
Visual Quotes

There are 1012 quotes

"The crazy characters and insane special combos and moves make Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 a visual treat."
"Visually, it stands out compared to some of the previous Batman movies."
"Among the fronds, familiar fish like the boomerang flit between the leaves."
"That lifeform, known as the Lily Paddler, possesses the unique ability to disorient would-be attackers with the mesmerizing patterns on its colorful appendages."
"As terribly depressing as this moment is, it's visually stunning. The entire rain sequence is a reminder of how far digital animation has come since we first laid eyes on Woody."
"Bambietta's explode: crimson wings, bat-like shape, devastating power."
"I see all at once, I really like the middle one."
"Looks just like a ravager from Hellfire Peninsula."
"It’s addictive, a visual treat, and incredibly satisfying when you chain together large numbers of fireworks before making them do a big old explode, collecting power ups along the way."
"Red Dead Redemption 2: a visual masterpiece."
"The way that Asuma runs jumps and attacks his enemies can be quite breathtaking at times."
"And finally calarax's brain becomes a bright pinkish color becoming closer to the color of an actual brain and since his other forms just keep its shiny colors my shiny would carry on the same as well."
"That must be the best costume I've ever seen."
"The whole country looked like it was in a nuclear blast."
"This is absolutely beautiful. I mean, just look at this!"
"That looks really nice. I like the way that looks."
"Some of them are fading in and creating almost their own little patch of color."
"I really enjoyed the film and it is a visual spectacle."
"It looks like something out of a superhero film."
"Isn't that stunning? What do you guys think? I think a picture is worth a thousand words, right?"
"Are you familiar with the image on the screen?"
"Some of the greatest sequences visually I think of any Spider-Man movie period."
"The gold Pearl is going to really pop out in the sun."
"This one is a lot less intense on my eyeballs, which makes my brain happier."
"I think it looks kind of like fireworks."
"That became a motif for the whole movie, both musically and visually."
"We can visually see Ron getting better at casting spells as he swishes his wand the right way."
"Dune was a visual spectacle that was like an art director's wet dream."
"It's a movie I got a little bit more out of visually and song-wise than narratively."
"These images would look great on a website, on social media, printed out for handheld marketing material, or even printed out in a large format to be put up on the wall."
"Look at them cinnamon rolls folks, nice and gooey."
"I love this piece of visual art; I like this visual for this sound."
"If I was just to sip it all and just drink it all, it'd be a horrible visual. So you got to get some on you."
"It's visually intoxicating while also being haunting and disturbing."
"Most of the film takes place inside a giant glass house contraption that is visually striking and impressively designed."
"The visual impact is just so stunning."
"I'm such a visual person and I love the fact that I can see exactly what's inside."
"The reveal of ultimate Kars is just great, him standing in front of the rising sun is an amazing shot."
"The best album covers feel like a doorway into that world."
"...this bright light coming from the body that's opening up here, very similar to the movie poster of the Thing."
"For albums, the music on an album can make a cover better and the cover of an album can make the music feel better."
"This is just an insane visual, so hallucinatory and brutal."
"This movie looks spectacular and when you compare it to other live-action huge blockbuster superhero movies, it might be the best looking one ever made."
"Men are visual, women are emotional."
"Film and television are visual mediums."
"Men are visual creatures and so are women; they judge you by what you look like."
"More visual productions, that kind of effective in bringing a message."
"That's why I love crochet because it's so visual, and you can really see exactly what you're supposed to be doing."
"The visuals of this movie are insane."
"Visually, it's clear that Matt wanted to invoke the same terror and mystery of Seven."
"Every frame right here looks like it could be a wallpaper"
"The movie is, of course, stunning to look at - it’s an unforgettable, ambitious, wild ride that deserves to be seen and appreciated."
"The animation is so cool in here."
"Yo visually already this movie is crazy cool."
"It felt like looking at a super artistic drawing that's moving."
"This scheme allows you to create a high but at the same time harmonious and rich visual contrast."
"If you're just having it standing there, it looks pretty cool, and it's a lot of fun."
"The size is awesome. He looks amazing on your shelf."
"I loved the colors, that was one of my favorite parts about this movie as well, just visually, it was really stimulating to watch."
"...it's really interesting and almost looks like water."
"...it just makes the pieces look like a piece of glass, honestly."
"Such a cool bloody shot of the ship."
"When Godzilla comes on screen, it's always something grandiose, like it's just this beautiful visual to behold."
"Utilize photos. A picture is worth a thousand words."
"I think being an artist we're very visual beings and we like to have this very aesthetic beauty around us."
"How do you visually portray a void, a place that's not even a place, just a prison of the mind?"
"It's cool loved the gratuitous [__] blood being shot."
"The production design is absolutely phenomenal."
