
Animation Appreciation Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"Saying animation is only for children is one of the funniest things that I have not heard of in a very long time."
"Every element of this show was awesome, it is without question my single favorite animated series of all time, and honestly, it was the pioneer in getting a fanbase to start theorizing about your show."
"Arcane is one of the most beautiful animated features I've ever experienced."
"This I think is my favorite animation we've seen so far and one of my favorites that we're ever going to see."
"It's Miles Morales, it's animated, it is spectacular animation, I was floored."
"Inside Out is just great... one of the most inventive and creative animated movies I've ever seen."
"Jackie Chan Adventures, the greatest show ever made."
"I love the animation style, I can't get over it."
"It's exhilarating stuff and the quality of the animations makes every move satisfying to pull off."
"It's really hard to overstate how insane that is for an animated TV show."
"That was so great dear lord I have missed attack on time for glorious moments such as these incredible animation mixed with brilliant use of CGI."
"The stop motion without question is some of the most beautiful animation that has been made in years."
"The first time she was like, 'This is the coolest cartoons can ever be.'"
"It was just so beautiful, so well animated, great characters."
"I'm a huge fan of subtle storytelling, so this animation already gets a plus from me."
"It's rare that you see a style of comedy that can make any character memorable, but Hell of a Boss pulls it off perfectly."
"Yeah, I think that sums it up. I can say with complete confidence that I've never been more engaged, entertained, and impressed with the Vivziepop animation in my life."
"I love this animation. You know that's how you get the king, the king of the Dragon Emperor is out of your face, you give him one of these."
"The animation throughout is spectacular, one of my favorite moments is when hazel calms down from her panic attack and her deep breathing slowly transforms her back into a human."
"Great thinking, then, not to mention the great animation too."
"The best way that you can give back to KyoAni is by continuing to support them."
"That's true. Creepy or not, almost all of the narrative is done through visuals, and I'd really give an animation credit for that."
"I invite you guys to look at it again, pick up those DVDs, even if you don't like the animation, just watch it. It will wake you up on a deep level."
"Animation isn't just for kids. Animation isn't just a genre."
"Rise of the TMNT just might be one of the best cartoons ever made, period."
"Animation just has that Wonder aspect to it. It also has so so so much more style."
"Superior. The Super Mario Brothers movie is not great. That being said, it's perfect. I haven't felt like this for an animated movie since the 2014 Lego Movie. Stunning animation and music by Brian Tyler."
"Season six of Rick and Morty has wound down, it's plain to see that it wears the crown among all the other potential Kings of Animation."
"Animation can be taken seriously... transcended their primarily children audiences."
"Seeing a concept like this in a general audience cartoon is something they'll not only relate to, but really respect for its ambition. I know I do."
"Love the animation, how it like appears you know like it's not just like there, it's like it's almost like it operates. It is really quite beautiful and that."
"The chase scene, the parkour, all that animation work was just incredible."
"I love the artistry of Fantasia more than I love the fun of 'Etsy-freeness' of The Jungle Book."
"This game is sick, man, I love the animation!"
"Mob might have been better animated, Attack on Titan might have been more compelling, Demon Slayer might have been more hype, Beastars might have been more unique, but I know the tale told in Vinland Saga will stick with me for much longer."
"I just love the animations, it's so addictive."
"The way they animated all of this, it's hitting me. It's just hitting me."
"Enter Galactic is proof that animation is the best medium for basically any genre."
"The first spider-verse movie blew everybody away...it peeled all of our wigs back."
"Remember Teen Titans? No matter how much the network of Cartoons wants to bury it in irony the original was a damn good show and mixed comedy moments with solid drama."
"Animation could be beautiful and entertaining while also containing dark moments and heavy themes."
"Big shout out to 64-bit animation for doing the intro."
"Mary and Max is an amazing stop-motion work from Australia"
"I just hope that I've proven my point that 2009 is indeed an astounding animation year"
"The Pirates! Band of Misfits may not be as good as Aardman's past films, but it's still really enjoyable with good humor, great use of animation, and lovable characters."
"I think this show, there is limitless potential to where this show could land on my all-time favorites both for Western animation, for animation, and for just series in general."
"If you want to do it, it's not a sense of if you have the time, it's if you want to do it, you'll make the time."
"Steven universe might be the greatest animated show of all time."
"One of the most magnificent pieces of animation I've ever seen."
"This movie is an absolute masterpiece of DC animation."
"The animation is actually one of my favorite parts of the show."
"I love that the animation is so good. I mean, who doesn't? Come on, guys, come on, come on, come on, give me a break, come on."
"Gohan's revive animation is probably one of my favorite animations in the game."
"Oh man, look how cute the animation style is."
