
Political History Quotes

There are 356 quotes

"China now, for has just celebrated the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party. It is a Marxist Leninist party, which in the year 2022, takes Marxist Leninism deadly seriously."
"Lenin's will clearly stated that Stalin should be ousted from the post of General Secretary."
"Thus, on the 18th of April 1980, just hours after the formal creation of an independent Zimbabwe by the British government, Robert Mugabe took the oath of office as Zimbabwe’s first Prime Minister."
"Barbecues became an essential part of the early American political landscape."
"In Muscovy, the monarch selects the nobles. In Poland, the nobles select the monarch. And that's a very, very different kind of setup."
"The noble estate is in Poland, first of all, very big, about 10% of the population, which means that by the time the noble estate has a parliament and can vote, more people in Poland can vote than in any other country until British parliamentary reform in the 19th century."
"Not too many people would call Richard Nixon a radical liberal, but when it came to healthcare legislation he went far beyond even what the Affordable Care Act provides today."
"Venezuela was once one of the wealthiest countries on the continent until the people were persuaded to vote for socialism."
"Socialism has, over hundreds of years, meant the end of free speech, free assembly, a free press, free religious belief, free elections, and a free judiciary."
"Failure to adapt: a reason for communist collapse."
"Strom Thurman voted to extend the voting rights act... The man who led the longest filibusters in history against the voting rights act... Even Strom Thurmond came to support voting rights, but Republicans today can't, it won't." —President Biden
"The massive plantation system in the American South required a party to defend its interest. That's what the Democratic party became."
"Jeff Fort was once seen as a real political force in Chicago all the way up to President Nixon's White House."
"Queen Elizabeth saw 15 Prime Ministers during her remarkable reign."
"The first major test for this fledgling state came just 2 years later."
"Kevin McCarthy makes history here he becomes the first speaker in American history to be removed from his office."
"The Democratic Party is in fact the party of slavery and segregation."
"He saw that the key to the political union of the United States was an economic one, fundamentally."
"The Democratic Party is, without dispute in this country's history, the party that promoted slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, racial terrorism, the Ku Klux Klan."
"He valued the presidency and he left the country that elected him in trauma."
"Communism was an attempt to reverse capitalism."
"The 2023 presidential election is the most credible since 1999."
"How did Joe Biden become the president-elect?"
"They were married in 1396 and as we will see the Beaufort children would play a critical role in English political history going forward."
"Ronald Reagan broadly speaking cut taxes and rolled back regulations, and the economy boomed."
"If the last century of American history can serve as any kind of precedent, the conservatives will lose this fight eventually."
"Looking back, it's not hard to see how Trump came to power."
"This is coming from a man who sponsored the 1994 crime bill."
"American politics today reflects Calhoun's influence and the reactionary energy we've experienced in the last decade."
"For the first and at least for now only time in history, a president had been re-elected for a second non-consecutive term."
"There's a history of people who work for Donald Trump who end up going to jail."
"Cromwell served as first chairman of the Council declaring the kingdom a republic known as the ‘Commonwealth’."
"Caesar undergoing the largest Democratic expansion in the Republic's history... he expanded the powers of the building block of every democracy in history."
"Why is this a story that in your view still needs to be told? Because it started at the tail end of the Obama administration."
"For Charles Edward, the right wing offered a return to order and strength, but at a price."
"It is the leftist hatred for President Bush and for Mitt Romney and for John McCain that led to President Trump because you guys scorned all of the Conservatives who you derided as corrupt and evil."
"Eisenhower crushed it at the polls, sweeping even southern states that hadn't voted Republican since Reconstruction."
"The big switch is a big lie. The Democrats didn't switch from being the bad guys to the good guys."
"The history of American politics is the history of people falsely claiming fraud."
"The end of a free press began in earnest when Reagan stepped into the White House."
"Speaker Pelosi's house just gave in to a temptation that every other house in our history has managed to resist."
"The power of impeachment was debated heavily by our framers."
"Throughout history political activists have endured all manner of suffering in order to advance their causes." - Gandhi marched 240 miles to protest the British salt Monopoly.
"Great Grimsby had been a Labour seat in every election since 1945 making up part of the so-called red wall that crumbled to the Tories in 2019."
"We're first expecting to speak from Vice President-elect Kamala Harris... She will be the first woman to ever be president or vice president."
"If a politician has a history of fighting for fascism throughout her life including praising Mussolini we could just call her a fascist." - Unknown
"The New Republic’s struggle to emerge from a devastating conflict, the political gridlock and instability that followed, the bad hand it was dealt, we’ve seen these sorts of things time again here on Earth."
"All sense of Welsh political Independence was effectively dead."
