
Home Gardening Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"This is the most cost-effective thing that you can do if you're on a budget, you should obviously be growing your own food."
"I believe that a conventionally homegrown home garden is much better than no garden at all."
"Fresh strawberries right from the garden are incomparable to anything you can get at a store, and they're relatively low maintenance fruits once you have them established."
"Because it is something that is like useful for my family, it saves us money, it's healthy for our bodies because I'm growing the food myself, and that is a really good feeling."
"If you like tomatoes, grow tomatoes because they taste way better than store bought."
"Garden vegetables that you grew taste a hundred times better no joke ask anybody."
"The real joy of growing your own strawberries is that you can pick them at the absolute peak of perfection."
"Over time it does become more economical...never been a better time to invest in growing your own food."
"It's all about balance when it comes to indoor plants—think about what you can manage."
"Some fresh vegetables from my garden will make today's picnic positively perfect."
"Recently, I put in these plants that were in my other two marvel studio."
"The fact that Alex and I can just come out here grab a weenie bring it into the kitchen and make full meals from the vegetables that we have out here in the backyard."
"Eat seasonable food and grow your own if you can."
"Man, greens out of my garden plus the cucumbers and celery that adds a nice neutral flavor, man this stuff tastes delicious."
"One to two plants can feed our family for the summer and create so much food."
"Farmbot brings the precision of farming to your own home."
"Let's take away the negative connotations that growing your own food is for like poor people or uneducated people."
"Patrick's self-built tiny home comes with ample outdoor space, a beautiful vegetable garden, a custom bathtub, and so much more."
"Night and day, like a regular strawberry that you've always got at the store just tastes nothing like a real grown homegrown strawberry."
"Building raised beds: a solution to gardening challenges."
"Let's all start our own gardens, how about that? Starter on freedom gardens."
"Surrender and embody what you want; be in tune with opportunities."
"Growing organic lettuce at home can really save you a lot of money if you're buying that at the store."
"It feels like a weight was lifted, and I'm left with plants that truly bring me joy."
"Florida is a state where most people go to the supermarket to buy their food, but they don't realize that they can grow most of their food right at home."
"It's really nice to have plants growing in the house that we can eat."
"It makes me feel really good and it gives me a lot of joy to feed my family food that I grew and stored for the winter out of my Suburban Garden."
"I want them to taste nicer than supermarket varieties and it should be cheaper."
"It's always exciting to bring in some new varieties into your home."
"The PF tech... a super popular method for growing mushrooms on a small scale at home."
"Growing your own couldn't be easier, you can even do it indoors."
"The difference between store-bought and homegrown, it's unbelievable."
"I always like having some herbs in my kitchen and then directly outside of my kitchen window to be able to see."
"A home-grown tomato ripened on the vine tastes so much better than anything you can buy at the grocery store."
"This is why we grow food at home, nothing like it."
"Homegrown food on every table is something I've been passionate about for decades."
"Cultivating more life and plants around my property has become a deep love and passion of mine."
"This is a mint that I've grown. It's like gum, basically."
"Just fold your hands and do nothing for six or seven weeks, and you've got lettuce to eat."
"When you grow your own food, you know where it came from, you knew how it was grown."
"Homegrown strawberries... they have awesome, awesome flavor."
"I use this at home on my regular house plants, and literally, it's just like they were fed normally."
"Pineapples are God's gift to mankind if you have a home raisement."
"Growing as much food as you can on your own property greatly reduces financial stress on your family."
"Home raised onions are way better than anything you get out of the store."
"There is something about being able to pick and grow your own food."
"The technology has come so far now; you can have a whole hydroponic setup right on your kitchen counter."
"I'm excited for everything but like herbs are just such a good thing to have on hand."
"You just snip as these grow, you snip all winter long and use them in your cooking."
"DIY a little garden in your kitchen."
"Nothing compares to the flavor of a homegrown strawberry."
"For our case, since we're growing at home, we can give the seeds the attention that it really needs and optimize its growth."
"It's nice just to have some fresh herbs growing in your home."
"It's just really cool to be able to pick your own produce straight from your backyard and put it into your meals."