
Linearity Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Time is not what you think it is, dear ones, for you it is linear, for us it is all at once."
"The word 'linear' seems to translate into bad game design nowadays, but I don't think there's anything wrong at all with a heavily curated story experience."
"The level design has taken a much more linear approach compared to the sandboxes of old."
"Infinite's main story is mostly linear with an engaging narrative."
"Linear has been painted as a bit of a dirty word in recent times, but I don't agree with the notion that linearity in a game is necessarily bad."
"History is moving along a line. There was a beginning and there will be an end."
"Sonic stages are only meant to be beaten one way, they are a very streamlined, somewhat buggy race track that half the time feels more like a movie than a game."
"The linearity of a differential equation depends on linearity in the dependent variable and its derivatives."
"Up Your Arsenal's popularity has wavered a little bit because of its linearity."
"The torque increases perfectly linearly with the amps that you're putting through the motor wire."
"Nature doesn't follow straight lines."
"The linearity of the speaker is fantastic, almost ruler flat."
"Supplementarity is a way of understanding the simultaneously linear and ever proliferating nature of verbal expression."
"If you plotted it out over a period of a year better be [ __ ] linear the way that things are moving."
"It feels incredibly linear, incredibly smooth."
"Most of the real world is not linear... Most of the real world is actually non-linear."
"IG attributions preserve linear relationships."
"It's all about getting into that straight line there and obviously just being very careful with your powers."
"The more linear this becomes, the more predictable the outcome is going to be."
"These things are very visually sequential; they're very visually linear."
"The model is linear in parameters W, but is it linear in X? Obviously no, right, because of this non-linear transformation."
"A function that takes an n vector and returns an m vector is linear if you can form a linear combination of the inputs, apply the function, and it's the same as if you'd applied the function to each of the arguments separately."
"Any algorithm that sequentially reads the input will have linear time."
"This is probably the most basic type of example of a linear equation, linear growth model."
"We're going to assume that the filter is linear phase and that the order is even."
"A transformation is linear if it preserves addition and scalar multiplication."
"The only thing that determines if a line is parallel or perpendicular to another is all in the gradient."
"The reds in particular mimic their Cherry MX counterparts, so they're linear switches meaning that there's no bump and are very light."
"This transformation is in fact linear."
"It's very very linear which is hard to find with turbo engine cars."
"We know that linear systems benefit from the fact that linear superposition holds."
"The firing rate is zero once you hit the threshold; the firing rate of the neuron increases approximately linearly."
"We mark the passage of time in two ways: through recurrent or circular events, and linear or irreversible events."
"Muscle building is very linear; you don't just lose muscle when your strength goes down due to fatigue."
"We actually have a linear system here; a matrix K multiplied by a displacement vector is going to give me a force vector."
"Because this differential equation is linear, meaning that the derivatives are linearly proportional to the state X, that means that linear superposition holds."
"An operator is diagonalizable if it has a set of eigenvectors that span the space."
"If they really are 180 degrees apart, then this is going to be called linear."
"A convex set is such that for every pair of points in the set, the line segment between them is contained in the set."
"If two vectors are parallel, it means the points they connect lie on a straight line."
"Previously we've looked at circuits that turn voltages to currents according to a linear relationship; this lecture will involve looking at similar circuits that apply an exponential relationship."
"The brightness response is linear, so 100% is twice as bright as 50%, and 20% is twice as bright as 10%, and so on."
"They're really good loudspeakers, all about clarity, they're aiming for linearity."
"If the graph is a straight line graph, we'll be able to find the exact area."
"The assumption behind the Gauss-Markov theorem is that you've got the right X's there; the world is linear."
"The term 'linear' means fitting a straight line."
"Transfer functions can only be applied to linear systems."
"If you don't have a non-linearity, the whole thing is linear, so there's no point having layers."
"In linear regression, we assume that the function is linear."
"A big reason why linear transformations are used in a graphics pipeline is that the composition of linear transformations is linear."
"They only apply to linear time-invariant systems because you cannot take a Laplace transform of a nonlinear function of time."
"The gradient of \( L2 \) is the negative reciprocal of \( L1 \)."
"It actually does feel more linear than the standard braking setup."
"Anything that is linear, any kind of linear operation we can perform on a function, there's always a way we can wrap that into a big square matrix."
"The Laplace transform amazingly enough has properties of linearity."
"We have too many fossils and placing them in a way that is nice and linear has become impossible."
"H is a linear operator, which means if I image part of F and then I image another part of F... if I image these separately and I get two different G's and I add those together, it's the same as if I imaged both at the same time."
"One of the beautiful things about that, since H is a linear operator... H can be represented by a matrix."
"The notion of decomposing signals into complex exponentials was very intimately connected with the eigenfunction property of complex exponentials for linear time-invariant systems."
"The idea is that what we wanted to do was exploit the properties of linearity and time invariance for linear time-invariant systems."
"To check whether a given map is indeed a linear transformation, we therefore have to check does the map satisfy these two properties."
"A linear system is the system for which the output varies linearly with the input."
"The tensor product of two vectors needs to be linear with respect to scalar multiplication."
"Angles on a straight line are 180."
"We approximate the functions involved by the piecewise linear functions, that is, broken straight lines."
"In between, I get a linear interpolation which is actually an affine function of \( t \)."
"For a linear amplifier, if we apply a sinusoidal input at frequency omega, the output will also be a sinusoid at the same frequency omega."
"Working in linear is the right way to work in VFX."
"The derivative is taking a non-linear function and pretending at least locally that it's a linear function."
"The idea that a derivative is taking a non-linear function and pretending at least locally that it's a linear function."
"The throttle feel is fantastic; it's very linear feeling all through the range of motion."
"The output changes linearly with the input up to a certain voltage and then remains constant."
"It's got plenty of bark down low in RPMs, but even when you're going faster, it's just perfectly linear."
"Taking logarithms is a nonlinear transformation that will reduce nonlinear multiplicative models into linear and additive ones."
"As you can see, they are in fact on the line, so our quadratic equation was successful."
"This is the line through the point \( (x_0, y_0, z_0) \) and it's parallel to the vector \( (1, 5, 6) \)."
"Vectors lie on a line, and that line is called the line of action."
"If I can figure out the behavior of networks to a sinusoidal input, then if the circuit is linear I can then compute the response of the circuit to any periodic waveform."
"We recall from our previous discussions that a rational transfer function corresponds to a linear constant-coefficient difference equation."
"The general form of a transfer function assumes that the system is representable by a linear constant-coefficient difference equation."
"The structure behavior is linear, the relation between force and displacement is certainly linear."
"It's important that the dependent variable should be linear."
"Linear functions of multivariate normal random variables are also multivariate normal."
"Orthogonal matrices are matrices which are invertible and for which R transpose R is the unit matrix."
"If all my points actually come from F, I should see a plot that looks very close to the line y is equal to x."
"Arguably, linear functions are basically as simple as it gets."
"If you start taking logs, exponentials, squares, you can sometimes make the relationship linear."
"Linear analysis: the kinematics are linear, the statics are linear, material is linear."
"A system is said to be linear if and only if it satisfies two principles: superposition and homogeneity."
"Laplace transform is a linear operator; it satisfies a linearity property."
"When a sinusoidal input is applied to a linear circuit, the output is also sinusoidal in nature, meaning the wave shape is preserved."