
Attire Quotes

There are 594 quotes

"Courtroom attire is all about communication, very subtle communication, and the ways in which a legal team or a party or even a witness could convey some kind of a particular message to the jury without actually saying it."
"If you look at a cop dressed up as a cop, you go, 'That's a cop.' You see someone dressed up as a fireman, you go, 'Yeah, that dude runs into burning buildings.' You see a woman dressed up super revealing, you go, 'Yeah, I want to go talk to her. She looks like she's open to being approached.'"
"When asked where the pants are, she was told, 'No pants, only big boots.' And that's her origin."
"I tailor my clothing to ensure maximum seriousness."
"The three-piece suit is the traditional means of conveying seriousness in western culture."
"More power to them. That's what I wear every day. I wake up and I think, if only the world had less people dressing provocatively, that surely that would fix life's problems."
"I mean dude you literally cannot go wrong if you walk into a hotel or basically any type of business and you have this type of an outfit on."
"You want to show up in a non-patterned swimsuit with a pair of heels."
"On the bright side, you're the talk of the party. People like your dress."
"Wearing that has gotten me so many more compliments."
"Just because I'm dressed this way does not make me a hoe. Which is true gentlemen, that is true."
"Wearing nothing but a diaper, this was marketing genius."
"If Balthazar can wear a tie, you can wear a tie."
"He was dressed in a perfectly tailored suit."
"You are never fully dressed without a smile, so turn that frown upside down."
"Wear black, because you're going to your own funeral."
"But if that's a decision that you made, be confident in that decision. If that's what you want to wear, be confident in that."
"It's just my outfit because I'm about to go to work."
"This is not about being sexy. This is about being practical."
"Dark shirts don't show sweat, never let him see you sweat."
"The skinnier your pants are, the more mask you are."
"It's always better to be overdressed, right?"
"If you're in a speedo, that's not comedy... Everything is what you do."
"This hair this little one piece is actually really really nice."
"Make sure you look like you're going to brunch or to Easter not like you're going to a frat party or strip club."
"This dress is the cutest dress I've ever worn ever owed."
"A simple black suit, but in a way that feels like you actually care."
"I personally wouldn't want anybody to feel so visibly and like deeply uncomfortable with what they're wearing in a way that it would affect sort of how they feel in a day that's supposed to be a celebration."
"I don't know if you noticed, but I did put on a blue shirt specifically for this occasion."
"I really cannot bear uncomfortable underwear."
"I just find that attire and that smile so annoying Shen deburred me."
"You gotta wear your good clothes all the time. You don't save it for special occasions."
"There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing."
"Building a professional wardrobe... can completely change your confidence and your self-perception."
"It is definitely one of the cooler suits that we see just because it's so unique and different."
"Honestly, the coverage is pretty good for a strapless moment."
"During the mission, you can pick up the fake samurai jacket."
"You should probably wear something Star Wars today."
"Paying attention to your clothing and dress is not shallow."
"Throughout most of Dragonball, Goku is hardly ever seen without his signature orange gi."
"Khazar was kneeling resplendent in his yellow and green robes as he made his request before a towering form in a horned helm."
"Wear something you're comfortable in. There's nothing worse than going on a date and you're conscious about what you're wearing."
"You're never fully dressed without a smile."
"I'm really cozy because I'm in my sweatsuit."
"I feel more ready for the day; I feel good, I feel light, I feel beautiful, I feel confident in dresses."
"I feel amazing. It feels so great to have my dress."
"That's a great way to do smart casual."
"I believe a married man should have... as you stand in your suit with your glasses and your research."
"That's comfortable for me, you know what I mean? Comfortable is getting up, throwing on a t-shirt, some shorts, and a snapback hat. Put that on, I'm good to go, man. That's comfort for me."
"It's like a power suit; it really does put you in a mindset."
"It’s the first time in my life that I wear a jacket, tie, together with pajama pants and slippers."
