
Daily Gratitude Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Live every day as a complete day, and then when you wake up tomorrow, you're grateful because you get a second day."
"Appreciate your body and its functions. Thank your body and all its organs for what they do for you every day."
"Every single day we should focus on growing and moving forward and every single day we wake up we should feel grateful that we're back here."
"Waking up every morning is a little things some people take it for granted."
"Every day I'm not dead, I am also happy as well."
"Legacy is so rich, you guys should be saluting every day."
"Don't let a day go by without telling your family you love them."
"Every single day that we are alive is a special occasion."
"It makes your life so beautiful, so worth living, that like each day is this piece of time that you have been given, so so lucky to have been given."
"Don't take our freedoms for granted at all and every single day it's a reminder of what we have, so don't just squander it, don't take it for granted. Amen, God bless everybody, God bless America."
"Every single day, appreciating the life that you have."
"Every day that you wake up, it is a blessing."
"Cherish every morning that we have, man. Enjoy."
"All praises to the Most High for waking me up."
"Gratitude is something that is necessary and should be practiced every day...opens you up for a happier, more fulfilled existence."
"Remember every day above ground is a good day."
"Each new day is a precious gift from God, a blank canvas upon which we can paint the story of Our Lives."
"Every day is a gift, every day is a journey."
"Every day is a blessing, you can't take any day for granted."
"I think people really do need to realize that every day is a blessing."
"Every day you wake up above the ground is a blessing."
"It really makes you want to appreciate life like it makes me wanna want to treat every day like it could be my last cuz literally it could be."
"Every day is a gift, and the greatest gift we've been given is the gift of free will."
"Live every day of your life like it's your last."
"But it's like our lifestyle is aesthetically beautiful, like I feel like we're waking up every day and we're just like, 'Wow, like I love my life.'"
"Waking up and thanking God guarantees victory."
"Start your day giving thanks to God, for a new day brings hope."
"It feels incredible Kimberly I don't know what to say I'm just extremely blessed to be able to do what I love every single day in my life."
"Don't let a day go by without you celebrating the goodness of God."
"Gratitude for me is... that's the first thing I do when I wake up, is I think of five things I'm grateful for."
"Always think something amazing is coming and that you are constantly fulfilling your own purpose. Live like every single day is a blessing because it is."
"Luck? Everybody's lucky, we were lucky to wake up."
"Lord, you deserve all praise for your tender mercies and kindness. You have been good to me. You continue to be good to me, and so I will bless your name every day."
"I am literally humbled every single day being able to spend my time with you guys."
"I am so grateful every day I wake up I get to do what I love."
"Every day that the sun comes out is a chance of grace for you."
"If you can live to see it, above ground is a good day."
"Every morning opening your eyes is the biggest gift."
"Just wake up, give thanks to God, and breathe."
"Thank God every day get on your knees and thank God for everything he's doing."
"Amazing day today, beautiful, beautiful day."
"Simple pleasures are the best. I mean, I gave thanks that I had a nice good cup of coffee this morning."
"Lord, I come before you today sinking your blessings in my life daily, release your blessings in my life each and every passing day."
"Cherish every single day you make it home alive, no matter where you're going."
"It's always a good day you're alive, you're breathing."
"Every day is a blessed day to be alive because we have the opportunity to change which is great."
"Nobody's promise, so you gotta appreciate every day, it's a blessing."
"Chance is a super happy dog, and I'm grateful for every day."
"Every day is a blessing, and you should never take one for granted."
"Wouldn't change this job freaking world grateful every single day."
"We're blessed to have every day that we have on this earth."
"We all rejoice today and be glad in it."
"I'm just glad that I could wake up every day."
"I'm grateful for it every morning when I wake up."
"I wake up every day realizing how lucky I am."
"He opened my eyes that I might see His blessings me every day."
"How I honor my recovery is I celebrate every day."
"Tomorrow's another day, if I wake up tomorrow, great, alhamdulillah."
"God is waking you up every single morning, giving you breath in your body."
"Good morning, family. It's a blessing to be able to wake up."
"Thankful for you guys every single day, but especially on Thanksgiving."
"It really is to wake up and see that every morning really is something special."
"Thanksgiving is every single day you open your eyes and it's a fresh day, no matter what happened yesterday, today is a new day so you can start over."
"I count my lucky stars every single day that I get to do this."
"Let's clap it up, that is such an underrated blessing, just waking up for another day."
"I wake up every day and I'm just like, man, I can't believe that this is what I'm doing today to get paid."
"You would wake up every single morning with a smile and you would go to bed every single night with a smile, bro, with these views."
"Thank you so much for everything, every single day."
"We often take life for granted, you know, each day we're living."
"Every day by his power, he keeps on blessing me."
"I absolutely love what I get to do, and I embrace each and every day, man, it's awesome."
"Don't sit there and dwell on the negative stuff, look for that one little good thing that happened that day."
"Every day I am thankful that you guys put me on, put me in the position to be able to do what I do."
"I simply thank God every day and I try to do what I can to continue to get better."
"Every day I should wake up, sit up in bed, and say thank you, God, for even letting me take one more breath."
"Thank you for all you do, Chris. You are such an amazing trainer, and I'm grateful for you every day."
"Tell your loved ones how much they mean to you, treat each day on your little blue planet as a blessing."
"Guys, wake up every day is truly a grace because some people don't, you don't know when it's gonna be your last."
"From the moment that I wake up until I lay my head, I will think of the goodness of God."
"So thankful for creamer and thankful for coffee."
"Every day you wake up, God gave you another chance."
"And I'm just so grateful for you guys every day."
"We kind of need to really remind ourselves how lucky we are, kind of every single day, and just to flipping be alive."
"I'm great, every day I wake up free."
"I'm thankful this is a day that, like many days, I thank the Lord for all that I have."
"I can wake up every day loving who God made me to be."
"There is not a single day that goes by where I don't feel lucky for you all."
"And thank God every day for everything, and much love."
"Well, it is another beautiful day."
"Every day I thank God for life and for the good things that he's been doing to me."
"I'm just so thankful every single day."
"Thank you for just making me feel so grateful every day of my life."
"I'm really glad that I get to do this every day."