
Fictional Scenario Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"Krillin suggests that they should make Goku immortal so he could defeat Frieza."
"Immortality combined with Zenkai's, that is a terrifying combo."
"Every time Frieza hurts him, Goku heals and gets a little bit stronger, sometimes way stronger."
"Vegeta watches in amazement. With immortality, he can exploit Saiyan power boosts."
"Goku realizes it's not that fulfilling, even though it's a safe option."
"Mr. Green Ryan instructs everyone else on fruit salad island."
"The world's a mess, everyone is still gone, and Natasha Romanov steps up to make sure things don't get any worse."
"All of this is the Dark World War III scenario that the leader was trying to prevent by conquering the world."
"We've got a nuke in our back pocket, ready to blow this whole sick operation to kingdom come if we wanted to."
"I thought there's gonna be blood. It's not going to be mine. It's gonna be Ilacra's blood."
"It's over, Alice. You tortured many SCPs, killed multiple people, and hurt many of my friends. You can't run away from us now."
"They also suggest that Nebula and Tony stay on Titan for a while to fix the ship when the first resource they have that runs out is food and water."
"Oh Olga, you dirty [__]! Why you do this to me?"
"The knockers decide to give their allegiance to Dariel, making the mine his."
"The gang deciding to just replace Dee with a monkey who's actually suspiciously good at bartending is classic absurdity."
"If I am ever being chased by a murderer, I can promise you I'm going to take the stairs at a really sensible pace—quick enough that I'm."
"Squad goals, Daniel Kaluuya, Tilda Swinton, Aquafina, Dolph Lundgren, racing towards this mythical Oasis in the desert."
"If you want God to bestow Johnny with the answers to all the questions of the universe, turn to page 248."
"Run! I decided to listen to the Knight that called me over and evacuated Atlantis while I could."
"I guess I have to die now... Oh wait, just before he's about to get shot he hears a familiar voice: 'You can't kill me, I'm the president of Ireland!'"
"Was Scanlan really trying to learn what it’s like to be on drugs or was he just trying to find a way to numb the pain of the whole Kaylie situation?"
"You'll never know it unless the Goblin King comes up. Yes, now you've got an issue, but Casper guarantees a 99.99999% chance the goblin king will not attack, no way."
"But you may not outrage stab that man with that sword."
"If the Krusty Krab went out of business, couldn't I just eat Krabby Patties there?"
"If Plankton gets his little hands on that formula, he'll start selling Krabby Patties at the Chum Bucket."
"Thanos wants to prevent overpopulation by killing half of all life in the universe... Does that solve the perceived problem? Yes."
"But instead of delivering Luthor to Brainiac for interrogation, he spends all of his time trolling the Suicide Squad by sticking Luthor in a shipping container that they have to fight a giant cannon monster to get to."
"And then all the Ghostbusters died. Apparently, crossing the streams is very bad."
"What if he removed the entire comic book? What would they have done to him? Shoot him. But he's about to save the Vatican from anti-matter annihilation. I don't care, shoot him. He took a comic book out, the Pope didn't give him permission."
"If Mr. Bean could just catch Goku off guard, feed him laxatives by any means necessary, then Goku would just [expletive] himself to death."
"As the chief sinks into its depths a tentacle seems to wriggle from the bottom dragging him down and telling him that it's not his time yet."
"It's just that simple, it's like blitzball but instead of underwater soccer your best friend must die."
"So expect a bunch of super intelligent Danish-speaking cows to take over the world anytime soon."
"Hey, I have a solution to end the doll beef: all the dolls, all deathmatch."
"There's no way Mary Jane would think this applause is for her since everyone is facing the other way towards Spider-Man right now."
"Star is about to be eliminated by Danny DeVito when he is star is not gonna win this time not this competition."
"Miranda sleeps with the fishes now, the ocean tied to a cinder block."
"The sanest thing to do here would be to call Happy and let him know you've discovered the identity of the vulture and he's got something going down tonight."
"What if this city is legit just Attack on Titan."
"We will survive the re-appearance of the Daevite Empire. Regardless of what happens on March 20th, normalcy will be protected."
"Brains! Brains because they've lo because they want to a mind again."
"Will Smith slapped Ned Fulmer at the Oscars and they died."
"If it would end the war, I will give Shin Wobbuffet and pull my forces back."
"This is hell. You cannot die. You might want to get off Mr. Bones' wild ride but the ride never ends."
"Peace, let that be a lesson, Western Empire scum."
"The shit has hit the fan, she's planning to wipe out all Humanity and you're the only person left alive on the station who can stop her."
"I'm gonna take over the entire city of Gotham everything is gonna rule under me."
"If the world can't find a way to defeat Godzilla, then the world as we know it is doomed."
"You saw the future, your future, how you become an evil deranged Batman."
"Even the youngling Ashla... Imagine if this is how her cover was blown, some Inquisitor thinking that the youngling had survived."
