
Obviousness Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Everyone knows that I don't need to tell you that bombing hospitals is wrong."
"Murder is usually the most obvious of crimes."
"Who doesn't love cash flow? It's sort of a truism, it's like you don't even need to say."
"Blatantly obvious to at least... how far this case was taken."
"It doesn't need to be articulated or literally nobody needs to be convinced of it."
"Restating the obvious is the first duty of intelligent mankind."
"Just because it's obvious doesn't mean it isn't true."
"Style of football that's even more evident and clear as day. It's just so obvious."
"If you rob a bank in broad daylight, you still rob a bank."
"If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a duck."
"It's just the lies are so obvious at this point."
"Fishing in a game like New World, I think should just be obvious, you should definitely have fishing."
"That's like the biggest no-brainer of all time."
"It just seems like a no-brainer that should have been at the forefront."
"If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck."
"A lot of good ideas seem obvious in retrospect."
"You never knew you wanted something like that but when you see it, it seems so obvious."
"Your birthday is the same day as you were born."
"The answer is literally in front of your face."
"You can't bought it gradually; it's quite obvious when it happens."
"She is all of those things and it's super obvious."
"Accepting cultures is a complete no-brainer."
"I'd rather be captain obvious than captain oblivious."
"It smells like a turd and acts like a turd, it's probably a turd."
"It couldn't be any more obvious how it all comes together."
"Pretty obvious what's going on here."
"The best investments are often the most obvious."
"This is one of those cases that seems obvious at first, but the more you think about it and the more you find out, you start to question things."
"What could be more simple, what could be more direct and obvious?"
"Every time I look at it, it's quite obvious to me."
"No friendship, no magic. It's so obvious when you think about it."
"Once you know, it's actually very obvious."
"Most people don't do obvious, most people don't do logic. But that's not you."
"It's very clear Kai and Usopp like each other. Them kissing is... everybody knows, you know what I mean? It's pretty obvious."
"The choice is pretty darn obvious. Sensational."
"This should be just a no-brainer."
"It was a complete no-brainer that they missed."
"It's a real commentary that sometimes the most obvious thing is the answer."
"The transmission is obvious because it's just truth."
"Electric, that's pretty obvious, right?"
"You are the diamond of the season. Truth. It's just sad how completely obvious it was."
"...the obvious answer is obvious..."
"Because at the end of the day, it's like so obvious, but nobody really says that."
"It was so obvious that he was not interested at all."
"You're like finally someone's addressing the obvious elephant in the room."
"It's tough to get any more obvious than that."
"It doesn't get more obvious than this."
"The obvious is sometimes not so obvious."
"...everything seems obvious once you've got there..."
"We've achieved archaeological confirmation of the obvious."
"It's honestly, it's a no-brainer."
"Do I even need to explain it? I love it."
"That tree is a dead giveaway right there."
"As long as the fire is burning, it's going to be hot."
"In order to make air operations work, he had to achieve air superiority, duh."
"He's the most obvious choice he really is."
"Now we have a firm grasp of the obvious."
"Climate change and biophysical overshoot are as obvious as gravity."
"It's 2024, I don't know why I have to say this to people."
"Often times the answer is so obvious that you don't think about it."
"I think we've just always been kind of bored with the obvious."
"At first glance, the answer seems obvious."
"Well, yeah, that's because she's totally head-over-heels in love with you," Nino stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"It goes without saying, but I'm saying it."
"The obvious is always a revelation."
"That's about as obvious as it gets."
"It's a dead giveaway. Dead giveaway."
"The most obvious characteristic was he was dead."
"Well, of course it's in Japanese."
"Halloween Havoc seems like a no-brainer."
"Some things are so obvious, it makes you wonder why they didn't come to market years earlier."
"Sometimes, when you see something that you haven't ever seen before, and then you say, 'Wait a minute, why wasn't that obvious the whole time? That should have always been obvious.'"
"Blind Freddie could have seen they're up to no good."
"It's like walking in Nike and asking, 'You guys sell shoes?'"
"Sometimes the most obvious is the least obvious."
"What took so long, Orlando? This seems so obvious."
"The answer on the surface should be obvious."
"Just because it is obvious doesn't make it unusable."
"It's so obvious, it matched because that's the other thing with evidence, all of it has to match."
"No need to be stubborn, it's plain as day."
"Well, I think this is a no-brainer."
"That's a no-brainer; there needs to be no explanation for that one."
"It's just such a no-brainer that obviously slavery is so bad, it's basically axiomatic at this point."
"Classic Ray Charles could see that."
"It's so obvious, love your heart."
"Just because it's obvious doesn't mean it's not very, very important."
"Rockets were meant for launching, obviously."
"But sometimes the most obvious things are the ones we need to hear the most."
"Ecuador is one of the most obviously named countries on our planet."
"The master of stating the obvious, are you the master of that?"
"There's something totally mind-blowingly obvious going on here."
"Once you experience it, then to me it's like a no-brainer."