
Roman History Quotes

There are 229 quotes

"Look at state street, it's so long and so straight, it's a classic example of Roman military engineering."
"Take a look at this and this and this. It may seem hard to believe, but the locals here in rural Lincolnshire reckon that all these are part of a posh Roman building."
"Our excavation gives us the rare chance to shed light on what seems to be a rural yet wealthy and active Roman settlement."
"If there was a palisade here, it suggests a high status Iron Age settlement. This might explain why people were still living in Wickenby in Roman times."
"This late third-century coin fits with the date of the Roman beaker I'm excavating."
"Beneath these well-tended lawns and patios could lie the biggest Roman villa ever discovered in Suffolk."
"In short, he deftly maneuvered his way through the murky political situation in Rome, sowing the seeds of a Caesarean pseudo-monarchy."
"It would be in this darkness that the Romans would find their strength, warfare was endemic in Italy, this constant fighting between neighbors meant that only the toughest could rise to the top."
"In refusing these honours and titles Tiberius provided a public demonstration of his adherence to moderation and his feeling on the role the senate should play in governing the Roman state."
"Tiberius opened the case with a well-reasoned speech, arguing that only facts should be taken into consideration."
"Upon Sejanus’s fall, there was seemingly no return to reason and many fell victim to the trials and cruelty that followed."
"All too often, we remember the Roman wars without considering the Roman peace which followed."
"Roman soldiers were professionals who signed on for an obligatory 25 years in the Army."
"Rome's great military strength was not that they were invincible on the battlefield, but their ability to absorb and recover from defeats."
"The ability to turn former enemies into allies was one of Rome's greatest strengths."
"Rome didn't fall because of migration; it fell when it started acting against its knowledge that migration, when handled intelligently and compassionately, is a benefit."
"But perhaps ultimately he was both of these things simultaneously, both the ruthless and power-hungry man who ended the Roman Republic and made himself ruler of an empire, and the individual who brought stability to a withered Republic which was dying long before he consigned it to history."
"The 4th century AD is a fascinating period for Roman history. This is not actually the point when the Western Roman Empire collapsed; that's about a century down the line, but this is where all of those seeds were sown."
"The Battle of Actium...when the people who fought it out after Julius Caesar is assassinated have their climactic encounter."
"For the Romans, the only escape was over the rooftops."
"Hadrian's decision... eventually secure Hadrian's name as being one of the greatest and most unconventional of all of Rome's emperors."
"The Roman Emperor: a title with various connotations, but not a monarch."
"Rome is a good example of growth from village to empire."
"Augustus, the first emperor, ruled for 43 years."
"Rich in detail varied in purpose and linked to an intriguing mystery these objects might be small but they tell an amazing story in the history of Roman Yorkshire."
"While I may disapprove of Caesar's actions in his early career, I abhor his assassins."
"For most of the republic's history its success came from fantastic Roman teamwork, but here its downfall came primarily from the selfishness of powerful Romans."
"The year 69 subsequently became a year of the Four Emperors."
"The fall of Rome was not an event. It was a long schedule of months and years of deterioration of all of the values and civilized tactics that created a nation."
"We have a Roman building, and actually down there we've got a room with what looks like a hypocaust system."
"A Roman sword was discovered on Oak Island in Canada and nobody knows why..."
"The Romans further implemented their culture in Britain."
"Unless we start working towards that dynamic, the social war type dynamic of the Roman Republic transition to empire, we're going to end up in the same place."
"Many late Roman commanders broke the rules around term limits and age restrictions when they stood for high office, confident that they had the backing of both the military and the masses."
"Surely in a sense, Caesar must be the first emperor."
"He persuaded the Roman people that one person ruled could work."
"Pompeii has taught us more about Roman life than many other ancient archaeological sites anywhere in the world."
"Pompeii: an open book on Roman civilization."
"According to the story, Publius Decius Mus mounted his horse and suicidally charged headlong into the enemy ranks."
"It seems that this ethos was particularly strong amongst the Roman aristocracy."
"Virtus is the badge of the Roman race and breed. Cling fast to it, I beg you men of Rome, as a heritage that your ancestors bequeathed to you."
"How then could someone who embodied the virtues of the Mos Maiorum hasten the decline of the Republic?"
"This could mean that Roman Pap Castle was a much bigger and more important place than had been previously thought."
"We've uncovered one of the biggest Roman villas to be found for decades."
"Succession posed a problem for the Romans for two reasons."
