
Historical Mysteries Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"This is reminiscent of some of those older cases that we're seeing like the Foo Fighters of World War II."
"The mystery of how these structures were constructed with such precision, using the tools claimed by traditional archaeology, continues to baffle researchers and enthusiasts alike."
"Much of ancient history remains unexplained."
"Maybe they were a lot more advanced than we think today. They had an understanding of architecture, medicine, the cosmos, and even the process of aerodynamics that's simply impossible for their time period."
"Considering that the pyramids were crafted with such precision, is it surprising to find circumstantial evidence that proves that exact and robust machine tools existed in pre-history?"
"Great enigmas like the pyramids of Egypt seem to somehow resist the passage of time, unchanging as it flows around them like boulders in the river of history."
"Is it possible that the ancient builders of Puma Punku and Tiahuanaco had access to advanced technology that's been lost in history?"
"Tesla may have uncovered the ancient Mysteries surrounding the pyramids."
"I guarantee there are some pretty big secrets out there that have been kept for decades."
"The Nazca Lines...as an unsolved mystery of human history."
"The count's death may have been officially recorded, but that did not stop him from popping up again throughout the 19th and 20th centuries."
"One other mystery that baffled experts is the precision of which the carving was done since the site is clearly very old."
"It's the best job in the world... it tells you about the mysteries of what happened on this planet a long time ago."
"Such discoveries move us one step closer towards finally understanding just who could have built the Great Pyramid complex of Egypt along with the many other currently unexplained feats of engineering present within the ancient ruins of Baalbek."
"Von Daniken claimed that this mass exodus was the result of unfulfilled contact with aliens."
"According to some experts in ancient history, biblical treasures stolen from Jerusalem’s Second Temple by the Romans in the year 70 could be hidden underneath the Vatican to this very day."
"Perhaps, the truth may be found buried in the Byzantine events of Doris Duke's final days, days which some believe may have ended in murder."
"Human history is replete with unanswered questions."
"Pyramids were for the Egyptians," archaeologist Rufino Mauricio says. "We don't know how they brought the columns here and we don't know how they lifted them up to build the walls."
"Finding Atlantis: What if the most extraordinary tale ever told is true?"
"For Clapp, this could mean only one thing: that the lost city of Iram had finally been found."
"These mysterious artifacts suggest the civilization responsible was not only advanced but possibly once more advanced than modern man."
"Was it mirror ingenuity or descended knowledge left by a far more superior entirely different and far larger race of people?"
"The ancient mystery of the dodecahedron persists."
"So how did a 100-year-old watch get sealed inside a Ming tomb?"
"Join us as we explore the Book of Enoch, which reveals shocking mysteries of our history."
"I wrote 'Fingerprints of the Gods' because I wasn't satisfied with the answers being given to a huge series of mysteries around this planet."
"Hopefully as the evidence and knowledge regarding said sites grows we will hopefully one day fully decipher the mysteries of not only Cappadocia but our own past as a whole."
"The sites mentioned are actually ruins left by the same highly Advanced and thus highly capable Lost Civilization responsible for many of the exquisitely stone-built sites which dot the many continents of Earth."
"But what I love about World War II there are still so many Mysteries just waiting to be explained."
"In the year 218 BC, a massive fleet of ships from outer space were witnessed in the sky over Rome."
"The golden airplanes could be evidence of an ancient culture's knowledge of flight well before modern times."
"Could this Chariot have been a UFO—an unknown glowing flying object that must have boggled the minds of us Muggles on the ground?"
"Nazi Antarctic base... New Swabia, allegedly built for military purposes."
"The mystery of this map is it shows Antarctica as it looks under the ice long before Antarctica is even supposed to have been discovered."
"No one knows who exactly built them and for what purpose."
"No one knows how many relics of the past are still slumbering in the eternal ice."
"15 strangest disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle."
"Baka pyramid: Why was the construction of the Baka pyramid stop so abruptly which personality should have been buried here and why was a military exclusion Zone set up in the relevant area which no civilians are allowed to enter?"
"The Aztec crash remains one of the most top-secret guarded topics."
"The secret Sphinx has confounded scientists for centuries, its mysteries lying deep within its ancient stone form."
"People have been disappearing from national parks in their thousands over the last few centuries."
"Baalbek is truly an enigma besides that of the Great Pyramid."
"Every country has its secrets and India is no exception."
"Otherwise it would be an awful big coincidence that so many treasures from so many different civilizations ended up on a random island off the coast of Canada."
"I wanted to know once and for all, did architecture once hold a lost function that has been hidden from us? Did the cathedrals hold a mystery? Yes."
"There aren't too many explosions throughout history that have been unexplained."
"The Voynich manuscript, which gets its name from the Polish book dealer who purchased it in 1912..."
"Perhaps one of the more exciting discoveries and mysteries in the modern age has been what lies beneath Stonehenge."
"Could it be that it's the progenitors, the Anunnaki from however long ago hundreds of thousands of years, that are the ones who built the huge gigantic structures in what we know as Antarctica?"
