
End Game Content Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The big unknown is the end game loop... How fun is it to play this game for many hours, for many months, for many years?"
"I enjoy both of these characters; I have a lot of fun with Yula because I am an endgame player."
"The loot side of the end game is surprisingly strong."
"At least there's some sort of endgame content and reason to push."
"This seems incredibly Innovative and according to the blog post according to Activision slash Infinity Ward themselves this will be the quote persistent end game of weapon customization."
"I like the fact that there is so much endgame content going into it."
"This game doesn't end once you've beaten all the movies; that's when the real game begins."
"Progression that you earn will matter at endgame and you'll be meaningfully ahead of where you were when you first hit max level on your first character."
"The endgame in Diablo 3 is a phenomenal game on the mechanical side."
"Maintaining a healthy endgame is crucial for player retention."
"Permanent or Evergreen endgame features that extend the challenges and reward opportunities after you've reached 100."
"Once you finish the campaign, it's time for end game and this is where, as ARPG and MMO players would say, this is where the real game begins."
"I'm obsessed with this idea...end game content of gaming for me."
"There's a problem when it comes to the end game for me versus the end game for a lot of other players."
"Now that we got all those force powers for Luke, we won't be able to use them again until the end of the game."
"There's a reason why 'FashionFrame' is endgame; it's because our last resort for something to do is making themselves look as dope as possible."
"If you really, really love large-scale PvP, it is an end goal that you can try to set for yourself."
"There's also going to be endgame variations of the dungeons through this key system."
"Create a character, level them up, reach the end game... that’s where the fun begins."
"As your gear score raises, new end game things will open up for your character."
"The last story mission is really the beginning of a whole different part of the journey. Now you're set up for the end game, and that end game is rich with things to do."
"This is a very significant update that is coming and important for end game players."
"There's something really fun about being overwhelmed with the sheer amount of stuff when you first reach endgame."
"Power level gives the impression that there will be an end game, but the current setup of the game does not deliver on that impression."
"But don't underestimate the challenge at the end of the game."
"Dungeons are not fun I get it we are only 25 levels act one but thinking that dungeons are gonna be the end game with more affixes are not really convincing."
"Don't be discouraged if people say your atlas nodes suck for your favorite mechanic because there's probably a lot more ways to scale it in the end game."
"Lost Ark is damn fun to play, includes engaging systems, and ultimately has an end game that we believe in."
"The main reason lies within the way that players scale up when you get to the endgame."
"I've always liked creative mode, with all the magic stuff, that you can do endgame stuff. And that's nuts."
"Warlock I love Warlock man and every single month more and more people are see in the hive just cuz this champion is the counter to about 80% of problem fights in the endgame."
"I'm now wondering what else they could do to keep people engaged at endgame."
"Once you reach max level and upgraded all of your equipment... there needs to be something to do."
"This is possibly the single most important thing in endgame Minecraft."
"Overall, I enjoyed this... towards the tail end of Endwalker."
"Apothecary, very fast, good for just about any content right through towards endgame before you start replacing them with better champs."
"Sun Break has addressed and then some the two main concerns of Rise which is difficulty and the lack of a satisfying proper fleshed out endgame loop."
"The end game system is meant to provide a significant challenge for players."
"Draconic Evolution is a super powerful endgame style mod."
"Deep Rock Galactic has some really interesting and exciting end game content and they're even consistently adding more as we speak."
"When it comes to MMOs, I've always felt that your end game content should be just as important as your leveling content."
"Using Clara in the end game yielded amazing results whenever there were many physical weak enemies."