"The cinematography of that scene was breathtaking. It's a beautiful marriage of visual and audible elements."
"This color looks absolutely stunning, even better in person than on the video."
"...it dared to push the boundaries of what could be done visually as well as from a writing perspective."
"I'm so visual, I just need to almost see things that are yes."
"Shaders allow you to expand your visual horizons."
"Just look at this color palette. Masterpiece of symbolism, eye candy, and succinct writing."
"Visual creatures. Our visual system takes like Primacy over our auditory system. It's like it instills a bias over what you hear you can't get away from."
"It's visually spectacular, it's absolutely surreal."
"I like seeing that in characters and stuff."
"Moxley walked in from the outside into the arena, awesome visual seeing him coming from the outside."
"One of the most visually striking films I've seen in a long time."
"I don't even know how to describe it you can just see it a picture's worth a thousand words right it is so delicious"
"The special effects were so trippy. It was kind of breathtaking with how they were making things work."
"There's a lot of visual comedy and a lot of artistry in the way that they, it's not just jokes."
"The idea of an iceberg visual to represent this is actually dope."
"This scene that occurs between Ichigo and Rukia is an example that I always cite whenever I want to convince others that Kubo is a master at visually depicting his story with little words."
"Visually, I like what the shotgun Carousel does a little bit more."
"Moonrise Kingdom, I just love that movie, I think visually it's stunning."
"The sky filling with smoky clouds revealing the witch's face is one of my favorite visuals in Alica film."
"This movie, depending upon the ending, it has potential to be one of those visual masterpieces."
"That is such a cool visual right there. That is an awesome visual."
"There's so much to it, and it's so visual."
"The first film visually feels a lot like American Werewolf in London."
"I love making infographics and turning these really complex ideas into visual pixels."
"One picture is worth 10,000 words."
"There's so many shots that he somehow he manages to make two people playing pool look as visually interesting as the most extravagant action sequence you could ever watch."
"The film looks muddy, fuzzy, and indistinct. That's all wrong. Every single thing's wrong."
"Visually stunning, it was unbelievable."
"Balance is a design term that talks about the visual weight of what it is that you're doing."
"The visual was enough. That would have been a great horror movie moment right there."
"It kind of makes the process a little bit more appealing to the eyes if you will."
"Yo that's like cinematic right there."
"Being able to give them that experience, that visual, just feels like the greatest gift that I could give them."
"It just makes everything look so much more dynamic and cinematic."
"the film is a visually stunning masterpiece Williams handles the dark subject matter with heartbreaking sincerity"
"Wow, that screen is awesome. You don't realize how huge it is till you compare, how vibrant it is, how great the colors are."
"The visual appearance is spectacular."
"A breathtaking visual feast, a new hope for the Apes franchise."
"Great comedy, to make a really great comedy on in the visual sense like on television or film or whatever, if you can turn the volume off, do you still know what's going on? And is it funny? I thought that was really powerful."
"I can picture him being like in the CER and stalls, just like that."
"The Creator is one of the most visually engaging films I've seen in a long time."
"This is what the key looks like, it is basically a regular Dodge key."
"The visual aspect is also the visual teaser."
"Visually, that is so awesome how that was done, goodness me."
"Every frame of this movie, every line of dialogue, every piece of action looks like a bomb."
"Movies film is a visual story and telling medium."
"This unique speaker not only provides excellent audio quality but also offers a striking and memorable visual experience embodying the spirit of Daring."
"The sets, the visual effects, the designs on the infected, the sound design and lighting, it's all really strong and in service of capturing the tone that they want to evoke in each moment."
"This film was visually stunning it was a masterpiece"
"The color palette here... isn't it just so pretty?"
"Imagists like Ezra Pound focused on the visual possibilities of poetry."
"I like that it's visual because with applique you only need a little bit, so I like that I can quickly."
"I hope it comes across on camera, 'cause this is stunning."
"Look how cool that looks. Amazing."
"Here's what it looks like on the deck."
"Whatever has the most visual richness is where you dedicate most of the square inches of your masses."
"A brilliant example of visual storytelling."
"If you're more of a visual learner and you like to follow along with videos, well, there's tons of great content."
"It looks like a sweet 80s action explosion."
"Visually vibrant, this is the best looking animated film I think I've ever seen in my entire life."
"I love paper and I'm a visual learner, so if I read something in a text, I'm like that."
"Cozy is visual, that's what we see it is, yes a feeling but it's a feeling that's easy to create."
"It's a silent story told through visuals and music and it's incredible as it shows just how much emotion can be portrayed without a single line of dialogue being used."
"People don't notice how important the audio aspect is. Yeah, people just think it's all visual. It's visual effects, it's the shots, it's the frame, it's the acting. Like, no, it is called audio-visual work for a reason."
"His goal was to try to reach for a simple visual phrase that tells you what the picture is all about and evokes the essence of the story."
