
Animal Communication Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"We're all aware that parrots have the ability to mimic human speech, but were you aware that other bird species can also exhibit this ability?"
"Three cows following a human as if they almost understand him. Could it be a new form of communication we haven't seen before?"
"Life is good, and by the way, the cat down the road told me I should tell you that it loves you."
"She inherited her father's special ability to communicate with animals."
"Isn't it just incredible being able to visually witness ant news spreading like this, throughout all camps of an ant colony, over such a great distance?"
"This ability to share and communicate is further proof that the wolf pack is much friendlier and less hierarchical than we previously thought."
"Human languages are complex and nuanced. What we don't know is if the same is true of any other animal."
"Coco instantly connected with Robin, using over 1,000 signs to share her feelings and thoughts."
"Sounds play a special role... for dolphins and other Marine creatures."
"Michael was an animal whisperer bruh, he was the original Doctor Dolittle."
"Dogs respond better when humans talk to them like babies, with high pitches and shorter sentences."
"Interspecies communication is something that we all can do."
"Druids often have the ability to speak with animals or plants, creating unexpected role-playing situations."
"Flitter had no problems with openly talking to animals even if fluttershy did it it shook some ponies up to hear normal conversation between a pony and something only a little less intelligent than the majority."
"Humpback whales are also known for their magical singing."
"I would wish for the ability to understand any language, to speak any language, including that includes communicating with animals by the way."
"Horses definitely can say no, and they definitely can tell you when they don't want you to ride."
"Whale calls are much deeper than typical human speech. Babies' cries can reach even higher frequencies than adult speech."
"Dogs seem to communicate with humans through subtle body language, specifically one study found that dogs stare at our hands, meaning that they have an attention style specialized for human nonverbal communication focused on human hand gestures."
"To my surprise, she responded. She had an understanding of what I was trying to communicate to her. It just felt like magic."
"What do the blue whales haunting calls and songs mean?"
"Monkeys can actually talk like English, they just choose not to because it means they can get away with like [ __ ] up."
"I believe that animals listen and speak to us if we only have the ear for it."
"They call me the Elephant Whisperer."
"The ultimate technique of being able to communicate with animals is none other than love."
"Using the power of artificial intelligence to speak to elephants in their own voice."
"Animals love to talk. And they love it when you answer them."
"Dogs tell us so much more than a lot of people realize. If only they would tune in to their dogs."
"Tune in to what message this animal might wish to send you."
"They wanted to basically create a chimp that could talk fluently in whatever language it was taught."
"Orangutans have a rich repertoire of vocalizations that they use to communicate with other members of their species. These vocalizations play a crucial role in establishing territories, attracting mates, and maintaining social bonds."
"We already can. There was a gorilla called Coco. She had the language capability of a small child and was able to name things. So in that sense, we could talk."
"Your dog's body language will give you… it's as if the dog speaks your own language and says, 'yes, I get it and I want more'."
"At Sniff Dog, we're here to teach you how to speak dog. If you can have a better understanding of your dog, you can have a relationship built off trust and fun."
"Late March brings on the rut and the Bucks start to vocalize with their characteristic grunting."
"... if you're doing it for money you'll never be successful ... if you love dogs and this is your passion ... you'll be able to communicate with them."
"Whale songs are arranged into elaborate but predictable patterns and phrases that are repeated over and over, no different from a complicated piece of classic music."
"Whales don't just sing the same song forever, each year they add, drop, or adjust phrases in their songs constantly updating them."
"Prairie dogs have one of the best vocabularies of any animal out there, they can use more expressive words that let the others know the size, shape, threat level, and oncoming speed of an approaching creature."
"Take dolphins, for example, these majestic creatures call each other by name."
"The key to communicating with animals is love."
"If animals could talk, which one would be the funniest and most entertaining to have a conversation with and why?"
"A lion's mighty roar is used to communicate with one another, it's so powerful that it can be heard as far as 8 km away."
"They have different alarm calls for different types of predators."
"The children of the forest could talk to animals and make beautiful music."
"Animals love to talk; they love it when you answer them."
"We desperately want to know what all these creatures big and small around us are thinking and saying to one another."
"How wonderful would it be to know actually what the horse is thinking?"
"Dolphins have a sophisticated language that they create from clicks and cries."
"The Primo's can speak the language."
"Speech pathologist teaches her dog to use a soundboard and now it communicates in sentences."
"Dolphins have the ability to echolocate using clicks in the water, which allows them to see through sound much further than their eyes can see."
"When you lunge a horse in the round pen, they're free from the constraints; you're really just communicating with them based off of your body language."
"Honey possessed the primary ability of Beast language, which allowed her to communicate with and influence animals within her range."
"Animals communicate a lot with tone of voice."
"Everybody says Mojo can say a thousand things just by his eyes, if you watch his eyes, he's quite the storyteller."
"It's not that the dog talks badly, that he talks at all is the amazing thing."
"Most animals, they have a different way of communicating, you know, some animals use like speech like we do, not necessarily words, but like different sounds."
"In the woodlands of northwest Austria, scientists are interpreting the howl of the wolf."
"Their phenomenal story has given us new insight into the lengths a lioness will go to communicate with the males she wants."
"Pet psychics are people who claim to be able to psychically communicate with animals, living or dead."
"If we're good at watching, if we're good at listening, they're going to let us know loud and clear."
"Animal whispering or telepathic animal communication happens at the energetic level, which is all very explainable by quantum physics."
"Would you rather be able to speak every single language in the world or talk to animals? Talk to animals, easy."
"Pumas don't roar; they use whistles, screams, squeaks, and purrs to communicate."
"Elephants can communicate like that from very far away."
"We could hear the sounds of distant animals yowling, calling out to each other."
"Purring is a very much a big vocalization that they'll also use to communicate their contentment with us."
"The future possibilities of using advanced technology, including AI, to incorporate the songs and communicative sounds of various animals into our music."
"I always talk to the animals, everyone, so sorry if you don't like it, especially elephants."
"He's communicating with me, he's figured out that if he sits at the door and looks at me and wags his tail, that it means he needs to go to the bathroom."
"Elephants stay in constant communication with one another."
"Watching them doing duets is amazing because they've got so many different types of calls."
"Remember, elephants do a lot of their communication through subsonic, through infrasound, through their feet."
"It's important for them to be able to recognize and memorize each other's calls."
"Elephants are so amazing to watch, there are such subtleties in their behavior and their body language."
"They have different calls they recognized within group calls and outside group calls."
"It's sort of the Facebook of the bush for the Impala."
"I find it so cute how dogs don't speak but they use body language to communicate with you."
"Animals can communicate in such a wonderful array of forms that humans struggle to understand."
"Elephants are the most wonderful animals; they have lots of ways of communicating that we're not even really sure about."
"Talking to dogs is very important."
"So of course, animals will communicate mainly intraspecific, which is within the species."
"The most important thing to communicate with any animal is love."
"They communicate like whales communicate through infrasounds."