
Security Concerns Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"We're entering a new era where we're underestimating our adversary."
"I think that's an overblown fear. I think nothing would unite Americans more than an international force trying to get in our backyard."
"The bill we're talking about today is a proposal... to appoint somebody and a committee of people to look at what an adversarial country is."
"If this is the level of lack of security and lack of purpose that NFTs will serve that web3 will serve with what's currently being presented about them."
"There is a growing humanitarian and security crisis at the southern border."
"One of the big concerns is not just you, but government and military people using iPhones."
"The real shock of the current conflict was not the invasion itself but the hubris that led to it and of the inability of policy makers in the west and the United States in particular to understand the very real security concerns that Russia had."
"How can a prison allow such a high-profile individual to do this?"
"It's really sad we have more security in airports than we do for our children's school."
"Our national security would be impaired. It's that serious."
"Is it me or does the future feel more insecure and uncertain?"
"Putin pushed all the right buttons... the Russians really believe that expanding NATO over the past 20 years... is a real threat to their security."
"Looks like a war zone down here, but people are wondering what happens when the troops pull out. Will the criminals come back?"
"We should be very worried about them going forward I hope that they have an incredible amount of security because these are very these are unhinged people they have weapons."
"German success puts an integrated German manufacturing system in territory directly adjacent to lands the Russians see as their critical security zone."
"You have to absolutely look into people who can compromise senior government officials because, like I said, that could be an issue of national security."
"Your life is totally not normal because you're trying to come up with ways for people not to attack us and kill us."
"Underestimate the determination of a stalker."
"You need to be very very careful about these weapons we have."
"All horror movies, all scary movies are an affirmation of life."
"Every panic button in my office had been torn out. The whole unit. That is incredibly suspicious." - Sarah Groh
"I think the other thing that I thought was really important was that no one's bags were getting checked."
"This one has to do with a much bigger picture, this is of a security and geopolitical outcome."
"It's a little alarming that they're offering services in which some of them still have top secret security clearance within our government."
"All it takes is one cray-cray person and I just can't. I don't know, you need like a maximum security facility, exactly."
"The CCP's overseas police stations were set up without permission, leading to unease and fear among those seeking safety in the UK."
"You've got all these 50 murderers these 450 rapists that border patrol has caught but you don't want to sit here and discuss the godaways."
"Some of us have not traveled home for a long time because of insecurity."
"You don't want to give someone who's evil time to plan something disastrous."
"The opinion is phenomenal news; the leak is really scary news."
"We are at war with Islamic fundamentalism because the fundamentals of Islam really are a problem."
"Oppenheimer was a security threat... opposing their desire to build more of these weapons."
"The US and Canadian governments are banning TikTok over security concerns, as the app’s parent company is a Chinese company linked to the Chinese Communist Party."
"That incident has shattered many students' sense of security."
"NATO currently faces the most dangerous and unprecedented security environment since the Cold War."
"The threats are growing and rapidly. Much is not discussed in the media, but we are seeing very bad signs." - Pavel Felgenhauer
"NATO has finally called them out as a threat."
"The reason why I'm asking you about this, my card, I did not use my card online today, okay? Let me tell you."
"It's something really scary to wake up and not know who is going to be at your door who is going to be outside of your home and things like that these allegations are not taken lightly."
"Assassination became a worry for Elizabeth as in 1584 William of Orange, the important leader of the resistance in the Low Countries, was assassinated by a Catholic assassin."
"Google has suspended Chinese shopping app Pandora over security concerns."
"Israel faces threats from Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian groups, and the Houthis."
"What does concern me, though, is this isn't just an immigration issue, right? We've said this multiple times before. This is a terrorism issue. It is a clear and present danger to the security of this country."
"The second migrant Caravan is armed with firearms and carrying gasoline bombs."
"This is not a gun-free zone and gun-free zones are the most dangerous places on the planet."
"This is concerning and a possible threat to national security."
"They're trying to gain access literally to election results."
"The staff wasn't ready for what could happen, what the potential dangers that just lurked and just wait for the opportunities to occur."
"These balloons scare the hell out of me. What are you guys going to do about this, man?"
"Watch for that okay also pray about the secret vaults that contain the security codes start praying about that as well."
"The Israelis have legitimate security concerns, but that doesn't excuse human rights abuses."
"Airbnb's screening system shows a chilling failure."
"The real concern is how this tech could give a huge advantage to certain military technologies."
"Lavrov says, 'This is schizophrenic logic. We don't want any threats to our security to come for Ukrainian territory.'"
"When folks' physical safety is at issue, it's a totally different ball game."
"Leading to fears of the potential development of new illegal biological weapons."
"There's been increased reports of terrorists targeting both Taliban but also Americans and Afghan citizens."
"Questions were justifiably raised about the military security protocols."
"It's a very, very scary and crazy world we live in."
"American companies must lead the world in cellular technology. 5G networks must be secure, they have to be guarded from the enemy."
"It's easy to make a silent, concealable cheat device with minimal electronics and coding knowledge."
"Desantis recently tried to form a private army. Wonder why?"
"I just want her home and safe, where I can physically see her."
"The incident set off alarms about Chinese provocation."
"If you live on a farm, if you have the resources, you're going to be a target."
"The reason what is driving Putin is not maniacal Madness it's because he sees NATO's expansion as a threat." - Discussion Participant
"Ignoring William and Catherine's security team telling her to leave, she used crowds of grieving people to get her way as William and Catherine insecurity didn't want to cause a scene."
"If there is a vulnerability, it will be exploited. That's my top concern."
"I think the biggest threat for 2020 is going to come domestically."
"No matter who you are, no matter how wealthy you are, no matter what type of security you have, you can be a victim of a home invasion."
"The biggest problem was just not enough security and the space being too small."
"Nowadays it seems like that's upside down... should we really be thinking about international trade and economic security?"
"If you're ethnically challenged like me and this thing goes off at an airport nobody's gonna bum rush you."
"Safety and security is always at the top of the list."
"Protectors have been worried lately and they're hiding something."
"The Russians have legitimate security concerns in Europe."
"Well, if secure means showing how to open the vault to near on 2 million people, I guess, yeah, it's secure."
"Scientology followed them back to their cars followed them home ran back background checks knows who they are knows who their family members are knows where they work knows everything..."
"I've never seen it worse or more dangerous. That's not comforting, that's the truth."
"When the catastrophic disclosure happens, the real question is going to be... security."
"It's unsettling to think that some of the same techniques could be used by terrorists."
"Tik Tok could soon be banned in the United States over security concerns."
"You have to understand the different threat vectors you have to be concerned about."
"The underlying conditions driving the unsustainable fiscal Outlook pose serious Economic Security and Social Challenges."
"Do you believe Estonia has the right to be a sovereign country that can make their own laws and choose their own allies, or do you believe that Russia's security concerns should supersede Estonia's independence?"
"Storing anything sensitive on the SD card in Android is kind of scary and dangerous."
"It seems like especially the West is starting to really see Huawei as a security concern for the rest of the world because of those ties."
"Security was a significant issue, and so was habitable land on Earth after the war."
"What we're talking about here is something that could be an incredibly dangerous weapon in the wrong hands."