
Americans Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Nearly 30 million Americans last week said they didn't have enough food to put on the table."
"The real reasons Americans retire in the Philippines."
"The largest group of Americans are independents, more so than Democrats and Republicans, very often feel like they don’t have a voice in the political system."
"Americans are not really interested in outside culture, and I think that's actually shifting a lot right now."
"My message is to all Americans but to those Americans who are going through a lot, we love them, we're with them, and we will not let them down."
"The majority of Americans are focused on one of two financial priorities."
"Americans are just beginning to sense that social pathologies have roots in the uprooting of religion from public life."
"At the end of 2023, 60% of Americans were living paycheck to paycheck."
"Americans love fancying themselves to be revolutionary figures that literally buckle at the first sight of authority."
"Incredible first and third for Americans, never seen this before."
"60% of what Americans now eat is no longer food; it is ultraprocessed fats and carbohydrates."
"Most Americans are great hard-working people."
"Americans are also incredibly generous."
"There are two types of people: those who use the metric system and Americans. Enjoy the outdoors with social distancing. Keep one bald eagle of space between you and others."
"We're investing in Americans, not just America."
"More Americans are starting to perceive this not just as a policy issue, but as a security issue that they're concerned about."
"And to our fellow Americans, be confident in the knowledge that your United States Navy has the watch."
"Canadians are happier than Americans, according to the World Happiness Report."
"Americans are nicer than Canadians"
"As Americans, we're going to get through this. We're all in this together."
"He became increasingly convinced that there were Americans targeting him."
"Most Americans don't want to take anyone's guns away."
"More than a quarter of Americans said that someone in their household was struggling to pay off crushing medical debts."
"I just think that the concept of Americans not respecting other cultures and it might very well be true but I've seen it much worse coming from many of the European tourists especially the French and Dutch."
"I think Americans love their cars, absolutely love them."
"...Americans have generally been some of the most welcoming nice and beautiful people that I've ever met."
"He said you got to get out of here, they got roadblocks everywhere looking and they think the Americans in here are dead because of all the blood that was in the plane."
"Americans they think about the fact that there is actual vulnerability they do think about security so and the world seems ever more scary so how NATO is an answer to that scary NATO is this this group of your friends."
"Americans love to complain about the dumbest things."
"We've really gotten to know the Americans, a large-hearted people with an exceptional ability to laugh at themselves."
"Um, one in three Americans right now feel economically insecure."
"There was a 2020 survey conducted of 12,000 people AKA expats from 172 different countries and the majority of those expats or people looking to leave were Americans."
"Entrepreneurship has long been a pathway for more Americans to achieve generational wealth building."
"1 in 5 Americans would give up sex for a month in order to avoid the process of haggling when buying a car."
"1 in 3 would rather do their taxes."
"People here are very very friendly... Americans from my part are very friendly people for the most part."
"If they occupy it then the Americans have to negotiate to get it back."
"It's no secret that everyone in the world loves Americans."
"...they were so proud of these Americans."
"Individually Americans are very enjoyable people, modest people, quite lovely people."
"Hopper was deeply familiar with how Americans made themselves at home in these built environments."
"Long-suffering men and women peacefully protested the denial of their rights as Americans."
"Public land is not federally owned, it's owned by us Americans."
"All Americans would only be allowed to work a four-day work week."
"We are the only help for Americans overseas, especially in areas where there wasn't any military support."
"Nearly half of all Americans now believe that UFOs are real."
"Americans really are super friendly."
"26% of Americans now consider themselves unaffiliated with any religion."
"Americans are saving more money now, American savings accounts are higher."
"There was a victory for all Americans."
"Americans are up to all sorts of surprising things; you never know what until you go out and have a look."
"Around 1.6 million Americans now call Mexico home, making them the largest immigrant group in Mexico and the largest American community abroad."
"The story of the Americans has cleared the way and finally found itself deservedly in the light."
"Loan payments coming back into effect this fall could be a very dangerous state of affairs for a lot of Americans."
"Americans are the most generous people on earth."
"You Americans especially are so generous."
"Many Americans have always had a fascination with Europe."
"Most Americans, the reason they leave, it's for the adventure."
"These Americans are pragmatic and practical people."
"Making sure that we keep Americans safe."