
Sugar Consumption Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"There's like nine teaspoons of refined sugar in a typical can of soda and that overwhelms your metabolism."
"We've got to develop a multi-sectoral, multi-component program that addresses sugar drinks, that addresses physical activity."
"Our food dollars are being spent on processed foods loaded with sugar because the food industry knows when they add it, you buy more."
"A child is eating over a hundred times more sugar than they did 100 years ago."
"We don't tire of consuming added sugar, and its addition to ultra-processed food products contributes to hyper-palatability."
"If we get the consumption of sugar down by at least 20% in the next few years...we could very easily reverse the type 2 diabetes epidemic within 3 years."
"Sugar should be regulated like tobacco and alcohol."
"The best time to eat something sweet is as dessert at the end of a meal, not first thing in the morning when you're fasted."
"Sugar hits the body the same way that rat poison does."
"Refined sugar consumption contributes to advanced glycation end products in the skin."
"Fructose can only get processed in the liver so anytime you see fructose crystalline fructose high fructose corn syrup anything like that it has to get processed in the liver."
"People tend to think about the sugar problem as the obesity problem, but sugar absolutely contributes to obesity... and it actually makes you sick."
"Sugar is very, very bad for you. Sugar is a poison, sugar is not natural."
"How addictive sugar is and all the ways it negatively affects our bodies."
"Enjoy sugar from time to time, but understand it's a recreational drug."
"The critical question is whether sugar is actually an addictive substance or people just act like it is."
"Exogenous sugar in the diet is almost certainly problematic."
"Sugar is the number one worst food because it's everywhere."
"Limiting refined sugar intake can help anyone."
"There can be real harm when you're consuming custom drinks with even more added sugar than the standard drink on a regular basis."
"I was taking in such a large amount of sugar."
"The real white devil we affectionately refer to as sugar."
"The low-fat industry is in cahoots with the sugar industry."
"Sugar is the only molecule on the planet where you just can't do moderation. Unfortunately, sugar is the only thing on the planet where we cannot do moderation with it."
"Eliminate sugar and fake food from your diet."
"Sugar drives fat accumulation in the liver, that's why."
"More than half the United States has an increased risk of heart disease death due to their added sugar consumption."
"They're not benign. We really need to make an effort to eradicate, eliminate, and limit our consumption of sugar."
"Sugar is a drug. Fructose is metabolized the same way as alcohol in our liver. It's one of the worst drugs known to man."
"Knowing that sugar is addictive might be helpful for people to know."
"Sugar is linked to... mental health challenges, diseases, weight gain."
"Sugary breakfast cereals have been around since 1939."
"Added sugar is the number one single source of calories in the American diet."
"Sugar has been linked to cancers, immune system problems, and mental health issues."
"Definitely sugar is not the enemy in my opinion."
"Reducing sugar doesn’t mean reducing happiness."
"If you want to see results, try completely cutting sugar for a few months."
"Sugar in moderation seems like a much better choice."
"If you care about your family, your loved ones, or yourself, then you should work on trying to curb your sugar addiction and live a healthier lifestyle."
"Sugar is not the Antichrist. Sugar is the gasoline of the body."
"I think I'm crashing right now because of the massive amount of caffeine and sugar I put into my body today."
"Sugar is highly addictive, as addictive as nicotine."
"Limiting your sugar intake is more important than ever."
"Humans don't need to eat the amount of sugar we need to eat is zero grams a day."
"We have so much flour and that drives your body to think that there's high levels of sugar because this flour is actually worse than sugar for your blood sugar."
"Sugar is pretty much the devil...be careful with eating too much sugar."
"In general, if you are eating within your caloric requirements and you're otherwise healthy, then consuming some sugar doesn't really seem to have a negative effect."
"This is sugar with sugar, with sugar sprinkled on top, and then some sugar, glazing a ball of sugar."
"Controlling alcohol intake and avoiding its abuse are effective ways to protect the liver and maintain overall health."
"Americans eat 57 pounds of sugar each and every year."
"Sugar keeps you sick and sugar keeps you addicted, and that's why in every single thing you eat now, they're sneaking sugar."
"The sugar is one of the most dangerous things out there but seems like they're really going and kind of extreme."
"Sugar is a highly addictive drug, yet we normalize it."
"This livestream is a breath of fresh air which will, I think, be undermined by the copious and insane amounts of sugar that we're going to be consuming."
"Sugar for instance if you eat too much sugar it spikes insulin insulin spikes inflammation it's just really bad for your skin in general."
"In just 30 days of cutting out sugar, you can completely transform your future health picture."
"High fructose corn syrup, especially when you're already in a caloric surplus."
"You can have sugar and still lose fat; it's not an issue."
"You're supposed to take in calories, and those calories are supposed to be from sugar."
"Sugar is your enemy if you're consuming sugary substances like cupcakes, brownies, um, what else? Juices, am I missing anything?"
"Cancer loves sugar... They suck up the sugar."
"80% of food items in America contain some form of added sugar."
"If you have a sweet tooth and eat a lot of sugary foods, that sugar will elevate your triglycerides."
"Sugar consumption correlates with behavior problems in 5-year-olds - increased impulsivity, lack of being able to sit and concentrate."
"If we just got sugar consumption down to USDA guidelines, we would actually cause twice as much weight loss, twice the degree of weight loss, and save $3 trillion instead of spending 2.1 trillion."
"So, we're eating huge amounts of sugar in high fructose corn syrup. We have been able to reduce that a little bit in the last decade but we're still eating so much that it makes up 15 to 20% of our diet."
"Sugar has a far more damaging effect on our body."
"So yes, there is thought that goes into my sugar consumption. I don't eat sugar every time it crosses my mind."
"...if you're somebody who consumes a lot of sugar it wouldn't be surprising if your metabolic age is actually older than your biological age."
"Decrease the consumption of sugar."
"If you're doing all the other stuff right and eating sugar, it is going to just put the stop on all of this. It is so detrimental."
"We've become so used to having sugar in our diets, we really don't understand how much sugar we're consuming."
"I went 31 years of my life never looking at it. I can't believe how much sugar is in soda."
"The worst drug out of all of them is sugar."
"Just try it out to see how much sugar is in your drink at home."
"When sugar was a condiment, it was not a problem. Now it's a food staple. We need to bring it back to condiment, real food."
"Sugar, sorry, but you're overrated."
"The brain is exquisitely sensitive to sugar... you may be overly indulging your body and starving your brain at the same time."
"The correlation between an excessive intake of sugar-laden beverages and the burgeoning rates of obesity is not merely speculative; it's a stark reality."
"Consuming sugar-sweetened beverages without question increases your risk of coronary heart disease."
"Amid a mental health crisis, we should be encouraging people to consume less sugar, processed carbs."
"Sugar is toxic because it's sugar, not because it's calories."
"Warning: This video may cause you to never want to eat sugar ever again."
"Reducing sugar intake is one of the key ways to prevent diabetes."
"Remember, sugar itself is not the enemy; it's overconsumption of sugar that creates the problems."
"Every single thing the fructose does in the liver cell promotes the diseases of metabolic syndrome."
"Sugar makes your eyes very blurry; yes, sugar and alcohol will deplete your vitamin A very quickly in the eyes and cause vision blurriness."
"Sugar the bitter truth which has now been viewed by more than five million people."
"If you're going to have sugar, think of it as a recreational drug; small amounts occasionally can be fine."
"We spend about 2.4 trillion of those dollars just treating the effects of sugar consumption alone."
"Sugar is not healthy, particularly when it comes to added sugar."
"The biggest return on investment is reduce the amount of sugar in the food that you eat."