
Horses Quotes

There are 248 quotes

"Horses need so much exercise; they're really big and they love to gallop everywhere."
"We rescued 24 baby horses... they were going to get shipped to Mexico for slaughter. Wow."
"Your horse is no more just a means of transportation, it's truly a companion."
"Sometimes I feel like when you're looking into a horse's eyes and it has so much emotion."
"It just completely changes the way that you look at horses in the game."
"You don't want to be rude to a horse but I don't I want to be obvious to her and that's what I'm trying to do with this stuff."
"Horses really, really are a nightmare. Like, to make a horse is a complete and total nightmare."
"We're almost ready to domesticate horses, that'll be very good."
"They loved them and they really cared for their horses."
"I think the horses themselves are really cute, obviously Sprinkle is the cutest one."
"There's nothing more noble and free than the heart of a horse."
"There's just something so special about horses, and there is not a more beautiful place on this earth to ride them than on the beach."
"We want to see wild horses out here, but we want to see healthy wild horses."
"The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man."
"Horses can help people feel more grounded while processing traumatic memories."
"Well, when we made it out of the thick forest trail where the trees weren't blocking us in, we could see what made the horses so uneasy: smoke. Loads of smoke was coming up the mountain."
"The Akhal-Teke horse is considered to be one of the most breathtakingly beautiful horse breeds in the world."
"Horses gave plains people a speed and mobility that they had never imagined."
"Here his palfrey was a blood Bay his destrier a magnificent graay stallion it had been long years since Jaimie had named any of his horses he had seen too many die in battle and that was harder when you named them."
"Here are my Stables, the horses humble abode."
"The connection everyone has here with the horses is just beautiful."
"It's all about the relationship. Horses will respond to love, to language, and leadership in equal doses."
"Horses are afraid of things that come towards them."
"All right, horse lovers, thank you so much for watching."
"Horses are supposed to eat 24/7. They are grazing animals, so hay burners is a little bit of a joke when it comes down to owning horses and paying for their forage."
"They have to be very special because we will have to wait a long time to ride them, it'll take years to work with them and also gain their trust since they're pretty unhandled."
"Tom Smith was the ultimate horseman, he understood horses better than people."
"After years in captivity, these wild horses have the chance to run free again, to feel the wind in their mane and the ground beneath their hooves."
"From wooden carvings to fiberglass molds: the evolution of carousel horses."
"There's just so much power and athleticism to the horse, and you can just put a little piece of string around its neck and then you have control of all that power."
"Everybody who plays this game is going to be humbled by horses at some point if you haven't been already."
"Horses are just like kids, if they think they can be a little lazy and not put in a lot of effort, they will."
"I watch a little bit of rodeo still and I'm not as involved as I used to be but I've got a couple of horses that I'm training."
"Known as gentle giants, the large draught horses love people but make no mistake, they represent horse power in its truest sense."
"...a bond that's just special with Arabian horses."
"Did you know that horses will eat themselves to death if you keep giving them food?"
"A horse alone is a frightened and unhappy horse."
"But of all the horses in Edoras, Gandalf chose to tame Shadowfax."
"Horses living things with their own minds."
"Cowboys get one thing right: if you're afraid, that horse is going to be afraid."
"The Fjord Horse: one of the oldest purebred horses, agile and strong, with a distinct appearance."
"We are pros at glittering horse's bums."
"The Akhal-Teke horse: the jewel of Turkmenistan, known for its spectacular coat and endurance."
"No horse is any taller than the tip of his ears when his nose is touching the ground."
"I honestly I like palominos but I like the darker horses."
"These amazingly strong horses are known to pull up to 8,000 pounds."
"Now when I'm with my horses, the love I feel is real."
"I've been getting so many emails from people asking me how do you find these horses."
"I had a dream last night that I accidentally bought 12 horses."
"I guess I'm just here telling you that you so many homesteads out there or small farms all they would need is one horse and with the price of horses nowadays it's so much cheaper just to buy one horse."
"We love our horses as you've seen... a horse is a man's best friend."
"So we moved here 25 years ago and bought a ranch and started running horses and cattle, and it's exactly what we're doing to this day."
"Horses love danger and adventure and are eager to go into battle with their human owners."
"Horses are not scared because of the pressure, they're scared when they don't understand the pressure."
"Most of the people that say well there's just no such thing as a bad horse or there's no such thing as horses being a jerk he's just misunderstood most the people that say things like that don't work with a horse every day."
"Shoes aren't they are protection yes but they also stabilize the hoof capsule and so when a horse is moving across uneven ground like rocks and things like that the shoe helps to keep the foot from flexing too far which is what happens when they step on a big rock."
"Teaching your horse how to control their emotions is the real benefit of all this training."
"There's always been great bucking horses, but I think the genetics nowadays are going out through the roof."
"Personally I'd like to always see wild horses."
"Wild horses have long been a symbol of the Great American West."
"There's a lot of kids out there that might be doing badly at school... the best thing they could do is get out there with horses."
"Horses have excellent long-term memory, crucial for survival in the wild, helping them remember safe areas and avoid dangers."
