
Crisis Anticipation Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The one thing that unites all the problems that we've mentioned so far is governance. I don't think our governance system can even manage the current situation, let alone the whack-a-mole of all this stuff coming down."
"If Russia invades Ukraine, does my right-hand friend see the potential as I do?"
"They're going full steam towards the iceberg."
"Anything that surprised me may not have happened in my lifetime but happened before I studied the Great Depression because I did that I was able to anticipate the 2008 financial crisis."
"It's building up to a big collapse of some kind."
"There's going to be scenes like this, this is like a precursor and a lot of ways to what could happen."
"Hope for the best and hope that a humongous humanitarian crisis does not unfold and get way worse."
"New England is an energy crisis waiting to happen."
"Inflation is the highest we've seen since 1982. It's only a matter of time before the House of Cards comes crashing down."
"It's just going to continue until it reaches a crisis point because you know it's it's it's weaponized propaganda I'm sorry it just is."
"I think the biggest like Black Swan... is the looming threat of that happening combined with the banking crisis combined with the liquidity crisis combined with the real estate crisis that may be emerging here."
"Could you imagine if government subsidies get shut off it could you imagine when a economic collapse takes place in America and people aren't eating could you imagine the violence you're going to see here in America."
"Choose your camp folks. There's the one camp that's saying nothing's wrong everything's going to be alright... That's one camp. The other camp is, 'Shit's about to hit the fan.'"
"The United States and Europe could experience fuel shortages this summer... worse than the 1970s oil crisis."
"The longer time that passes once something finally does happen, shit's really gonna hit the fan."
"We should be trying to create an alternative economy right now; the old one's gonna go bust."
"A crisis is brewing; to Druckenmiller, this is a potential killing of a lifetime."
"There is no such thing as an unsinkable ship, and when all of the smart people start heading for the life rafts, it might be time to look out for icebergs ahead."
"I have been trying to warn people for two and a half years that this was coming."
"We're just one Black Swan event away from the hitting the fan."
"Get prepared now before it all hits the fan."
"It's not hard to see a storm coming down the horizon."
"Hell is coming, a tsunami's coming, and you can feel it in the air."
"Americans still do not understand the nightmare that is ahead."
"Humanity is indeed sleep walking toward near-term... on the side moments before the massive tidal wave hits Sri Lanka."
"We're seeing severe birth pains happening in the world right now."
"The crisis that's coming is going to be far worse than anything that was experienced in 2008."
"I do believe that a financial crisis of unprecedented magnitude is coming I do believe there will be significant changes in the international monetary system."
"This is the time to be awake, to be preparing, and to be getting ready for the biggest economic tsunami the world has ever seen."
"Now we're finally where every prepper and every warmonger and fear monger were talking about for five years."
"Sooner or later you're going to face a crisis."
"We haven't reached that real fear like we did in 2007-08 yet... it's a perfect time to get ahead." - Adriana Reid
"These are the good times guys... the bad times have not even started yet."
"Prepare for any series of events that are perfectly lined up. There's about a well over a dozen scenarios from false flag Putin nukes Ukraine, three-letter agency false flag attack, cyber attack."
"It's really impossible to know where the rot is, only to step back and know that anytime there's been such excess."
"It's inevitable that doesn't mean it's imminent. What it does mean is that I need to be prepared to take care of myself when the shizzy hits the fizzy."
"What we are experiencing is something this country has never experienced and most people are completely ignorant to what's coming and will be caught completely and totally off guard."
"Are we going to wait until the news tells us that something bad is coming, or are we going to get prepped now?"
"Major cracks are forming in the credit markets, suggesting we're on the cusp of another great financial crisis."
"It seems like we're heading to the edge of a cliff, and people won't believe it because it sounds so absurd."
"The only conclusion I have on why he would do such a thing is he fully believes something catastrophic is about to happen to the market."
"A major superpower is in far worse shape than we thought and on the verge of collapsing."
"1,500 deaths already, and we have not even gotten to the hard part of this."
"The impending currency, fiscal, and debt crisis is no longer NIA's greatest concern."
"There's another blind 11 date chosen guarantee there's a day when those things go off in the future there's a day when the lights go out there's another blind 11 coming it is coming."
"This overconfidence, which is in my view negligent or worse, it's going to put us in a situation that would be very difficult to handle."
"We're just one crisis away from the next major shortage."
"The ascent of money was born from the sense that a great crisis was coming."
"It is often the case that trouble is greater in anticipation than in reality, but this is not true of the crisis before us."