
Motive Quotes

There are 343 quotes

"They don't need to prove a motive, but juries want to know why."
"The state argued that Ashley was motivated to kill Doug to keep him out of her daughter's life."
"The major takeaway from 'Duel' was that it was one of the early pioneers of having a killer without a motive."
"A grudge that wouldn't quit. Revenge for being fired was the motive."
"Prosecutors say he killed his wife for insurance money and to be with his girlfriend."
"He killed mike. I'm pretty sure the reason he's going to kill you today is he was afraid he was going to do or say something or had speculation and yeah the financial's a big part of it but I think it's way bigger than just the financial."
"The suspect mentioned his motive in his confession saying that he was unhappy with former Prime Minister Abe and wanted to kill him."
"Somebody wanted him dead. There was a lot of motivation that maybe this was a contract killing."
"I feel like there was some passion behind this killing."
"I feel it doesn't fit the motive versus the means that it was carried out seems kind of contradictory."
"It seems like there's some emotion, some passion there."
"Through years of stalking, gathering resources and research, John crafted this plan with one motive in mind."
"It's scarier when there's no motive. You don't know why this guy is doing this."
"Who would benefit the most if Betty Jean was gone at that point?"
"He knew what he was doing as far as the purchases... also how he was gonna profit from their deaths."
"He admitted, that's it. Next revelation, he killed his brother solely for self-serving purposes."
"I just wanted to bring it up because you brought up the journal entry... the motive from those journal entries... would suggest that she wanted to be free."
"The motive is kind of irrelevant, yes it helps paint the narrative, but a motive isn't needed."
"The only motive is he was worth more dead than he was alive."
"The lack of motive is disappointing. It's tragic to think that two lives were needlessly taken for no reason."
"I'm just a simple tool to be used by that person, therefore that person would have the strongest motive."
"Pit Viper's entire role is as a hired assassin to take out Calypso but not for any righteous reasons."
"The reason I murdered Ryouma was because of what I saw in my motive video."
"There's no clear motive for these murders. He doesn't need a motive. That's the thing about a psychopath." - Phil
"I think Putin's been waiting for this. Motive and opportunity."
"The secret life of Walter Wallace was motive for murder."
"A potential motive may be revealed in court documents."
"We all want to understand why this happened and what drove someone to do this."
"The Jackson family believes Don Bohana murdered Dee Dee Jackson because she wouldn't bail him out of bankruptcy."
"It feels personal because, yeah, what is there to gain? I mean, you wouldn't, you have been better off abducting honey and Barry and trying to get ransom money, I mean, they're worth more alive, unless you stand to inherit something."
"The thought of someone killing another human being is often hard to comprehend, especially when there seems to be no motive behind the act."
"But the fact that they actually went on to kill them for no other reason than to increase their own wealth."
"It's greed. He wanted all of it." - Unknown speaker
"Nothing was known to have been taken from the house which ruled out robbery as the motive."
"I'm a firm believer that John Hill killed her for her money, plain and simple."
"The financial motive in this case was the $1 million life insurance policy."
"Would somebody really murder their wife for not having any more children with them?"
"What made a loving father massacre his entire family and their friends?"
"Why would Miss Minnie want to kill Dr. Grey?"
"She planned and prepared to execute this murder for the sole purpose of monetary gain."
"We give not because we're trying to get God to do something. We give because God's already done it."
"It's almost like he was just itching for you know a reason to shoot somebody."
"If they really found the motive and Gary knew so much about the crime, it seems to make sense."
"Understanding motive is an important element in understanding a crime."
"The evidence doesn't point to a crime of passion."
"So on the question of whether Jeopardy had a motive to get James off the show, the answer here is a big yes."
"In any serious crime, one of the things investigators use to narrow down suspects is motive."
"Otto Hightower has one big reason to want Emma to die, and that reason is his daughter Allison."
"We have a murder scene, we have the weapons, we just need a motive."
"I'm only with you so we can be in this highrise luxury apartment."
