
Fan Influence Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"After years of memes and rage-filled gnashing of teeth, you all actually pressured a multi-billion dollar Hollywood company into releasing a four-hour cut of a movie they never wanted to exist in the first place."
"We have a huge say in Manchester United as fans."
"The energy from the time we walked out here, it was ridiculous. I never seen or felt this stadium like this."
"They saw these glitches that we like, the people have done, they've seen these things right, they've seen these things in breath of the wild and they're like okay all right fine we'll put it in the game."
"I'm so grateful my audience bullied me into reading One Piece."
"This shows the power of what fans, if we really do get together and we really do make up a load of noise."
"Developers need to be careful not to let their own fans ruin their games."
"Harness social media to get his cut released Zack Snyder's Justice League."
"This is a chance for every fan of these clubs that want their owners gone to really make your voice heard."
"Sonic movie comeback: Directors listened to fans, redesigned Sonic, and saved the movie."
"The popularity of this nickname proved so strong that the very next season the team was officially renamed to the St. Louis Cardinals."
"People actually begged for it so much that they went and actually did it."
"It takes one person. It's truly amazing how much of an impact one person can have when listening to what the fans want."
"The unprecedented decision to redesign Sonic the Hedgehog represents a landmark moment in the modern relationship between artists and fans."
"The fans did have a big say in stopping [the European Super League]."
"For once, United's greed will help us get the manager that we want."
"K. Rool's inclusion in Smash Ultimate was due to his immense popularity in the Super Smash Brothers fighter ballot."
"Having millions of adoring fans can absolutely make you lose all perspective."
"Fandom in any way getting to be behind the wheel of something is somewhat dangerous."
"That place is going to be very loud and difficult to play in."
"It's about you, Monster Jam fans. Because of you, we get to do what we do."
"Our show will go down in history as being kind of a the go-to of where fan influence really show the world that it matters that you matter."
"That was the fans' desire to see the world be richer and larger, and I think that I really took to heart because I wanted that too."
"Fans made the intercontinental title equally as if not more important than the heavyweight title."
"Low sales numbers initially turn Square Enix off of the idea but after a while positive Fan reception is what gradually opened them up to making a sequel."
"Wisconsin, Lambeau Field, the combination of a timeless design and an NFL-sized budget for upgrades and renovations makes for a unique look."
"The redesign of the new big-screen Sonic in response to fan backlash shows how people power is now shaping pop culture."
"King K. Rool finally joined the Smash roster, added specifically because of his overwhelming support found in the Smash Brothers ballot."
"Fans have the power to make change at every single club."
"I hope that one day football fans realize that we are the enemy of ourselves cuz it's our eyes they want. If nobody watched football, there would be no Super League."
"Fans are customers; their money pays the bills."
"John Cena was actually a huge advocate for Samus’ 2D return after Metroid Fusion."
"Lux's model would be changed forever because of her fan art."
"Fans can drive the conversation with reality."
"The reason why they brought Ahsoka Tano in here is because the fans wanted to see it."
"The power of a season two and us being able to do these things really is in the fans and them going and watching the show again or downloading the album and stuff."
"It's amazing how a group of fans is somehow more competent than the companies who actually own the property."
"Fans finally feel they have the ability to affect what they see on screen."
"If Mangold is confident enough to make the claim that no one is going to replace Indiana Jones, could that mean they're ready to bow to public pressure and change the ending again?"
"I believe that Newcastle United will finish in the top four. I think the fans are gonna pull the team into that top four."
"It's not glorious that it appears Amazon has failed before they even began; it's glorious because the fans spoke up."
"I wish we can play with the fans because they will push us more and more."
"Fans pay all of athletes salaries. If fans don't believe that you are doing your part in a time of difficulty they'll find other ways to spend their time."
"The sharks still hold significant influence at Biesla, but they no longer own or control the club. Ordinary fans do."
"He also shed some light on K. Rool and Dark Samus being added and mentioned that they were both big vote getters and there was there's been a lot of people asking for them over the years."
"Banjo came along it showed that Nintendo does listen to people's requests and this is one of the most anticipated characters of all time."
"Ownership in the NHL: Do we as fans have a say? We'd like the right to bounce an owner for something they've done and said."
"Manchester United Football Club could finally be sold by its American owners after a 17-year Reign dominated by fan protests and declining on Pitch performance."
"I blame the fans in this equation... all of this is J. Cole's fault but Cole also apologized to set things right what have his fans done what have his fans learned in this process."
"The fans directly are responsible for telling WWE what they like and what they don't like."
"I think they were very smart and I would imagine this is a Vince call a Vince read the room correctly following that match and it's the new era of wrestling where fans were starting to dictate what they enjoyed more and they were."
"A subjective scoring system and an impressionable fan base make for an amazing combination."
"If Manchester United fans are saying this game, then you have to listen to the reasons why."
"These have been bullying the club for 15 years, and finally, it took the slap in the face of the Super League."
"Thanks to the FIFA YouTube community, Cristiano ended up at Man United instead!"
"Fans have made their voice heard and people are listening."
"...the sheer will of audiences has managed to get the likes of daniel bryan into main event spots at wrestlemania."
"I don't think I've ever felt from any tour employee or any um you know executive on the tour like pressure to not say anything and I I probably say the most out of anyone on tour but I I agree I think majority of Pros feel that from the that the pressure is from the fans."
"The WWE did the exact same thing with Batista...the fans screamed enough about it to where the WWE actually changed it for once they listened to the fans."
"You see the power of what the fans can really do."
"You guys taught me how to love myself."
"Fans want K-pop stars to have good outcomes and we think that that probably means that there is substantial pressure on these industries to change."