
Game Criticism Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"It's all well and good to say Mario is fun or Resident Evil controls terribly, but that's okay, but without diving into the why of these questions and coming to terms with the way we interact with media, we're not doing these fantastic games and the people that make them the credit they're due."
"Stop fighting so much about Starfield because the cold, hard, honest truth is that love it or hate it, the game is just not worth that particular brand of time and energy."
"We have to acknowledge both the positive elements of a game and the negative, and look at them in a realistic light."
"The power level of this expansion cannot be understated of how bad it was for Hearthstone."
"Ultimately, this is the game that really killed off the Medal of Honor franchise."
"Despite terrible mechanics, boring raid fights, you know, unbalanced PvP, everything else didn't really matter because people well, done and they play with their friends."
"I do believe that despite terrible mechanics, boring raid fights, you know, unbalanced PvP, everything else didn't really matter because people well, done and they play with their friends."
"Whoever at IGN said Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire had too much water obviously never played Shin Megami Tensei."
"The Last of Us Part II's story lacks meaningful character development."
"Other M is at its best when it's embracing the only thing it does well: being a brainless, overly accessible but very flashy action game."
"The writing in Kingdom Hearts III… really… REALLY… sucks."
"I think maybe it's not a point of optimism for Assassin's Creed specifically."
"OverWatch 2 dilutes the spirit of its interlocking hero battles, unlocks its most impressive skins and cosmetics behind playing the way the battle pass suggests for hours a day."
"If you can scrape away its problems, you get a stylish, well-written horror game."
"All of the effort that went into those fantastic visuals is being overshadowed by the fact that the game was launched in an incomplete state."
"Sure there's toxicity, there are frustrating play styles, and a lot of other stuff, but it being the biggest thing hurting Battlefield 5? I can't see that personally."
"Nothing explains this beyond it happening, so you just run around."
"We're missing the inspired enemies the first two games had."
"It was more than just shroud saying this about hazard mode, it was the battlefield audience at large saying it."
"The reason for Fortnite's downfall is not playground mode or the sweats. Epic Games is the only one to blame here."
"That game is so broken and busted and sad at this point it's like... they're lucky that actually has the Avengers tag on it otherwise that game would be done."
"C rank are warframes that have problems. They have big issues in a lot of different areas that make you probably not want to play them."
"I decided I wouldn't even touch that game aside from only publishing paid to win games so far my dog comms also had quite a few other issues in the past that are just as much of a concern"
"It feels like an actual world rather than a region made for a video game."
"Maybe a personal pick too because the original Ravnica, I'm sorry, original Ravnica has like nostalgia for me."
"Resident Evil 4 can be seen as both the savior and downfall of survival horror."
"By the fall of 2019, we might already have had the fall of one of the biggest flops in Valve history."
"The final game's act one feels like a glued together mess made out of half-abandoned concepts and early versions of the plot."
"Some of our favorite games can have some fairly glaring flaws."
"It's very rare that a game sees an inversion of this scenario... where almost all of it is terrible but the gameplay side of things is awesome."
"For its story, a six-year wait for a sloppy, confusing, and unfinished narrative."
"Corruption: S and actively made the game worse at the same time."
"I dislike these challenges so much... they're like the complete antithesis of what makes banjo-kazooie nuts-and-bolts such an interesting and unique video game."
"Colonial Marines received negative reviews from critics who criticized its uninspiring gameplay, technical issues, and low-quality graphics."
"Mediocrity is worse than bad. A bad game is entertaining; a boring game is torture."
"I don't think it's correct to look for, expect, or even try to make something that's expected to be a mainstream triple-A title a work of art."
"Mediocrity is the new excellence. That game was boring and bad."
"I'm about to sue you, Minecraft. I'm not even kidding. Can I sue a game for being unbelievably mean to me? Because I'm about to, I'm a bouncing madman. Sue's game for being really unfair with diamonds, it just wouldn't work."
"For all of Blizzard's efforts to make Diablo 4 a massive open world game with tons of replayability content and depth it ends up being no deeper than the puddle in my backyard."
"Black Desert Online Mobile is not a red dot simulator."
"Secret of Mana is what I refer to as the most flawed classic on the Super Nintendo."
"We're not beating up on bad games just to be mean."