"Can't wait to get this place done up for these horses to have a nice cozy winter bedrooms."
"Did you know horses can sleep standing up and laying down?"
"Estimates suggest that there are about 60 million horses on this planet. That's a lot of horses!"
"Look at these horses. This is sweet."
"Horses are graceful, majestic, and fast. I love horses because they are graceful, majestic, and fast."
"This is the premise for the incredible documentary 'Stallions of the Nama Desert' which chronicles the descendants of a small group of horses abandoned by World War I soldiers a century ago."
"A horse kind of terrifying me a wee bit not gonna lie."
"So many people want to show horses boss. What I want to do is show a horse that I've got a plan. Dad's got a plan."
"I'm here to help you have a better horse life and so your horse can have a better horse life. The only way I know how to do that is by keeping it natural and using communication understanding psychology."
"We work hard, you know, most of us have jobs or families, and we work really, really hard to be able to keep our horses, to be able to work with our horses."
"When you grow up with the horses around you, it's very easy to sort of get sucked in."
"When I've thought about the importance of horses, I thought you know, there wouldn't have been a battle if it weren't for horses. All the way! They were as essential to the army as the fighting soldier on the ground."
"I grew up in Kentucky on a horse breeding farm so my love of horses runs deep."
"People buy horses for transportation, entertainment like horse racing, but also for food."
"Elvis knew Priscilla loved horses, so he decided to buy her one."
"It is a mystical celebration of horses and humanity, which is as much a part of Kentucky's identity as the bluegrass itself."
"The Thoroughbred, the product of centuries of selective and judicious breeding."
"An animal of beauty, nobility, courage, and spirit; the Thoroughbred is a creature of habit."
"We just don't throw a saddle on them and turn them loose."
"It's believed that these Canyon horses are direct descendants of horses that were left in this country by the Spaniards in the 16th century."
"What's natural to a horse is living free, with his herd..."
"Our history with horses spans thousands of years, resulting in a unique bond between horse and rider."
"That whole experience shared with the horse profoundly changed my life."
"I've always been in love with horses since I've been a little tot."
"Wow, free-roaming horses, so majestic."
"We use the natural movements what you can see outside by young horses playing on the fields."
"Great horses are born, not trained."
"Lipizzana is the breed that brings us the genes of old populations of horses that in fact don't exist anymore."
"Good horses aren't made in months, it's years."
"These noble animals known today as Lipizzanas are Europe's oldest domesticated breed of horse."
"In the packing world, if you have a string, each horse has their own saddle and that's it, forever."
"One of the main things we do with horses here is rehabilitation work. We work with the insane and the unsound, the lame, and horses that are unwanted. We try to bring them back to being good using horses for people."
"I'm fanatical about making sure my horses have the best quality forage."
"In order to keep horses as domesticated animals, proper care and training are necessities."
"You know horses sleep standing up? Yeah, I understand it now."
"Every four to five weeks we trim horses' feet; it's just a basic necessity for a horse."
"It's one of approximately 500 wild horses living in the Danube Delta, the last wild horses to be found in Europe."
"Horses have been loyal companions to humans for centuries."
"It's so exciting because today we're going to feed and care for horses."
"Did you know that horses can run right after being born?"
"It's like horses galloping, it's just so speedy."
"Go past slowly and carefully when overtaking a horse and rider."
"The new horse specimen shows that the old Vikings were using horses to transport goods through the snowy mountains."
"We have lots of horses that need homes, so I'm excited to see who's going to get adopted."
"I think he did good, I think he must be a cross, maybe Thoroughbred cross."
"You don't want to miss a minute of Horse Shelter Heroes."
"We rescued 20 horses last night, super excited about that, that is so absolutely outstanding, so amazing."
"Horses have heightened senses compared to humans and can notice indications we overlook."
"I love horses. I actually got involved with thoroughbreds at a young age with my father."
"That's what we do here at Horse Plusy Main Society, we try to intercept as many horses out of the slaughter pipeline as possible."
"We have to fight and be the voice for these horses."
"Horses are incredibly large, very strong creatures, but it's also really important to understand just how sensitive they are."
"I always wanted to have my own paddock... to have a property with acres for our horses so I can sort of wake up and watch them in the field playing."
"It's nice for the horses to go out in the field."
"Star Stable is an online multiplayer game where you and your horse get to unlock and explore lots of different areas."
"We have so much to learn from these horses on how to be together."
"I don't make saddles for a particular horse but I make them for a type of horse."
"Horses aren't trained overnight; they are trained one step at a time."
"The motion of a horse involves qualitative change from walk to trot to canter to gallop."
"No, it's not a good idea to pet horses you don't know since they can be skittish."
"There's nothing more therapeutic than just being with a horse."
"I love helping the horses and keeping the most important part of the horse healthy and correct in balance."
"Without a hoof, you have no horse."
"Horses are therapeutic, a lot of people that go through traumatic experiences ride horses."
"Reward the horses... with a body sign or release of the reins or a good pat on the neck or the butt to tell the horse that it done what it did really well."
"They're just the most pleasurable horse I've ever been around."
