
Personal Reflections Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"Life will pass you by...the last six years have flown by, and I'm really grateful for the decisions that I did make in my early twenties."
"I really miss my youth... lately, I've been feeling like I really miss my youth."
"I made this a point when I was a lot younger to sort of never have a regret." - Sofia Laura
"I've reached 13 years of YouTube... which is really wild to think about."
"I know my de... hurt. Everyone was just like literally in the coution and they were like, 'pretty not smart' and I was like, [__]."
"I knew it. We were really meant to be together."
"Over the past three and a half years, I have packed more living into that timeframe than the rest of my life combined."
"It's fantastic. How lucky were we to sit here and be a part of that?"
"Vision's really rough to lose, I forget man, you know?"
"Some things are gonna get kind of creepy but now that I've spent the time out here just bask in the sun and let the warmth touch my face she hear the birds chirping with nothing in the distance here I think she's kind of on something guys."
"The best things you found on the planet are the ones that are the hardest to talk about."
"The thrill is not being on the mountaintop, the thrill is being in this space. Yeah, man, I look forward to that."
"I think we made the most of the day. I had a really good day."
"It's amazing, I never thought I'd be 71 and still seeing this going on."
"There's parts that are wonderful and parts that aren't."
"Harry described his family's silence as neglect."
"There is something about that human connection."
"It's a blessing to be able to age, and yeah, that's what it is. It's cool to just get to live that long, I guess."
"I think life would be better low key because then there's no excuse."
"I know how lucky we are like and so yeah I'm really proud of that any regrets in your twenties thinking your early 20s you care yes I'm gonna say oh what an attitude thing oh my god you care so much much about what other people think."
"I remember watching the 1976 Olympics on television, sitting there, eating something, smoking a cigarette probably, and thinking, 'Wow, all these people are in just tremendous shape.'"
"That's quite a remarkable experience and can be potentially a devastating experience."
"It's the end of an era. It's the end of all of their eras too because those guys were part of your story when you were fighting."
"Life is so short and so precious, and I've wasted years of my life with people who didn't deserve my time."
"And honestly like I always assumed that uh people like me were just ignored like they didn't know where we were."
"This is what's important: family is important and I remember thinking I've never been closer to my family."
"Man, so many decisions, so many things to do."
"I feel kind of privileged...that's pretty great."
"I have to wonder if I didn't bring this mouse from home and I was sleeping in the car with it for the first couple days."
"You fell in love with a monster, better luck falling in love with an actual monster."
"I loved working there during the time that I did."
"Nothing compares to it honestly... I'm very aware of how lucky I am."
"I pray every night for many reasons, and I hope that this coming year is even better for all of us."
"We all just have those different moments, you know."
"Maybe you have recently seen what you don't want in love and it's that's like bringing in true love into your life."
"just a diary of the madness of what we're living through"
"It's definitely not a pleasant memory and nobody should do that to their kids."
"Loneliness sucks, and I felt alone for so long."
"Nobody can dispute the fact that the journey has been iconic."
"Every time I talked to him he was always thinking about empowering our communities."
"On your deathbed, you're not thinking about your real estate portfolio."
"Kids are the worst people on earth and when you realize that your job is to try and mold them and also that you have no control over them whatsoever beyond a certain point, that is definitely a different feeling."
"I just don't want to live my life with any type of regret."
"One of the feelings that comes up with me always is the helplessness, being too young, being a guy but too young to be able to help a woman in this case your mother, and that happened every single day."
"No regrets not even just here at work but in my personal life."
"That was the best thing ever, that was the end of the day."
"Life's Treasures lie in the most unexpected places."
"You love love, and that is something that is often on your mind."
"I'm reminded of all the blessings I have in life."
"I have moments of Happiness sorrow remorse but I also have moments with just I don't know thinking about life."
"It's like every time I update or upload a video I still have that same thought of like I remember when I uploaded videos and nobody watched them."
"My dad never really wanted kids, and then if he had a change of heart, it didn't seem like it happened."
"Thank you all for accepting me into this seat. A lot of y'all didn't know me, but y'all took me in, y'all talked about me in good ways and bad ways, and I love all the ways."
"It's the best decision I've made at this point in my life."
"It's been a good run... but it's time to close the curtains."
"They actually may have lost interest in this person... decided that you didn't want to overthink it anymore."
"Life really isn't what you expect half the time."
"I think maybe, you know, I didn't ever want kids and then my dad died and I was like oh I want something that looks like him in some way."
"I was not the kind of guy who would kill a kid."
"I thought about that phrase 'in love' and considered what it meant to be in the feeling."
"People thought I'm human today. Good. Today was a good day."
"I feel like I was worth more than what I got."
"As much as I always focus on the negative I'm always super super thankful."
"When you see your kids get older and they so grounded, man, like, you know what I mean?"
"And more than that, it shows us where our trust truly lies."
"Witnessing the amount of violence that was in that confinement dorm, I think about how easily my life could have been taken."
"So much going on in the world. I had visions just a few days ago..."
"I found myself interested in the one person who didn't seem interested in me."
"I'm so random... but sometimes I think it's... nice to be on a schedule."
"Through the good times and bad, I love living every second of it."
"Damn dude, reading some of this, it's commitment being thrown towards here."
"I just celebrated my 28th birthday and I wanted to try something different this time, so I decided to write letters to those who have contributed to an amazing past year for me."
"I've done a lot of stuff, you talk about Heisman Trophy, you talk about all the athletic awards, business awards I won. But the best thing I've ever done in my whole entire life is run for the Senate seat right here."
