
Religious Studies Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"Biblical archaeology helps us see the past God's word tells us about."
"The Quran has been preserved through an unbroken chain of narration, not merely through manuscripts."
"Religious studies is much more grounded in academic disciplines like anthropology, sociology, and history."
"Personally, I think there is a strong case to be made that the Book of Mormon should be studied as important American literature rather than just be dismissed as a fringe religious text."
"One of my favorite lessons in school... was religious studies. Religions... were all presented as equally valid but different beliefs and separate to our Science Education."
"The true core curriculum for the world should be comparative religion."
"Evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls confirms the pronunciation as Yahweh."
"It's a parable that Jesus did not tell, this is one of those passages that almost certainly was put on his lips by his later followers."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls have provided invaluable insights into Judaism and early Christianity, influencing scholarly thought on biblical accuracy, religious beliefs, and the context of Jesus's life."
"The overwhelming body of empirical studies to look at this find a positive correlation between religious commitment and well-being."
"Never ever ever stop pursuing this method and reading and studying the text and the doctrines and you'll get your answers from pursuing both."
"One of the things that you can do by like comparing and combining religious traditions is you can see similarities between them."
"Understanding religion is complicated, it's not easy."
"Religious studies involves both kind of hearing what people say and taking them very seriously when they explain their own religion and then also being critical."
"The importance of studying Bible prophecy is tremendous and I think that Bible prophecy, which contains almost the Bible, is almost a third of the Bible is prophecies of future events."
"It was Paul's normal custom to do this, to do Jesus in the Old Testament studies when he traveled around to the different synagogues."
"If you try to understand the Chinese version of Islam, you have to study Buddhism, you have to study Confucianism, you have to study Taoism."
"This stone tablet proves that the idea of a suffering messiah even the messiah who would die was already there in Judaism."
"The fact that the Quran says that it's miraculously easy to memorize a 600-page document."
"It requires deep understanding and it also requires the teacher to teach you."
"These manuscripts are also called the Dead Sea Scrolls or the Qumran Cave Scrolls. They date back to between the 3rd Century BCE and the 1st Century CE."
"Evidence shows that Muhammad's biography follows similar stories from the Bible."
"Many of these differences not only change the text but in some cases even change the theology."
"He has now found over 4000 of these consonantal corrections."
"I am in favor of comparative religions courses."
"I've been youtubing for seven years and still get comments saying 'I just discovered you last week.'"
"Religious studies can be for anybody, regardless of religious affiliation."
"To understand a religion, faith, or any way of life, the correct approach is to learn from the adherents."
"Missing from systematic theology: the study of Israel."
"Comparative theology sheds light on common ground."
"The Upanishads are the core of Indian philosophy."
"The crucifixion is so well attested that it's become a criteria for reconstructing Jesus in historical Jesus studies."
"When you really look into it, you see that the Christians who are named mushrikun, so... if you really want to get a final answer about the real meaning of mushrikun, you just have to do what I did."
"This is the most profound Old Testament prophecy."
"If you look at the book of Revelation when he talks to the church of Sardis... He says go back to do what you did at first."
"The sign of the scholars of the affero is their love for Imam al Azadi and his books."
"The religion and mythology traditions of the modern Pueblo peoples have been studied by academics for generations."
"You will not find anywhere a more critical and objective sifting of the evidence than in Dale Allison's work on the resurrection."
"This isn't just sort of my opinion this is the virtually unanimous opinion of historical Jesus scholarship."
"An incredibly illuminating course from Dr. Ehrman: Paul and Jesus The Great Divide."
"The genuine Book of Enoch is referred to as the ethiopic Book of Enoch."
"The Bible doesn't focus on individuals, it focuses on systems and kingdoms."
"The significance of Vinayaka in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism."
"You can't divorce scripture from the context."
"The figure of Mohammed as portrayed in the Islamic sources is an amalgamation of various existing Arabic folktales which explains many of the embarrassing or contradictory stories."
"Methodology: Tracing evidence of widespread Torah observance back through the first century CE to determine the emergence of Judaism."
"Buckham goes nah see, Barkum's big deal on his where he gets this early christology."