"...he was very, very beautiful, wearing her new clothes."
"He was dressed in a regal white linen shirt; it had become essentially his trademark."
"Wearing clothes that get me in the mood of creating."
"Lots of the war shirts that the Indians wore like on the plains would have one of these mounted on the front of it."
"It's more pleasant for the patients, they won't be scared of the white coat."
"Women in Qatar were dressed very modestly."
"You wear a suit if you want, or a sweater, or if you're a pretty little lady, a dress, wear a bonnet."
"I got to admit, I'm high too. That's just what we do when we get together. I'm going to make this fit though tonight because my sister planned on twirling."
"You literally like when you open your wardrobe in the morning and you don't know what to wear you can just put this on and it literally will work for anything."
"I'm just a big sweatshirt, but I'm actually going riding."
"Shunsui's eccentric attire hides a tragic backstory."
"It was actually a good like good weather to wear dress see how I'm just War to myself cuz true really can't M he can't even engage in a conversation while doing this figure it out."
"I gotta wear a nice fit to the Houston dinner so I think we're gonna go with."
"He's getting all dressed up. I never had a fitted suit before."
"There's something about putting on a plaid shirt that makes you feel like you're gonna get some stuff done today."
"It was 40 degrees outside. They looked like they were dressed for summer."
"...fusing technical mastery with stiff, strong power moves and retina-straining multicolored singlets..."
"A nice white shirt can be dressed up or dressed down."
"It's always better to be a little bit overdressed than underdressed."
"Well, I can't really keep walking around like this," I said, gesturing to my bare skin. 'You can't?' he asked, raising an eyebrow. 'Why not?'
"I had this beautiful ball gown wedding gown that I bought had it on layaway for a year it was beautiful."
"This season, corporate attire is having its moment."
"Every time I put this dress on I'm like, no, this is what I should wear for every bridal occasion."
"When it comes to Black Tie, what you're going to see women wear the most is a good old floor length dress."
"I never like wearing sweats or any form of sweatpants because I think it's so lazy to wear it outside of your house."
"Your best 90s attire, put that on, period."
"he plays in red and white, he's effing Dynamite."
"Oh, you never know, I dress Big Island today, huh? Green and Lava Rock black, okay."
"Something else you could do for a little bit more maybe business appropriate, although I don't know, maybe depending on what kind of work you do this outfit just might not be business appropriate at all because it's very short."
"Just strolls off in his underwear, just pours himself a cup of coffee, still standing in his underwear."
"One wearing the business suit is Dapper Spider-Man."
"Your suit looks real trash when you ain't funny. Like, why they got on the suit? It turned into the chopping suits [__]. Or a suit to do this, not the whole hand you clearly at your funeral."
"Hi kids, I'm Smokey the Bear. Isn't it weird that I don't wear a shirt?"
"The way I dress can affect my self-confidence, and for somebody starting out in a new job, I want to be able to do what I can to provide as much of a boost in their confidence as possible."
"A dress that you don't have to think about."
"Imagine showing up to a date didn't know it was a funeral but you're like in pink or like yellow or something."
"She looks beautiful. I don't even dress like this to go to church, do I now?"
"You can't be overdressed, but you can be underdressed. Always updress the company a little bit."
"Abyss is dominating earlier on, at the start of the match, and he's wearing his McDonald's outfit."
"This right here, it's like a chill fit for me. It's like walking around the crib, like, check the mail, something like that."
"I love my dress. God, I love my dress."
"We've got it. I even put my summertime shirt on."
"I kind of feel like a CEO of some sort of business mature man really well grown wearing suits all the time would rock this as a signature."
"The culture was becoming much more casual with its attire."
"Things are getting serious when the bandana comes out."
"Jane, that's a very pretty coat you're wearing, Jane. A pretty blue coat, mister, to keep me warm."
"...amazing Cuisine... bring some nice clothes to get dressed up at night."
"Fiona's dress is practical to move in because she's an adventurer who never backs down from a fight."
