
Biblical History Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"If you want to understand the Bible or the period, you have to be like a detective going back to the scene."
"Archaeologists discovered a 3,000-year-old tablet that contains the oldest Hebrew text including the name of God."
"Sure, there are elements in the Bible that are historical, but when you stop and actually critically examine the archaeological evidence, you discover that especially the earlier stories in the Bible cannot be taken literally."
"Most experts now agree that the exodus and Jewish conquest of Canaan never quite happened as depicted in the Bible."
"Here we have, literally carved in stone, a visual account of the biblical tale dating back to the very time of Moses and the Exodus."
"Just because Genesis 26 refers to Philistines in Canaan, in the biblical sense, that probably doesn't refer to the later sea people that arrived around 1200 BC."
"The most famous king of ancient Israel is King David."
"Solomon is mostly remembered as being the one who builds the first temple as well as for being really wise, really rich, and for supposedly having 1,000 wives."
"The latest research from archaeology indicates that the Bible greatly exaggerates its description of Solomon's reign."
"It was not until the sixth century that the books of the New Testament became almost completely standardized."
"This is where Solomon and David had Their Kingdoms."
"Ezra, the scribe and priest, became the spiritual leader of the people of Israel, and helped them to preserve the divine word of the Bible at the center of their lives and at the heart of their faith."
"Long ago a great flood reshaped the entire region and cut off humans from the Gulf of a sis known later to the Hebrews as the land of Eden."
"So the idea of many nations of that region could trace their lines back to just a few males is not inconceivable and this data would correlate with the Genesis record."
"Thus showing the flood account could be an oral tradition handed down to the Hebrews it goes back to an ancient time in the region of Sumer instead of it just being a copy of other Mesopotamian flood legends."
"The Gospel of Barnabas stands as a captivating piece that challenges established beliefs and invites a deeper exploration into the intricacies of biblical history."
"The biblical Genesis as well as the whole Old Testament copies in fact all its main information from the much more ancient Sumerian Genesis of Eridu."
"I want to know is there actual tangible evidence, and that's why I do my whole 'nothing fails like Bible history' series."
"The integrity of biblical history ultimately is justified by the expression of these languages."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls have allowed historians and theologians to chart the development of the Bible much more accurately."
"According to the Acts of Philip, Mary Magdalene, Jesus's most trusted apostle, dies here in Jerusalem."
"The evidence from science, but also from archaeology over, and over, and over points to the Bible as history, not as a collection of folktales."
"The Exodus from Egypt is not a myth, following a real pattern of evidence it has been rediscovered."
"Archaeologists believe they may have just found that very house."
"The oldest version of the Bible is found in Egypt, written in Greek."
"God's promise to Abram some four thousand years ago still is in effect."
"It wasn't them, it was God fighting as a lion. And what to tell you, when the Lord first came to Jerusalem 2000 years ago, he came through the gate as a lamb on Passover."
"The Bible informs us about the earth's timeline from how it began to how it will end."
"It's the revelation of the Son of Man, even in the antediluvian world."
"For the first seven generations, mankind was at peace with God."
"God replaced Moses with Joshua. That's right!"
"When you use observational science, it actually confirms biblical history."
"But in fact, the Judahite exile didn't last long. Within sixty years, the first of them began returning to Jerusalem."
"Finding archaeological evidence that supports the historical accounts of the Bible is a common cause for archaeologists."
"When you look at the Genesis 6 account and take it as a literal interpretation... it traces all the way throughout the Old Testament."
"You raised up prophets and patriarchs to announce the coming of the Redeemer."
"The mainstream kind of Bible History we're taught is that the Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden."
"The books that were not in the Jewish Bible were in the Catholic Bible, those are the books that the Protestants ripped out."
"The ruins of the city of Jericho. And the city wall fell exactly the way the Bible described it."
"Adam and Eve did not have a Bible, so God probably gave them the whole Gospel story including the future in the Stars."
"King David's name uncovered in a 2900 year old stone slab."
"Those of us who teach the gathering of Israel we probably ought to make sure we teach the scattering."
"The promise came to Abraham who was not an Israelite, that God was in covenant and walked with people before even Abraham."
"I've yet to see anything that surpasses Zeran's Archaeological Study Bible."
"Consider the Book of Judges that describes how God raised up certain judges to deliver Israel."
"Early on in the book of Daniel for instance a final political battle between israel and the mysterious gog and magog will eventually establish quasi-messianic self-rule for the israelite polity."
