
Target Quotes

There are 237 quotes

"It is amazing to know that we have a Precision lock on Target."
"After destroying the Archbishop's prison, they headed off for Simon Sudbury's HQ."
"Now we can have another pop at 800, which is the Raptor."
"The Hunger Games are real, and we are the target."
"You're the Golden Goose, you're the Unicorn, you're the hunted."
"It's likely that Donald Trump is the target of a federal criminal investigation."
"When you're winning, they always come for you."
"It's as though it's become clearer: the Target on his back has become clearer."
"Always big enough phonic alright here's our first victim."
"You're officially a target. America is the greatest country in the world. No problem. You're officially a target."
"Suspect has made himself the bad boy and the target at No Jumper."
"Based on these searches, perhaps she may have been the target."
"Does devastating things to meat targets from what I've seen."
"Looks like they're all landing on the one in the middle now."
"Predators do not target the strongest among us. They target the weakest."
"We have more eyes on us. We're a target because Dave's a person of faith."
"White supremacy only exists when it's going after you."
"That was a good hit, always shoot for the middle."
"Trump's got a big old bullseye on his back, an easy target."
"When you deal with an inhuman entity, it's usually focused on a specific family."
"Highly recommend those. I bought them on Target online."
"Desantis right now is one of the big targets."
"Why is it always soros that's like their number one enemy?"
"Tao is like using the Harpoon to find special targets."
"As long as it needs to be. The target is £10,000."
"There's a reason why we all do that something about Target just really sucks you in."
"You have to be more consistent in getting down towards their 2% target."
"You can have a good gun, but if you don't aim it at the target, the bullet ain't going there."
"I'm trying to get filled back at my original Target of 17560."
"So many people ask me about this. It's from Target ages ago."
"You aimed like right for the shield too, of course."
"Next target, shoulder, 30 power, Mark, very."
"Target just has it all. It literally has it all. It's so neat, it smells so good, it's just Target."
"Find your niche, you find your niche and you can have that target."
"Andy was nobody's number one target. Andy was nobody's number two target. Andy was nobody's number three target. At worst, Andy was maybe someone's fourth or fifth target."
"Janelle was probably the better person to target for the week."
"When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. And this definitely resonates with the open LLM leaderboard problem."
"Inceptors... are very efficient against whatever target you choose."
"The team entered the building to see their target just sitting there unresponsive."
"I remember just yesterday I was at Target shopping for college. Now my child is shopping for first grade. What a time."
"This is totally against my will and that is why I made the like goal so high of thirty thousand. It's not against your whale, it is against—do you think I come to Target and I'm just like, I really wanna shove myself into a suitcase in front of the whole entire store?"
"This was a big target on the bottom."
"I typically go after a Target deer and not just go deer hunting."
"This was the best Target I've ever been to. If you're in the Charlotte area, the Target at Midtown is amazing."
"I could not believe this one is from Target."
"Their target is the second Prince as he is quick-witted and will be a nuisance in the future."
"...you're buying to the Target of your price Target but you're actually trailing the stop using the ATR Trail."
"Daily goal: $2,500 to $5,000. That's kind of what I focus on."
"Break close below this structure, look for your target level here, and then lock it in at break even and whatever happens happens."
"You must make a 750. That's the number you're looking for."
"His target wasn't in the New Republic, but instead the Imperial shipyards at Kuat."
"Rebellion needs some sort of purpose and some sort of target."
"Phantom who had been robbing a local bank and now has his sight set on the Scooby gang."
"If you read three chapters every day and five on Sunday, you’ll be through it in twelve months from today, there’s a little target for you."
"That's a big target in the middle of the formation."
"The most important thing is to reach the objective, to reach the targets. And the target was to win the Premier League."
"I'm setting a goal of an expected fifteen hundred dollars in profit by the end of the day."
"Guys, we want to hit 200k by the end of the season."
"I definitely hit my protein Target for the day."
"You will meet Harker's team in Florence. They will provide weapons and logistical support. The target is a man called Foxworth."
"The minimum Target you should try to go for, you might not get it, is the 200 period moving average."
"You're only going to hit the shots that you're laser focused on, so live target focused."
"Is it for me? No, not really. But I'm not the target audience."
"My target is ten billion dollars."
"The person that sees it coming is the target he won't be around to tell anybody in just a few seconds."
"Hayes's reputation combined with his notable dark hair and moderate stature made him a prize target among the ranks of the Comanche."
"If you're not looking at the Target you're not going to hit the target. It's like a bow and arrow."
"...I will trade speed for accuracy any day of the week doesn't matter how fast you are if you can't hit your target it's not worth doing..."