"The dress means a lot to me. It gives me so much confidence."
"Black is essential for people who work in those professions or a situation where you find yourself attending a funeral, a wedding, a job interview, or anything of that nature. A court appearance because black is the color which will be expected."
"She fits in perfectly, she's wearing all black like she knew what to wear. Hell yes, girl, take a moment to revel in it."
"I could give birth in this dress because it's flowy."
"You can be funny with no pants on."
"A white shirt and black pants are must-haves for any working woman."
"Every wardrobe needs a cocktail dress for special occasions."
"A wool coat is essential for winter and fall."
"You think I wore this for you? So who'd you wear it for?"
"But now he was standing up really straight, dressed in a tight-fitting blue uniform with gold buttons, like the ones servants wear in a banking company."
"A man in black commands attention and respect."
"I've still got jumpers and socks and boots, so I'm not in my sandals yet."
"What are you wearing? You look different, bigger. Is that actually armor?"
"Back home for the afternoon changed into a little bit of a more comfy grout fit cuz I'm just at home for the evening now."
"I wish there was more consistency with location beyond the hoodie, atlas elite all wear suits because that's all they have."
"How you dress directly impacts how you feel at work and how others perceive you."
"When a man wears a sports jacket, he commands respect."
"Success has a uniform, and it's a sports jacket."
"Golfers are athletes. That's why we should be able to wear shorts."
"We're all in our matching outfits."
"If you want to see the way people respond to you differently, put on a suit and tie."
"He was bedecked in traditional wrestling street fight attire of a sleeveless black t-shirt and blue jeans tucked into, of course, a lovely pair of cowboy boots."
"Show up in a suit and tie for the panel interview. Dress for the top position in that department."
"He wore a garment of hair with a belt of leather."
"By definition, a suit is any jacket and trouser combination - as well as the optional presence of a waistcoat - that are all cut from the same cloth."
"You look great in that black dress."
"It was just so special to put on a gown that's so intricate and detailed and beautiful. It just was really, really special."
"Lucina stood before the mirror in her black dress."
"A salesperson should always be the best dressed person in that room. Nobody wants to do business with a slob."
"This is pretty much what I'd be wearing on any average day."
"Wearing clothes that fit you and that you feel good in can then make you feel more confident."
"I started planning what I would wear immediately. I settled on a T-length dress I had worn to other people's weddings with matching colored chiffon shawl and flats as well as a real pearl necklace and earrings. Classy."
"...scores of people, most of them sufficiently sabbatical to have assumed their best clothes."
"He was astonished the way he dealt. He turned up in the most beautiful, I think it was black Prada suit looking absolutely spectacular and just had people riveted from the very beginning."
"Whether you've been watching this video at home in a plush velvet robe while sipping a brandy or simply sitting on your couch in your underwear (no judgment, by the way), we hope that you've found interesting what classic gentlemen wore at home."
"You will find you can accomplish so much more in this world if you are appropriately dressed."
"...it bestows upon the wearer of that tie a hike in the perceptions of others."
"It's actually really cold today that I've had to put my jumper around my around my shoulders."
"She looked like a bandit in black clothes."
"The reason why Valkyrie's wearing a business suit when she shows up instead of a suit of armor is because she just normally wears a regular suit while she's being king or queen of Asgard."
"I look at it like it's for work, like how a man when he's going to the office he wears his badge."
"Maybe this person has to wear something formal for work."
"I like to be comfortable but why do you have to change in the movie theater you could just come with the sweats nah man I can't walk in with those sweatshirts they'll be see-through they might be really looking at your camel toe."
"Make sure you wear business attire."
"If you walked up even a janitorial supply uniform and said 'you go put money in that guy's meter, he's short', people obeyed like 78% of the time versus if they were dressed in jeans they'd go 'no'."
"Honestly, buddy, nobody likes wearing a suit. No one likes being stuck in that weird monkey suit where you can't move around sound and you feel very constricted and really hot and weird."
