
Easter Egg Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Thank you so much for watching, and remember, there is a secret Easter egg hunt embedded throughout all these videos."
"L is real 2401 is something of a cryptic Easter egg."
"Guys, we unlocked the secret donut ending! Donut miss it!"
"Call of the Dead is a really unique Easter Egg because you actually have to work as a team if you're playing as a team."
"Another iconic easter egg quest in all of zombies history has to be on the map nine there are so many elements to this easter egg which I believe put this in one of the 20 greatest."
"A rather epic Easter egg in honor of a rather epic tale."
"Congratulations for completing the Easter Egg."
"It’s another signature sighting of the Pizza Planet delivery truck from Toy Story!"
"He made this look like the easiest Easter egg ever."
"This Easter Egg, though, in and of itself for the first sea strike, I gotta say, was very innovative and very unique."
"It's just a little fun Easter Egg, nothing with codes or puzzles or anything like that where you have to go out of the game to do it's all in-game."
"So it's a very involved and very interactive easter egg."
"Ancient Evil easter egg is one of my favorite easter eggs of all time."
"By far the best super Easter egg in Zombies history."
"This special encounter is of course one of the many references to Monty Python inside Fallout 2."
"If you're a power user that has recently made the switch from an older Windows operating system, you might be happy to know that the Easter egg known as God Mode is still available in Windows 10."
"Bigfoot: a full-on Easter egg complete with a side mission."
"One of the contracts saved in Miles' father's phone is Steve Ditko."
"It's the only thing you need the wave gun for in the entire Easter Egg."
"The moon crashing here is in reference to that storyline and during the fail text, we hear the laugh of the happy mask salesman."
"This is the most famous monologue from the first Bladerunner, and CDPR have followed this up with actually having a larger easter egg in the form of his character model."
"Thanos creator jim Starlin had a quick cameo in the support group scene."
"The red and white shirt that young Drake wears during the flashback sequences in Drake's Deception is identical to the shirt that Drake wore in the very first reveal trailer for Uncharted 1."
"This Easter Egg is huge, it's got aliens, it's got UFOs, and it's got so many awesome things in the game."
"The hidden rupee in Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a neat nod to the Zelda series."
"A recurring Easter Egg throughout the series is pressing on some form of Freddy's nose to create a honking sound."
"Did you see a113 on de la Cruz's album covers as well?"
"The code A113 appears in every single Disney movie."
"I just I can't do this video without saying a massive massive thank you to the Mount chiliad guru team they were literally like the only people properly going into every single bit of this mystery of this Easter egg of this huge thing online."
"This Easter egg, while pretty hard to find nowadays, is still a creepy, unnerving thing in an otherwise bright and colorful game."
"Bro, we'll show you guys again, this little Easter egg, it's 3 a.m., what's wrong with it? It's at 3 a.m., bro."
"Super cool to see Rockstar bring back an amazing Easter egg."
"Possibly the best video game Easter egg of the decade."
"I wanted to mention something from a couple of videos ago...I put a purposeful Easter egg in that and it was a little blue dinosaur."
"That's why he created the first digital easter egg, in rooms, for an invisible key, the creator's name."
"As the guards open up the gates, you can clearly see Rapunzel and Flynn Rider from Tangled among the countless guests."
"You'll need to pause your screen to spot every Mickey whenever he pops up, though we're reminded that it all started with a mouse."
"What's interesting is that when the She-Hulk trailer came out fans were quick to notice a Johnny Blaze poster in the background."
"I'm going right for an Easter egg like right now because your boy loves himself some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups."
"Yuri Easter egg was added into no Russian if the player in no Russian turns back around and heads towards the beginning of the level they can spot Yuri."
"It's an Easter egg for fan service, but I think if you want people to judge this show on its own without the baggage of Game of Thrones, well, you just connected the two in a big way."
"...it's just a fun little like easter egg of being like, hey, this little red-haired youngling, who you think is going to be, you know, and it's like, that's cool."
"Detective Myto was actually the annoyed neighbor of Project X. It's an Easter egg, yes, exactly, Easter egg."
"If you pay attention to the posters of some establishments in Dino Hatton you'll discover a lot of references to Super Mario characters."
"...a nice little reference to pahoy that doesn't really make a ton of sense in universe but whatever it's still a great little Easter egg."
"Schwarma Palace is a clever little Easter egg, a nod to the end credits scene of the original Avengers film."
"Rex from Toy Story makes a cameo in this film."
"That's the same serial number on the trash compactor in A New Hope when Luke Leia and Han get trapped inside the easter egg doesn't stop there."
"Before there was A113, there were Secret Mickeys."
"A dead can be found in GTA 5 on a website called acceptthechaos.com."
"If you notice Harry's hair does in the video so far congrats you just noticed the first secret Easter egg on the video."
"This confirms that it was in fact canon, and I just love this Easter egg. It was only recently discovered too, and it is really, really cool."
"A dolphin sound effect is used in the racetrack accident in The Final Destination. Now few Among Us take the Final Destination movies remotely seriously but the even so this is a pretty damn weird Easter egg hidden within the fourth film in the series."
"Now there is a final easter egg the director said is out there but is very difficult to find he said that it hints at pixar's next film turning red."
"Movie cameos when you're able to sneak an artist or creative related to The Source material in as a little Easter egg. It sounds pretty simplistic but that's because it is."
"It's quite the Easter egg for Zeppelin fans."
"The unmistakable reference and in-joke for any Pixar animator who spent time learning their craft in classroom A113 and the California Institute of the Arts."
"Paint Kirby Easter Egg: Pink Kirby serves as a hidden one-time use Coffee ability in Kirby Super Star and its remake Kirby Super Star Ultra."
"So what I'm pretty sure this entry is referring to is that back during phase three, there was a pretty fun Gorillaz related Easter egg on Google Maps."
"Luigi in the background: In Paper Mario Sticker Star, Luigi can be seen sitting in the background of five different stages."
"That Easter egg parallel was really cool, man."
"That's a little Easter egg that I think is absolutely fantastic."
"Hans Kristoff Anna Sven, the most creative Easter egg to a fairy tale writer to date."
"You can witness the first Easter egg of video gaming."
"It's an Easter egg chart; it's got a whole bunch of different references to the Midnights album."
"The Pizza Planet truck appears in every Pixar movie."