
Farewells Quotes

There are 232 quotes

"We want to wish him the best of whatever he's doing moving forward."
"Sometimes life changes so quickly on us that we don't get a chance to say goodbye."
"But all that being said, I'll see you guys next time. Bye!"
"We're gonna go to a prize segment with my good friend shout. It's been great y'all, take care, we'll see you in the future, be well, keep it going."
"Thank you for being my friend today and always. I'll see you guys in the next one. Bye guys."
"Thanks for watching, this has been Mumbo and I'm out, I'll see you later."
"I will see you around, have a beautiful week and a wonderful life."
"Thanks to all of you, so we'll see you tomorrow."
"I love you, I hope you have a really good day, and I'll see you again soon."
"Saying goodbye to a best friend is the bad part of the right thing to do."
"I'm going to catch you guys on the next one, peace out."
"It was really sad, the last day on set was very sad."
"An excellent recap of some of the summer's most memorable magical moments and a bittersweet farewell to a cast of characters we've grown so attached to."
"I gotta wrap this up and get on the road and I gotta go check on my cat so love you guys appreciate it thanks for hanging in there again and I will see you guys on Monday morning."
"I appreciate it, high five, but I can't stay here."
"Until next time, I'll see you on the internet very soon."
"Well, so long folks. It's awful funny leaving you this way. Of course it is, Robert, but you're not really leaving us. We'll always feel the same toward you. That's the way I feel too, much goodbye, Bob."
"No one will deny you a peck on the cheek at the airport when you say goodbye to your lover."
"It's hard to say goodbye, you know, even though these are people who really sucked you still have those good memories."
"Be happy and be sweet say goodbye really cool."
"Hi, I guess that's all the time we have... Oh, you're back up, that's good."
"Thanks for watching to the end, and I will see you guys when I see you, bye."
"Thank you very much for watching and remember the Metatron has spread his wings. Goodbye."
"Let's not say farewell to the game but instead leave off on a hopeful see you later."
"Alright thanks everyone... we'll see you next week, bye."
"So it's time to say goodbye to Bangkok airport, to all the characters who make it such an unusual place."
"I said goodbye to Waleed and Jack, the final two remaining members of the original group tour."
"I hope to see you in the next one. Take it easy."
"Farewells are bittersweet, but as long as you live, you can never escape them."
"Keep your sink on the ice, we'll catch you next time."
"That's all from me, I will see you next time."
"We're saying goodbye to friends, to family, and of course, doing what we love."
"Thank you, I appreciate it, I appreciate it, I appreciate it. I will catch you later, peace out."
"The next day, we sadly had to get ready to say goodbye to Catalina, but not before a couple of drinks and a quick dip into the ocean."
"Gigi's only, I'll catch you in the next one."
"He deprived her of telling him goodbye and he telling her goodbye."
"Love you guys, it's been Absorber and I'm out, peace."
"Goodbye, sorry it has ended, great that was really good."
"It's your way David and Bianca aka It's your boy David Bianca aka the Prince Family we gonna see you guys later on for the next video we are out peace."
"Catch you in another video very soon. Peace."
"Farewells to the past, embracing new journeys."
"Thank you so much for watching, and until next time, I will see you around."
"Love you guys, stay safe, good night, good afternoon, good morning, whatever the [ __ ] it is, whoever's birthday was January 28th, we legends."
"Thank you all so much for watching, and I'll see you all later. Bye!"
"Thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in my next one bye."
"I love you, I do, and I will see you next time."
"Thank you very much and those for whom it is too late have a nice weekend."
"Thank you Kian, thank you guys, see you on the other side."
"God bless you, God love you, and we'll see you soon."
"I'm not so sure I'll see you again, but I hope you don't forget about me."
"Take care everyone, bye bye bye bye, yeah see you guys tomorrow on Twitch maybe, surely I guess."
"So on that note, I guess it's time for me to say goodbye. Take care."
"Adios, peace, later dudes, tata for now, hasta la vista, I'm gonna take off, I'm gonna bounce, I'm gonna dip, I gotta go, bye."
"You don't say goodbye, let's say 'let me see you again'."
"We can't wait to see your guys's faces again. Love you, love you, bye everyone."
"Make good choices and I'll be seeing you guys later."
"Thank you all so much for watching. Stay safe and I will see you all next time."
"Thank you so much watching everybody I'm going to jump off the very top of my treehouse to say goodbye as is customary my cool tree as you know I guess I never felt the top of this end huh."
"Big crispy onion ring and I'll see you next time."
"Thank you guys for watching... peace out my dudes."
"I'll decide later all right guys bye bye bye bye bye okay bye bye bye."
"Goodbye isn't necessarily a goodbye forever."
"Thanks for stopping by, I'll see you soon. Okay, bye!"