"The lack of knowledge is one of the main reasons we have too many things we see here. So, as far as I know, there are two universities in this country which are teaching Quran, Hadith, and other Islamic sciences."
"The Genesis narratives of Abraham and his descendants are historically accurate accounts."
"I found myself asking, 'What's going to happen to religion in the next hundred years?'"
"The Hadees tradition and its veracity is supported and confirmed by looking at the material evidence."
"In his 2014 book on the historicity of Jesus, Richard Carrier has pointed out Palestine in the early 1st century CE was experiencing a rash of messianism."
"All this stuff from Lenta has been super important in piecing together who the alchs were, their social structure, religious beliefs, and artistic talents."
"The view that the New Testament Gospels contain discrepancies and errors is the view shared by New Testament scholars across the United States and Europe."
"Religions, whether you believe in them or not, are important to studying history."
"Virtually all scholars recognize Paul's testimony that he had an experience that he believed was an appearance of the risen Jesus."
"We're not reinventing the wheel but looking and discovering the way the very first Christians would have read scripture."
"I was studying on the resurrection, and that's where Jesus was headed right after the resurrection of Lazarus. The timing on that was just amazing."
"What is eschatology? It is the subject of the end times."
"The number one theme that kept coming up in my interviews was, of course, Islamic monotheism, the Oneness of Allah."
"I started studying different religions so I could respect others' beliefs."
"This is the level of intellect they expect you to have in order to accept that traditional interpretation of surah al-masad."
"I've got a degree in religion and religions have been formed on less common ground than this."
"Each has an Integrity of its own; we have to speak of the Jesus of Matthew, the Jesus of Mark, and so on."
"There's so much bad information about Gnosticism."
"Isaiah's prophecies and his teachings are presented using five main topics."
"...if this was a done deal by Jesus' time, we should be able to see that..."
"The Old Testament Apocrypha wasn't considered Scripture by early Christians."
"Instead of what did Joseph Smith know about Egyptian, it should be what does Joseph Smith's process tell us about the depths and profundities of Revelation that may sometimes be undercamped?"
"So he becomes the most knowledgeable in the Quran, he knows multiple languages, he's also as the prophet saws said the most knowledgeable person in my ummah on the laws of inheritance."
"It's little wonder that this city with its indelible links to early Christianity attracts thousands of students who want to train for the priesthood or religious life."
"All through his ministry, Jesus referred to himself as the Son of Man."
"So here's a key text in my view for understanding Joseph Smith."
"Even though there's not a coherent Theology of apostasy in Protestantism the way there is in something like Mormonism or Islam, nevertheless the idea of a Reformation presupposes something like an apostasy."
"The biggest split in Islam has always been since the death of Muhammad, the split between Sunnis and Shiites."
"If the church is founded by the Messiah and it's actually of God, if Jesus really is the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament, if this really is of God, then we can expect the church to be one and we can expect it to be everlasting."
"The Catholic church is an institution I am bound to hold Divine. But for unbelievers, its divinity might be found in the fact that no merely human institution conducted with such navish imbecility would have lasted a fortnite."
"Sometimes this I can apply. I have a forthcoming discussion about hijab in the Quran."
"Sect really demonstrates the importance of looking back into the older texts to see what we lost."
"I just got done filming a video on apostles and prophets in fivefold ministry."
"It's interesting to note that stories about what happened after Jesus's resurrection seemed to vary a lot."
"It's important to begin any discussion of the Christianization of the Roman Empire by exploring what we can know about the life and teachings of the man himself, Jesus of Nazareth."
"Read Jewish resources. The Jews were the original oneness believers."
"The real question is not whether Jesus was a Jew or a Christian. This is a false question. Certainly, the historical Jesus was a Jew. The real question is what kind of Jew he was."
"He will go into Jerusalem through Jericho in the 18th chapter, so we're getting close to that great moment."
"There's a distinction between the historical Jesus, Jesus Christ of Scripture, and the Christ of theology."
"I'm a new testament scholar. I studied in Oxford, did my PhD on the physical bodily resurrection of Jesus."
"We need to have courses in our seminaries on how to write good hymns for the people of God in our modern day."
"The Quran can be studied from both oral tradition and from text."