"Pompeii is the most important archaeological site in the Roman World."
"In a way Caesar saved Rome by destroying the then-unstable and unworkable Republic."
"The volume of this trade increased significantly with the establishment of Roman Egypt."
"One of the best preserved structures is the mighty Pantheon, the former temple to all the Gods of ancient Rome."
"We shift from the entertainment hub to the centre of Roman public life at the Forum."
"The die is cast. I despise alike the favor and the fury of Rome."
"It reminds me of ancient Rome when the returning General returns to Rome in Triumph."
"The irony is that after Constantine, Jesus, who had been crucified by the Roman army, was now depicted as its leader."
"In opening up what could turn out to be one of the most significant villa sites in the country, we've had a unique view into Roman life in Britain."
"The tradition of Roman bodyguards dates back to the earliest history of its armed forces."
"Julius Caesar, according to most historians and political analysts, the most important figure in Roman history."
"Marcus Aurelius being the man that he was funded ceremonial funerals across the board though this notably helped to wipe out the imperial treasury."
"Rome's success: 'There is no guarantee in life apart from death and taxes.'"
"Roman taxation: a win-win for the empire and the conquered."
"Ancient Rome: powerful yet not as wealthy as assumed."
"Three days ago we came here to Bath looking for Roman burials and some mysterious buildings. We found both."
"No one before or after him could take on and defeat the Roman legions with such contemptuous ease."
"Mark Antony: the man whose death heralded the birth of an empire."
"The fall of this key fortress incited a cascade of defections around the whole province, in favor of Caesar’s cause."
"True to his promise, eventually had them crucified."
"It's estimated that 60,000 to 100,000 slaves were employed to complete the Coliseum."
"For the romans, this was a most glorious victory that surely would clean the disgrace of Teutoburg."
"Roman power extended much further than the size and mobility of its army would initially suggest."
"They do a good job in this game of showing different points in Roman history even though it wouldn't have actually really looked quite like this."
"Germanicus received the privilege of a triumph."
"Germanicus launched a brutal two-pronged attack against the Chatti."
"The Romans drove the enemy from the battlefield."
"Crassus would never forgive Pompey for claiming part of his glory, but eventually, alongside Julius Caesar, they would form the First Triumvirate and thus further accelerate the downfall of the Roman Republic and the Rise of the Roman Empire."
"The skeleton of a Roman woman... Bears an odd tumor embedded with teeth hidden in her pelvis."
"The Baths of Caracalla: an authentic ancient Roman experience."
"Great again I thought this was a great decision to do the Punic Wars people love Rome there's a lot to learn."
"I swear, so soon as age will permit, I will use fire and steel to arrest the destiny of Rome."
"Give them bread and circuses and they won't care."
"Embroiled Rome in a conflict that would last over 250 years."
"Crassus played a pivotal role in Sulla's second civil war."
"The slave took his name... from slavery to citizenship... quite unique."
"Providing water for their populations was one of the greatest benefits of being part of the Roman world, there's no doubt about that."
"The tragedy of Herculaneum is impossible to ignore."
"These mysterious peoples of a bygone Italy are more than a stepping stone of Roman history."
"Rome had never seen a champion the likes of Pompey the Great." - Plutarch
"Had Octavian lost the battle of Actium, both Roman and Egyptian history would have taken very different courses."
"Octavian triumphed over Antony and Cleopatra in the Battle of Actium."
"Nero's remembered because he was the first emperor to create a Christian martyr."
"He was thirty years and six months old, the last of the Julio-Claudian line that stretched back to Augustus."
"A very powerful man in the Roman world during his time period."
"The Parthians turned back launching more arrows at the Romans as they quickly caught up with them and encircled them."
"Septimius Severus would declare himself Parthicus Maximus."
"The Romans had just managed to outclass the Mediterranean seafaring superpower."
"After the Marian reforms, anyone could become a Roman soldier as long as they met physical and legal requirements."
"Cornelia was the first wife of Julius Caesar."
"Archaeologists have discovered the Vindolanda tablets in the former Roman military camp Fort Vindolanda."
"Roman engineers designed and built public spaces."
"It seemed that Caesar would dominate Roman politics for the rest of his life."
"With that, Caesar ordered the 13th Legion across the Rubicon."
"The terrible fate of Carthage had not only left Rome as the supreme power in the western Mediterranean but also served to instill fear and terror into the Republic's many potential enemies."
