
Military Operations Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"Before carrying out the operation, the Ukrainian intelligence agencies conducted an extensive and secret reconnaissance work."
"Russia and Ukraine are fighting a very different war. Russia is fighting a special military operation; Ukraine is fighting a war."
"As soon as you remove the camouflage, you make their operations more difficult."
"That the gamble failed does not conceal the basic feat."
"Biden's handling of Afghanistan led to the death of 13 American service members and left hundreds more abandoned. This was a failure to lead."
"The leak finally showed the American people the reality of war."
"Parts of our black ops military have declared war on a land. Nobody should be under the illusions about that. They declared war on us and they are assaulting us daily."
"Operation Phoenix, for all the controversy about excessive brutality, has a positive side."
"The assault itself, the actual capture or if you prefer liberation of solidar, that was the work of the courageous and selfless volunteers of the Wagner group, so you could say the justice has been done."
"The court considers that Ukraine has a plausible right not to be subjected to military operations by the Russian Federation for the purpose of preventing and punishing an alleged genocide in the territory of Ukraine."
"The momentum of the Russian Advance is now accelerating."
"I was doing detainee operations, law of armed conflict, assisting the command in making decisions."
"General Milley does not play games... they got her out where she was seriously abused accosted and... we got her out and she's okay."
"Taking the beach at D-Day and establishing a front where something is finally pushing back on an ideology that's just been able to spread unchecked by any set of power or argument or reason or logic or anything."
"Air transport was the key element to the most demanding supply efforts of the shadow war."
"We are the United States military and we fully intend to successfully evacuate all American citizens who want to get out of Afghanistan..."
"The Air Force is working with the draconians and their Fourth Reich allies out of Antarctica."
"Estimates place the rate of Ukrainian tank hits at four a day since the beginning of the struggle."
"Finland's special operatives advance as NATO pushes deeper into Russia."
"These are some badass dudes doing some badass stuff."
"The deployment of Ukrainian troops to the Black Sea and the employment of Turkish Naval vessels was a daring action that called Russia's dominance over Ukraine into question."
"The troops that are presumably been withdrawn and those troops that have been presumably sent to replace them they're having to travel along these country roads and across those fields."
"The Ukrainian Army has only a brief window of opportunity left to accomplish its greatest victory."
"China is gearing up for a 'Putin-style' special operation."
"Russia is fighting this in a very rational calculated way."
"Israel and the United States are still conducting operations in Syria."
"The success of the operation underscored the determination, expertise, and ability of the Ukrainian forces."
"The Ukrainian troops pushed forward with unrelenting determination, achieving impressive advances despite difficult conditions."
"The only time we turn the spoilers off is whenever we're doing air refueling."
"Given how important of AFA was... this Russian operation overall has been progressing quite fast."
"Thank god we cleared that position out, it's the heaviest opposition so far."
"China hopes that the continued grey zone operations around Taiwan will allow it to get its will."
"It's like calling your secret military convoy 'Operation Pandora's Box.'"
"Only when the dust settles do they realize the incredible tightness of the landing zone."
"In March alone, Russia reportedly launched over 3,000 guided aerial bombs, 600 drones, and 400 missiles at Ukraine..."
"For longer-range S-400 and older S-300 batteries, F-35s equipped with glide bombs are able to overwhelm their missile defenses and destroy them."
"NATO forces wrest control of the skies over the front away from the Russians."
"Nobody wants to go fighting in a sandstorm. It's not fun, yet sand in all those places."
"The major challenge in tracking the full costs of these wars is that the U.S. military doesn't even meaningfully investigate civilian death tolls."
"We're waiting on exfil but... crushed him, we were not leaving him."
"The 47th Brigade inflicted many, many more losses than it suffered."
"The operation was rushed, there was no template for it."
"I think the biggest thing Operation Torch did was it gave the Americans and the British a way to forge a working relationship."
"It's kind of the almost the beginning of the end."
"I mean think about when the United States... went after Osama Bin Laden that's that was authorized not just of course by by the president within which to you know pull the trigger but it's it's done with so many different committees."
