
Phases Quotes

There are 250 quotes

"The waterfall dance as we're gonna see in like three seconds has several phases."
"A part of adulthood is just moving in and out of different phases that people are just not gonna always relate to."
"All of this right now is super exciting, we're like in love, it's the honeymoon stage, all of it is amazing, but there's gonna be, there's gonna be Wednesdays."
"It's like most relationships. They start out all nice in the honeymoon phase, everybody's kissing and hugging, then it's big fighting."
"There is four phases we all go through right who is roger stone okay get me roger stone on get me someone like roger stone and then who is roger stone right"
"Kicking off phase five, we'll continue that and like the infinity Saga, there'll be Standalone films within the next two phases."
"In a nutshell, classical Rome lasts about a thousand years. Rome grew for 500 years, peaked for 200 years, and fell for 300 years."
"There's been different phases to feminism, not just one monolithic movement."
"Incredibly useful during your it essentially slightly empowers your astral fire phase and it improves your mobility in your ice phase everything about it is good."
"Is there gonna be a season to where intimacy, love, excitement will fall off in a marriage?"
"He's never lost that passion it's it's incredible man because we all go through little phases hell yeah."
"What Erica did is just phase one; there's supposed to be more."
"Legendary Edelgard definitely saw a lot of phases in her lifetime."
"A full moon is a harvest of something that starts in a new moon."
"An episode of anger can be viewed as consisting of three phases: escalation, explosion, and post-explosion."
"It's like a journey of sagehood, and there are phases in our life."
"The first phase of Operation Overlord is completed."
"You can enjoy your home and love your home in every phase."
"It's only just a phase on your way to a better place."
"Can I count on you forever? That loyalty thing, so those are the three phases: limerance, trust, and then commitment."
"This relationship's going to come in when you're both in completely new phases of your lives."
"Sometimes it does turn out to be a phase, and sometimes it doesn't, and that's fine."
"I'll be all right. I'm just going through a phase right now."
"From the moment we enter crying to the moment we leave dying."
"There are many ways out there that break the flow of project management into digestible phases and approaches all with the same end goal of accomplishing the desired outcome as smoothly as possible and delivering the best value."
"Instead of viewing it as one $750,000 portfolio, view it as one portfolio that needs to support three different tranches or three different phases of retirement."
"It's okay to have phases or be in a rut where you might feel bored or you feel like you want to try something new."
"I want to enjoy the phases of life that I'm in as I'm in them."
"Every success story follows the same phases."
"Every single day is different. Every single day progresses you throughout the phases."
"We're all friends until the assassin phase."
"Gameplay occurs in turns, each divided into five phases: start turn, play cards, score bases, draw two cards, end turn."
"Recognizing each phase that our kids go through."
"Everyone shouldn't panic when they get to the ugly phase and everything goes to a bit of a...just bear with it."
"Everybody has those phases, it is what it is."
"You're at a stage of completion, something is coming to an end."
"You know, you've seen your own kids kind of enter that and go through it."
"Most women have seasons. And what I mean by that is, you all have a season in your life where you just want to feel attractive and so you'll go for the guy that makes you feel attractive."
"Everything's a phase, literally everything."
"If I was young, broke, starting from scratch again in 2024, I would break my career up into three phases: the learn, earn, legacy."
"We're living both right now, and we are now in the upswing."
"These are the times that I have to remind myself that it's just a phase."
"I didn't really love Daniel. It was just a passing phase."
"... if you were to spin a brushless motor and monitor it on an oscilloscope, you would find that each phase outputs voltage in a sine wave with each phase being offset by 120°. This is also known as three-phase AC."
"We've sort of created a new life phase, like it used to be."
"Every phase is so different and you know even the hard ones like they do pass."
"Lean into the season of your life."
"All the hard things are just stages and that will quickly change."
"Change and welcome change in your life. Your life will work in phases, and you don't have to stay in one place just because you feel indebted to the people around you."
"Life has seasons: busy, calm, transitional."
"Every marriage goes through stages where they're out of kilter. This is so bloody normal, I can't tell you."
"Everything has to end, and everything has to begin, and sometimes you just have to hold on."
"Every phase is okay and every phase is still beautiful and useful and has a purpose."
"Wonder Woman is a hero who has gone through many phases, some better than others."
"Sometimes people go through phases where their interest is all they really want to talk about."
"Life happens and things happen in life where I'm not incredibly upbeat and positive and you know like everyone's going to go through those phases."
"So often it's just a little phase to work through."
"Sobriety doesn't mean a lifelong thing. Sometimes sobriety for people is like through pregnancy or like through a tough time at work or like you know through a pandemic when they know it's not servicing their mental health."
"Whatever you're going through right now, as human beings, we go from phase to phase."
"I try to enjoy this little phase and what all it has, because they will never be like four almost turning five again."
"Every relationship goes through these seasons."
"It's a process that involves three distinct phases: entry, descent, and landing."
"Life is process and it's in phases no matter how difficult a phase may be leave it with joy."
