them loose on the wider world."
"The one that's the most dangerous is Myrmecia pyriformis. It was actually given the title of the most dangerous ant in the entire world by the Guinness Book of World Records."
"The ants literally saved the day."
"If ants had nukes, they'd end the entire world in a weekend."
"Ant rafts... when they work as a collective, they become frighteningly intelligent."
"Being allowed to study an intelligent and dominating colony of ants is a once in a lifetime moment"
"Ants are everywhere because they're so successful at doing what they do."
"Ants are masters of both Empire building and military tactics."
"I have actually woken up covered in ants."
"Welcome to the story of how I build the ultimate ecosystem vivarium for ants, here on the AntsCanada Ant Channel."
"Ants take the whole strength of numbers thing and put it on steroids."
"Ants often do this thing where they'll feed another ant by regurgitating into the mouth of the receiver. It is nasty."
"Ants have been known to commit acts of war against other colonies."
"Ants regularly participate in slavery."
"Meat ants are aggressive ants that are perfectly willing to attack—they're scary."
"Green ants are like an unstoppable organic plasma that can deter any predator, whether it's coming from the ground or the air."
"When a green bellied Huntsman tackles a colony of jumping jack ants, it's a clash of the titans."
"The jumping jack ant has one more astonishing skill: like a super action hero, it leaps tall branches in a single bound."
"These Army ants have powerful mandibles and deliver a potent sting—there'll be no surrender."
"Few sights are more terrifying than a colony of army ants on the march."
"It's a type of ant, and they have just a wild and bizarre life cycle."
"The ants are crawling around; they are investigating."
"Ants think positive when things are negative, and negative when things are positive."
"Ants exhibit remarkable collective intelligence when foraging for food."
"Some researchers suggest that ants may even be more efficient at processing information about their environment than Google is at organizing online data."
"For a hundred million years, ants have been perfecting the art of living together in complex societies."
"Ants are among the most successful animals alive today; they've thrived for millions of years and they're here to stay on the planet of the ants."
"Ants working together achieve really incredible things."
"How do you know if an ant is a boy or a girl? If you toss it in the water and it sinks, it's a girl, but if the ant floats, it's a buoyant."
"What's amazing about ants is that they have evolved ways of doing things really well that don't require a big brain."
"Ants can lift 50 times their own body weight."
"A bunch of little ants riding a big ant bus."
"Ants, even though they're small, can lift things that are much heavier than they are, sometimes 10 to 50 times heavier than they are."
"It's a happy marching ant, hooray!"
"The ants go marching two by two, hurrah, hurrah."
"The little one stops to say 'Achoo!' Oh, bless you, ants."
"The ants go marching down to the ground to get out of the rain, yum yum yum!"
"Ants are among the most numerous, widespread, and frequently exploited members of the undergrowth."
"The ant has no leader or overseer but still gathers and does what he needs to prepare for winter time."
"It's time to finally give this young weaver ant colony an official name!"
"The ants can make a bridge for other ants to walk over."
"Ants have been on the earth for more than 100 million years."
"Ants have more biomass than humans."
"The ants domesticated the fungus 50 million years ago; they're the first farmers."
"Most of the ants are also blind, so that's the only way that they can communicate, which is obviously a good example of stigmergy in nature."
"Ants have limited individual capabilities... however, they are capable of extremely impressive group results."
"It's fascinating, the idea that there are certain species of ant that count their footsteps."
"Ants walked side by side with dinosaurs."
"Ants can carry 10 to 50 times their own weight and size, making them one of the strongest creatures on Earth relative to their size."
"We ants may be small in size, but we make up for it by working together and doing our jobs."
"Ants hurt insects that harm plants; grasshoppers are insects that harm plants. Therefore, we can infer ants hurt grasshoppers."
"The hypothesis that ants protect plants wasn't always accepted."
"Ants are famed to be able to move things that are a thousand times their own weight."
"It's a very, very neat ant colony simulation."