"Investigators were having a really hard time finding a motive at all."
"Nishimiya doesn't have any other motives besides just wanting a friend."
"It would subsequently be revealed in years to come that Morrison had owed $600 to Hale, a very substantial sum of money in the early 1920s, and he had carried out the murder in order to have the debt cancelled."
"This wasn't necessary to kill the man. It was done to mutilate."
"I have no idea what her motive was or her end goal was."
"The Warren Commission had argued that Lee Harvey Oswald had done this act because he was a Marxist. Well, there are millions of Marxists. They're not all pathological killers, okay?"
"Akainu's motivation is to destroy evil down to its roots."
"One motive for John Sharp murdering Anna was that she had discovered he had been abusing their daughter but this claim has not been substantiated."
"I guess she was just stealing for fun."
"Varys doesn't want to comfort Ser Kevan in his final moments. He wants to torture him."
"If Wendy died, Denis had nothing to gain and everything to lose."
"Investigators struggled to determine a potential motive for the brutal attack."
"The pursuit of equality has always been one of the important motive forces of human history."
"Well, they say the diamonds are a girl's best friend, but I wonder when they're a motive for murder."
"But here's a question for you... *why?* Why on earth would he go to the trouble of digging a *30 metre* booby-trapped hole to put treasure in?"
"What does Evil Morty have to gain by running the Citadel of Ricks?"
"What scares me the most about that guy though was that he never said what his reasoning was for his actions."
"This isn't why I want to kill him. Get it? 'Cause she's killed people out of vengeance."
"...the deliberate nature of the crime evidenced by actions such as severing the phone lines and the methodical execution of Jennifer's parents hinted at a deeply personal motive."
"I only did it to get her to feel the way I felt."
"He finally admitted to killing Robert himself and the reason and the motive behind it was to make his sister happy."
"Takasugi is a great villain with somewhat understandable motives without being evil for the sake of being evil."
"Just what the hell are they after anyway?"
"What's the motive, mode of an opportunity?"
"Classic motives involving sex, lies, money."
"You don't have to prove it right legally, prosecutors never have to prove a motive."
"It's all about the question why, why would Alec Murdock do this? It is the unthinkable type of crime."
"The motive in Christianity is to become like God."
"Cruella is far from the only Disney villain to go up against animals, but this motive easily makes her one of the darkest to do so."
"I can't think of any reasons why anyone would want to kill her. She was a fun-loving, easy person. She got along with everybody. She had no enemies in the world."
"The intent was to mislead, and the motive was financial gain."
"Why'd you steal the money, Jimmy?"
"Every time somebody comes to me about one thing, my mind starts racing, thinking about what they really might be after."
"Always question why someone is coming to you."
"He was just finding grocery stores and killing the owners."
"These robberies, they're not about the money, they're about the adoption papers."
"Why do you think they made the marriages they did? Was it for love? Was it an attempt at shaping a dynasty to succeed or perhaps even dethrone Elizabeth?"
"Why is she lying? Is she lying because she committed a murder or is she lying because she has been in a trist with someone for quite a while and doesn't want the world to know particularly law enforcement."
"At least it came from a place of love. He wasn't trying to hurt her."
"I definitely came with you to save the kid, but I had an ulterior motive too."
"I suppose I laid them against myself naturally. Not a bad idea either. It almost must worked. But why would I want to kill Camila to get me hanged? Because I left you for Adrian."
"Kelsey was naked which revealed the motive of this crime."
"And what you will see in the end is that Ashley MacArthur had the motive to kill Taylor Wright. Money. She had the opportunity to kill Taylor Wright. She did, in fact, kill Taylor Wright."
"I am Frank Draper, his only motive the only thing we know about him is that David would make fun of his ears."
"Suicide? Why for what reason? Maybe losing that contract. You said it was pretty important to him."
"Bowser decided to kidnap Princess Peach."
"9/11 was what these people wanted to happen."
"It was as if he wanted to be caught."