"58 separate contact locations either killed kazivac by their own forces or extracted under an overwhelming weight of fire from us, but we won the battle."
"The bomb bay doors open, the group is committed to its attack."
"This was an incredibly tough, pressurized mission filled with complexities, with active threats the entire time. Our troops displayed grit, discipline, and empathy."
"Surprise, we've got amazing pictures and videos coming out of the counter-offensive in the Kharkiv region."
"They possess the steely resolve to see their mission through."
"You can't really put anything past the military or government on what they might do in order to run experiments and testing of their technology."
"Most western nations would go on to praise the Israeli raid... congratulating Israel on an impossible operation."
"This is the most perilous time that we have ever operated at."
"General Todd Walters said, 'This is a historic moment and the very first time that the alliance has employed these high Readiness forces in a deterrence and defensive role before The Invasion even happened.'"
"Excellent charged by the general again cleaning up, cleaning up their forces."
"The success of mother operation was also the understanding of headquarters."
"The operations of submarines are nearly always kept secret from the public, leading to their adoption of the designation... the silent service."
"If you ignore us, we will have no choice but to embrace the military technical response which is this operation."
"Our failed president, a really bad failure- one of the worst- sent our brave men and women into combat, to rescue hostages, and got a bunch of them killed."
"What followed was the largest, longest, and most complex search-and-rescue operation during the entire Vietnam War."
"The Black Sea Fleet was able to carry out some very impressive amphibious operations."
"Accidents do happen. In this instance, when the missile was ejected from its tube, something malfunctioned."
"Rogers and his unit had been sent to secure what the military termed Hill 41, approximately 13 miles southeast of Da Nang..."
"Talon was lying in the middle of a minefield..."
"This is really just business time for the Marines."
"According to reports, Ukrainian forces have been responsible for the destruction of a significant number of Russian tanks in the past few weeks..."
"Let's just ensure that we can kill him or well preferably subdue him but our guys are too strong we're hit too hard we've done it first one down."
"The Ukrainian Army's sequence of ground and aerial attacks continues to terrify the invading Russian forces."
"Multiple forces were launched for search and rescue operations, recovering items from a stationary debris field, including the mishap pilot's survival kit and unopened parachute."
"Good tactics do not give away the strategy. They will surprise the enemy or cause them to believe you are using an altogether different strategy."
"Operation Rubicon turned the traditional concept of War completely on its head."
"All countries' offensive attempts made so far have failed."
"The stealth fighters led the attack that night."
"reason for that is because the numbers is kind of low here is uh here is Major General Hank Taylor admitting he doesn't know how many Americans have even left."
"Our goal is to take out a few of you, maybe just one, then we're leaving."
"It's only a matter of time before AIM pinpoints the Chimera's location and we need our base of operations up and running."
"I feel peaceful... like I just feel peaceful."
"Ukraine has stunned the whole world with its operations."
"Anywhere the Russian military goes, everyone dies and everything's destroyed."
"Especially when the IAP said that he felt a small bit of affection toward him because at the end of the day the two had been through absolute hell to try and accomplish a mission."
"As easy as shooting turkeys." - Commander Paul D. Buie describing Hellcat actions
"Small forces braved the churning warp to reconnect to the nearest systems, returning to fighting strength."
"We've not only evacuated fifteen thousand people under Operation Pitting, but we've supported since then four thousand six hundred more."
"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky confirmed that US mercenaries have begun to actively operate on the territory of Ukraine."
"It is clear that Ukraine aims to establish a strategic corridor and increase pressure on Russian-controlled territories."
"After six weeks of fighting, the new strip had been cleared by nightfall."
"Seals don't have that sort of Overland movements selection. When you're three clicks off a Target and two of those clicks are straight up and down, you don't get to quit then."
"Putin can't even articulate what the reason for this special military operation is."
"A potential escalation of military operations in Rafa would result in catastrophic humanitarian consequences."
"The high seas fleet had an opportunity using the fast ships of the first scouting group."
"We bond the other side of the planet with non-stop flight."