"sure skyward sword may not be one of the best 3d zelda games"
"It's objectively one of the best-designed MMORPGs ever created."
"If I want to use that evil word that games critics are not allowed to use, it's fun."
"GTA 5 online has been losing its roots focusing on crime. It's become a whole new game compared to how it was when it was first released."
"We're very fortunate as game critics to be able to deal with a medium that is as much science as it is art."
"The worst part about this ending is that other games before and since have done it better."
"We're not playing well and we don't exactly deserve to be leading but we should have had two penalties in my opinion."
"This is an initial military disaster for the Kremlin."
"It's a valuable thing to know what your strength is and stay in your lane."
"When I complain about Magic: The Gathering, it's because I want it to do and to be better."
"Ultimately, though, the game's biggest problem is that it fails on every level."
"70% attrition is it any wonder that this game was not successful?"
"That feeling of powerlessness is just too prevalent in Overwatch."
"It made me feel bad in a way that was intended."
"The worst of the classic bunch no doubt in my mind. I can't recommend it even at a budgeted price. Remake is all you're gonna need."
"The basic design of Doom is incredibly elegant."
"It's not a Resident Evil game, it's called Resident Evil, it gathers familiar characters front and center, but if you thought Resident Evil 5 was veering so far from the survival horror roots, Jesus H. Christ, you haven't seen Resident Evil 6."
"Half-Life 2 is sometimes criticized for perceived walk back in player choice, but neglects the fact that the gravity gun alone opens up a wormhole of combat depth never before seen."
"Apex Legends is not doing as well as it perhaps could have."
"It's a shame too because with some more variety and ways to circumvent the grind, Darkest Dungeon could be a very enjoyable game."
"If the game has bad combat, it's a bad game."
"That hype can’t overshadow the potential and apparent problems Sonic Forces has."
"Setting aside my nitpicking, I think this is a very effective horror game and deserves to be remembered more than it has been."
"Criticizing a game is not an attack on the developers or the company behind it."
"The general playability of anthem was horrific, if I can say that."
"The game's servers are made of tissue paper and wishes."
"It's okay to not have a black and white opinion of a game."
"Federation Force: A much maligned Metroid game."
"They have permanently damaged Bethesda's brand, permanently damaged the Fallout brand."
"Just because the game is a bad sequel doesn't make it a bad game."
"Sonic Colors deserved more than this; it deserved a proper remake."
"Two Titans of classic gaming one with a sequel that shows us just how close to cinema a game can truly be if it tries hard enough and another with a sequel that shows us that trying too hard to be like cinema can result in a disastrous game."
"If anything, I hope we can at least agree that Splatoon too could have been better."
"Rather, it appears to be an unpolished game with an open world that is CPU limited by single-threaded performance."
"Without game critics to think about games as something that are human and metaphorical and contextual, games will just become commodities."
"I like Deadly Premonition a lot and stand by that a game should be entertaining even if potentially unintentionally."
"The whole game seems to have a tension between the Samus the previous games have shown us and this really submissive dependent version of Samus other M is trying to sell us."
"Recasting the voice actor for Frank West, T.J. Rotolo, in favor of a slightly older sounding voice actor was another big misfire for the game."
"Mass Effect Andromeda is worth looking at, worth checking out, but it is unquestionably something that has fallen short of what we had hoped for."
"This game should be embarrassed of itself right now."
"This is what Jurassic World Evolution should have been. This is what we all want to see."
"There's a reason that these obstacles don't exist in Megaman X 1 2 3 because there's just not that great like Jay said extreme 2 doesn't have a place in 2017."
"I understand why people wouldn't like this game."
"This is honestly one of the most cruel unfair and sadistic games I think I've ever played."
"Animation is one of the things Andromeda got lambasted for the most."
"It hooks you in with the idea of an isometric open world survival game, but it's just laborious fetch quests."
"No game should be decided by one single moment."
"This game is anything but that and not worth anyone's time nor should have been a game that was ready to be released in such a state."
"If we can accept that video games shouldn't always be defined by their playability alone and that story is just as important than the argument that the Last of Us is among the greatest games ever released holds a lot of water."
"The undying warlock spell list is a little lackluster... nothing that you would take above what's already presented."