"God as Father, we wanted to know, what did the ancient Jews who heard Jesus, Yeshua, preach this message, what did they understand when he said that?"
"The Bible very clearly has Northern material in it."
"Universally in the Tibetan tradition, the recognition of Tsongkhapa's contribution to the reinterpretation of buddhadharma coming from India is widely celebrated, recognized, and appreciated."
"Not everything is of equal importance theologically."
"Studies indicate the integrity of the Quranic text we have today, tracing back to the time of the Prophet."
"Blacks in New York are actually taught by Jewish rabbis and this man begins to identify with what he's reading and believes himself to be the people of the book."
"The greatest exegesis of the Quran is the person of the prophet."
"The original is far more fascinating; it's troubling because it doesn't match our picture of the early Christian world."
"Religious studies are too important to leave to apologists and fundamentalists."
"America has probably been the most productive source of cults of any place on earth and any time in the history of the church."
"That's one place where language and religion really intersect because you can see what these people who lived 2200 years ago are kind of thinking."
"Did you know that about 90% of the Book of Revelation either quotes or references the Old Testament?"
"My research is basically at the intersection of ancient linguistics and ancient religion."
"We sometimes use myth as if it meant falsehood, but of course in the field of religious studies, we don't use it that way."
"The object of this book is to point out the harmony underlying the various religions and to help in binding them together."
"A degree in theology and religion, philosophy and theology, or religion and oriental studies is a useful tool to have in your kit."
"If we're going to have a discipline of religious studies, we have to do it to all traditions equally."
"What Chemnitz does in this volume that is extremely helpful is he outlines many different forms of tradition."
"The hard evidence from archaeology suggests the people and religion we call Jews and Judaism as described by the Bible was not practiced till the 2nd and 3rd centuries BCE."
"The field of Quranic studies is in need of renew of conceptual framework of studying the Quran."
"Is what is in Paul's head closer to Enochic Judaism than it is to modern evangelicalism?"
"There's not a moment that goes by that I know that we are not changing the way we understand ancient Judaism and ancient Christianity."
"The Quran engages with all of them simultaneously and distills centuries of intellectual history on this subject."
"It's quite remarkable then that when we look at the fields of Christian studies, Judaic Studies, Old Testament studies, and New Testament studies, we have this robust scholarship and debate on the meaning of covenant."
"Whatever we say about this material, however we look at it, I could come into the room and I could say this: I'm going to assume that these things attributed to the Prophet are authentic until proven otherwise."
"What stories do the non-Muslim sources really tell?"
"There's a lot that can be learned about the times in which Jesus lived and what people believed."
"At the age of 21, Amanda was a senior at the University of North Texas, majoring in business with a specialty in religious studies."
"This momentous event not only stirs the imagination but also sparks a re-evaluation of centuries-old prophecies and beliefs in religious studies."
"This sounds historical because Christians with high Christology would not have invented this."
"The Taliban comes from the Arabic word 'Talib,' which is someone who seeks religious knowledge before he becomes a preacher in a mosque."
"We are indeed indebted to Ayan Mirage for his thoughtful, cogent, and insightful examination of Sri Ramakrishna's approach to religious pluralism."
"Some of his many publications include Divine Word and prophetic word in early Islam, Beyond the written word, Three faiths one God, and Islamic and comparative religious studies selected writings."
"There's two different paradigms that start with very fundamentally different approaches to the Trinity, Christology, and Anthropology."
"If you look at the texts, really look at the texts and look at the early manuscripts, the first thing that'll strike you is how similar they are."
"Who is more well-versed on the school of Medina? Baba, I've dedicated an entire portion of my life in passion to the school of Medina."
"I found the school of Ahlul Bayt and what really moved me about the school of Ahlul Bayt is the sense of respect for other individuals."
"The problem that we Christians face is not that we've lost text; the actual problem is that we've gained text that shouldn't be there."
"Once I stopped having religious beliefs and said, 'Okay, now I'm an atheist,' I didn't stop reading or researching or caring about things that concerned religion."
"Ilm al-Kalam is established from the Quran, the Sunnah, the consensus of the scholars, and correct or valid theoretical reflection."