"Scotland desperately needed to revive its depleted economic fortune, before it got swallowed up by its rich neighbour south of the border."
"It's a kind of historic practice of different ruling elites in China."
"MPs weren't paid originally for being MPs, which was very bad because that meant that people of means could afford to stand but working-class people could not."
"What happened to Giuliani? The Giuliani story is one of the great rise and fall stories of our time."
"Victimhood has been a talking point of the right ever since Burke decried the mob's treatment."
"The Chinese Communist Party is trying to bring back the days of Mao Zedong."
"Kennedy would never have been elected president if it hadn't been for that presidential debate."
"The US government expressed an interest in reabsorbing most of the CSA back into the Union."
"The story of the elevation of the great grandsons of Irish immigrants to the highest offices in the United States is well documented, but the story of the backroom boys who helped them get there has remained just like them in the background."
"Although he couldn't lead the union out of its economic crisis Gorbachev's reforms marked the beginning of an entirely new Russian Republic."
"Eventually, as Museveni and his followers got the upper hand Obote fled from Uganda in 1985."
"To see how we could have made that mistake, let’s remember the famous Clintonian dictum that often 'it depends on what the meaning of "is" is'"
"It's never before happened in U.S. history and now it's happening three times in just over three months where the former president of the United States is being indicted."
"On December the 21st, Masaric arrived to vast crowds."
"Nixon didn't get indicted... but we know that he obstructed justice."
"Despite what we see in politics today, when you get into this and Bobby Kennedy and Jack Kennedy who Hoffa hated are involved there could be lots of motivation for the F.B.I. to say we want this to go cold."
"Debates among presidential candidates were not common until the mid-20th century."
"This is worse than Robert Bork and I didn't think it could get worse than that. This is worse than Clarence Thomas and I didn't think it could get worse than that."
"God, what courage Bob Dole had, grievously wounded in battle but resilient, a political warrior who believed in compromise, mentored to a freshman Democrat named Joe Biden."
"I think we're thinking we're only at the very earliest stages of that. I think the left from the days of London has basically died and in its wake has left a great deal of quite destructive cultural intellectual and political baggage."
"Joe Biden clearly supported, voted for the Iraq war. Bernie voted against it."
"Bernie has a whole history of fighting back against the regulation of banks."
"Gaddafi was in a weakened position in the 1980s."
"Bill Clinton has become just the second president in US history to be impeached."
"Joe Biden, the current president, was a segregationist and led the charge in favor of the crime bill, increasing mass incarceration."
"The book is written out of history... the forgotten founders who fought big government."
"Let us take a moment to remember Duke Olaf the Third, a man who stepped up at the end of the voting age to try and stop it from ending."
"The leadership of the Labour Party, basically everyone discussing this, which is by saying this is the most shameful day in Labour Party history ever, you ignore all of the people with Iraqi heritage."
"The CCP celebrated its 100th anniversary on Thursday. For the party, it's about glorifying its past. But what kind of past? It's a black day in history."
"It is essential in order for us to move forward for us to recognize the truth of what has happened over the last four years."
"Hamilton would grant greater legitimacy to the federalist party's more radical wing, reaffirming the country's direction toward federalization."
"By going to a secret ballot we actually made it more difficult for political machines to organize."
"In 2016, if you guys remember, Donald Trump won the election, and they blamed Facebook for that almost exclusively."
"Sanders is the second most important socialist in American history."
"The overwhelming majority who voted to convict him represents the largest bipartisan impeachment in history."
"If you're under 25 years old in Afghanistan, this means you have never really experienced Taliban rule."
"I feel guilty, you know they call it impeachment like it's impeachment like that's why you know with Richard Nixon I just see it as a very dark era, very dark, very old."
"Bismarck became one of the most successful practitioners of realpolitik"
"The history of communism is the history of mass violence."
"The roots of the division of the Korean Peninsula into two states and the rise of the Kim family to dominate one of those same states were sown by the occupation of the peninsula by the Soviets and the Americans in the autumn of 1945."
"He's also looking at China and hearing about the success of the cultural revolution."
"We've returned to what the country was for the first 185 years."
"James Dean received 75% of the popular vote with 395 electoral votes."
"Taiwan has been a successful vibrant democracy since the end of the military dictatorship there."
"We have to keep in mind that the United States has launched over a hundred assassination attempts against President Fidel Castro." - Gregory Wilpert
"American politics was broken long before Donald Trump. Trump is a symptom of that broken politics."
"The first black provision senators Republican that's correct that's absolutely the Republicans were anti-slavery mentally Republic they don't teach you that in school it's a revisionist history."
"1976 was the last time North Carolina went blue before Obama won it."