"Visually nothing further happens as we're merely left with the image of the broken light bulb rolling back and forth on the floor, leaving many viewers scratching their head in confusion and spawning many strange theories."
"There's just like a band going straight through of translucency."
"I'm very visual, I mean look at my thumbnails, I'm very good at balance and colors."
"The heart of my job is to be a storyteller, a visual storyteller."
"...and eventually they end up in a graveyard this graveyard does have a good visual bit where donkey smashes Humpty dumpty's headstone knocking his statue off of his headstone wall."
"Now, when you remove the lid and look down into your jar, it will look very thick and nice on top, like a lovely yogurt."
"...for me, beautifully done. I love the way it looked and I gotta say I love the whole... it has something to do with the sky and the stars and it's a big, I loved it, I was like that was very cool."
"Seeing those sandworms ride through the desert was a fantastic sight."
"Emotions are created when people see the right image."
"It's designed to be visual, humiliating, and shameful."
"The lines on the floor to me is part of what grounds what makes all this work."
"I love memories, I love visual memories."
"Auroras: see an aurora, get an aurora into your eyeballs."
"It's a big cloud of yellowish fog, not too unlike the smoke monster from Lost, just not as disappointing."
"The special effects are beautifully crafted, very effective, and perfectly showcase the aggressive nature of the sea creatures."
"Always serve the story. Images that serve the story more than the words."
"Visual storytelling at its finest."
"The environments are just so satisfying the color just oozes out of the screen."
"A single still image can tell a story."
"A picture is worth a thousand words, so to speak."
"Having a strong visual pathway in your frame is absolutely fundamental to being able to create a compelling image."
"Everything just looks so aesthetically pleasing."
"The amount that the visuals hold up today is shocking."
"We construct all of this visual world around us in... a tenth of a second or so."
"These movies are always amazing to look at. The music's awesome."
"Wow, these fireworks look amazing."
"One of the greatest things about this show is the cinematography and the colors and things like that each quadrant of the show has a different color palette."
"I'm a very visual person so I really like having this."
"...as you can tell it's not bolded at all looking a lot different it pops way more on this no pun intended."
"I sure hope it comes through on video like it did in person but this stuff absolutely popped."
"Expanding the world offers new environments for fight scenes with even more visual flair."
"Pinterest is a visual bookmarking platform."
"The app is visually so intuitive."
"...each has a story that usually went nowhere but just looked so damn awesome... visual spectacles then and they're still visual spectacles now."
"You don't need to talk too much, a picture can say a thousand words."
"Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is a visually stunning movie."
"I was shocked at how much better it looks - incredible!"
"The visuals of this film are so striking, it looks incredible."
"If you are a visual person, if you eat, live, and breathe interior design as I do, then you will be successful."
"The city is built on a pretty steep hill and climbing up it provides stop after stop of visual treats."
"It literally looks like a rainbow road Mario Kart in real life."
"Visually it's going to be interesting at the very least."
"We live in a visual world, constantly looking at images whether we realize it or not."
"It looked so cool there's probably some stuff that could have updated sure but I think it still holds up today and still looks really cool."
"We want a visually compelling image of a bird in flight."
"I'm a visual person. I like to see my stuff."
"I think it's human nature to enjoy escapism and you know as very very visual creatures we are drawn to visual things and so a simple image can elicit a lot of that escapism."
"There's a right moment and it's visual."
"It's a very visual piece of medium that's very nice to look at."
"...doing the collar before you finish the body and sleeves really just has a good visual..."
"It's just visually incredibly beautiful."
"It's not just about making something pretty. It's about crafting a visual story that packs a punch."
"... visually it makes the whole thing just very vibrant Lush but stays well within the tone of the film."
"We are visual people and we like to be shown things we don't like to read about things."
"It gives a real pixelated effect using all those, doesn't it?"
"As a comic book artist, I love aesthetics, I love visual splendor, and god damn does Rogue One look stunning."
"A picture is worth a thousand words, but I'm not a good reader, so who needs all those words?"
"I am NOT an auditory learner apparently I'm a visual learner."
"The animations knocked it out of the park, especially Rick who is perhaps the best-looking and most authentic adaptation into this 2D style that this team has ever done."
"His specifically, like an aquamarine dust, it has this kind of faint aquamarine light blue shimmy to it, like as soon as the light hits it, it kind of glitters across."
"This is a visual delight, I tell you."
"This picture you see in front of you is exactly the opposite of what you've just been told."
"I think it’s the visual images that people identify with the cross rather than the poem."
"Accessibility is a very important topic, but for our pages, we are only measuring the visual testing side of things."
"A lot of its meaning is visual, is aesthetic."
"I'm in awe of some of the things that I visually get to see."
"It almost looks like a little puppet mouth talking."