"Several Egyptian discoveries that will leave us baffled."
"the mysteries of the easter island statues are finally being revealed"
"Our planet has many astounding relics from the past that we still don't understand."
"Is it possible that Shamyyaza and the other Watchers were extraterrestrial beings that gave Humanity the foundations for civilization?"
"Secrets whispered from Mesha Mountain, promising to reveal a story lost in time."
"An object discovered back in 2015 might actually be an 800 year old mobile phone left behind by aliens."
"Seeing these fossils being found in this area it's just it's hard to deny the existence even if this is an Atlantis"
"The mysteries surrounding Alexander, his extraordinary life, and the suspicious circumstances of his end are likely to rage for many more years to come."
"These enigmatic ancient artifacts challenge our understanding of the technological and artistic capabilities of ancient civilizations."
"There are some processes that we don't know how they did with the means they had available."
"If you own a car, you also own an odometer. That's the name given to any tool that measures the distance traveled by a vehicle or device in real-time."
"Did our ancient ancestors have a way of temporarily softening rocks? If they did, why have we never been able to rediscover it with all of our modern knowledge?"
"He really believed this step on somebody's neck you can't let them up you have to motivate people you have to drive them."
"There is little more bewildering and infuriating to archaeologists and historians than old hoaxes that themselves have melded into history itself."
"The writings and the pictorial evidence left behind by the Sumerians going back 6,000 years speak and depict people who came from another planet."
"Legends tell us how these giants roamed the earth, leaving behind mysterious ruins and tantalizing clues to their existence."
"The long-lost grottoes: their origin is a complete and utter mystery."
"We have only a fraction of the knowledge that we used to have pre-flood, pre-12,000 years ago when these cultures knew incredible details of the cosmos and our planet and our role."
"The seven ancient wonders challenged the finest minds. Even now we still wonder how to match them."
"The Gate of the Gods, also known as the Puerta de Hoya Marca... a sacred place, and no one, not even archaeologists can pinpoint the period when the first settlers began to worship at the door."
"The ancients knew vast amounts that we don't know right now, vast amounts."
"The disappearance of Amelia Earhart is probably the most famous disappearance of all time."
"What these whistleblowers like Corey Goode, Pete Peterson have said is that the ruins found under the ice date back to Atlantis."
"There is a secret void hiding inside the Great Pyramid of Giza."
"The Great Pyramid: Evidence of ancient technology beyond our understanding."
"One of the biggest mysteries of ancient Egypt is no doubt that of the pyramids... a group of scientists decided that they would apply methods of theoretical physics in order to test the electromagnetic response of the Great Pyramid to radio waves."
"Objects that are millions of years old can only mean there was a civilization predating our modern culture."
"Isn't this strange they found Phoenician coins in South America isn't it strange they found pyramid-like structures in the Americas isn't this strange they saw I think they"
"The mystery of the lost city of Atlantis still captures the imagination of millions."
"There have been giant skeletons found that measure up to eight feet tall."
"Reports of Spring-Heeled Jack’s assaults even began to expand beyond their origins in London."
"Leonardo da Vinci was a part of this like secret society and The Last Supper is filled with tons of symbolism."
"These are the oldest technologies scientists still can't explain."
"There's evidence for an unknown level of technology in the ancient past."
"The Mercy Brown case has been inflated over the years, visitors still claim from time to time to see a ball of light hovering over the grave accompanied by the tiny voice of a girl: 'Please help me, let me out.'"
"Wouldn't it make perfect sense that he's looking for the ancient Kingdom since the ancient kingdom was described with the words romance and mystery?"
"Antediluvian structures in plain sight: remnants of a society before Noah's flood."
"Was there maybe a higher civilization before... visited by beings from out of space?"
"One of those king tut's death was one of those really strange inflection points that makes you wonder."
"...the circumstances and ultimate cause of the collapse of the Meenan system around 1200 BC May Never Fully be understood."
"Is it really possible that the Ark of the Covenant might still be hidden deep within the cathedral at Aksum?"
"Antarctic pyramids: ancient settlements or natural formations?"
"...if Elon Musk had he dedicated a specific amount of resources to figuring out how the Egyptians did it, he'd be able to do it."
"They represent turning points in history or key moments that could change how we think about the world if only the mysteries were solved."
"If we accept the premise that beings from another civilization visited here ages ago, then some of the mysteries of our past take on a new and startling light."
"It's parked next to MH370, and all of the 9/11 planes, and JFK is on it."
"Science has actually been turning the tables in the last fifteen years, in that topics like Atlantis or these lost civilizations are really starting to come back into the scientific focus."
"It's my intention to have future shows feature other unsolved murders of the Victorian age."
"Who built the pyramids? Who really shot Kennedy?"
"With the advent of modern forensic science, new light has been shed on this dark chapter of history."
"History tells us that people living hundreds or thousands of years ago shouldn't have been capable of what you're about to see, and yet, they did it."
"The ultimate fate of the Ark of the Covenant is one of the greatest mysteries of the Bible."