"Caesar was, for all practical purposes, the master of Rome."
"The Roman world reaches its peak under Antoninus Pius."
"History may regard the Roman Empire as inevitable, but its rise was neither swift, nor guaranteed."
"Passionately a gruesome Relic suggests that the ancient Romans fed their captives to lions even though Britain was on the outskirts of the ancient Roman Empire."
"The submerged city of the Caesars, lost for over 17 centuries beneath the turquoise seas of Italy's West Coast, has been rediscovered, shedding light on ancient Roman luxury and excess."
"This is the first complete excavation of a cremation at Bird Oswald, possibly of a Roman soldier who patrolled this distant frontier 1,700 years ago."
"He changed the trajectory of Rome's march to greatness."
"Through Ostia, the port town founded by Ancus, all initial Roman forays into the Mediterranean were launched."
"Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian now stood atop the Roman state completely unopposed."
"A simple message was spread through Rome proclaiming Caesar’s success: veni, vidi, vici. I came, I saw, I conquered."
"The New Testament records that Pilate released the rebel leader and crucified Jesus."
"This was all done with the blessing of the pope and the Roman empire."
"Some of which date back as far as Roman rule... let's make the entire city creepy they said in French."
"The double siege of Alesia... a testament to Roman engineering expertise and logistical finesse."
"What will be made of these records and findings are open to theory and speculation, but the annihilation of the 9th in the north is definitely very likely."
"Especially since it was carried out by such an inferior nation at that time."
"Varus was dead, and so Varus and all senior officers, fearing that they would either be taken alive or slaughtered by their bitterest enemies, nerve themselves for the dreaded but unavoidable act and took their own lives."
"The Romans were so afraid of him and his military prow that they never confronted him."
"Christianity grew while Rome remained strong, and when Rome declined, her enemies became the church's enemies."
"Augustus was the founding father of Roman autocracy."
"The head of Augustus was actually preserved because it was a trophy of some Outsiders victories over Rome."
"The Roman Road to Global Empire was always smooth as when they affected a generous and honorable stance."
"Freedom, like you mentioned before, how Roman slaves are much more likely than their Greek counterparts to be freed."
"It's a way of saying you can become a full member of Roman society."
"Even the most humane Roman will say, 'Treat them kindly,' but never consider the fact that you could do away with it entirely."
"Augustus who was in effect the heir and successor of Julius Caesar who was the pivotal figure in the middle of the first century BCE the first Roman to be deified and it made made a god because although he was an aristocrat he was a leader of the popular party."
"Julius Caesar was assassinated shortly after he was declared dictator for life another unprecedented phenomenon technically not the first emperor but his great nephew an adopted son he adopted in as well Octavian go on to be the first emperor Augustus."
"This was done in the 1930s in order to excavate out of the urban fabric the old mausoleum of Augustus, the first of the Roman emperors."
"The oldest relic of all on Winchester streets, the last remains of the Roman walls that surrounded the town of Venta Belgarum."
"These stone remains are around 1800 years old and were built in the third century to replace the Romans' original wooden defenses around their settlement."
"Looks like a nice place to go for a visit, especially if you love Roman history."
"The most celebrated recent franchise where the echoes of Roma are really overt... that's the Hunger Games."
"Aqueducts... when it was too deep, they built one aqueduct and then another set of it on top."
"The Romans were very good at taking other people's ideas and running with them."
"The emperors of Rome, including the one emperor who survived emperor-hood, certainly lived well."
"The secret message that Roman soldiers were spreading is Jesus makes God's work possible."
"When these Vindolanda shoes popped up, they started revealing the presence of women and children in these spaces."
"With his five legions, Caesar orders a forced march in pursuit of the Pompeians."
"By using their engineering and construction abilities as another weapon against their enemies, the Roman army became one of the most effective siege armies in the history of the world."
"The only option left was to get over the wall and secure them by storm, the traditional Roman way."
"Julian, who had been raised a forgotten exile, was now the sole ruler of the Roman Empire."
"Hannibal was such a brilliant tactician that he repeatedly crushed the Romans on the battlefield."
"Writing initially in Greek and later in Latin, a number of Roman scholars went through a laborious research and produced remarkable works."
"Arguably the most important scholar who wrote about the early kingdom was Titus Livius, or Livy."
"His style of narration was quite unique to the Romans at that time as he focused on the character of the historical figures."
"The last and one of the most important sources of the Roman historians were the scholars known as antiquarians."
