
Amphibians Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"Chinese giant salamanders are notably larger than other amphibians, earning them the title of the world's largest."
"Another intriguing amphibian quality is their remarkable ability to regenerate even large tissue fragments when wounded."
"The goliath frog is considered the largest living frog in the world."
"They can grow up to four feet in length and weigh upwards of 145 pounds."
"Frog, he's an amphibian, he's on land and he's in the water, so he was able to deal with being in the conscious mind and the subconscious mind simultaneously."
"Eriops, one of the first amphibians, showcases remarkable adaptations to move from an aquatic to a terrestrial environment."
"Most people aren't afraid of them or would even dislike them everyone knows what a dart frog is when they see it they're not threatening they're not assuming."
"...how incredible these little frogs are and how excited I am to be keeping them and hopefully breeding them someday."
"Amphibians are cold-blooded creatures."
"This is the largest amphibian I have ever seen in my life."
"Animals like magic frog actually rely a lot on the air around them to be healthy because they breathe through their skin."
"I think that big green toad still is my favorite."
"Red-eye tree frogs are super cool they get their name obviously from their bright red eyes."
"These super hearty frogs do really well in more arboreal type enclosures."
"If the water is polluted, mudpuppies can't survive. So if mud puppies are present, you know it's a healthy ecosystem."
"Helping to spread this knowledge can make a world of difference for the future of these amphibians."
"I am the world's largest amphibian, but I'm not easy to spot. Can you spot me?"
"Approximately 41% of the world's amphibian species are threatened, and giant salamanders are no exception."
"You've got a poison dart frog going full Spider-Man on the glass."
"They can jump 20 times the length of their body."
"They've been on this Earth for 200 million years."
"They're goofy, they're silly, and sometimes they make cool noises."
"If you don't love frogs right now, every moment of your life is wasted."
"Frogs take up less space. They're little fellas with a lot to give."
"A frog can live up to 20 years or more."
"Why is he important? Because frogs... it's like the food cycle."
"They keep our waterways clean because they eat a lot of insects."
"They're also a really important food source for other animals."
"And from tiny frog roe, tadpoles hatch that will then develop into full-grown adult frogs."
"Salamanders and frogs are animals that can live both on water and land, also known as amphibians."
"Welcome to the fascinating world of frogs, these versatile creatures."
"The amphibians were the first permanent vertebrates on land."
"We work with places like the Amphibian Foundation and other conservation efforts."
"That little froggy friend is super adorable."
"These are Iberian water frogs, one of at least four species of amphibian that live here and take advantage of this opportunity."
"Pac-Man frogs... they're grumpy little Gus's and that's what makes them so cute."
"They kind of look like the Pac-Man from the Pac-Man game from the 70s and that's why they're called Pac-Man frogs."
"This frog is known as the poison golden dart frog."
"The Chinese giant salamander is among the largest amphibians in the world."
"I could not be more thrilled with this frog."
"You can see why they're called the yellow belly toad. Just look at that."
"There's more frogs in here which are a lost native species."
"Some pretty incredible frogs just arrived from Colombia, and woo, they are hot!"
"The word 'amphibian' means two lives because they live the first part of their life in the water and the second part on land."
"They go through a change called metamorphosis and grow lungs and legs to breathe air and walk on land."
"Frogs and toads are amphibians, a group of animals that live on the boundary between water and land."
"They're an astonishingly diverse group with a history reaching back some 230 million years."
"It's their ability to exploit both aquatic and terrestrial habitats that has allowed frogs and toads to be an evolutionary success story."
"The reproductive strategy of amphibians is particularly impressive."
"They can make their escape from waterborne predators to land but equally they can return to water to flee danger on dry ground."
"Frogs and toads have even managed to conquer the deserts."
"Frogs and toads are amongst the most ancient of land vertebrates, straddling the boundary between aquatic and terrestrial creatures."
"These are highly specialised survivors."
"Much of the evolutionary success story of frogs and toads relies on the way they breed."
"Amphibians are disappearing at an alarming rate."
"They're also what's known as an indicator species."
"It will be humans that determine whether or not the world's frogs and toads continue to thrive or vanish."
"Axolotls are another super adorable oddball creature, not a fish, this is an amphibious end that stays entirely aquatic for its entire life."
"What kind of clothes do frogs wear? Jumpsuits."
"Frogs and toads can work together."
"Frogs can't swallow with their eyes open; they use their eyes to push the food down their throats."
"Loneliest frog in the world who spent a decade in isolation finds a mate."
"The glass frog... partially see-through as a way to hide from predators."
"Asian giant salamanders are known to be the largest amphibians and one of the world's rarest kinds today."
"Amphibians are the only vertebrates that are born with a tail and live in the water."
"Frogs don't need to drink water; they absorb it through their skin."
"Frogs don't need to drink water; they absorb it directly through the skin."
"They're called glass frogs because their bellies are translucent and you can see the organs inside of them."
"The call of the frogs seemed to be coming from every direction."
"The new discovery offers an important incentive to protect frog species."
"More amphibians are currently under threat than mammals and birds combined."
"I love frogs, I want to save them."
"The amphibians represent a transition from the fish to the terrestrial animals."
"We're starting to see amphibians, as predicted by evolution."
"Amphibian is from old Greek words that mean living in two worlds."
"Amphibians were the first animals to change from living in the water to living on land."
"Amphibians are not fish; amphibians are not reptiles."
"It's pretty cool to see how huge these amphibians could get."
"We've just arrived at a small pond and above the pond is a foam nest frog's nest."
"These tiny little frogs are smaller than my thumbnail, how incredible is that?"
"We were just talking about bullfrogs."
"It's going to be the most spectacular frogging morning."
"The Pac-Man frog is underestimated, silent but deadly, and can pack a bite."
"I hope you found some of these tips and everything I've talked about here helpful when you're creating your own amphibians or your own frogs."
"We may have no evidence of enchanted princes, but there are still plenty of enchanting amphibians around."