"Putin wanted to undo Mikhail Gorbachev's work... he's presided over a corrupt regime that is just like the Soviet Union before it."
"The left does not have a history which is defined by defeat. The left has a history of victory in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds."
"History teaches the dangers of government that overreaches, political control taking precedence over free economic growth."
"Trump goes to be the first seditious president of the United States."
"We also must name the U.S contribution to Cuban suffering: our 60 year old embargo."
"The Federalists were those individuals who were the supporters of the Constitution."
"All this royal, noble, and imperial extravagance and the resulting political upheaval is not necessarily a bad thing."
"What happened under Pinochet in Chile was a laboratory experiment for neoliberalism."
"Very few people saw the 1980 Reagan landslide coming before election night. Could another one be brewing right under our noses?"
"Freedom all around the world seemed as though the US had won the Cold War."
"The ANC is one of the most important, iconic, and successful political movements of the twentieth century."
"Justin Trudeau's real father: a famous Canadian conspiracy theory with a playful twist."
"I think everyone's methods have to work for the people that are involved, gosh it sounds so romantic, you know I'm saying?"
"President Arbenz wasn't a communist but some of his close allies were."
"James had a strong claim to succeed Elizabeth when she died."
"For the CCP, seizing power was only the first step in the 10,000 mile march."
"The possibility of a situation resembling the cultural revolution becoming clearly observable in the near future highlights worries about the return of a time characterized by intense political zeal and broad social unrest."
"They were present in the beginning. I was there, I was dealing with Yushchenko and Tymoshenko and other Ukrainians."
"In response to these conflicts, the U.S. Congress passed a series of Neutrality Acts."
"Churchill argued for the creation of the early European Union."
"They were all committed to Zionism, much more important than the desire and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs."
"Having a communist be the vice president would actually be part of this history of expanding democracy."
"Castro was the bad guy, he's threatening the good, the continent, the communism which is absurd of course but it served the interest of American politicians."
"I think one of the most important events leading up to the crisis that we have now was the coup in 2014."
"The last time a Republican-controlled United States Senate confirmed a Democratic president's Supreme Court nominee was nearly 130 years ago."
"We were the first country to attempt and to succeed in rolling back the frontiers of socialism, which is the first cousin to communism."
"It was Donald Trump who began to provide lethal weaponry to Ukraine to defend itself."
"Caligula then exploited the feeling in the senate following the discovery of the latest plot and in the next session, granted impunity to the remaining members."
"She regretted that she had not allowed it when she was California's Attorney General."
"One of the closest historical parallels to what happened on January 6 is a motley assortment of groups, some of which hate each other, others are kind of unaligned, but they're all sort of working together in this effort to overthrow a democracy."
"The result was Allende winning 36.6 percent of the vote, a tiny mandate, but more than anyone else."
"Italy is in turmoil and is dabbling with fascism and that should worry everyone because the last time they did that they wound up with Mussolini."
"Finding someone around here who doesn't like Ed Meese is like trying to find a four-year-old who doesn't like Santa Claus."
"Well, it's like my guy, it is two three two zero two three. That's the date. It is February 23, 2023. 25 months. It has been 25 months since Donald Trump was in office."
"The idea of every adult male regardless of what tax they're paying getting a vote sounded extremely revolutionary, extremely liberating, extremely egalitarian."
"The GOP is trying to cling to that blue ribbon they got under Lincoln."
"Georgia has not been blue since President Bill Clinton was elected back in 1992."
"George Washington, the first president of the United States, the only president to be unanimously elected to the office."
"The partisan divide in American politics has deep historical roots."
"In just 10 years Hitler and the Nazis had moved from a marginal fascist party with a small following into a military dictatorship, ready to wage full-scale war."
"In the final days of Donald Trump's presidency, we're learning more about his relationship and falling out with former Attorney General William Barr."
"Fascism emerges in the period of crisis of capitalism... and it's in this period of crisis of capitalism that fascism becomes more powerful."
"The mainstream Republican position... new territories are being added to the union and we're not going to allow slavery."
"Here's the famous conference room. Recognize anything? At this long oval table sat Bush and Cheney in the aftermath of September 2001."
"The lying was one of the most consistent, unending features of Trump's presidency."
"The Labour Party emerged victorious with one of the biggest landslides in election history."
"President Biden made history by being the first sitting president to join union workers on a picket line."
"The catastrophic consequences of the US invasion."
"General Primo de Rivera carried out a bloodless coup."
"Poverty and misery in Haiti are human-created; the root causes are the political and economic systems which have dominated Haiti for over 182 years."
"The end of the Soviet Union was somehow an American plot."