"I'd love to see these animated shorts, the Sonic Mania opening is just so good."
"The brains, the time, the effort, the creations that go into these animations is absolutely fantastic."
"Crunchyroll is freaking awesome, you need to be watching anime if you love good animations, if you love good stories."
"One of my favorite visual effects in this game are the core cooling animations."
"Summoning animation I didn't see that last time it is it's nice."
"An unbelievable anime... you need to be watching Demon Slayer."
"This is always one of the best things about Toy Story."
"If you love animation or independent storytelling in general, you owe it to yourself to set aside time and check out their entire filmography."
"The original film is pretty solid although not amazing, it's got charm and personality and there's plenty of great animation."
"I love Ghibli films, any Studio Ghibli film I will watch."
"Cuphead: an interactive homage to the archaic cartoon animations of Max Fleischer back from the 1930s."
"It's a beautiful little animation, I absolutely love this."
"If this teaser had just dropped and it wasn't even Buzz Lightyear, I would still think this was a fascinating looking animated project."
"The animation meme community is so interesting I love it I love the animation meme communities one of my favorite communities on the Internet"
"Animation for generations has been one of the most creative, trailblazing, boldest, gorgeous forms of art the world has ever seen."
"Animation has always been Weebl's favorite because it's limitless. Anything you can think of can be brought to life."
"It's still like freaking amazing watching it all animated."
"Infinity Train is a pretty good animation series and animation is not a medium I regularly watch." - "Infinity Train: unexpectedly good."
"They went above and beyond never in my life was I expecting them to do the dimension break from Dragon Ball super Broly to emphasize beam struggles that's that's Godlike there's there's no way to make that better than that like that is incredible"
"I loved the animation and the variety of animation styles!"
"This transformation is crazy, look at this beautiful animation."
"Oh, if you don't block that, you get smooshed. I love his animation."
"There's something about animation like this even as much as I goof on it like it's very human I think it's sweet."
"Keep your hands off Azokin is just a giant love letter to animation."
"Oh, that's it done! I love that animation, it's so sick."
"The Legend of Korra is considered by many to be one of the greatest stories of all time, a masterpiece that proves how much the medium of animation is capable of."
"Animation does not get the respect it deserves."
"I'm not sure about the results of the fight, but you know what, it was really well animated, that's all that matters."
"You just lost your dreams, okay? You just did. I mean it. It's saying how they keep this looking so fluid throughout the whole fight, just pure culmination of all those previous times where the animation was hitting extra hard, creating the most satisfying scene in the series."
"That Rider animation with the CG is sick."
"I'm excited, loving the animation. Especially loved when they got up into the post. It seemed like a great place to have a really cool musical cue."
"I just want to say for me Sony animation has become one of my favorite Animation Studios in the last five years."
"Zealous Creative's 2012 animation, The Maker, this is perhaps one of the greatest animations on the entire iceberg."
"Everything about Hilda from the writing to the animation to the art direction to just the vibe the show gives off is immaculate."
"I absolutely love Coco and I love Encanto as well."
"Attack on Titan feels like one of the most kinetic pieces of storytelling I've ever seen."
"I loved working on Beauty and the Beast so much."
"I actually really like what's going on with Season 3, animation looks good, storyline is a lot more fun."
"Animation is a medium, not a genre."
"I think animation is one of the most important art forms that we as a species have created."
"...I find this to be a masterpiece from Chuck Jones."
"Why should Hasbeen Hotel become the next big thing? I mean, it has dazzling visuals, expressive animations, stellar voice work, catchy songs, decent comedy, and a fun premise."
"It's an amazing thing to do, and I think animation is amazing, full stop."
"I absolutely love Nick Park's animations and of course Wallace and Gromit has got to be the best."
"This will be part of an ongoing series where I show you that in the animation rocks."
"This is up there with one of my all-time favorite animations."
"You never got into Madagascar? Are you kidding me? Yes, those penguins are hilarious!"
"Princess and the Frog, I absolutely love this movie."
"I personally think that 2D animation never went away or was never appreciated."
"Oh, that is so cool. I love how they're doing these animations."
"I really like animation and the types of stories it can tell."
"I have so many thoughts on Pixar movies. Monsters Inc is one of my favorite movies of all time."
"This is definitely one of the best shorts of the classic colored Mickey shorts."
"I think it's one of the most beautiful 2D films that's come out since Snow White."
"Walt Disney made the general public love the animation."
"For once, we are finally seeing a lot of love for Missing Link."
"It's really cool that we have animations like this because a lot of people either think of cartoons or CGI when they don't realize that there's this middle ground."
"I love the animation in the show; it's very consistent."
"It's awesome to finally get some more Predacons that actually appeared in Beast Wars."