"This supposed fix is anything but; it's a stark contrast compared to the fun, unique new magic items and subclasses presented in the same book."
"Combat and BioShock Infinite feels quite sluggish when you've got skyhooks and environmental staff and weapons and powers that really combine nicely with."
"Was it a good shot? Absolutely not. It's just objectively not a good shot considering the circumstance."
"Graphics aside, my dudes, you know I'm not impressed with the graphics, but the ball movement, the player movement, it's actually very, very nice."
"Tribes Ascend is going to be an extremely important game for anyone that thinks that PC shooters are having some severe problems at the moment."
"I held my ground because I felt it was ultimately my genuine opinion of the game after having played it extensively."
"Most triple-A games have lost all sense of brevity and pacing and tight direction."
"I'm not a fan of shock waves or crash pads... they allow you to exploit."
"This game completely changed my life and I have some of the best gaming memories I've ever had with this game despite all of its flaws."
"I just don't like when the game I like to play sucks in some way."
"Zeeple Dome is the real deal; this game is bad. The controls are the least problematic issue here; the bigger issue is the latency."
"But regardless of how you feel about the story direction or even the updated gameplay design, there's no denying that this latest game is the best the Ratchet and Clank series has ever looked."
"Under no circumstance would I say that this is a bad game, it's just a disappointing one."
"If a Sonic game isn’t perfect, that’s fine by me, but if my takeaway was cool and fun moments that make me forget the bad parts…that’s a win."
"Here lies the remains of Marvel's Avengers, a live service experience that should have never existed."
"It's just sad that these older maps are all better than the 2042 maps."
"If there is any sort of spiders in this game I will be very mad and very sad."
"It feels like there has been so much stuff this year that already caters to the whales and the big spenders on Marvel contest of Champions."
"Honestly, it does. So fire signs, do your prison break, get out while you can, and do what you need to do and be free."
"This is a good thing because a lot of people, I feel like, just see this is a bad thing because it's like a Zelda game that should be canon but the gameplay isn't Zelda-like."
"The game is fine at a competitive level but absolutely sucks at a casual level."
"At this point, it really is difficult to see much of a future ahead for Anthem."
"Rage 2 should have focused on doing more with less. Fun gameplay alone doesn't save a boring game from itself."
"Game feel can make or break a title, as seen in Tony Hawk HD's clunky mechanics."
"Wow, bro. Something about these Indie Horrors is just cool. I know some of y'all may not like them, I know some of y'all only here for the AAA stuff or the classics, but yo, I really like this."
"Unity reeks of missed potential... a broken game doesn't just end up being pristine in every other category."
"Can't live like this, this ain't the pub, this is the Champions League. Let your penalty taker take the penalty!"
"Wow at its worst feels like a lifeless collection of systems and content. Like all of those things is the cure to that problem hopefully they nail it."
"I don't think we've had a good narrative in World of Warcraft for years."
"I do love a good old-fashioned sense of injustice seems to be around a lot these days if we get riled up at a perceived lack of fairness in the games we play."
"I don't mind it, Minecraft is a sinful game."
"I am literally the best in the world, me and 11 people are forever scarred by this game that plays three songs over and over. This game has no redeeming qualities at all."
"Is FANATIC 3 truly the most overrated FNAF fan game? Well, for me personally, it's definitely up there."
"Luigi's Mansion 3: a really fun sequel, even though it's not the most faithful one."
"Frankly, MechWarrior 5 mercenaries is a bit shit in almost every way imaginable except for the one way that really matters when it comes to giant stomping robot games."
"I can honestly look past all of the things that people have criticized about it because as far as I was concerned by this point I was playing a first-person shooter as a big Daddy"
"The abject failure of this game really falls into place when you stop for a second and think about what Forces actually is."
"If the long ago legendary Blizzard and Diablo names were not attached to Diablo 4, it would have faltered and died a swift death."
"Fans want a winning team or a plan. They want to see that you're either winning a championship or on the way to winning a championship."
"Fallout 4 isn't a bad game but it is a bad fallout game."
"These rewards are hollow at best. They only reward the chase not the achievement."
"Some people criticize this game for its lackluster length, and here it isn't the longest game in the world but I personally found it a perfect length for the kind of game that it was."
"That's kind of where For Honor died, I'm not gonna lie."
