
Downtime Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"Whenever there's no action or there's no drama, you always have that camaraderie."
"It's just, why does Roblox have to be down right now? Oh my god!"
"The whole Roblox website is down, meaning none of the games work, none of the games are playable."
"Thursday nights basically a night off... no one watches Europa League."
"You don't have to be productive. You don't have to make positive use out of this time. You don't even have to be positive. All you have to do is really validate and honor your feelings."
"Definitely got to cherish any downtime you get because you never know when you have to jump back into action."
"Schedule downtime...it actually makes me more productive and efficient in the entire rest of my week."
"Just unplug. Do something else. Relax, you've earned it."
"Time off? Yeah, vacation because I'll be on vacation and vacation time probably. I'm okay."
"Productive downtime... you actually can use your downtime in a productive fashion."
"We settled in for a few well-deserved weeks of R&R."
"That's gonna wrap it up. We're actually gonna go dark for two weeks to give everyone a little holiday reset time."
"Just something to do, just some stuff to do. Come on man."
"This is just our fun little unwind section. Just chill out."
"You know, it sounds a bit silly to be talking about having time off to play video games, but hey, you gotta do something in your spare time, right?"
"A lot of downtime, but that's all part and parcel of working a job."
"We're just trying to be off for half the time, over half the time. It's powerful."
"Rest and rejuvenation, it's time for a break."
"For me, the day off is the day you just like lay down and do nothing."
"It's OK to be the upbeat person, but it's OK to have downtime too."
"The force downtime with a good book was an awesome way to spend the day."
"Blue-green deployment minimizes downtime and allows you to roll back if any issues arise."
"...there's so much downtime there's so much sitting around just to keep our sanity to keep us humble to keep laughing and it was just pretty much automatic for us."
"The only time that matters, unlike downtime."
"Downtime is not equal to screen time, it's really downtime."
"It's kind of a nice change of pace just to sit here and do nothing."
"I think sometimes I need to be a little bit better about allotting myself the ability to be okay with downtime."
"I've been looking for some new hobbies now I don't get a ton of downtime but when I do I want to be able to just shut my brain off and enjoy what's right in front of me."
"It's going to be so nice to just chill and do a whole lot of nothing."
"You know how usually people have down. I wonder if y'all got a game."
"It's okay to have days where you're not as busy and you're not doing so many things because otherwise you don't get enough downtime you don't get time to relax to chill to let your brain and your body just rest."
"We need a lot of downtime in order to recover from what for most folk are the ordinary things in life."
"It's just a time that you can completely turn off."
"If you have downtime, take advantage of it."
"...nice little break for me here."
"On the bright side, maybe they'll finally have enough downtime to read that book they love about a woman named 'Scarlet Letter'."
"Once that thing comes out, it's time to chill."
"I always say I'm going to have downtime and then I just like don't have downtime."
"...how quickly do you want to fight again um I'm looking as soon as what they put me back to work you know if not I'm going to [__] around and kill myself smoking too much weed..."
"Allowing yourself downtime, your intention is to be unintentional, get some meditation in you, and I think that is how you become more productive."
"Downtime is lost time, wasted time, missed underemployed time, which is to say unproductive time and therefore worthless time."
"The key to productivity though is making sure you have downtime."
"Not having internet for 24 hours makes you realize how much you appreciate it."
"Think about downtime. We need downtime. Our brains thrive on downtime."
"Our history is full of great thinkers who took advantage of downtime for creative production."
"Imagine the loss to business if 4000 users are down for an hour."
"I really just needed some time to shut up and do nothing."
"The TV's off, the internet's off. We are not mowing lawns, we're not paying bills, we're not washing clothes, we're not washing floors, we're not scrubbing bathrooms. We're resting."
"You need to find other hobbies to kill time when the market's not in a giving mood."
"I really think you should check out Two Dots and play it on your downtime."
"It's important to know and accept this about high sensitivity: that we need downtime to recharge ourselves."
"Nobody wants downtime. Doesn't matter. What we don't want is our car in the shop. We don't want our factory not running. This technology has the potential to minimize that downtime."
"I really wish I could be on those committees and help negotiate um I'm really good at negotiations I like to think but uh what with this downtime I've been focusing more on my music"
"Listen, have a good downtime, have a good rest. Maybe we'll see you on our coverage of the Euros. Maybe come and join us in the studio during the Euros at some point. Would be lovely. Okay, we'll make it happen."
"After this, head back down, chill out for a bit."
"I'm really going to use this evening to relax and just chill."
"...I do feel like it could have a lot of downtime possibly um this ride..."
"You're always going to have down time. There's no way you can get around it."