"When you're on a driving range, you don't have Trackman, right? What you've got to do is you've got to look at the flight of the show, you pick out a target on a range, okay? Out in front of you like maybe it's a post."
"Once I start elevating truth, I become a target."
"Imagine if all of us agreed that happiness should be the target. If we solve for happy, just like pulling an arrow into the bull's eye, we'll hit the mark."
"He's not alone, he's after Hera Syndulla."
"You ain't never been to a Target in Tennessee."
"That's going to be a target to beat."
"Most people just simply have the wrong target. Most small businesses in America break even or lose money because they have their own target."
"Try to shoot for making at least 100K."
"First of all is your growth rate at least 15% month-on-month growth in active users is the target."
"If you don't have tons of free time or make a cooking show for a living but still want amazing tasting ingredients, Target's good and gather products definitely have something just for you."
"The future of our sport is a target that is built to catch everything."
"I'm aiming at different parts of the model."
"The goal is getting to product-market fit and figuring out who their ideal customer profile is."
"Zoro's target was Kaido, not to hunt down pirates, but to exterminate an Oni."
"One of Dorothea's first targets was Ruth Monroe."
"The most magical place on Earth: Target."
"All we need is a 2.5 trillion Global cap or more to hit our Target of a 13x or $80 price."
"When the crosshairs come on the target, he would push a button."
"He's literally a t-ball for comedy."
"Be certain of your target and what's beyond the other side of the target."
"Most people in the USPSA match they're happy with hits anywhere on the head box that's not what we want actually make an attempt to hit the credit card."
"This is the story of how a man at the age of 48... could find himself the target of a murder plot."
"The eyes are what you target when a headshot just isn't good enough."
"Remember 100K by May, we're about halfway through April."
"So what could we shoot for what's a reasonable very audacious goal?"
"We're gonna actually have a swap chain target."
"Guys who don't watch the news are going to pull up to Target for the opening shift and see the general manager waiting like how the hell is your hair boneless."
"I was really hoping to hit 50,000 before the end of the year."
"This video is for a certain kind of person. It's for the newcomer, basically."
"Make your target smaller but big enough that you can still hit it."
"DT was our number one guy, I mean it was really you know no question who the main target was for Peyton that year."
"I was on the Amtrak right behind the one the enemy decided to blow up and would have been just as good a Target."
"Yeah, she's gotta go. She's gotta go. That's it. It's Mimi. That's it. No more changing. Mimi's the target. Mimi is leaving. Boom."
"We don't want inflation to get stuck materially above our target."
"Reports show that the Russians made a concerted effort to kill Hayha, even compromising the life of many soldiers just to eliminate the great sniper."
"This movie reminds me of like old frontier westerns to an extent because it seems like people never miss their target."
"Fire the arrow of compassion, pull back, see your target, let it fly."
"It's all about a feel and in target that you're trying to get that bait into."
"When your kid is this age, you either buy what they point at on the TV or you just go 10 minutes before and go, 'Ah, [__], and you run to Target and you just buy what's there.'"
"What is this target you've been trying to hit? It's an underground fire control center for flak and coastal batteries. Plays havoc with anything that flies over or sails past."
"We've made it to target, we're gonna pick up my desk but of course we had to go shopping too."
"Everything new in the Target dollar spot as well as some new spring and summer finds this collection behind me is so fun it has everything that you need to get ready for spring break and going into the summer months."
"It's hard for the Lord to hit a moving target."
"Target Red Card. You save 5% on Disney gift cards. It's mind-blowing."
"Right now we have no idea when our Target got here and the longer we wait the more the locals will forget what our friend looks like."
"Your idea just needs to solve a pain point for a specific demographic."
"So that actually gets us to the end of this module so we talked about how we can use the MX to protect your network so use it as a unified threat management."
"The goal would be to get her set up so her point on is 50 meters."
"...the king is the biggest target we can have in chess."
"Investigators also quickly learned that Kelly may have not been the suspect's first intended target."
"Target! That's his name, because he's gonna get shot first."
"all the bombings shared a common target: the Internal Revenue Service"
"He's one that we want to target, he's reached that level of maturity and just a beautiful buck that we're gonna set our sights on for this year."
"I guess the question is: Who is this bike made for?"
"Feature 'Class' is the response, also called as a Target or dependent variable available in this dataset."
"We definitely hit the bullseye when we aimed at this target."
"We ended up getting $1,670 on that trade. That was our Target that's what we were looking to make anyway."
"We are Gods, boy, and that makes us a target."
"As the target gets further away, accuracy becomes more important; as the target gets closer, speed becomes more important."
"It was a natural target for the thieves."
