
Mercury Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Mercury becoming visible is auspicious for launching business projects, marketing, advertising, communication, and collaborations for work."
"Mercury represents thinking, communication, and all the tools to communicate... It's very important to think, analyze, observe, and think before we act."
"Astrologers are also signified by Mercury traditionally as being the intermediaries and the interpreters of the stars and of the movements of the planets."
"Mercury is the only metal that's a liquid at room temperature."
"Not only did the people of mesoamerica clearly figure out how to create or derive liquid mercury from Mercury or they also knew of deep underground water systems and lakes that could be accessed through caves."
"Mercury in Gemini simplifies complexities, investigates thoroughly, and aims for lofty pursuits."
"Mercury in Libra: 'Always weighing the decisions, seeing both sides of a story.'"
"Mercury in Sagittarius: healing needed in attention and focus."
"Mercury's surface has Hollows, shallow depressions without edges and with flat bottoms."
"Mercury allows you to come up with new ideas to get your health matters organized."
"If you've ever touched mercury, you know it doesn't really stick to your hands in the same way that water will."
"Solving Mercury's mysteries reshaped the whole of science."
"Mercury: the awkward stranger loitering at the edge of the planetary party."
"Nothing fascinates people quite like a bit of mercury."
"Mercury's magnetic tornadoes: guardians of a fragile atmosphere."
"As Mercury goes direct, expect intensity in ancestral and past life connections."
"Mercury is no longer in retrograde."
"...Mercury is the fastest visible moving planet when it comes to astrology."
"Mercury is the planet of intellectualizing things and intellect and analyzing things."
"Mercury's a trickster. This is what Mercury does; Mercury fucks shit up."
"There's no point in getting annoyed or irritated at them; this is what Mercury is about."
"Mercury in Sagittarius likes things on a bigger scale."
"As Mercury moves into your 11th house of great gains and profits, it's a really good time for working on some kind of plan for your career success."
"Once that mercury touches even a single spot, those inclusions are apparently lost forever because the sunlight cannot hit."
"There are two more missions in the next year or two that will travel further inward than Mercury."
"The tale of Mercury, the closest planet to our star, harbors a secret akin to the enigmatic tales of comets beneath its unforgiving surface."
"Mercury doesn't have its own moons because of its small size and weak gravity."
"Mercury goes retrograde over approximately 8°. So knowing that span of degrees kind of helps you remember that, okay, any planets within that span, those are the ones which are going to be potentially most affected by this particular Mercury retrograde in Gemini."
"Mercury entering Shadow builds up to April. It's like rethinking, relearning, and getting ready for changes."
"Elusive and fast-moving in the twilight sky, the planet Mercury was named by ancient astronomers after the messenger of the gods. But not until 2011 would NASA's own Messenger Mission be in a position to reveal one of the least explored worlds in the solar system."
"It's not as far as you think." - Describing Mercury's proximity to the Sun.
"No moons or rings." - Noting the absence of natural satellites or rings around Mercury.
"Overall, exploration of Mercury is important for understanding the early history of our solar system, the processes that shaped it, and the potential for life on other planets."
"Mercury is the power of thought, creativity, words, and how we use them."
"One of the advanced sensors aboard Betty Colombo is a sensitive Imaging x-ray spectrometer called MIX, which produces a global map of Mercury's surface Atomic composition and high spatial resolution."
"If you have a mercury or a silvered ornament, we usually see most of those from the early years of the 20th century."
"Mercury zips around the sun in only 88 days."
"The Mercury has their own alloy, XK 360 aluminum alloy; it's highly corrosion-resistant."
"Mercury becomes a passionate thinker and communicator."
"This Mercury Colony Park station wagon is what he considers his retirement project; he's gonna build this car and drive it across country."
"It's a very cool looking classic, the 49 Mercury."
"Mercury is three times closer to the Sun than the Earth, so the sun looks much bigger here."
"Mercury levels have increased in the oceans because of mercury falling down from the smokestacks of coal mines."
"I am the first planet from our sun, you see; my name is Mercury."
"Messenger of the Gods is what Mercury means."
"Now that Mercury is direct, you'll be in a much better position to make big decisions."
"Mercury is a planet that allows us to manage the affairs of our life."
"Mercury is the smallest of the planets."
"The engine of the Manta uses Mercury which is pressurized under high pressure using nuclear energy to create acceleration."
"Mercury is the messenger, associated with traveling, which can help you expand your awareness and grow more into yourself."
"Heat makes mercury expand, or grow, and this property of mercury was used in mercury-in-glass thermometers."
"The longer these fish have been alive, the more time they've had to eat other fish - and the more methylmercury they have in their bodies."