"Theodora was one of the most interesting figures in all of Roman history."
"Trajan was Rome's emperor from 98 to 117 CE and is credited with being Rome's most prolific, successful, and well-liked emperor."
"His oldest bottle, a Roman perfume bottle from the time of Roman occupation, was what sparked his interest in metal detecting."
"It's absolutely critical for us to understand the area... before the Romans got to the northern part of Africa."
"Emperor Hadrian died surrounded by statues and images of his one true love, Antinous."
"Titus was extremely capable, he was also extremely popular in Rome with the people, with the Senate."
"...the domus AA of the emperor Nero... is one of the greatest rooms in Roman architecture..."
"This was the noblest Roman of them all."
"Augustus becomes king without ever calling himself king."
"Rome reached its peak of power during the rule of Trajan."
"Caesar ended up winning and was named the dictator of the Roman Republic."
"The agony and ecstasy of bringing Roman history to a large online audience."
"Over the life of the republic, the Romans developed an elaborate constitution with power separated into many offices and assemblies."
"One of the characteristics of the Roman army was the fact that they would adapt depending on how their armies would function on the field."
"The strength of the Roman army was its organizational efficiency."
"Ballista made the signal with his bow; the arrow with the bright fletchings shot almost vertical into the dark sky."
"History is what it is, and rather than taking a breath, the Romans moved East."
"The discovery of a perfectly preserved ancient Roman Pagan Temple beneath the streets of Vatican City has sparked wild speculation."
"Augustus presented his rule as a return to the old Roman virtues."
"The rise of Rome is really good because oftentimes when you learn about Roman history it's much later."
"The Umayyad Mosque, built on the site of a Roman temple."
"Roman slavery was not based on any kind of ethnic designation at all; Romans were enslaved to other Romans."
"The population as a whole largely bought into the idea of Rome because they felt they got something out of it."
"All legitimacy in the Roman state resides with the people."
"While the Romans may have lost battles, they seldom lost a war."
"Having defeated Mark Anthony, Octavian found himself in control of the entire Roman world."
"The term 'Pict' is thought to have originated as a generic term by the Romans, where the Latin word 'Picti' is taken to mean 'painted or tattooed people'."
"The firehouse sheds rare light on the daily life of ordinary Romans and the way the imperial city was run."
"The good emperors, or the Antonines, is the high point of Roman civilization."
"He leaves his son in charge mid-war and returns to Rome, settles the Civil War, and becomes the Emperor."
"The Colosseum... gives you a sense that this was built for the people of Rome."
"Julius Caesar was winning the Roman civil war against Pompey, having recently defeated his great rival at the climactic battle of Pharsalus."
"Caesar himself raised another; he now had almost 50,000 men in Gaul under his command."
"In 27 BC the Roman Republic, a decayed and dying institution, was taken out back and shot in the head by Augustus, who ushered in the age of the emperors."
"No engines to speed up the work in Roman times, just people using handmade tools, pulleys, and cranes. Truly incredible."
"Cleopatra's history was written by her enemies, her Roman conquerors."
"Romans would have hated even the idea of a powerful woman."
"That is unequivocally the best example of a Roman road I've seen in my life."
"In 60 BCE, Caesar would form the first triumvirate, an alliance with two other powerful politicians that would change Roman history."
"The most remarkable thing about Rome's calendar wasn't how it functioned but that it managed to function at all."
"But the ever-adaptive Romans took up the challenge and introduced one of the most famous military structures in history."
"It's a dramatic statement of Roman power and control."
"Individual glory sought through military action was a tried and accepted way for Roman citizens to distinguish themselves."
"This was their epic war that really defined who they were and showed the world the depths of Roman resolve."
"Julius Caesar was the most famous and most popular man in the history of Rome."
"Octavian, the true heir to Caesar, the greatest Caesar of all of Roman history."
"The Pax Romana, the Peace of Rome."
"The evolution of the Roman and, by extension, our modern calendar is the story of finding the compromise between these two cycles."
"Citizens, soldiers, and allies of Rome unite in Pandemic: Fall of Rome."
"All of these elements are introduced formally during the reign of the emperor Diocletian."
"In fact, we do seem to be getting the sort of finds you'd associate with a Roman villa."
"In the name of justice, I call upon the murders of Caligula to step forward."
"I tell ya, those Romans are crafty bastards."
"They are consciously commissioning and displaying for all that come that they are buying into this part of the Roman dream."