"This is the story of Operation Overlord, the story of D-Day."
"It is a great example of how smart planning and brave action may work in tandem to produce a significant victory."
"800,000 lives worldwide through bombing, through drone strikes – 800,000 people."
"Ukrainian Army assaults resulted in the total destruction of the ammunition warehouse."
"Ukrainian Special Forces make historic offensive assault in Zaparazia."
"All significant attacks in American history all had drills taking place on the same day."
"The Pentagon estimates that almost half of the creatures have been eradicated or put in containment."
"Without these cans, it would have been almost impossible for our armies to cut their way across France at a lightning pace."
"When NATO kills civilians, it's always an accident. NATO always means well."
"Intelligence drives operations - a crucial role for success."
"We are privileged to be observing a conversation between Patriots inside the military. This operation is targeted at the bad people, the bad guys that they know are watching the boards, trying to figure out what the Patriots are going to do next."
"Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsmen: They're the Navy's badass special operations medics."
"The situation had been restored; allied focus switched to Damascus."
"They didn't know we had Green Berets across the fence."
"These Russian attacks never discouraged the ukrainians and kiev's offensive operations continued to advance steadily."
"During 43 days of combat, Midway flies 3,339 combat sorties, averaging 121 per day, delivering 2,000 tons of bombs and missiles on enemy targets."
"There's just something so fucking cool about special ops bro. There's just something so fucking cool about the discipline, all that shit. It's just fucking the precision it gives me is a special service."
"It was not a safe withdrawal. 13 service members were killed in a terror attack."
"With the level of supplies present aboard USS Wisconsin, there's actually very few operations they can't do."
"The news reports will reveal that the long-awaited counter-offensive has begun."
"The war has finally started, operation Unthinkable is a go."
"Operation Corkscrew, the 1943 Allied invasion of Pantelaria, deserves to be remembered."
"The positions taken by the Ukrainian Army in Bakken were regarded as a partial victory."
"Putin is winning. Russia hits Levê and prepares for an assault in eastern Ukraine."
"D-Day: Americans land on the western coast of France."
"Troops at border does what stops the trafficking."
"This is one of the biggest strategic blunders, miscalculations I've ever seen that I've ever read about. This is just it's really phenomenal how much of a miscalculation Putin has made in terms of this invasion."
"Direct military intervention going on between the Israelis and the nation of Iran."
"Striking strategic targets in Russia aims to disrupt their military capabilities."
"It's important to understand this is only one part of a larger operation and that the future of this counter-offensive might still be up in the air."
"Mission complete because that's what you'd likely do in the real world. You'd exfil and then you'd look for other solutions to eliminate the rest of the enemy."
"Even with all that weight and size, we still managed to do it all on a bloody bomber."
"I think one of the things that people probably don't understand about special operations in general is that it takes a creative brain and a creative mind."
"We're currently bombing seven different countries."
"Ukraine continued to focus its offensive operations in the Avdiivka sector."
"As a forward observer, we bring to bear the full might of the United States military."
"Ukraine has entered the temporarily occupied Village of robotne and has begun evacuating ecstatic and relieved civilians."
"Russia is doing all it can just to avoid civilian casualties."
"We captured many, many ISIS fighters... I called them myself in many cases... I said, 'Take your fighters.' They said, 'We don't want them, sir.' We did you a big favor."
"Operation Jericho: Breaching the walls to give the prisoners a chance to escape."
"Y'all did a damn fine job on a tough mission last night."
"We were the first in the world in Afghanistan to be hunting him for sure."
"The Ukrainian Army has devised an operation that will strike the Russians right in the heart."
"We need to take a breath and conduct U.S. diplomacy, U.S. military operations, Allied reassurance through good diplomatic means, not always rely on Twitter."
"The ninja rise to become an indispensable part of the Japanese military machine as intelligence gatherers and operational agents."
"The advance had been over areas so vast that it was impossible for comprehensive mopping up operations to be undertaken."
"This new force was to conduct special operations against the Japanese in order to win sorely needed victories."
"The first AGMs and tomahawks scream into Baghdad just as planned."
