
Theological Concepts Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself."
"God's Last Wish is us... God sacrificed himself and used all of his power to create humans."
"These metaphors are used of the place where God has come to be with man on earth."
"Justice is God giving us what we deserve, mercy is God not giving us what we deserve, grace is God giving us what we don't deserve."
"God died on the cross for our sins, and he rose again from the dead that we might be justified. The word justified means that all sin written against us, all of the law breaking that you and I perpetrated against God, he erases it."
"The Son is begotten in order that the Spirit might rest in Him."
"Jesus tells us it's going to be unexpected, quick, unannounced."
"Our unrighteousness demonstrates the righteousness of God."
"Life, knowledge, will, and power—God created the universe through his power and agency."
"Even if the word of Islam never reached you, you're still gonna be judged at the end. How? You're still gonna be judged."
"How does Dante ascend through purgatory because if there's hope that means purgatory is not the end right you first get to a group full of people who have salvation kind of by a de facto matter."
"The Book of Enoch introduces the Messiah, the Son of God who sits next to God and will judge both the living and the Dead."
"Hell is not a torture chamber. Torture is imposed from without. Hell is more about torment where it comes from within."
"How in the world can you marvel and astonish and stun and take away the breath of a god who just created it all?"
"Enter Nathan the prophet, always at a pivotal time when the kingdom is at stake."
"Pride is the deadliest sin of all, encompassing the other sins."
"The wind that we hear... connecting the three heavens."
"There's a difference between how the biblical text presents God's fidelity and Christ's fidelity... You can absolutely trust in God."
"The only place for God really is beyond space and time."
"There is some sort of interim disembodied state that Jesus and Paul both talk about."
"God is God and God does godly things according to his nature."
"What makes heaven heaven is the infinite wonders of the glories of God in the person of Jesus Christ."
"If your concept of a creator is someone who's all powerful and all good, that's not an uncommon pairing of powers."
"God cannot sin because God is love and sin is the absence of love."
"He was still in heaven, always one but able to take human form."
"That covenant, that whole idea of the covenant is definitely worthy of deeper investigation."
"What happens when resurrected saints and saints who are changed from mortal to immortality suddenly at the same time are moving from earth?"
"Are you born into the family of God? Yes, you are. Are you adopted into the family of God? Yes, you are."
"Jesus didn't just die so that we can live. Jesus became the curse for us."
"Justification is even a daily event. So, we wouldn't just speak of justification in the past tense but even in present tense."
"Religion says you have to work for God, but Christianity says that God worked for us."
"If you believe in God, you acknowledge that there are intelligences that don't have a body. Angels and Demons flow from that."
"The Bible describes it as having two lamb-like principles."
"God reversed a decision. Theologically, God took him; God gave him back."
"It is the blood of justification... justified by His blood."
"For every dimension, for every form of reality that God has created, there is a system of governing."
"Your name was written in the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world."
"The point is that Christ took on flesh to give us his life through his flesh and so his his flesh and blood are life-giving."
"It's about God simply wants to be in relationship with us, redeeming, establishing, and perpetuating the Covenant, coming into God's presence, and learning his law."
"Allah is not in need of anything though every mahluk, no matter how much they develop, they're always in need of Allah."
"To be Christian is to be Christ-like and we were made in the image of God."
"Jesus was absolute Divinity but he was also full Humanity at the same time."
"Satan started this, Satan will finish. Power corrupts, power absolutely. The end, Armageddon, the end."
"Now the wheels are interesting in Hebrew the word is ophanim."
"The devil is simply a figure who refuses to be boxed into a category, he refuses to have limits placed on him."
"God gives mercy before ever sending judgment."
"Your first job as a Christian is to receive."
"Grace is undeserved blessing and it's unmerited favor."
"We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers with no bodies."
"Christ not only reconciles all of dispersed discrete human nature that was fragmented from the fall, but he says all of cosmic reality is restored in the Incarnation."
"God does not see time as we do... He can breach our past... and cause it to have happened already."
"He shows more Mercy than if he merely spared his life by exercising some decree."
"Grace is getting what we don't deserve, Mercy is not getting what we deserve." - paraphrase of Ephesians 4:7-15
"Without Him we can’t, but without us, He won't."
"Jesus thinks of himself as the Tree of Life."
"Even within Judaism, there's a continuum because you certainly have God Almighty, the God of Israel, but below him, there are archangels and angels."
"This idea of original sin and substitutionary atonement and sacrifices and belief on faith and salvation from what to what by grace... it's morally atrocious."
"In God, there is Victory. Satan gives the appearance of Victory, but it's just an illusion."
"The one is incomprehensible, perfectly free from corruption."
"The Antichrist doesn't get it all forever. He might win for a little bit, but that's about it."
"The devil is not a man at all, no, no. The devil is a spirit. And it is the spirit they get in man, that's right, that's right."
"Satan's sin was his desire of independence and equality with God."
"Expiation goes down, getting rid of my sin. Propitiation goes up, dealing with God's justice and the curse of the law. Jesus is our expiation and propitiation."
"God's mercy is Justice; the greater the sinner, the greater the right to His Mercy."
"God, in the full meaning of the word God, is both in a sense God and the Godhead."
"Cherubim: Guardians, bearers of God's Throne, and associated with fire."
"Sacred geography: Everything happens somewhere. Sacred history: Everything happens sometime."
"The earth is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God."
"God's self-directed activity results in the universe coming forth."
"In heaven, everything wonderful on earth will be perfected because it's new of the same kind."
"Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the authorities of the world and the spirits of wickedness."
"The doctrine of merits is really about rewards, and it's based on God's promise."
"He's gone before there was air or wind or this or that. He was God before H2O even had a name."
"Demons and angels actually do have a connection to God they have some sort of connection back to Creator Force because they were actually created by God originally but aliens were not."
"The presence of the Church of Jesus Christ is the restraining force that refuses to allow the man of lawlessness to be revealed."
"He also called, he also justified, and then also glorified."
"Salvation and freedom of choice are inseparable from each other."
"...the concept of the god differs, the God is the lord of the heavens and the Earth the Creator and sustainer of the heavens and the Earth we can differ on how we conceptualize that God but the God is the same..."
"...it's really in a way the opposite of the tree of good and evil if you understand the tree of good and evil as the tree of life and death separated."
"So, this idea of a cosmic covenant indicates that the land is not simply given by the Creator, but the land plays a role in the Covenant if the Hebrews live in the right way."
"He spent a lot of time talking about the coming of the kingdom, preparation for the kingdom, the nature of the kingdom, the makeup of the kingdom, all aspects of this thing called the Kingdom of God."
"God literally created this time realm for the purposes of redemption."
"You cannot understand redemption unless you start with creation."
"God as Sovereign that He is nevertheless let men and nations exercise a free will."
"And therefore there is nothing from which God is separated but equally nothing in which God isn't present."
"Bridegroom, King, and Judge – we cannot separate those three."
"Grace was ever since the beginning, from beginning to end there was grace, there was also faith as well."
"Community, gender, marriage, and sexuality were all God's idea."
"Allah's Dominion being shown is even more potent in manifesting the truth."
"The significant thing is not the word 'Trinity'; the significant thing will be the concepts that the Trinity embodies."
"The very metaphysical fabric of the cosmos changed after the fall."
"Was the Garden of Eden the model for the temple? From Genesis to Ezekiel, and even in Paul's letters, we find Jehovah's amazing model for His dwelling place on Earth and in the hearts of believers."