"The moment Reagan and Thatcher went...those who were supporting him obviously some people don't like them then there was no next Stater."
"California was a red State dude like California gave two major Republican presidents two of the worst."
"It's so interesting because Obamacare was maybe the most contentious issue after Iraq in American politics of the last 20 years."
"Putin is extremely unsuccessful in international politics as well as in state administration."
"All dictatorial regimes in the history of world politics have ultimately collapsed one by one."
"And while ultimately the Federalists won out and the Constitution was ratified, the issue of how large government should be did not go away."
"Obama, the first African-American president."
"Trump's historic impeachment not once, but twice."
"Biden's the first one to lose Ohio and Florida in 60 years and still win, and he's the second president in 168 years to lose Ohio, Florida, and Iowa and still win."
"You walk into Senator Kennedy's office, and it's like history."
"The Populist Party aimed to correct the concentration of economic power held by trusts and banks."
"As you go into 1932 though that is where you've got a major realignment that FDR creates this coalition."
"1880s France was a tinderbox of monarchists, republicans, bonapartists, and communards."
"She will likely become Italy's first female prime minister when she is formally appointed in October."
"John Major paraded parliament for even longer time before the 1997 general election."
"We need to understand the interference of the West in Ukraine's history."
"The Nazis were never elected as a majority ruling party in Germany."
"Stalin eagerly shared in Lenin's dream of a Russia free of the greed and corruption of capitalism."
"Eventually Stalin would grow the power of the office, taking it far outside the scope that Lenin or any of the party's members had ever envisioned for it."
"What turned Joseph Stalin from an idealistic youth wanting to make his country a better place for the working poor into a murderous autocrat?"
"Demosthenes initiated the speech with scathing criticism not of Philip, but of his own countrymen."
"It would be too simple to dismiss House Concurrent Resolution 64 as an after effect of World War II- politicians so shocked by the tremendous loss from the conflict that their capacity for political calculus slipped away."
"There were more than 600 plots to kill Fidel Castro."
"The most gangster politician in American history."
"Ukrainians have been under oppression and dictatorial regime for generations... but amazingly you saw that Ukrainians chose democracy time after time."
"These presidents say they are more into it than others because they are both quite old and thus are sort of the last of the political generation that have memories of what it was like to live in Cyprus before the division."
"Bill Clinton saw the longest period of peace and economic growth in American history."
"President Trump was inaugurated and became President of the United States of America, the 45th person to be President."
"Conservatives are defending the gains of past liberals."
"Incredibly complicated operations... that's why Jimmy Carter got two terms."
"He did the same thing last time. He didn't expect to win in 2016."
"Jim Crow was exactly the same thing: Democratic politicians writing laws to ensure voters could only elect Democrats."
"The first president of the United States was John Hansen... There were 14 presidents before George Washington."
"Dynasties are rarely formed with clean hands."
"This is a stunning moment in American history. A former president of the United States has been accused of trying to defraud the United States."
"He is actually channeling some Teddy Roosevelt okay because the last time the Republican party has been uh against monopolies was basically Teddy Roosevelt."
"This is a day where the Never Covers in the Democratic party joined Hands in Harmony and ousted Kevin McCarthy as a house Speaker, the first house speaker in history to lose a no-confidence vote and end up losing their position as house Speaker."
"No Democrat has hit over 400 electoral votes since LBJ."
"The echoes of history are everywhere now, in the Trump investigations and in the echoes of impeachment. Donald Trump is reverting to a strategy that Richard Nixon tried and failed to make work."
"Joe Biden's winning presidential campaign in 2020 wasn't his first rodeo."
"Socialism took on its divisive taint, starting with Marx."
"The Stinger is a game changer for Kia, appealing to enthusiasts like never before."
"He decided the party needed a makeover so he renamed it to the national socialist german workers party or nazi for short."
"We are witnessing the greatest effort to roll back voting rights since the Voting Rights Act passed in 1965."
"And that makes him just the sixth member to be expelled from the US House in US history."
"Bernie Sanders is right. To my friends Bill and Hillary, please stop saying DOMA was to prevent something worse. It wasn't. I was there. End of quote."
"You couldn't have lost in a more dignified manner than Al Gore did in 2000."
"Every dictator throughout history has wanted gun control. It's just a normal thing. You have to control the guns."
"It's ideal, you know the history of Marine Le Pen's political party, it's just literally as Neo-Nazi."
"I think it's really exciting and historic that I would be the first woman president."
"2020 represents a sea change in American politics because it was the first time in our history that the peaceful transfer of power was interrupted."
"Mussolini was appointed Italy's Prime Minister at just 39 years old."
"The United States of America, Washington's True Legacy through its Growing Pains."