"If you're that worried that actually your whole life is going to be blown apart and revealed as a complete lie, then obviously that provides a strong motive in some people's cases to carry out the ultimate act, which is to kill somebody."
"Craig Smith admitted to killing his fiancee. He said he wanted the Galloway family business but had no interest in being married to Susan."
"Who could have executed such a crime and what was their motive?"
"The same reason people mess with you is the same reason why people try to mess with you."
"Was he just compelled to do it because he's a demigod and that's like his purpose?"
"The true motive behind these murders was notoriety."
"It's not just about what we do, but why we do it."
"During the course of the investigation, one of the elements that we examined was a potential financial motive for the crimes."
"Why would anyone commit such a vicious murder for so little money?"
"Why would someone Target the dogs and not the people?"
"Whoever the killer was, he didn't only want to kill the king, he wanted to destroy his Palace too."
"The morality of the action depends entirely upon the intention... but the motive... makes a great difference in our moral estimation of the agent."
"God does everything that he does for one very simple motive: love."
"To me, intention is justification. We hide behind it a lot, right?"
"If he already knows who they are, then why interrogate her in the first place?"
"...Ashley McArthur had the motive."
"Hitler believed the war would be decided by the control of oil supplies."
"I had initially presumed that they were looking for the medicine we keep locked in the storeroom."
"Murder-for-hire. I don't understand it. But apparently, I guess this is what sealed the deal. She paid him between fifteen hundred and ten thousand dollars and two sweet potatoes to kill her husband."
"He had nothing to gain by doing so."
"A man was about to die. There was nothing personal in his murder, just a cold-blooded business deal."
"For some, money is motive enough to commit murder."
"Altruism may hide selfishness; piety may conceal sinfulness."
"Even if I gave the money back but in front of everyone, who is that really doing that for?"
"Why did Jahad stop the Tower's ascent in order to become king, all of a sudden, just like that?"
"Forensic science has found ways to uncover murder, exposing Those Who Kill For Love or Money."
"It's not about revenge. I believe it's about equality."
"The real motive for the murder was a premeditated attack fueled by revenge."
"A lot of people have made speculation as to why I did this."
"I didn't do this for money or greed."
"Ah, may be right," he said. "But the only one with a motive is Allison Kerr."
"Was he a brokenhearted guy just trying to get his girlfriend back, or was he jealous and angry enough to go kill a man?"
"There’s a motive there. There has to be a motive in order to have a very, very old universe, a very, very old earth."
"The killing could have been motivated by some sort of revenge against priests or the Catholic church in general."
"pure and simple the motive behind the crime was robbery"
"Throughout this entire ordeal one question has lingered: why? Why did Jones kill innocent babies?"
"The truth was he wasn't ready to give up yet even if he wasn't sure of his motives."
"Do you believe that it was just a reason just to get you out of there, bro?"
"Felix is really the only character in the film who has genuinely good intentions and isn't tarnished by an ulterior motive."
"You don't kill someone for nothing. It wasn't an accident."
"Maybe that's his goal all along, just becoming the anti-hero."
"To action alone has thou a right never at all to its fruits. Let not the fruits of action be thy motive."
"Follow the money, always. Just follow the money."
"There was no motive for the three murderers other than the thrill of killing the man."
"The police ruled out robbery as a motive."
"Is it possible that that's a motive? In other words, he's saving the Republican Party from a meltdown."
"There was only one person you realize who would benefit by Mrs. Wellman's dying at that moment."
"They just care about profit, end of story."
"While I don't excuse the Troupe's horrible actions, I do find the motives and mechanisms behind those actions and the Spider itself to be complex and fascinating."
"It's heavy head Cannon to say that he did just because he didn't want to kill Sasuke."
"Sometimes it's worth questioning if those claiming they just want to help are really only concerned with helping themselves."
"There's honestly so much to go into here, but to me, it seems like Todd's motive and explanation of this crime were clear, so I'll let you decide what you think really happened."