"After 30 days at sea, the British task force was just 100 miles off the Falkland Islands, but an invasion was not yet possible."
"I pointed out the serious consequences that would surely arise if operations in the South dragged on too long."
"This is a message for the station Commander at Mumbai from the Rhodesian Air Force."
"Every military operation that we've ever seen was an experiment. They ain't gonna bear to do it. They ain't gonna better hit no button. As soon as they think about hitting that button, we're gonna be right back."
"The Grey Knights are sometimes party to these purges as well, but the Ordo Malus has resources and experience to conduct many by itself, particularly valued individuals such as warriors of other Space Marine chapters and occasionally high-ranking commanders."
"Progin assumed the public role as vogner's figurehead and was often referred to as its leader however lacking a military background it is reported that he leaned on utkin to oversee Wagner's military operations."
"I actually find it very comforting because like this thing where we just bombed the houthis and in Yemen and it was us and America that did it as a joint operation but supported by AUST Australia and Canada and a few other countries."
"I was doing helicopter inserts, we were doing dismounted patrols, we were all over the place trying to win mines and hearts."
"They want you to wonder where those jets are going and they never want you to spend one second thinking about where those jets came from."
"Protection of civilians must be prioritized in any military operation."
"For the first time since the American Civil War, U.S Navy forces find themselves engaged in operations on rivers and other tributaries in Vietnam."
"For the first time in the Pacific war, a night air operation will be launched from an American carrier."
"There are three main elements that you have to have while conducting a raid: a security element, a support element, and an assault element."
"The alert culminated with nuclear-armed B52 bombers flying over northern Alaska for several days."
"Every Special Forces dreams of going into an area, on his own, the 12-man ODA, fighting with indigenous troops or militia, to defeat bad people from being oppressed. It's amazing. It gives me goosebumps just hearing it. Man, I love it."
"Logistics operations were speeded up enormously; vital cargo was delivered in record time right into the hands of troops in the battle zone."
"From the earliest days of our navy there have been times where sailors have had to go ashore and fight on land."
"In order to make air operations work, he had to achieve air superiority, duh."
"So, what I would tell you, sir, is that the next year, we got a lot of experimentation going on, a lot."
"He advised the strategic planners about operational realities, and then he translated their directives into orders for the fleet commanders."
"When he wanted a complex operation such as a landing on Saipan, he wanted somebody with more subtle skills and that was always Spruance's job."
"Their eyes sparkled with excitement as they assembled to study the roles they would play in the forthcoming operations."
"The F-35 fighter is intended to be used in two configurations depending on the situation in the theater of military operations."
"What matters is that we're getting the job done and that we're bringing more people home and executing the mission."
"What really got my goat was the very misleading article that said four Green Berets had destroyed Kony... giving no credit to the Ugandans who were the guys who actually did the heavy lifting."
"Information is warfare, and intelligence is operations."
"The Ukrainian counter-offensive in the south is already slowly but surely proceeding."
"The Allied invasion of Vichy-controlled Madagascar is a little remembered operation in a little remembered theater of the Second World War, and yet is history that deserves to be remembered."
"Since its inception, the activity has been providing invaluable intelligence and support to many United States operations."
"Both Seal Team Six and Delta Force are special missions units under the control of the secretive Joint Special Operations Command."
"Their missions have been kept secret for national security reasons."
"Reinforcements are going ashore and large numbers of Royal Air Force bombers are once again heading for France."
"Throughout the course of a given day, a carrier will launch and retrieve multiple aircraft, engage in various training actions, and work with a wide variety of equipment and vehicles."
"We are strongest when we are committed to the rule of law and we work to make sure that all military operations are conducted consistent with the rule of law and the law of war."
"Amphibious assaults are among the most difficult operations to pull off."
"The current military strategy's basic guiding thought for operations is information dominance, precision strikes on strategic points, and joint operations to gain victory."
"That thing does like 20-hour missions; that's crazy."
"The most intriguing operations carried out by the Special Operations forces often remain undisclosed or are only revealed after a significant period of time."