
Calories Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"Reverse dieting is a way of eating that entails progressively increasing calories over a certain period of time to boost up resting metabolic rate back to its original rate."
"It's more efficient to obtain calories, protein, and fat through crop products than animal products."
"When you consume more calories than your body needs to function, those extra calories are stored in these units causing them to expand."
"And we're producing plenty of food like we're at almost 27,000 calories."
"You need to be eating your macros and micronutrients, good wholesome healthy foods, and enough calories."
"One cup of orange juice is about a 110 to a 120 calories depending on the variety and it has a whopping half a gram of fiber."
"The Heart Attack Grill has the world record for the hamburger with the most calories."
"Well, I think it's about controlling insulin, not about controlling calories."
"It didn't matter the type of calories, as long as it was calories."
"It's a relatively low-impact way to improve your cardio and burn lots of calories."
"Energy balance is calories in versus calories out."
"The amount of calories you eat in a day is important, but the quality of the food comes first."
"Eating highly satiating foods like potatoes, pasta, fruits does make eating a lot of calories a lot more difficult."
"This whole thing contains 2,000 calories. I'm not exaggerating, that is how many calories are in this, and people are mad."
"It's always depressing when you know you're eating your comfort food and then they tell you the calories. It's like, hey, I don't want to know. I want to get fat quietly without knowing it."
"Your food's going to be better, you can eat more of it without eating all those excess calories."
"A calorie is a calorie is a calorie."
"This long study, they analyzed the stool samples and what they found was that the high-fiber foods were actually picking up, collecting, and trapping calories that had not yet been absorbed by the body."
"I want to be pretty but I can't keep track of my calories."
"If you were to walk into a UK McDonald's and order yourself a large Big Mac meal with a milkshake, it would be around 1400 calories."
"You don't store alcohol calories so don't worry about those."
"I think all of this has to go together. It's not just how many calories you eat or how often you eat them, it's what they are."
"Any diet that results in reduced caloric intake results in weight loss."
"Lucy Campbell leads with 109 calories."
"Oil is low in calories and really doesn't add any nutrients, especially for the high number of calories."
"The number one thing is just get some calories in, because so many kids don't even eat."
"I don't think calories are created equally."
"Heat leaving our body is actually calories leaving our body."
"Calories matter, but the quality of your calories matter more."
"Diets are just calories. If a diet helps you reduce your calories, you will lose weight."
"A calorie isn't a calorie isn't a calorie."
"One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they're first trying to go plant-based is not eating enough calories."
"A calorie is a calorie. In other words, what really counts is the amount of total calories you take in. Nothing else matters."
"To say that all calories are equal is kind of a stretch. It's not really true."
"One tablespoon of this truffle Mayo is 110 calories zero net carbs."
"The most important time to have high protein is when you're eating very few calories so you can spare your muscles, that's what's important."
"Your fat loss and your fat gain is all and only about calories and calories out."
"Twice the flavor, same amount of calories, baby!"
"It's only 20 minutes and 710 calories."
"To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume."
"...Miller Light. Great taste, only 96 calories."
"Each ball is about 50 calories. If you eat five to seven, it'll keep you alive, and 30 or more will keep you very well fed."
"Eating the same amount of calories in different forms can have different effects."
"Calories do matter. They're not the only part of the equation but they do matter."
"Overdone our calories yesterday, so no all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet today."
"Don't drink calories, unless you have a specific purpose in mind for doing so."
"That's a big old portion, and it's still only around 400 calories!"
"I remember getting all the way up to 10,000 calories."
"The more heavily processed foods, the more calories we eat."
"A calorie Surplus by itself can be anabolic."
"...snacking a bit more when we're stuck at home so it's great to burn those extra calories and it's just so good for your well-being."
"And that's half your daily allowance of calories! I've beaten that from Tesco. I'm a testament to it, obviously, isn't I?"
"If you're eating too many carbs, you're eating too many calories. It's that simple."
"Ultimately, they're talking calories in, calories out kind of thing. If you're consuming a ton of calories and you're not physically active, you're going to start storing more fat."
"You burn way more calories doing cardio than you do with weights."
"Cardio is burning way more calories than your weightlifting workout."
"Calories are actually really good for us and we need them every day for energy and to stay healthy."
"Most of mine have been about 300 calories."
"Sugar isn't the cause of obesity. It's too many calories that is."
"A calorie isn't a calorie isn't a calorie. It turns out the calorie you eat early is different than one you eat late."
"Everybody assumes 'Oh, I'm eating too much' because we've just been trained that if you're not losing weight, it's obviously because you were taking in way too many calories."
"This is an absolutely outrageous acquisition. That's like all of the fries in the county of Kent are in this bag right now. That's absolutely ridiculous. They are 1500 calories as well, so burger and fries, we're over 3000 calories here."
"Calories in and calories out are not independent."
"If you want to burn maximum calories, go for a run when you first wake up and before you eat anything."
"Your body's always trying to meet whatever you're taking in calorically."
"The more satiated you are, the less likely you are to eat excess calories."
"You're burning calories even just telling your friends."
"Proteins will give you four calories per gram, carbohydrate also four, how about fat? Nine, baby!"
"At a technical level could you add protein yes protein is calories it would totally work the thing is protein is more expensive."
"I know people stress about eating protein and the calories, but they're so good for you. They're guilt-free because they're high protein, low carb, and they're also gluten-free which is awesome."