"Horse Plus Humane Society is an amazing organization helping horses around the world."
"I just love horses; they've been my life."
"I really believe that horses feel anxiety when they have no control over what happens to them."
"I'd like to spend more time with my horses... maybe ride again."
"The horses are smarter than most folk give them credit for; they have a tremendous sense of direction and can see well at night."
"The thing I like about the Percherons is they're very dependable; they're pretty stout horses, they're always willing to go."
"You cannot imagine how massive these Clydesdale horses are until you're actually standing next to them."
"The horses continue to save you as you live your life."
"These horses keep saving my life over and over, now giving me back normal."
"Some people are born loners, and he is one of them; then again, he is never quite alone. There is almost always one of his horses for company."
"It's impossible to overestimate the importance that horses have been in the princess's life."
"They're everything; they're beautiful, they're sweet, they're just everything I ever wanted in a horse and more."
"With these horses, they just... they're magic."
"Truly securing their place among the strongest horses in the world."
"The majestic beauty and strength of horses have captivated humans for centuries."
"Every one of these horses seems to have a story."
"What animal does a farrier deal with? Horses."
"Horses can't talk, so if something's wrong, we got to kind of figure it out."
"Every horse is good for something."
"In the past few years, the horse or equestrian therapy has become very popular."
"In the beginning, horses were no bigger than your pet dog."
"Horses have the biggest eyes of any land mammal. A horse eye is even bigger than an elephant eye."
"It's nice to know that all these horses are loved just so much."
"We're in the process of trying to get a Therapy Program set up for these horses."
"Horses are beautiful and I'd say so majestic."
"Did you know horses love to eat apples but occasionally crave other sustenance?"
"Horses are the best therapy, they give us the very best escapism."
"Every horse is treated as an individual horse; it's brought forward."
"Horses are the same all over the world; they don't have nationalities, not like people."
"It's so crazy that they saw a horse and they're like, 'I'm gonna go on that'."
"How funny is it that a part of our police force are still on horses?"
"I vibe with horses, I love those things, man."
"I've got some exciting news on frontier science when it comes to horses and humans."
"Horses don't judge, they accept you for who you are, they stay in the moment."
"Without horses, there may be no Mongolia as we know it."
"Then he heard it, the unmistakable heavy drumming of battle horses' hooves."
"Horses like Atlas don't come around that often."
"The horse wasn't around until the Spaniards brought it over here in the 1500s."
"The species Equus ferus is split into two subspecies: the domesticated horse, which contains all breeds, and the Przewalski's horse, the last truly wild horse."
"You can see the horses over there; they're curious, they're looking to see what we're doing."
"Oh my gosh, Todd, this is incredible, if you could see them all right now, oh my gosh, there's broom, there's bhoy ballet, oh my gosh, this is... I'm right in the way, but wow, wow, that was amazing, that was just magical to see them all going by like that."
"I love horses, they're just so powerful and smart and intuitive."
"We're going to continue developing them and just getting them to relax more and start their lives as sport horses."
"Starting horses means that you're starting them in their training, you're starting them under saddle with groundwork."
"Horses are not born bad; all horses can be worked with and can be managed."
"Horses have a really good memory."
"I collected horses when I was a kid, I loved horses."
"Horses are phenomenal athletes; these 1200 pound animals running 35-38 miles an hour with chicken bones in their legs."
"You do know that horses can have severe allergic reactions to herbal remedies."
"It's about the fastest horse there is; it can run a quarter of a mile faster than any other."
"Sometimes it's nice to just hang out with the horses and not worry about training or riding or anything like that and just appreciating being in their presence."
"One day I'd like to get another horse when I'm ready and train her up and get back on the rodeo circuit."
"I knew I wanted to be around horses and do something with them all the time."
"That's top shelf for me. I mean, why have horses if you can't just sit and watch them?"
"I love it here, I love training horses."
"I've loved horses ever since I could walk and talk."
"Being involved with horses, I think, is so therapeutic for anyone."
"The Kentucky Derby is about many things: drama, nostalgia, excitement, but most of all, it's about the thoroughbred."
"The main object of the training programme for the horses is to get them working together well as a team."
"Horses are incredibly intuitive... they can feel a fly drop."
"Horse girls are a lifestyle, basically someone who is obsessed with horses."
"The Big Field is our main pasture and one of the biggest attractions for our stable, it is a 60-acre horse pasture that stretches far and wide."
"I want to again formulate a bond and I want to find horses like her that I can retrain and work with and just give them a second chance in life."
"The Tri-Circle D Ranch is home to some of the most magical horses on the planet."
"Horses vary in sizes and shape, but are they measured in hands, feet, or fingers?"
"I ain't never seen an ugly horse; they all good."
"The best horses are the ones that take the longest to break."
"You guys are so cute. Whoa, horses are amazing."
"Horses can see 360 degrees of vision; that's a full circle."
"One thing's for certain, the horses are playing in the snow and that is gorgeous."
"I feel like buying horses would probably be better than wild ones."
"It's a very busy day, there will be a lot of horses up here today, and that is absolutely amazing."