
Mormonism Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"In comparison to most other Protestant denominations, Mormonism has an established tradition of entrepreneurship and less outward ambivalence about the pursuit of wealth."
"But that's really only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the alternative views presented by the Mormon scriptures."
"There's literally a golden statue on top of your temple of God of Moroni."
"The truths of the Book of Mormon have the power to heal, comfort, restore, succor, strengthen, console, and cheer our souls."
"According to Mormon doctrine, Nephi is a prophet in the Book of Mormon and is commanded by his father Lehi to return to Jerusalem to obtain brass plates."
"I don't know how anybody can take Mormonism seriously, honestly."
"Join this church because it is the only true church on the land. God speaks to prophets. All other Christian churches are wrong. We, the Mormon church, have the full gospel."
"You got a lot of people out of Mormonism and out of bad, horrible abusive marriages and out of silence about their sexual abuse."
"Mormonism definitely in terms of belief but also behavior."
"Mormonism really doesn't permit you to have a healthy sexual relationship with your own body."
"The whole Mormon religion started out as being inquired of. Joseph Smith didn't know which religion to follow, and he inquired of God."
"It's a fool's errand to think that you're going to be able to prove the validity of the Book of Mormon, of Joseph Smith as a prophet, the restoration of the Gospel just through history. It won't happen."
"Friendship is one of the grand fundamental principles of ‘Mormonism.’"
"How to explain the great secret of how Mormonism became not just another church, not just a thriving institution, but a people for whom the words brother and sister carry more than metaphoric significance."
"The best book in Mormonism for me will always be Mormon Enigma, the biography of Emma Smith."
"Mormons won't tell you that there are over 100 divisions in Mormonism, conveniently forgetting this while criticizing the many denominations within the body of Christ."
"What's most important is just how the Mormon church has, for over a hundred years, intentionally misrepresented or hidden or skewed to its membership the important historical context and facts."
"The idea that there's a whole bunch of Mormons who believe that Democrats are the enemy and they're all communists and socialists is rooted right there in Mormonism."
"I am just not afraid to feel Joy when Joy is and I'm not afraid to feel sadness one and sadnesses and I'm I'm not afraid of any emotion whereas in my Mormon experience I was afraid of every emotion other than happiness it was very toxic positivity if you will."
"The church was true, I was excited to be at BYU, lucky to be a Mormon."
"We've all been sold as Mormons this idea that the most beautiful doctrine in all of Mormonism is the eternal family turns out that's the most terrorizing doctrine in Mormonism."
"...Mormonism offered me like a pseudo version of healing because it was allowing me to feel lovable and you know loved and I suppose forgiven and all those things but...it wasn't actually addressing any of the root issues in me..."
"My parents were willing to let us make mistakes, which is somewhat unique, I would say, for Mormon parents."
"It's literally training Mormons to not have healthy boundaries."
"The movement became known as Mormonism and has since evolved into a major Christian tradition."
"My first serious boyfriend that I married was a standup comedian so like in terms of Mormonism that's like the low somebody who came home early from his mission serve a state side."
"I'm a lifelong member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints you might know us as Mormons."
"I found the booklet to be probably the best explanation of Mormonism from a Catholic perspective that I recommend to anybody."
"The Mormon church has canceled free agency, and it's the most anti-Mormon thing I've ever heard of. It's crazy."
"Feminism is core, it's there in Mormonism from the beginning."
"...you know he voluntarily converted to Mormonism."
"Mormonism is a dead-end street and will not lead you to the one and only true Christ."
"Even though a bishop serves on average five years, there's the saying in Mormonism 'once a bishop, always a bishop.'"
"Anyone who tells you you can't be happy after Mormonism doesn't know what they're talking about."
"I absolutely knew that the Mormon church was not what it claimed to be, that the truth claims would not could not hold up, that the Book of Mormon was not historical, that the Book of Abraham was a problem, and the church wasn't the one true church for sure."
"Where is the hard-hitting journalism that we used to have within Mormonism? It's kind of gone and it kind of makes me sad."
"We don't need to measure up to being like Molly Mormon, all these different ideals."
"The black priesthood ban lasted for 126 years from 1852 until 1978."
"The longevity of Brigham's priesthood ban can be attributed to President Joseph F. Smith."
"Brigham was the only church officer sustained in conference as prophet, seer, and revelator."
"The Mormon way of thinking is so black and white, and they feed you these truths that you can really, really hold on to because they feed them to you as things that they know are true."
"The Twelve are equal in authority to the First Presidency."
"The mantle of Joseph had fallen upon Young."
"Yes, Mormon history is littered with examples of bottom-up revelation."
"The book of Mormon teaches very early, and this would have probably been the first place Joseph Smith would have discovered this, an eternal gospel."
"There is more to the story of the Mormons than is revealed in the persecution at navu and the abandonment of this beautiful city"
"The Mormons outside of Utah are so inclusive and I think an aspect of that is because you have to be, because you are surrounded by cultural and social diversity all the time."
"Our work is twofold: we're getting kicked out and our families are all experiencing what it's like to be rejected and kicked out and labeled as apostates. But the other effect is we're eliciting positive change within the Mormon church."
"How cool would it be if the Mormon church had an apostle who became one of the world's experts in alleviating suffering and poverty?"
"I really need to study mormonism and I really need to start really researching it and so that's when I just started buying books and acquiring books about mormonism."
"The Mormon church has intentionally hid its wealth from its members."
"I see that in Mormonism families are forever and that's what I want, a forever happily ever after family."
"Mormons played a key role in the western expansion of the U.S."
"This book isn't just significant to Mormons, it's a unique historical document."
"We seek spaces where we as Mormons can live lives of intellectual and spiritual integrity, individual conscience, and personal dignity."
"Book of Mormon is a keystone of Mormonism."
"Mormonism is a religion that seeks to embrace all truth, let it come from whatever source it may."
"Everyone has their own God, their own Jesus, and their own definition of Mormonism."
"Mormonism is the fastest-growing faith group in American history."
"Mormons are religious group that embrace concept of Christianity as well as revelations made by their founder Joseph Smith."
"Mormons believe in the crucifixion, resurrection, and divinity of Jesus Christ, same as other Christian churches."
"The celestial kingdom is the highest heaven... the permanent residence of God the Father and Jesus Christ."
"Mormons don't recognize the Christian concept of the Trinity. God existing in three persons, instead they believe the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are three separate gods."
"I am not attacking Mormons, I'm defending Christianity against Mormonism."
"Welcome to the groundbreaking news program that delves into the heart of Mormonism."
"We are here as historians to study the Mormon past."
"Mormonism at its foundation is a socialist religion."
"The big thing is the book, right? That Joseph produced a 500-page book."
"Carolyn Pearson has hit a homerun in her quest to illuminate both the damage that Mormonism's de facto practice of polygamy continues to inflict and the route to a better more humane place."
"I have a Zeal for Mormons and did a lot of research into their beliefs recently."
"To seal the testimony of this book and the Book of Mormon, we announce the martyrdom of Joseph Smith the Prophet, and Hiram Smith the Patriarch."
"The Book of Mormon has always functioned for Mormons and for non-Mormons as a sign or barometer of the truthfulness of Joseph Smith's message."