"Everybody's hungry. They only have between six and 800 calories a day, which is not enough. Just to put that in perspective, I was just at Chipotle last night. Your typical Chipotle burrito is 800 to 1400 calories. So you're eating like less than a sandwich a day."
"It's seven calories per pearl by the way."
"If you shovel snow for 90 minutes, guess how many calories you burn? 1,200."
"Focus on all the other positives that you get from slowly increasing your calories and introducing appropriate exercise."
"Popcorn is surprisingly low in calories."
"Every calorie is equal, but some calories are more equal than others."
"Energy balance does matter. So yes, calories do matter, protein matters quite a bit depending on your specific goals."
"Life's too short to not eat a cookie you don't like. It's just unneeded calories."
"Food is becoming more available, it's becoming more convenient, it's becoming tastier, it's becoming more high calorie."
"There is considerable evidence that dark chocolate can provide powerful benefits, but it is loaded with calories."
"That is heart attack inducing caloric Nirvana."
"The resting metabolic rate, which means the number of calories that we're burning, went up quite dramatically."
"Our chocolate shake, 840 calories... but they're so good."
"Whole nuts contribute fewer calories than previously thought."
"If you want to gain weight, you have to eat more calories than you burn."
"That is more or less what I eat in a day, guys, I try to stick to 1,500 calories and hit like 110-120 grams of protein."
"Each single McRib sandwich will deliver a moderate 520 calories to your daily diet."
"Energy is a scientifically definable quantity, and there is only one unit for energy in food, and that is calories."
"It's not that high in calories as I thought it would be and it's very satiating."
"Timing of day is not going to affect weight loss; calories are what's going to affect weight loss or body fat loss."
"I love these, that's the problem. There's so many calories, you can't just eat one."
"Calories don't count anyway, we're under quarantine."
"I see no evidence that calories aren't the backbone of weight loss and fat loss."
"All calories are not created equal."
"Calories in, calories out, at the end of the day, that's what's going to determine if you lose weight."
"Wouldn't it be great to lose whatever amount of weight goal you have and still eat like 2,800 calories a day?"
"This is the best point, how much calories is this? Because I want to destroy it."
"Calories are a measure of energy."
"2,000 calories from avocados, broccoli, kale, spinach, quinoa, salmon, almonds is not the same as 2,000 calories from pizza, donuts, hamburgers, Oreos, soda, and french fries."
"Will we be able to burn enough calories to compensate for the cronuts? Wait and find out."
"The secret is to change the source of your calories, not restrict your calories."
"I am getting between 900 and 1200 calories, and I make sure no matter what, I get at least 60 to 70 grams of protein per day."
"I like to think of the word calories synonymous to the word energy."
"We burned off all the calories we've eaten today."
"Metabolic rate is eighteen hundred and seven calories per day, so that's what I need literally just to exist."
"You will learn the fundamentals of basic nutrition concepts such as nutrient structures, basic anatomy related to nutrient digestion and absorption, required intakes, and functions of various nutrients."
"You go through 23,137 calories in a week, which is equivalent to 440 chicken nuggets."
"Every day we're going to eat the right number of calories, which is not necessarily less than you've been eating before."
"Losing weight is a numbers game of what's going in and what's going out."
"Hydrate, but don't drink your calories."
"Calories are the most important, then you're going to get macronutrients."
"The most important factor by far when it comes to developing any type of dietary protocol is by far how many calories you're consuming."
"Calorie is another word for energy."
"If you just took out the idea that I'm just not going to snack, you will cut out so many random unnecessary calories from your day."
"The more we talk about personalization, the less we talk about calories."
"Make sure you're getting adequate calories and protein, especially."
"One pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories."
"Ultimately, it's still about the calories."
"You are burning calories every single minute of every single day, no matter if you are exercising or not."
"If you eat fat, carbs, processed food, you'll gain weight, and if you don't eat them, you'll lose weight? All that matters to lose weight is consuming fewer calories than you burn."
"We're toning while torching calories."
"Although today's meals are high in calories, they're all full of nutritions."
"The 10,000 calorie challenge, a very well-known challenge in which an individual has to consume about four times their daily calorie intake."
"Losing weight is as simple as this: calories in versus calories out."
"Even though calories matter, nutrients matter too."
"In order to lose one pound of fat, you need a caloric deficit of 3,500 calories."
"A 90-minute scary movie can burn up to 113 calories, which is the same as a 30-minute walk."
"Your TDEE is the number of calories that you need to eat to maintain your weight."
"We're going to burn more calories than you ever did before and tone more muscles."
"Alcohol has calories, more than sugar by mass."
"I've learned that nuts have a lot of calories in, everyone always eats peanuts, I prefer cashews."
"If you eat 300 calories versus you drink 300 calories, you can be much hungrier much sooner from drinking the 300 calories."
"Basal metabolic rate is actually the number of calories that your body requires at complete rest for natural processes like breathing and digestion and circulation."
"Calories are not the enemy... they are absolutely your friend."
"It's quite low in calories; in fact, a 20-ounce Imperial pint of Guinness contains 198 fat-free calories."
"I'm in no way promoting eating 10,000 calories a day; this is just a fun challenge."
"I think this was the highest calorie burning exercise so far."
"You burn up to 800 calories in an hour doing these HIT workout sessions."
"Greens... very low in calories compared to their volume."
"Your maintenance calories is your total daily energy expenditure and it is what your body uses for physical activity and your BMR put together."