"I'm not locked up in here with you, Bethany. You're locked up in here with me."
"You were serious about that whole laboratory for peace thing? I thought that was just a way to scam the government, Vega Punk."
"Rumia living with her mother in a bigger Rumia."
"Sometimes I wonder if she just lets herself get kidnapped for fun."
"The first to be fought on our their crusade against the robots ends here."
"Is injected with a snail plasma and turns into a snail."
"Oh, what about the lady that we're trying to seduce? Obviously, Princess Cenus, obviously. Of course, it would be, yes."
"Date John Wick, marry James Bond, kill Ethan Hunt."
"Victory needs to be fixed, the thing that trunks said the bottom is like that's impossible there's still sell juniors and go on when they weren't there weren't there when Johan went to be say yeah they were."
"So what's our brilliant plan any thoughts? We'll figure something out, I mean we're the Ghostbusters."
"If Batman does indeed fall under Russian control, that will be the precursor to something much bigger."
"Your plan is attack the church kill the people yeah I like it it's a good sign solid fun."
"Seeing Kaido punch down and everyone being safe felt like it lifted a weight from my shoulders."
"Our razor sharp claws will cut him and splatter their foot."
"Is this the first supervillain that nearly destroyed the entire world because he paid himself?"
"Well, not really 'cause we don't need to eat, drink, or sleep, and oh, that food do look good though."
"Vegeta, it's time for the real nitty gritty, we need to get down to business."
"Last time I saw him, Ultron was sitting on him."
"Doesn't Thanos value the stones over his henchmen?"
"Sonic then notices that he's somehow stumbled onto Jurassic Park and squares off the giant robot T-Rex which is incredibly easy to destroy but long neck mode really saves the entire thing."
"Teenager finally achieves her dream of dating Godzilla."
"Yeah, you want the sale from 15 years ago too? When's it end, Diane? You want that price, you're gonna have to go through the quantum realm with Ant-Man."
"My lord, it seems as though our ranks have grown to 200,000 strong. The Hydro Homies are now one of the most powerful armies in the entire universe."
"Oprah 60 feet tall and they're writing a plant monster."
"This is the fanciest trance I've ever seen." - Give that man a ticket to Transylvania.
"Everyone's geared up, ready to go, armored out. Your bodies are ready. Plot twist: America's governor. That would be a hell of a POTUS, man!"
"I'm gonna make my own plague. It's gonna be like... it's gonna target only not muscular women and then my entire world will be buff chicks. And me. And I die and I win. Paradise. I'm the winner here. I have the big brain ideas."
"The Polish Air Force shot down the Russian submarine that failed to assassinate Putin."
"Don't mess with the exploding hamster, that was nuts!"
"Your research was a success. Good work evading the time pirates."
"Do you guys think making fugaku uchiha would have saved a bunch of people's lives and made konoha a much better place to live in?"
"It's a family we have to rescue. Oh, grow up, yeah. I did it."
"Frieza turning good could happen, but it'd be hilarious if he just showed up with cotton candy at the end."
"I think this is a dream sequence. I think it's part of Bruce Wayne's nightmare."
"We prefer to have someone shut down the core, someone like you, Shepard."
"Don't just be a moron on Facebook yelling... educate yourself, right?"
"Is everyone dead? No one's worried about the giant fire-breathing metal bull that just murdered the entire band?"
"He would probably attempt to take down one of the yonkos himself."
"We're under attack from a super villain, how cool is that?"
"The complete decimation of Big Mom and her entire pirate crew, taking out the ranks of the Yonko, that I would be very surprised if that went down."
"Gunshon warns her only to take a pinch of that poison."
"Guys so there's a teacher on the loose trying to set us to detention trying to murder us and try to make us do our homework."
"If you believe that the Neons deserve freedom and sentience..."
"You're merely a double agent looking to attain immortality by hacking into a demon realm full of murderous math rejects accidentally unleashing them and turning the world into a bunch of mind-control zombie BOTS looking to cleanse humanity."
"Then I would log into schlatt's bank account and then I would buy the $400,000 monkey." - Tucker
"Where would we be without Pixis? We would be doomed, bro."
"Varan definitely is gonna go into the yesterday for me."
"I'm acquiring the power of light, and now you're going to be dead."
"You'll never get away with this, Aroma!" - Sarge
"If you agree with High Confessor Tectus that the citizens of Far Harbor need to be burned for their blasphemy."
"Stark is the reason all of it happened. Stark this man's curiosity is going to get the world blown up."
"Sacrifice yourself to Lavos and fulfill the only purpose left to you."
"That kid wanted to kill almost the entire town."
"It's just sometimes nice to be in a place where the worst thing that happens is two members of the British aristocracy are in a murder-off."
"From a gameplay point of view, why risk Snake dying before you can figure out how to activate Metal Gear for you?"
"The multiverse collapses, everything is about to end, but in the final moments, Doctor Doom obtains godly powers that allow him to save reality and create Battleworld."