"One of the top five archaeology discoveries, biblical archaeology discoveries of all time."
"Satan did make a major attempt to thwart this through the Nephilim and Giants but God prevailed and personally fought in that war."
"The geography of this area fits the story in the gospels."
"The walls of Jericho provide chillingly accurate evidence of biblical events."
"The ark actually was buried by King Josiah, I think it was, 568 BC. ... Underneath the Temple Mount, like dozens of underground tunnels and chambers."
"So, to start our journey, we're going to Khirbet Qeiyafa, which is believed to be the Shaaraim that is mentioned in this biblical account."
"If you're claiming that large portions of biblical history didn't happen or that the Bible got significant things wrong, then how is it reliable?"
"Isn't this amazing wow god has pieced all this together for us to see why so that we would know he's done all these things that the bible says that he did in ancient history."
"Jerusalem is where the original land of eden was located."
"The last years of Jesus Christ refer to the 18 years in which his history is omitted from the Bible."
"The account of Sennacherib's invasion of Judah really is the account of God delivering His people."
"Saul has struck down his thousands, and David his ten thousands."
"So, we're looking primarily in this book called 'How Old is the Hebrew Bible?' at how ancient Hebrew changed over time."
"God is defining himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob - to do something in human history that's a part of God's mission to confront evil to defeat it and to rescue people."
"They arrived at the Wilderness of Sinai, it took them 60 days."
"The Bible was taken and used for religious purposes, but it's a book of history."
"The Bible tells us there were giants in the earth in those days, and these giants were fallen angels who came down from heaven."
"Women were expected to teach in church in biblical times."
"He made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, saying, 'Thus saith Cyrus, king of Persia, the Lord God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he hath charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem which is in Judah.'"
"Scripture comes alive when you experience the land of the Bible."
"The importance of Genesis chapters 10 and 11 is that they are the bridge from the beginning of the new World After the flood to the greatest of the biblical Patriarchs, Abraham."
"Joseph, Mary, and the baby Jesus lived while they were in Egypt."
"The discoveries of the Dead Sea Scrolls are the most important discoveries about the Bible to date."
"It's empowering to look in the biblical text and see ourselves as a part of salvation history."
"Nazareth was such an unknown little place; it's never mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, it's not on a map or anything."
"Now most Bible scholars say it was written about 60 AD, and of course, it was written by Peter."
"Can we with a high degree of confidence know that the Bibles that we have come from that unified Hebrew Bible from the 3rd century BCE? It's not just more than reasonable."
"The most exciting discovery of ancient biblical texts in the last 100 years is the Dead Sea Scrolls."
"With your mighty arm, you redeemed your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph."
"God doesn't just accidentally lose things. He preserved the remnant of His people, the Jews, all 12 tribes, and He preserved them inside the walls of Jerusalem like sheep in a pen."
"He was divinely appointed by God in Bible prophecy."
"Jacob lived in the land where his own father, who was a stranger in the land of Canaan."
"These are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth."
"Everything that was prophesied concerning His first coming were all fulfilled to the last jot and tittle."
"The Bible takes us through many stages of consciousness and history."
"This is ancient Ashkelon; it's a port city and it's a poor City mentioned in the Bible."
"The silver scrolls contain the oldest biblical inscription ever found."
"The ancient Book of Enoch was forbidden from the Bible for unveiling profound truths about the world's creation."
"Engraved in stone is the name 'Yahoo', which will one day become 'Yahweh', the God of the Old Testament."
"But here you had a revolution according to the Bible. A revolution, one God, a God that didn't tolerate the worshipping of stones."
"The Bible corresponds very nicely with a pre-Sumerian culture in the Genesis period to an Egyptian sort of happenings in the Exodus period."
"Legend has it that Paul combined his writings with the gospels written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John into the first real version of the New Testament."
"It's all quite cryptic, but one thing is certain: this archaeological evidence is proof that another story from the Bible is rooted in reality."
"By uncovering the hidden African identities within the Bible, we realize that the roots of biblical history may be more intertwined with Africa than traditionally thought."
"Archaeology can be so useful in helping us to not only see the very same events happening in the Bible but to inform us and help us to understand what's going on in the biblical text in a greater and more detailed in a fuller way."
"According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus was likely born somewhere between 6 BCE and 4 BCE."
"Scripture describes the chronology related to the Exodus pretty specifically."
"We have more written about Ahab than we do any other king of Israel in scripture."
