
Roadmap Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Let's talk about a roadmap to one million dollars."
"This isn't the end today, but it's very clearly a roadmap that takes us to the end and takes us on a one-way journey."
"The road map that will guide us cautiously but irreversibly towards reclaiming our freedoms while doing all we can to protect our people against COVID."
"The move to Proof of Stake was one of the big milestones in the original Ethereum roadmap."
"Their roadmap is lit, their roadmap is legit."
"I have a five to ten year road map, let me tell you about it."
"What do you think of the roadmap for 4.1? I'd love to hear from you in the comments below."
"...it's a promising project with a strong team who have been delivering and are beating their roadmap..."
"The roadmap hints at what's to come, and it's looking promising."
"Ukraine unveiling a roadmap to integrate cryptos by 2024."
"Some of the hits were Volkanovsky, Adesanya, and yeah, we've had a few misses too. But the whole point of this thing is to build a roadmap to who the future stars are."
"It's growing fast there's a whole six-month road map planned out 16 champions being added every month lots to get stuck into."
"So if you wanted to hit that six-figure mark, that is your roadmap, that is your blueprint."
"Our graphics architecture roadmap has a clear goal: gaming leadership across the ecosystem."
"There's going to be another road map well I presume right probably after May 2nd that we'll then go over the the next stuff."
"A value roadmap is a guide that demonstrates where to go, how to get there, and what to accomplish along the way in order to maximize value."
"The Microsoft 365 roadmap allows you to search, filter, sort, and download the current features in development."
"Comprehending the constraints and prospects within modern medicine is akin to possessing a roadmap for a journey."
"It's more than just advice, it's a roadmap to a more secure and prosperous future."
"Roadmaps can change and they should always have disclaimers on them especially if you're sharing them externally with customers that this is the general direction in which things will be going."
"Roadmaps usually come with a pretty big disclaimer that says you know timelines do not mean firm commitments things happen things change development nearly always takes longer than you expect."
"It's important to have delivery dates for the development team but in terms of a roadmap you can have a general sense of this is roughly the period of time when we should be releasing XYZ."
"We are looking forward to additional capabilities on the roadmap related to shortcuts and connectivity to One Prem Data Sources."
"Starknet's road map consists of three major phases."
"Your heart is the roadmap to your treasure."
"The road map is a living document, always up to change and it's up to Community input to refine and make it better."
"If the roadmap isn't right it might be because the product strategy hasn't been really clearly articulated."
"I fundamentally believe that learning is the stickiest when you are an active participant in it so I'm going to encourage you to create a roadmap alongside me today."
"I have big plans and things that I will be announcing, but currently my roadmap is pretty simple."
"We have a strategy in the roadmap to change that."
"Go where you're treated best is a very simple roadmap."
"The PDF contains the entire roadmap for starting a clothing brand from scratch."
"Don't underestimate competitor analysis. It's your roadmap to success."
"We're gonna break this down and hopefully give you a vision and a roadmap. I hope we can create a roadmap in this masterclass series that will help people really know right now today what they need to do to build a successful business, absolutely awesome."
"Now with this course, I can't guarantee you an offer from medicine. What I can guarantee you is a roadmap that will take you through every stage of your preparation, telling you exactly what you do and don't need to know for your medicine interview."
"It's a roadmap to better personal and professional life balance."
"The most important thing that any company leadership team or organization leadership team needs if they're trying to drive a digital transformation is to start with a prioritized road map of where the value really is."
"We're really just trying to compress that and take the science of longevity, combining with the science of functional medicine, and create a roadmap for people to follow to activate all their innate healing systems."
"In conclusion becoming a UX designer within the next six months is an achievable goal by following the roadmap you will learn all the necessary skills build your portfolio and apply for jobs."
"We are analyzing this data with our approaches to be able to answer these questions and to be able to actually create a roadmap saying these are the places where we can intercept."
"They provide the roadmap to our contemporary ideas."
"We have our roadmap partially completed; we can see where we have been, where we are going, and where we are right now."
"This is very simply the roadmap that the query optimizer uses in order to figure out how to get you the data that you've requested in your query."
"Business plans are essential because they are literally the roadmap to success."
"It's on our roadmap but it's not available just yet."
"That really is an incredible roadmap for people to heal their gut and to heal all these chronic conditions."
"Business is part of the problem, but it's got a roadmap forward."
"God gave these festivals as a prophecy, these are prophetic festivals and I like to view them as a roadmap to redemption."
"We're going to be showing you the roadmap... that we think it's going to take."
"What's the purpose of that business? Okay, cool, let's create the business now, let's build the roadmap for that business."
"It will tell you everything you need to know, the full roadmap, how you go from someone who has no health care training to someone who's fully job ready as a medical biller and coder in as little as six months."
"What I'm going to show you is a roadmap for acquiring very valuable data analysis skills that you can use in the HR space."
"We're not developing shelfware here, we're developing a 12 months to 24 month roadmap."
"The book provides a practical roadmap of how to get from where you are as a leader currently to where you want to be."
"A program like this actually turns out to be really simple if you have a roadmap."
"Hopefully, this is a roadmap and it guides you in the right direction."
"It's actually a great honor to be here as a technologist and to talk to you about technology roadmaps."
"The functional safety management plan is basically the roadmap for everything that we are going to do in the safety lifecycle."
"It's very important for us to look within the narratives and the roadmap events as well."
"Once we can establish a working CMF technology, it can provide a roadmap for decades worth of future benefits."
"Understanding the imbalances and how they work acts like a roadmap for us."
"We all want Elon to give us some confidence, to give us some clarification, to give us some information about the roadmap of Tesla moving forward."
"Roadmap dependability is so important, and I would say trust is so important."
"We have a roadmap, I hesitate to use the word trilogy anymore because Star Wars is much more about persistent storytelling."
"Solana is now fixed, but there is still a roadmap to perfect the engineering around the Sol ecosystem."
"A business plan, in simple terms, we can define it as a roadmap for the business development."
"We need a road map that strategically understands where the United States, Mexico, and Canada are all trying to get to together."