"Downtime is actually a positive thing."
"Downtime can definitely be seen as a positive thing when it's managed correctly."
"One of the biggest stressors in the modern world today is our lack of downtime."
"Our brain is trying to solve problems for us if we give it the downtime to do that."
"Minimal downtime migration are sometimes the make or break."
"This is essentially zero downtime migration."
"Instagram's down so yeah, Instagram, if you know, you know. Be productive."
"Kakashi turned to the rest of his cleanup squad, 'All right everyone, you have an hour off while the water settles in the low spots and exits the village.'"
"The plan for the afternoon is just to chill really."
"I mean that is a good time for us to recharge."
"Your customers expect that data is always going to be available, zero downtime, zero data loss."
"High availability is that downtime problem. If something goes down, I want it back up as quickly as possible."
"Your stuff is going to go offline, your servers will die, it's just the nature of things."
"So a couple of things, number one, when you are docked at a port, there is not going to be a lot to do on the ship. So because of that, Koda and I took a nap, obviously."
"I've just been napping, laying down, watching...I've kind of been chilling."
"Being at the laundromat, waiting on your clothes to get done, it gives you an amazing opportunity."
"Let's just chill out and shut things off for a while and enjoy each other."
"Remember to take that time out to rest."
"So, stuff like that, when you have some downtime, you know it's a little bit science experiment, it's a lot of fun, and it's really great team building."
"I don't always need to be busy. Sometimes you need that buffer time to just be in your own thoughts."
"I'm going to have some downtime and really enjoy being with my family and being home."
"It's kind of nice to live with the seasons and say during the winter we just need a little bit of downtime."
"These are the days where we can sit back and relax and enjoy that we had that conviction during those downtimes."
"I have a lot of downtime which I like because it's not stressful and I can do other things."
"It's time to relax, it's time to wind down."
"We're having a couple of easy days after all the hustle and bustle of Christmas."
"Thankfully, I was able to do something rewarding with all that downtime."
"It took about one minute for our changes to be live and about 10 seconds of downtime for the whole website."
"I'm gonna give myself some time to relax and chill."
"You really do need to have a little bit of downtime, a little bit of R&R, and Coraki was definitely the place for that."
"It's also great because we finally get to see the characters interacting on the ship in their downtime."
"I am glad that RM is using this time that he has to himself to be able to go and meet up with some of his old friends."
"Every minute of downtime is expensive, every minute of downtime cost ten thousand dollars."
"You cannot just be afraid that your phone will not ring and take advantage of the time when it doesn't."
"Whenever you have downtime, that's your time for experimentation."
"It's nice to sit back and chill because normally you're on and off going places, but today we're just staying on for one full hour."
"I really value my downtime and value my time away from work."
"The server is down and not responding to queries."
"We're gonna rest up now, have some family time."
"It's time to slow down, it's time to rest."
"This is a great time for these guys to relax and breathe a little bit."
"It's the value-added that we can do when things are maybe not so busy."
"It's okay to have like some downtime once in a while."
"There's nothing like a bit of downtime."
"During this time in the world, you can work on yourself while we have more time and while the whole world has slowed down a little bit."
"It's important to allow ourselves to be off task, because we don't allow ourselves to access that network otherwise."
"It's called a weekend for a reason."
"You almost get to enjoy your downtime in a little bit of a different way than normal."
"Finding time to decompress and relax."
"You need to be a bit bored to be your most creative."
"If YouTube went down for 24 hours, what would you do?"
"We were lucky enough to room with Tyler, and I'm really happy we got to spend downtime together."
"That downtime gives you a little chance to discover what you really want to do with it."
"This Christmas I just wanted to make sure that there was enough time to just step back and chill."
"It's been nice to have downtime with her and not have to work, work, work, go, go, go all the time."
"How much data can we lose and how long can we be offline?"
"Everybody has off days and it's okay to feel down and to just not be productive some days."
"It's time for a little evening wind down time."
"I feel like sometimes you just need one of those days where you don't do anything, you know?"
"It's important to have some downtime because during that you have a chance to reflect, integrate, learn, think, dream, feel."
"If we think about history and shipping... ships actually ended up being in dock more often and longer than they did while they were actually out to sea."
"It gives you a time to connect in a way that you might not have in our busy regular routine."
"The one thing people don't know about the transition from college to pro is the amount of downtime that you have."
"We spent a lot of time chilling and just relaxing."
"We'll have some nice downtime in the evening to unwind."
"Spending time away from the basketball court gave me time to really appreciate life in a new way."
"Sometimes slow down, have your days where you don't do nothing when you just relax."