"You're literally a loser. It's not a rat. Rat is like a pride thing."
"The fact is, the Pokémon in this region suffer from some of the same flaws later designs have."
"The bugs still in the game despite BMG knowing about it for a couple of years."
"The Depths is seriously a strong contender for being the hardest Lego game level of them all."
"The absence of the classic Lego puzzle solving leaves this game feeling way too easy even for a Lego game."
"It was a really weird game and honestly it had a lot of flaws but as a kid it was really Charming overall."
"Last year I was very critical of Infinite Warfare but, and I cannot stress this enough because people don't understand it, I still really respect it."
"It feels like enemies simply have a bit too much health."
"Mega Man 8 was seen by the majority of people as 'the bad one' because of the voice acting in the cutscenes."
"It means that the loot system... is ill-thought out to the point of being legitimately busted."
"Gundam Double O 79: The War for Earth fails at almost every possible aspect of being a Gundam game."
"I think Fallout tactics has received a lot of misplaced hatred or disregard."
"This game plays itself way too safe to be memorable at all."
"The Zorah Magdaros fight is incredibly ambitious, but none of the pieces play well with the game’s strengths, and its awkward pacing and undercutting of its own built tension are fatal flaws in the finale of the game’s main storyline."
"Many fans were disappointed about MGS5's lack of the series's signature boss fights, and in the case of the villainous Skull Face, players didn't even end up battling him at all."
"Navi, everyone hates this period because of how annoying she can get but I mean I kind of like her, she has a charm."
"The Evil Within misses the point. The sensory overload of gore, the shock and awe of the violence—it's all wasted because I don't feel tense during all of this. I feel safe."
"For a full-price game to have such repetitive gameplay, I don't know, man."
"It's just a weird design choice and a really good example of how modern games are always removing mechanics and kind of dumbing things down."
"Anytime someone shits on the tag Wonder Weapons, they're [expletive] lying."
"At the end of the day, it's a huge shame that perhaps the most hyped game of the generation released in such a poor, unplayable condition."
"I think it really has impacted [the Sonic series] positively and even though as an individual standalone title I don't think it's considered good I think it ultimately did good for the Sonic series."
"As much as I can see its flaws and as much as I can see that that series seriously needs to evolve, funnily enough, you know with time playing it with your children you do see the enjoyment in their eyes."
"Some people don't like looter shooters because they promote lazy game design."
"Resident Evil is not a horror game at all anymore, it's just a... action game that sometimes has zombies."
"To sum up the video: Yandere Simulator gets way too much bad rep for the points that people don't really think about."
"It had its flaws for sure, repetitive missions, lagging team battles."
"In the spectrum of game quality, you naturally have the good and the bad, but you've also got that one little gray area where a title is so broken and so bad that you can't help but get a chuckle out of it."
"Shouldn't I criticize a much newer game for keeping all the flaws of the original? At the same time though, they don't want to have a '7.8 out of 10 - too much water' moment."
"Up Your Arsenal's popularity has wavered a little bit because of its linearity."
"And here’s the one you all knew was coming. Yes, although a release of PS2 era games, Grand Theft Auto: Definitive Edition deserves to rank amongst 2021’s shittiest games, for being jizz trash."
"This is why loot feels meaningless in the game."
"I honestly think a lot of the frustration with this game is the fact that it's great."
"The Culling's return is a pathetic attempt to revive a dead game."
"Redfall isn't even so bad that it's good it's just bad."
"It’s a shame that I don’t think the Divine Beasts are always amazing in terms of design, because from an emotional perspective, they’re absolutely brilliant."
"So if you're following along now we have a video game where you have a 10-hour interlude designed to tell you something that you already know that presents it to you condescendingly and over and over and over again with high levels of repetition."
"I felt like the conclusion about DK and Smash was spot-on."
"Mortal Kombat had class, but this game feels like a dirty 50 cent hooker you came across in an alley."
"It just bums me out to see people slagging off the game a little bit for its own intended design."
"The concerns about its visuals it turns out are partly justified in my view."
"This is one of the most cryptic, obnoxious, and downright evil systems I've ever seen put into play for a racing game."
"Cold War Zombies for all of its gameplay improvements lacks an ounce of personality."
"Don't hate the players, homie, hate the game."