"You know they haven't walked away from you but you wonder why they don't put you as a priority. Like, you know that they have these deep emotions but you also wonder."
"I couldn't sleep just thinking about how bad a betrayal this was."
"I know this might sound religious or whatever, but come across enough of these scenes and you start to really believe evil does exist."
"That one actually went a lot better than I'd initially anticipated."
"The worst times in life make the best stories. Like when you go to a bar, you don't talk about how nice your relaxing day was, you talk about the time you broke your hand in a fist fight."
"The reality is that it doesn't last forever."
"Thanks for watching this one, you know it's been a really rough year but you guys have made 2020 so rewarding and it's I've personally had a great time and it's only because of you guys."
"I just got to think like, hey what did I do with that money?"
"It's weird to have vaccine guilt." - Michael Jones
"Loneliness is worse than poverty; I'm never alone."
"This one was my dream, my wish, and it didn't come true."
"I love Jesus, and anything people say about Him for one reason or another will get me thinking about Jesus."
"I've got a feeling I'll be talking about this for a long time... We'll be talking about DiCaprio movies and 'Saved by the Bell,' walking at the store with the musicals and stories we tell."
"I tell my kids, 'You know what? I was preparing for y'all to get here.' That's how I feel."
"I don't know, and now that I've spent so many years saying that, I really don't know."
"I think it's been a lot of maybe small wins and losses you know I don't necessarily if it was like one big oh wow moment because it's been it's been a minute."
"At the end of the day, it's like... I'm glad I did. I wouldn't do anything differently."
"Best moments: post-lockdown haircut and new appreciation for things."
"Regardless of what went down... I'm grateful for it."
"It was never lost on Keith Thurman that this was a privileged position to be in."
"Part of me is like it's really fun that I read it now with the perspective of like 10 more years."
"Why am I surrounding myself with this community that doesn't want me here?"
"Don't live with regrets. You regret what you didn't do."
"I just feel like sometimes the messages you want to receive from certain people you won't receive them from that person but you might receive it from someone else and it's weird but"
"As a kid growing up I was very isolated and very lonely and very starved for attention."
"But see the thing is if I was single and I met you, it wouldn't even cross my mind to be like bummed on you or mad at you."
"I feel very fortunate to be in the situation that I'm in."
"Life's a living, sat there for 10 minutes is just fantastic."
"We all have things to be proud of, we all have things to be ashamed of." - George R. R. Martin
"Things you notice in lockdown: 1. Grass grows quick, 2. My wife cleans a lot, 3. Jogging has become something to look forward to."
"The biggest mistake I made in this cycle is that I didn't slowly exit out during a lot of the euphoria back in May and really April and March of 2021."
"I feel like a little kid honestly, but I'm okay, you know what, no, we can't. If we don't even have time to talk, we have so much to get into."
"I'm not gonna be able to sit on YouTube for 20 years."
"Well, that's why I love being a YouTuber, man."
"Victor felt lucky that he didn't miss his homeland more than he did."
"People love you one day, leave the next, bro. Yeah, it's crazy."
"Overall, it's really not a great thing but you know what is a great thing friendship."
"I feel like I've been given the gift of time, which is lovely."
"You could also have a lot of psychic breakthroughs around this time."
"As a fan of roller coasters, I find this very human."
"I can't say enough things about this trip except that even though it was the hardest canoe trip i've ever done it was the most rewarding and my most favorite canoe trip of my entire life."
"I am suffering from the fate of every B or C list celebrity as you try to monetize the ashes of your fame."
"It's a really big part of our experience here and not to be avoided."
"Your best drinking days are behind you when the act of getting drunk is more fun than being drunk."
"I've had extremely good memories from League I'm always gonna be able to look back and know like I know pretty much no matter how my time with League."
"Given great men such as myself experience surprise on occasion."
"It's been an absolutely insanely eventful day."
"It's just been such a wonderful kind of like dream of a week."
"It's kind of crazy seeing such an OG YouTuber retiring."
"I'm just realizing all the things that I have in my life that I am grateful for."
"Seriously though, for those of you who may believe this is all a fairy tale and Mr. Wright, Mr. Sailor Man just came along and we sailed away happily ever after, think again."
"I never really thought that Tesla Daily would make it this long. It's been a long journey, it's been a fun journey."
"Every single month, you know, I had the conversation on here."
"The most expensive thing in all the world is hatred."
"At the end of the day, the heart wants what it wants and I just loved the sport so much. I certainly do not regret it because it has shaped me today."
"It's exciting I'm actually I keep thinking how much um I've enjoyed our trip so far."
"Sometimes I pet her and think about that Revenge she helped me get on Karen."
"Whew, getting all emotional thinking about that."
"I'm still happy to be here for the most part."
"Just last year she was saying she didn't understand why she was still a working actress at 47."
"I hope when they're a bit older they'll realize how lucky I was."
"When you get to the very top, this is what you have."
"Let's be honest none of us ever really wants to grow up."
"But at the same time, the reality really sunk in last night."
"Time flies by especially when you're 30 like every year flies by immediately and it's it's it's a little scary."
"We do morning sort of walk monologues talk about some of the stories that we don't get to here."
"It's been one hell of a journey and I'm grateful that you came along this treacherous path with me."
"I do think it's interesting to me because Hannah's channel has definitely grown since I last spoke about her, although maybe not as much as I expected."
"This person kind of regretted not pursuing this with you."
"It's probably one of my biggest regrets professionally is that Maris Pouncey, for example, is not a world champion."
"It gets better, ebbs and flows like my vagina right now."
"Family is what I wanted to feel the whole time."