"This is all I have Ted, or he's gonna blow up the White House."
"Could Shanks pause the world just long enough to rock up and stop the war?"
"Wanda realizes that she has to think outside the box and hits Agatha with a car."
"Eventually, I'll never be able to turn back to a human."
"Hopefully, her next origin, she won't need a pumpkin to walk around in the sun. We get F's in the comments section for our lost friend."
"Elon Musk: 'Miss Vagina, we're coming for you.'"
"Kobayashi Maru was a no-win situation that Kirk defeated."
"Mario's crippling spaghetti addiction: Without spaghetti, Mario would become extremely sad and will lose his will to exist."
"I genuinely feel like this is gonna end up being the worst ending yet. And again, it's not a jab at women, it's just when half of humanity goes extinct and then the other half goes batshit crazy, it can't end well."
"What this one little joking dialogue opens up is a catastrophic end to all the advanced civilizations of the world."
"Look at this stupid cell phone an organization named Umbrella just claimed responsibility for the attack."
"There's nothing like being blipped out of existence and then having to return to high school to damage the old morale."
"Oh crap, are the Silent Hill monsters gonna hire a new DJ because their police force might get pretty bored in their squad cars with nothing to listen to, don't you think?"
"You gotta be aggressive against these Inca creatures here. You gotta show Moose boss."
"Knowing the mouse might one day find a way to heat up the spaghetti, it fills you with determination."
"Sean Bean Predators, man. How [__] cool is this?"
"If I had Thargoid gear in the cargo hold, they would have probably blown me away."
"Imagine the term 'secret invasion,' doesn't that kind of sound like J. Jonah Jameson's headline on his Daily Bugle website?"
"Every breath of air on this world would now contain at least a single viron, and that's all it would take to kill."
"A lone hero stranded behind enemy lines and totally nude."
"Dear aliens, regardless of what NASAs told you, let me be clear: we have guns, we don't like you, we will kill you. That is all."
"Unfortunately, Luke wasn’t as lucky though to have an anti gravity belt."
"What if they get close to stopping Wanda but she retaliates by rewinding everything a bit and they rewind back to the 90s?"
"Hope's Peak Academy has been destroyed? It's probably just another one of Monokuma's pranks."
"It's safe to say that no one wants to be at the receiving end of Godzilla's atomic breath."
Levi must've been like, "Well, sorry, Armin. Papa Commander takes priority, better luck next time."
"In this timeline, Todoroki would be very hard for Shinsou to get anyone in class 1-B to oppose his quirk in these types of events."
"There will be a banana warfare but you might not live to tell the tale."
"You don't need to worry about a digestive system, you don't have one."
"King Triton is here, is he suspicious? No, he's just gonna go to sleep."
"Nuca Cola addiction: a severe disease ruining lives even 200 years into the future."
"I feel so, so bad for the little baby and I'm definitely concerned to see what happens to him while he's in the Empire's care."
"The Assassin is about to take over the world."
"Moffet was meant to be showing off Airwolf to private detective Luther Gillis."
"Mario sends Black Yoshi to Antarctica for a brand new Call of Duty."
"They'll also need code names for their internship."
"There's no better man to get pregnant, right? The aliens, yes, alien pregnancy is definitely back."
"It's like put a bomb on Bronto Burt's head, just let him have that."
"I've got to go to bippity boppity lock all exits." - Desperate measures to contain the chaos.
"I have to nuke baby Yoda, I'm sorry baby Yoda, you know."
"We were sent here on a mission to probe you, but we came 47 million light-years."
"If you have a twin and it's an evil twin one day like there's only gonna be one."
"I found a hidden room and guess who was there? Voldemort having tea."
"Somebody's trying to assault off Optimus Prime in his power down state, which is terrible."
"Old Biff Tannen travels back to the 1950s and corrects his younger self."
"What if the Hound doesn't step in in time and instead he slashes down on Loras Tyrell dead done the golden Bros has been ripped apart."
"however if you lives for some reason of course they tie him up they put him in the black cells for a short period of time until eventually he has to face the executioner of the royalty which is Sir Ilyn Payne."
"If Luke and the Rebel Alliance had to face this Darth Vader, would the Empire have won? Would Vader show any mercy?"
"Without that connection, Vader would have easily beaten Luke in Cloud City."
"NOLS had no Quan about kidnapping and strangling them both to death."
"I will only ask once, data keeper, what was the secret in your crimson level that will make me spare your life?"
"As I stand here before you today, I say unequivocally that we will destroy the fish robot army and the space pirate threat."
"I need you to save Dr. Swan's life before the code to Atlantis is initiated, and your really big world has a bad day."
"Let's borrow it and go back in time to yesterday morning," said George, "then we can take those tests like we were supposed to. Problem solved."
"I think I tore up a hole in the multiverse or something."
"You're kidding, Cavendish the quantum physicist? Well, sure Dorothy killed him."