"It's just a testament to how much he's looked up to and how people wanted him as a target."
"First you know all is one, then whatever in you exists as a byproduct of other than one, it becomes a moving target for the universe."
"Happy Target Tuesday! Today I'm showing you everything new at Target."
"Before you can hit the target, you must first find it."
"It was an awesome hunt, happened really fast, but shot the target buck I was going after."
"Wow, is in the bullseye, perfect, beautifully thrown."
"Night after night, we're going to get a good overlap on our target."
"You always said that a person who aims at nothing has an easy target to hit."
"It worked, it worked. What are we, about 10 yards? That's a human target."
"It's a cross with the representation of a target placed on the center."
"All our efforts were made to increase revenue collection in line with the target set for the year."
"You can't break me again. I don't need to, Barry. This time I have a more interesting target in mind."
"Zero misses, zero yellow hits, ten bullseyes."
"Let's get the target set up and let's have a bit of fun."
"We finally got her, stupid Miss the Light."
"We're going to our favorite place ever, Target."
"I just love Target; I love the vibes."
"You know it's a must for me, anytime I'm in Target, it's a must."
"You have a target on your back, but it's also sort of you're carrying a legacy, you're building a legacy which makes it easier in a way."
"You knew that you had better be doing something right; it was telling you, you were right in the center of the target."
"Engagement should be an intervention target."
"Sometimes it makes you a target, but it also inspires people."
"Chris Godwin's an easy target over the middle that I think even Baker Mayfield can get the ball to."
"If you can get consistently aiming towards a certain target, it's going to make you feel a little bit more comfortable."
"It's multiple levels of a target being put on her back; she's now important."
"That's the one he was looking for before, that clipped the top."
"You realize you will be their number one target, right?"
"Inflation itself is actually a target for the Federal Reserve Bank; they're targeting 2% inflation."
"Successful trip to Target, wasting a hundred dollars, check!"
"Let's see if we can hit that blue top from 75 feet away."
"You are a spiritual target because you are getting blessed by the most high."
"You have to start with accuracy first, being able to hit a target consistently."
"If you can't hit zero, then a great number to aim for is 75 or more of the views a page has has a CLS of 0.1 or less."
"That's what I'm looking for, whoa, direct hit right there."
"The target price point is apparently somewhere between 120 and 150 dollars."
"Our objective is to get inflation back down to 2 percent."
"Great target here from Delta McKenzie."
"This cheese pizza from Target: phenomenal, fire."
"How would you rate Target Christmas section? 10 out of 10."
"That means, Your Honor, that District Attorney Morrisy and his office are targets of a federal investigation."
"I have a real trouble trying to get that one spot over there."
"Accurate means you are close to the bullseye, you are right where you want to be."
"If you walk around wearing a $5,000 Rolex or expensive jewelry, it is very clear that you are most likely a person of means."
"If you're in a trade and you're using that as a target, a lot of times price will be attracted to that point of control and want to return there."
"It's very important that you be aware of what is your target, what's around it, and also what's behind those things."
"Most of these items today I found in the dollar spot at Target."
"You don't have to spend money to have a good time at Target."
"When you finally knock that target off the net, it's exciting."
"Our target for feet per second is 2,500 feet per second."
"Remember, the Imperial food depot is our primary target."
"When you reach a certain plateau, you become a target."
"It's the Boston Rob strategy, right? You have this one person who's always there who's like gonna be a big target."
"We achieved that SIL two that we had it for a target."
"Overall, Target has knocked the vegan game out of the park."
"These dolls are starting to show up now in Target."
"We will have a target on our back, but we will be ready."
"What you're looking for is the middle ground, both red and white lights, to show that you're bang on target."
"In the context of logistic regression, we generally are focusing in on the probability of membership in a target category."
"What's up Sam, it's the kid who saw you in Target lol."
"Know what you want to achieve, get clear on your target, take aim, and let your arrow fly."
"God loves to hit a moving target."
"If you feel like it's you, you're the target, and you really want to be there, you should work to be there."
"We managed to get 93 hours of data, and we got a really lovely target."
"I'm so obsessed with this Christmas line at Target. So cute!"
"Get your heart rate in your training zone, up in the arms, hook, hook, good job!"
"I wanted to hit that number, 200,000 subscribers, before April, and I did."
"I am the MVP, so everyone targets on me, right?"
"It had taken them 5 years to build what they needed, and then they aimed it at Mars."
"The goal is to develop a target market which is a group of people who are most likely to purchase your particular product."
"That's what we call dead center, right there."
"That's absolutely bang on the mark, exactly where it needs to be."
"On target to make it into that final, which would be particularly special."