"I don't even know what that means. No trousers, does that mean no underwear?"
"Honestly, it's also my most dressy watch and so I don't dress up too much."
"Wear whatever you would normally wear when you're trying to present your best self."
"You don't want to come in underdressed, you want to present yourself well."
"No one is tending to the accessories, the accoutrements, which truly complete a gentleman's attire and elevate his dress from one level to the next."
"I have popped on a gorgeous fuchsia colored dress."
"What do you think a billionaire should dress like?"
"That's pretty good hat flashing that bat."
"I usually just wear pajamas when I'm at home."
"I am ready, ready, ready. I'm going with the leather coat from Zara."
"Now on our legs, in the presence of the Queen, we don't wear trousers, we wear pantaloons. Tights."
"I think hands down the most extra thing I've ever worn in my life."
"I'm really disappointed I can't wear the nose holding hand, I got my Texas holding hat down here in Mexico."
"Honestly, if you invited me to your wedding and you gave me these Specific Instructions for what to wear, I would have a lot of fun with it."
"Argentine was wearing the Malia Rosa for the first time in his long career."
"Waist coats for casual dress is one way to introduce a little bit of fun to your overall outfit."
"I'm already wearing, I've still got my blue top on inside."
"What you wear to travel is the beginning of your adventure."
"Why are you nervous? You're confident, you're wearing pink."
"She had been walking around the water park with [__] in her bikini the whole day."
"This would be the perfect Christmas dress."
"This is exciting stuff, then we got some flip-flops for the beach, wear tennis shoes, my converse."
"...black suits are seen as less formal whereas various shades of gray, blue, and sometimes brown are seen as more formal and therefore, business appropriate."
"The dress for the man is the same at a wedding and a funeral because you're saying goodbye to your previous self."
"This is where I get dressed in the morning and I make sure that I look okay in my brave wilderness attire."
"It looks very wide dress, so great for modesty purposes."
"Just a fair bit, but they were both when they were wearing the, well, not her, not so much because hers was lighter, but he was very sort of like this all the way."
"Your dress comfort matters, it matters."
"I'm not gonna have cleavage hanging out at the office."
"She said there were six more clubs to go but if I wanted to walk home in that outfit I was welcome to try."
"These figures depict real women, men, and children in everyday attire, some representing stock characters from Greek comedy, while some were religious."
"I feel very pretty when I wear this dress."
"I just feel like now I've just got to take myself more serious and I feel serious when I'm in a suit."
"I said sympathy, Jack. Any bar person coming to work dressed like Coco the Clown's looking to get wages, never mind raises."
"This looks super professional. I love this look for Workwear."
"I felt so beautiful when I wore this dress."
"It was just a very surprising dress."
"Better to be overdressed than underdressed."
"Dressing well and presenting oneself with care were not just social customs but also spiritual practices emphasized by the Prophet Muhammad."
"Bruce, you pour yourself into skin-tight body armor every night; you can handle a tie."
"Happy looks good on you, long sleeve t-shirt."
"For me, a tuxedo is a way of life. When an invitation says Black Tie Optional, it is always safer to wear Black Tie."
"I always feel the most confident in a workout set."
"It's going to be comfy but it still gives a dressy Vibe."
"You look very nice in this dress."
"I feel like the best version of myself in the sweater."
"Suge put on a suit and tie and he comes to court."
"This dress just makes me feel so beautiful."
"Respecting yourself and dressing in a way you know demands respect."
"Suit up properly. It's about the other pieces as well."
"I was actually going to a wedding, I was going to my niece's wedding and I was wearing a hat, I had purple shoes and I was going to use the flowers in it."
"A loafer can be worn casually, with business casual, or even with a suit."
"I'm wearing sweatpants man. Yeah, you don't go pantsless in your own house."
"Deceased was wearing a suit of navy blue serge."
"Have you ever seen any bride walking down the aisle on her wedding day in her pajamas?"