"Messenger was the first chance to actually put a spacecraft into long-term orbit around the planet Mercury to truly map its surface."
"Mercury is a world of extreme temperatures: over 400 degrees Celsius during the day and negative 200 at night."
"Understanding this tiny world is a crucial piece in the puzzle of the terrestrial planets."
"They are all about intelligence and the intellect because they are ruled by Mercury."
"Scientists believe Mercury might still have a partially molten core."
"Mercury is a planet that is known for changing direction frequently and that sort of changeability."
"Translators is a really good Mercury signification, and that's partially what astrologers are doing."
"Mercury has that ability to see the fine details and therefore see what's out of place."
"What planet is closest to the Sun? Mercury."
"In Roman mythology, who was the winged messenger of the gods? Mercury, correct."
"A 'day' is the amount of time it takes for a planet to rotate around its axis, right? Well, for Mercury, it has a VERY slow rotation."
"The surface temperature of Mercury ranges from 100 to 700 K."
"Observations strongly suggest that ice exists on Mercury."
"Mercury is too small and hot for its gravity to retain any significant atmosphere over long periods of time."
"Mercury has a significant, and apparently global, magnetic field."
"There may be scientific support, based on studies reported in March 2020, for considering that parts of the planet Mercury may have been habitable."
"The smallest planet in our solar system has a big presence in our collective imagination."
"It only takes about 88 days for Mercury to have a year-long rotation around the sun."
"What is the chemical element symbol for mercury? Hg."
"Mercury is separated from the Sun by 20.1 degrees, so that's a fair distance."
"Amazing, you love the speed, right? The speed of Mercury."
"Mercury is the smallest planet; it's gray and rocky."
"I am Mercury, the first planet from our sun, nothing orbits faster than me."
"My name is Mercury, the first planet in the solar system."
"I take 88 days to orbit once around the Sun."
"Observing Mercury with the naked eye is possible this month, although the feat requires consideration of a celestial balancing act."
"Mercury will be shining at mag plus 0.4 and sets 135 minutes after the sun."
"As the nearest planet to the Sun, Mercury lives in a cosmic hot zone that holds important clues to the origins of our solar system."
"The only way to separate the planet from the Sun's overpowering glare is to look very low toward the horizon immediately after sunset or just before sunrise."
"Mercury is nearly 5 times more massive than the Moon, even though its diameter is only 40 percent greater."
"To be so heavy, Mercury must conceal a huge metallic core covered by a relatively thin skin of lighter rock."
"Mercury was finally getting its moment in the sun."
"Messenger would be able to map the entire surface of Mercury down to features one kilometer across."
"The word Mercury evokes many things. It evokes speed, it evokes changeability, it evokes temperature."
"We're building up a global color map under ideal lighting conditions."
"Mercury's orbit is the most eccentric of any planet."
"Mercury's surface temperature ranges from 800 degrees during the day to negative 250 degrees during the night."
"Mercury is one of the densest planets, second only to Earth."
"Mercury's magnetic field is 20 times stronger than Venus's."
"I’m Mercury, the closest planet to our sun."
"Named after the winged messenger God of the Romans."
"A year on Earth is much longer than a year on Mercury."
"One orbit round the Sun is just 88 Earth days for me."
"I am the first planet from our sun, my name is Mercury."
"The natural detoxification process for the inorganic mercury in the brain is actually the mercury somehow combines with selenium."
"The length of a day on Mercury is 58 and two-thirds times the length of a day on Earth."
"The calculation yields for the planet Mercury a perihelion advance of 43 seconds of arc."
"Mercury's orbit has an eccentricity around 0.21, in other words, it's about 20% of the way between a perfect circle and a parabola."
"It's about time we discussed Mercury, probably the least discussed planet in the entire solar system."
"You know, say what you want about the planets, but Mercury is the only one that has their own newspaper."
"Mercury rules over communication and intellect."
"Venus is at its brightest and Mercury reaches greatest western elongation."
"Mercury reaches its greatest western elongation, the furthest it will be from the sun in the sky."
"The planet next to the Sun is Mercury, and that can be very hot and also very cold."
"Mercury in Virgo is very powerful, it's very profound."
"It actually wants to make use of the information that it has, and it wants real information."
"Mercury is the messenger planet; it's the communication planet."
"Mercury the messenger brings something back to the Sun's consciousness, to the Sun's attention, and shines a light on it especially if you missed it the first time."
"Mercury sextile Venus is such a beautiful aspect, your spirits will be high."
"Mercury is the littlest planet. It goes around the sun in just 88 days."
"Mercury is the messenger of the gods."
"On the 7th, Mercury is trining Neptune, which is fantastic for creative ideas."
"Mercury represents the north lunar node, it represents that toward which we should tend."