
Real-life Impact Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"They always said Twitter's not real life, but it's got real-life implications."
"Sometimes the success in a game can very well lead to confidence in real life endeavors."
"Real life accomplishments... video games can sometimes cannibalize the sense of achievement that people should and would get from real life accomplishments."
"I want to remind everyone that the people Alec Murdaugh hurt are not characters in some saga fair; they're real people who are dealing with very real effects of his crimes."
"Anti-capitalist politics need to be accessible to ordinary people, showing how capitalism harms them in real life without room for bigotry."
"Part of the proceeds Hunter the Killer makes goes to an organization that solves actual cold cases in real life."
"The real metrics of whether you made it or not are not Facebook or YouTube comments; they are going to be the real-life implications and how they translate."
"You've changed the landscape of fan culture online, maybe even in real life."
"The fetishization of femininity is not even unique to media; it's a thing that people in their real lives have to deal with as well."
"The things said in a simple reading have genuine real life consequences."
"Economics is real life; it is people's jobs, livelihoods, and quality of life."
"The real life numbers are probably a lot higher."
"So, I think that's where it gets real, real scary."
"Sometimes we all have some real-life horror moments."
"What was your take on it when you read about this terrible scenario in Louisiana that this has just as much to do with what the law actually says as the real-life ramifications?"
"I don't know what happened there, but I was so terrified like I was already terrified because of the movie But but god damn it. It doesn't have to also be in real life. You know what I'm saying?"
"I think people really aren't aware how much they are adopting the romance... and trying to put it on their real life."
"She deserves the [ __ ] hype. She is just as dope in real life."
"From influencing online to influencing in real life."
"Look, man, I think that's kind of what happens is you see that [ __ ] happen to somebody that you know it's like not real."
"I love seeing their movies... but if I like somebody in real life, I will want to see their movie more."
"This is leading to actual acts in real life that are threatening people and their livelihoods."
"Classic Hollywood was saved by a real-life superhero."
"It's a climate change movie happening in real life."
"They had real lives, they were real people, they're not just a story."
"My only barometer of success is real-life impact."
"The Netflix producers should be ashamed for almost ruining Ken's life."
"If we're not protected we are vulnerable and that's a reality not a concept not not a theological speculation or a lofty thing in the catechism it's it's a reality."
"Sam Elliott is indeed a brave character in films and reality."
"This is stuff we see on Twitter. Yeah, this is really happening."
"It's like, oh Pizza who cares? No, a guy literally showed up with a [__] gun and fired off a couple rounds like no one got hurt but like this specific one has already years ago demonstrated uh the capacity to cross over into real life."
"One of cinema's and perhaps real life's most dramatic transformations."
"It seemed that Blaine had lived out a real-life horror fantasy."
"It is crazy like, I've seen these cars, I've seen pictures of these cars and videos but seeing it in person is just so different."
"So many of you guys have picked up your bathing suits and are now starting to receive them... you guys have been sending so many pictures and it's been so amazing to see the bathing suits on you in real life."
"Wow, that's half in real life. He's super scary. I was excited to see that one, bro."
"With movements like these, it's hard for anyone to make an earnest case that Jimmy is secretly a villain pretending to be a hero."
"There is healing that comes as a result of these practices in all of the people, 100% track record of healing moments in real life."
"Social media and real life, it's not about what you say, but what you do."
"Our hero of today's journey is Dr. jacqu, whose real-life counterpart actually saved my Dad's life."
"This is the time to really step up and be a true ally in your regular life. Not just on social media."
"The slender man as imaginary as he is played a part in a very real event."
"It's super valuable, and also it works the other way around as well. Like, I found that playing a lot of racing games throughout my life made me really good at go-karting."
"My goal was to show y'all that getting dragged on Twitter means absolutely nothing in real life."
"We do this in real life with real people every single day."
"The headquarters, which is a co-working space, was a way to address like let's take all of the benefits of community that a blog or online platform gives you but make it real in a way that can make your life better in real life."
"Forget social media, I'm dope in real life."
"These are real people who were affected by tragic accidents."
"Dave Mirra to me was like a video game character, a legend like someone I never even thought I'd see in real life."
"The show's popularity has led to the creation of the real-life Marty Byrde's Bar and Grill in Missouri."
"If most of your time spent online, that obviously spills over into real-life physical world life."
"I wish you guys could see this in real life, it's amazing."
"They see their role models in real life and really get inspired by that."
"Nothing helps me more than actually seeing someone's real life."
"You can't have female CEOs overnight, but if you show women on screen as scientists working in STEM careers in movies, then it's gonna happen in real life."
"What should be the object of all our interactions with social media is to come on to social media to facilitate the building of real things in your life."