"Never say goodbye. If you don't say goodbye, you're not really gone."
"Thanks so much for joining me on my last flight here, but remember to stay tuned from here on out on Mondays at the regular time I'll be still posting."
"Don't forget to stay blue! Have a good one and watch more vids while you're at it. Bye!"
"We love you guys so much and we'll see you guys in our next video, adios."
"That's it folks, I've enjoyed being on this program. TJ, you've been a swell guy. We can keep in touch, but I really enjoyed my timing. Wow, what."
"To all of you that are just clicking on this now and sad because I'm saying goodbye..."
"I hope to see you in another one, have a great rest of your day everybody."
"We'll see you on the next one. Bye, everyone! Bye-bye, love y'all."
"Thanks for watching guys, I'll see you next time. Peace."
"Real best friends don't leave without saying goodbye."
"Thanks so much for watching and I'll stream y'all later. Bye!"
"This isn't goodbye, it's just goodbye until next time."
"Twitter, we'll see you then until then take care of yourself you."
"That's the part of the tragedy here. When you say goodbye to your loved ones, you don't know if it's going to be the last time."
"It starts like this yo, what's up, and ends like this peace."
"I hope you guys enjoyed, and I'll see you again soon."
"Sometimes you have to just say goodbye when you have to."
"I'll see you guys later... thanks for watching. Bye!"
"Thank you for joining, hope to see you again."
"Thanks for being with me in this video and I will see you guys in the next one. Bye mamas."
"Thank you so much for tuning in for yet another day Scott it's been great to have you back reinforce and thank you so much for letting us pick you're welcome rain and we will be back tomorrow with more action goodbye Anaheim."
"I'll miss you but I'll see you tomorrow for bartender ASMR, who see you in a little while, bye-bye."
"Thank you for watching, until next time, don't forget, drive safe."
"Thank you guys again for watching and I will see you next time. Bye!"
"This is not goodbye, this is just see you later"
"I'll see you guys next time and take care out there everybody."
"Thank you guys for watching and I'll see you guys next time have a good one."
"So for the customer, yeah, or if you are selling your car, you're better off doing the battery test and I'm sure you will sell your car faster and at a better price."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and we will see you guys tomorrow."
"Goodbye buddy, thank you for being my friend and my mascot, we'll see you in the next season."
"Thank you again and we'll see you next time."
"I love you guys, and I will see y'all in the next video."
"How do you say goodbye? Well, I think you honestly have to end it all where it began."
"Thank you so much for joining us everyone, and we'll see you next time my friends. Bye everyone, bye."
"Even when you're saying goodbye. It's very satisfying."
"Love you all have a great rest today peace out bye-bye adios much love smooches."
"Have a happy New Year, and I'll see you later. Peace."
"So friend, thank you for being here, thank you for being you, and I can't wait to see you next time. Bye."
"The only thing that stinks about the skunk train is having to say goodbye."
"I have been emergency and I will see you in the next video. Peace."
"I don't really like doing goodbyes anymore."
"Here's to more boat adventures, yep, many many more, we'll see you guys in the next video, goodbye."
"This is our last time here, isn't it?"
"With no plan, a full tank of fuel, and one direction in mind, we say farewell."
"We wish you nothing but the best before we let you go, any final words or parting shots you'd like to share with the world out there?"
"Well, we are really gonna miss Ferrari and Phoenix."
"Ride safe and we'll see you again soon in the next video."
"I love how we got to have certain goodbyes."
"Nick and I are on our way out now, so I'm gonna end this here, and hopefully, I'll see you in the vlog that I'm filming today when I upload it. When I do, bye."
"I might do another update in the future about how things went, but for now, goodbye."
"Welcome back. Well, I'm going to take off. Those old friends."
"There were crying on both sides, there were appreciation, you know, being given both sides saying they'll miss each other, people having normal feelings."
"Make sure to let me know what your favorite area was and we'll see you next time, bye."
"A story which begins in hello and ends in goodbye."
"Throughout my life, I've struggled with two things: one is celebrating myself, and two is saying goodbye."
"So long, farewell, alvida zayn, au revoir, adios, audio juice, goodbye."
"Saying goodbye is hard, but it's a process that takes time and patience."
"You've only got 30 minutes to say goodbye."
"Why do I always have to say goodbye right when I'm getting used to hello?"
"I've never been good at goodbyes; I'm gonna sneak out the back door."
"We don't say goodbyes, we say see you later."
"Goodbyes are hard, but I know that you'll enjoy those beautiful sunsets more in your new home out in the wild."
"It's always hard to say goodbye to the United Kingdom, especially on such a beautiful day."
"Goodbye now. See you later. Thanks for coming. Have a good one."
"One of the hardest things in life is just to say goodbye to people."