"One before we fight, I gotta know. Why'd you do it, Milly? Why'd you split Rudy's ham?"
"If his whole motive is needling Midori into airing the hope video, why does he need to kill all of his co-workers in a roundabout fake killing game setup with a fake alternate underwater building poison game bangles and Among Us sprites just to accomplish that?"
"The murderer's motives always have something to do with the victim's past."
"What is your motive? What is your intention? Why are you even putting it out there?"
"I'm betting they'd like to collect the so-called ransom and close the operation as quickly as possible."
"The woman's behavior, her inaction, had a motive. In important respects, it was like intentional behavior and as such, it was irrational in the extreme."
"False teachers are out for something—they're trying to go against and they may even think they have good motives."
"Sometimes the motive is as banal just wanting to embarrass the person for a sick laugh."
"A simple string of beads, and each bead on it a motive for murder."
"Judas was with Jesus because it was good business."
"When God judges righteous judgment, he judges motive."
"She did not report this crime for money, she did not report this crime for publicity."
"Vegeta's first time transformation was of a different motive from Goku or Trunks."
"Murder is not about lust and it's not about violence it's about possession."
"There are only three motives behind a murder: financial greed, sex, and the pursuit of power."
"Scott didn't do it for no reason."
"These life events are big business for influencers, so they would be almost silly not to share them and there is that invested interest which means that these events may not always necessarily be coming from a genuine place, if that makes any sense."
"There was only one person in the world who had a motive to kill Lita, that was her husband James."
"He was meant to care for people but instead he was murdering them for no other reason than his own self-gratification."
"The FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit described Megan's motive as maternal desire, resulting from either a lost pregnancy or the inability to have her own child."
"However, he thinks ma probably has her own reasons like a typical villain."
"In a world where every time you turn on the news, some nut who's not supposed to be in this country pushed a pregnant woman onto the subway tracks or something, I like this kind of crime. It's got a theme, it makes sense to me."
"Intent should not be confused with motive."
"The most homicide investigations... the motive lies within the life of the victim."
"I guess technically she could have forged her check-in signature but why would she have done that? There would have been no point."
"You just wanted an excuse to dress up. More importantly, let's discuss your mission."
"This wasn't about impressing uncle Jamie. No, this was an experiment."
"Each of you who has any knowledge of a possible motive to write it down on a slip of paper which will be handed to you."
"These charges are not only categorically untrue, but they're driven by two things: money and revenge."
"What redeems all things including our boundaries is what's my motive."
"Investigators also noted that if this were a break-in, the motive wasn't clear."
"This guy's a magician or something the question is what is his motive like why does he even want to be here?"
"He killed his wife over a duck, he had a pet duck, and he loved it."
"Miss Keski knew that she had to create some reason why she had taken 50 grand out of the estate account."
"People don't typically lie unless they feel like they got something to possibly lose."
"The whole case wasn't about who did it, we know that they did it. The whole case is just about why."
"But I find it hard to believe that finding these pictures was definitely shocking to her but just not enough to murder somebody over, you know?"
"That is someone who wants Eric dead, and the person who benefited the most from Eric being dead is the defendant."
"This is a lawsuit born out of plain and simple spite from a jilted ex."
"I think she's just trying to get money, that's all."
"A girl could just kill her own father and not for any real motive either, just because she wanted to live her life the way she wanted to live her life."
"...this is not a money grab this is not me trying..."
"Whoever had built the Snowman was someone who had a personal vendetta against a woman who wrote under the pen name of Millie Stevens."
"As far as a motive, they were lost."
"It's like they care about drawing money or houses or like whatever."
"She reached out to you a year later because she knew she was in the running for Housewives and she wanted to befriend you so she would have a friend on the show. That's basically what you're saying."
"The question is, is he trying to prevent these disasters or cause them?"
"Ironically, Ashley pretended that empathy for her mother was the motive for the murder of her stepfather."
"Ashley did not get to the money. She didn't. At all."