"From Abraham to David there were 14 Generations; from David to the Babylonian captivity there were 14 generations; and then from the Babylonian captivity to Jesus, 14 Generations."
"The world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished."
"This was the place chosen by David, by command of God."
"It's very important from a Biblical perspective to show Abram leaving Mesopotamia and coming to the land of Canaan, the promised land."
"Hebron has belonged to Caleb ever since because he followed the Lord, the God of Israel, wholeheartedly."
"David, the greatest hero of all time."
"The planners' precision: God's building plans for the Ark in the Bible are so precise."
"I will not only present you with a biblical perspective but also look at the extra-biblical sources that describe this area."
"The Euphrates, otherwise known as the biblical river, dates back to the garden of Eden, the origin of civilization."
"Learning biblical history... applied so much to the world in which we live and it applies so much to the prophecies that God gives us in His word."
"Moses helped the Israelites escape from Egypt."
"Aaron, the brother of Moses, was designated as the high priest by God and came from the tribe of Levi."
"Archaeology... keeps revealing new information from the pages of the Bible to demonstrate the reliability and the accuracy of scripture."
"Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, and his goodness, according to that which was written in the law of the Lord, And his deeds, first and last, behold, they are written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah."
"When the rule of Rehoboam was established and he was strong, he abandoned the law of the Lord, and all Israel with him."
"What we read in the pages of Scripture, that blank page between the Testaments, was true history and God was in control."
"If Zertal found an altar on Mount Ebal, we biblical scholars and archaeologists must all go back to kindergarten."
"Most if not all the New Testament documents are written prior to 70 AD."
"As seen in the bible itself, we understand that the ark was said to have provided a safe route for the Israelites during the exodus from Egypt and through powers unknown, cleared the path of poisonous and dangerous animals."
"Jesus made right what Israel failed in the wilderness."
"Moses considered the reproach of Christ greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt."
"The search for the real Mount Sinai, the Holy Mountain where Moses led his followers... at the time of the Exodus... after escaping from slavery in Egypt."
"Josiah was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned thirty and one years in Jerusalem."
"The Bible told us thousands of years ago that all of this would happen."
"When the people of Israel get to the Promised Land after 400 years of slavery in Egypt... Moses has handed leadership off to Joshua."
"Archaeology is not so much about proving the Bible... it helps us to understand what we read in the Bible fits with what we know of the ancient world."
"For the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full."
"This backstory of the Bible gives us critically important information."
"The ultimate fate of the Ark of the Covenant is one of the greatest mysteries of the Bible."
"We're uncovering artifacts, we're uncovering places which link back to the biblical narrative."
"The Israelite God withdrew his support from the first king of Israel, Saul, instead inflicting him with an evil spirit from God."
"As the Bible said, they'd become so corrupt, so wicked, so violent; murder was just running rampant."
"The Israelites sent spies to Canaan before entering the promised land, this reconnaissance mission aimed to assess the land's inhabitants and resources."
"According to all the biblical, historical, eyewitness accounts, and the archaeology, this new site of Bethsaida at El Araj here fits wonderfully with the true site of biblical Bethsaida."
"It may be categorically stated that no archeological find has ever controverted a single Bible reference."
"The family of Seth calls upon the name of the Lord."
"Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him."
"The cool thing about the history of the Bible is it's a history of a material artifact."
"Why then was the law given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come."
"The Bible is full of black history and black people and black places and black contributions."
"As you walk where Jesus walked and see the places where Bible History unfolded, it changes the way you read scripture; in fact, it changes everything."
"Our glorious God appeared to our ancestor Abraham in Mesopotamia before he moved to Haran."
"For almost 20 years I've been searching for evidence of one of the greatest miracles of the entire Bible."
"I will make a renewed covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah."
"And Joshua took the whole land, according to all that the Lord said unto Moses; and Joshua gave it for an inheritance unto Israel according to their divisions by their tribes."
"There are a number of geological discoveries that seem to corroborate events and places in the Bible."
"Names that didn't exist anywhere but in the Bible turned up on monuments in Nineveh, and in the plains of Sharon, and in Egypt, and elsewhere."
"It makes more sense to me that the Bible has a historical pattern that's showing up."
"Are you worthy to see some of the most amazing biblical archaeological evidence that you have ever seen?"
"We all know what happened: Solomon started off well, had a perfect Kingdom, worshiped God perfectly in the temple."
"The Gospel of John says the Jewish leaders took Jesus to the Palace of the Roman Governor."