"I try to look at it as like I'll see you later 'cause saying goodbye just always feels so sad."
"We never know when we'll see someone for the last time."
"Those are the hardest goodbyes, they are the best hellos in the world."
"It was however time for us to grab our bags and say our goodbyes to this beautiful family."
"It's kind of like how you feel when you graduate... you say I can't wait to get out of this place, and then when that moment happens, you're not gonna see these people again."
"No matter how satisfying your ending is, it's still hard to say goodbye to characters you've been watching for years."
"It's always hard to say goodbye, ain't that the truth, that's life."
"It's going to be so sad saying bye to the dogs."
"Goodbyes are not easy, but we got to do them."
"I don't need to say goodbye. A lot of people feel that way at first, but then they feel much better when they do."
"Love you. Bye. See ya. Talk to you later. Ciao. Good night."
"He wants to get his goodbyes in, he wants to talk to his mother."
"It was a sad goodbye for everybody; everyone was low-key crying."
"You say goodbye, and I say hello."
"I have a really hard time with goodbyes."
"Goodbyes are not easy, that's what I was telling you."
"Goodbyes are not great, but much better to say hello than goodbye."
"It's been very different, we're saying goodbye to a lot of actors and characters that we really love."
"If you were thousands of years old, wouldn't you be over goodbyes?"
"I never say goodbye, I say see you later."
"Even the goodbyes take 20 minutes, have you noticed that?"
"No time is a good time for goodbyes."
"You've got to work on your goodbyes. You can't just say goodbye and leave; that's the rudest thing you can do."
"Goodbyes are hard, but especially inevitable goodbyes."
"It never gets easier, man. And while we say goodbye to people, it's all good because then you just have friends all over the place."
"Take care, guys, have a great... Thank you."
"Thanks for watching this, guys. See you next time."
"I don't know how to end this video, so have a good day."
"Goodbyes are never easy, but you can always find a little good in them."
"We keep saying goodbye, don't we? I wish we had more time."
"It's always hard to say goodbye to you guys."
"I always want to be able to say all my goodbyes before I go on my mission."
"It's Halloween this week, but truly the scariest thing of all is saying goodbye to a friend."
"I just have a hard time with goodbyes."
"Peace out, stay safe, have a nice one, happy holidays."
"It's those moments that the goodbyes lead up to."
"I love you and I'll see you guys all in my next video. Bye!"
"I hate goodbyes, who knows what's going to happen."
"We're enjoying the nice weather though before we leave and glad we have the opportunity to meet everyone and say our goodbyes before we go."
"Enjoy your lines, thank you very much."
"I've always had a hard time with goodbyes."
"Say goodbye for now, we'll see you on the next vlog."
"Some goodbyes are harder than others."
"Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes."
"Toast to hellos, goodbyes, and the friends made in between."
"If you're going to say farewell, you need to do it the right way."
"It's not like I'm never gonna see you again."
"It's hard to say goodbye, you know."
"I've said goodbye too many times in my long life; it never gets any easier."
"Goodbye old buddy, farewell, adios, sayonara, auf Wiedersehen, ciao, cheerio, aloha, arrivederci, see you around."
"It's better to have gotten to say goodbye than leave things left unsaid."
"So thanks for watching, guys, and I'll see you in my next video. Bye!"
"Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again."
"We never say goodbye because when there is Magic and amazing moments to be had, it's only going to be see you real soon."
"Goku says his goodbyes to Chi-Chi, his family, and his friends. Vegeta has to explain to Bulma he and Goku's plan."
"I want to be strong so that I don't have to say goodbyes anymore."
"Death isn't anything though, it is a goodbye and a hello and a goodbye, end of a chapter if you will."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, do enjoy your day, annyeonghaseyo."
"We don't say goodbye, we say hello."
"Thank you to all of our friends who joined us for Dino Pororo; we hope to see all of you again on our next adventure story. Goodbye!"
"We've been saying goodbye to things that we thought were gonna be with us forever."
"Velgrin had a series of encounters and goodbyes."
"Give me a smile, crocodile. Catch ya later, alligator"
"Time for radical change, major goodbyes, major hellos, closing of chapters, beginning of new brilliant experiences."
"Before I say goodbye, let me see those who I come to love most."
"Big goodbyes and big hellos and radical life-changing experiences."
"The goodbyes that you have to have will be replaced by amazing hellos."
"Eclipse time is a time where we say goodbye to things, we say hello to other things, there are dramatic endings and brilliant new beginnings."
"Big goodbyes, big hellos, subtle more paradigms type of shifts and more obvious like changes."
"Big goodbyes, some might be welcome, some might not be; big hellos, shiny new beginnings."
"Why is it so hard to say goodbye sometimes?"
"Have a great New Year's guys, I'll see you guys in a couple of days, bye now."