
Backgrounds Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"People who change the world often come from blue-collar backgrounds or middle-class backgrounds."
"Never judge a person till you've met them because experience has taught me that some of the most right people I've known came from the wrong background."
"The main way I like to use semi-solids are for backgrounds and rooms or some kind of support."
"Everybody's not coming from the struggle." - Diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
"We have folks from a variety of backgrounds."
"UX designers come from all kinds of backgrounds and experiences."
"Let's take a look at these absolutely gorgeous background options."
"The only other fabric we're going to need is two yards of whatever background you want to use."
"The effects and backgrounds are nothing short of mesmerizing."
"Some of the best traders come from a little bit non-traditional backgrounds."
"We all have different backgrounds."
"Everything feels so much smoother with loads more personality in the backgrounds and the puzzles."
"This texture pack has all of these really cool textures that are amazing for creating backgrounds and adding accents to your elements."
"On days where you're just not feeling like coming up with any good ideas, make some backgrounds like this. Just make some messy backgrounds."
"Such an easy go-to for me whenever I don't have a great idea. I make a messy painted background, slap a die cut on top, and I'm good to go."
"Our guests come from a great variety of backgrounds."
"The beach boys give us some incredible, incredible backgrounds and harmonies."
"Endlessly scrolling backgrounds are very easy to implement."
"He can most definitely draw some visually arresting backgrounds."
"People are different, people come from different backgrounds, people come from different ideologies."
"Everyone comes from a different background and the different background helps me learn."
"Backgrounds can have multiple layers, usually to give the impression of depth."
"You don't have to spend a fortune to get pretty backgrounds."
"I'm so excited for you guys to see all the new backgrounds."
"It's so important to understand the importance of backgrounds."
"This was a great exercise in painting backgrounds and using a more muted kind of earthy color scheme."
"From heirs to business empires to children of industry moguls, their backgrounds are as diverse as their musical talents."
"There are a lot of creative ways to approach backgrounds."
"Diversity basically means a variety, all kinds of different looks, all kinds of different backgrounds."
"They come from all different backgrounds."
"Galaxies and nebulas... you're gonna need some awesome looking backgrounds for those planets."
"Once you get used to putting the paint on and controlling them, you don't have to be a brilliant botanical painter to end up with a nice floral painting if you're good at backgrounds."
"Experiment with different inking techniques or embossing folder techniques and create a lot of backgrounds."
"I love seeing just the difference in your backgrounds."
"These dynamic backgrounds are sweet; you can adjust all the colors for these."
"You have to learn patience, you really do, because you know the backgrounds that everybody comes from."
"Oh, backgrounds are so cool as a place for a build. The fact that they were like, you have proficiencies, both tool proficiencies and languages and stuff like that, based on what you spent your life doing was so immediately cool to me."
"Please realize and please understand that each of us have different backgrounds, we live within different cultures, we have had different experiences in our lives."
"You can create these fluid backgrounds, these really beautiful kind of luminous backgrounds."
"Love, love, love. Okay, good backgrounds, gosh, look at all this."
"I still love them, and they're so good for doing big backgrounds, very buttery, make your hand not hurt."
"You can still create beautiful blended backgrounds with paint."
"This anime has some of the most artistic work done on backgrounds."
"This is a drop-dead gorgeous example of anime backgrounds."
"These hand-painted backgrounds that were predominantly the way of making backgrounds until the 2000s are absolutely timeless."
"I never really grasped how many of them came from poverty-stricken backgrounds, never having much."
"I wanted to show you how great this technique is for making fast backgrounds that are just beautiful."
"We have to see how these people are wired, where they come from."
"Now this is all about creating really awesome backgrounds with stamped images."
"It's really easy and allows you to get a lot more from your stencils and get really cool colorful layered backgrounds."
"Very different, very different, very a lot of different backgrounds and technologies."
"Pretty neat, they're very simple, these are great for backgrounds."
"These clouds are perfectly seamless, so it makes it really handy to draw seamless backgrounds."
"I really like these soft tones for backgrounds."
"People come from unhealed places sometimes."
"What I love about Zooms is looking at everybody's background."