"Every area of your life will have its turn."
"The Million Dollar Babe phase is the integration of your inner work."
"First they hate you then they love you but they will love you again."
"This is it, this is the kickoff for phase five. How excited are you for phase five? More? Wasn't it originally just gonna be in phase four anyway? I don't know, like, as if it makes a [__] difference. Phase four and five are the same thing."
"Manhood is coming in phases and through failures."
"The honeymoon period is how to get from curiosity to interest to creating a deep connection."
"Risk management is a cyclical process that is made up of four phases: identification, mitigation, response, and recovery."
"The early years of your retire - the go go phase - can be a really great time."
"The truth is that we all face seasons of slow progress."
"It's somewhat of a new beginning for you and your person as well, like a new phase of your connection."
"The first phase is the initial threat of the event the second phase is escalation the third phase is the acute crisis phase and the fourth phase is the climax when the crisis has resolved."
"It's like you're both in really different circumstances. One of you may be kind of struggling a little bit or just kind of on the tail end of a very difficult phase and the other one is almost kind of in like almost like a peak experience."
"You might think you're, for example, a complete Gourmand person and go crazy buying all of the gourmands in all of the world and then six months later go 'I think I'm done with the Gourmand phase and now I want to get into florals or I want to get into Citrus or whatever.'"
"Listen, we all go through grief and it's a weird thing because they can come in phases and it can also come in waves."
"Pitra Paksha is that time of the year where we are heading towards Mahalaya, and Mahalaya, as you know, is a disillusion of everything right. These are the three phases of creation itself."
"Every Million Dollar business goes through a cycle that looks like this: Honeymoon phase, Fall-off phase, Valley phase, Apex phase."
"Jesus' exaltation came in four phases: resurrection, ascension, dominion, and intercession."
"Pre-med is just a four year phase."
"I think anybody who's ever fallen in love knows that the first three months are just like you can't get enough."
"Did I go through an emo phase? Absolutely, absolutely."
"The magnitudes of the alphas stay fixed. It's the relative phases between them that change."
"If you only love yourself in one phase, boy oh boy, only God can save you when you leave that phase."
"Life does change, you know. There are different phases to everything."
"It's always the next phase you can reach."
"Phase Four is more about fixing Phase One's problem."
"We've gone through the different phases, but the phase that we're on at the moment I am absolutely here for and loving."
"Everything is a phase no matter what is happening at the current time it will pass and there'll be something new so whatever you're going through it's a phase."
"I think that a person can go through a phase and they have to get something out of their system."
"I think what I've really taken with me over the past few months is like this too shall pass the way I felt months ago is nowhere near how I'm feeling right now."
"This fight again has three phases all of which I think are really cool in concept."
"Every single thing is just a phase. And the more you realize that, the easier it gets to get through the hard ones."
"There are five phases to minimalism: Clarity, declutter, build systems, work focused, and wealth building."
"Life is in phases, men are in sizes. Leave your size, part-time."
"Seriously whole phases are beyond necessary. I don't feel like I had one and I deserve one. I do."
"It's to do with like a negative situation that you're actually going to be really grateful for one phase of your life it's about to come to an end and wherever there is one phase of your life that comes to an end another phase of your life it's about to begin."
"Love is like different phases in a relationship, fluctuating with time."
"It's been good. I've had ups. I've had downs but I'm on that phase at the moment so that's good for me."
"You need a system for determining these phases."
"I was actually treating everybody as if they're in the transactional phase, not the research phase."
"The honeymoon period, it happens, it wears off."
"We're going through that shock, like even if it's high school, if it's college, like whatever point of your life, there's always going to be like the ups and down parts to it."
"You've got to build in phases, stages, and seasons of life."
"Interesting how people can meet each other again in different phases of their lives."
"Saturn mahadasha can often be one of the most productive and valuable times in anybody's lives."
"The late hepatic arterial phase is great for hyper vascular artery enhancing lesions whereas the portal venous phase is best for those dark hypo vascular hypo enhancing masses."
"You can't be a long hair guy twice. You can't have two Long Hair Phases in your life. That's true."
"An apparent recovery from the prodromal symptoms may lead to the manifest illness phase."
"For me, I have experienced so many different phases in my life."
"Marriage is beautiful, marriage is amazing, but there are seasons."
"Marriage is lit, yeah, I think that's the thing, you know, to understand like there are seasons."
"Phase one and phase two usually tell you about safety and efficacy."
"Life does come in phases, and this phase is coming to an end, which is crazy. And we're getting ready to start a new one."
"There's different faces to grief, you know? There's different waves to grieve."
"Component lifecycle methods: mounting, updating, unmounting phases."
"It feels like Phase Four is mythology building. Phase Two was 'Don't trust your government,' Phase Three is 'Don't trust your heroes,' Phase Four is 'Let's build mythologies out.'"
"I have not been placed in my soft girl era."
"Goan's greatest phase as a warrior is in Dragon Ball Super Superhero and Dragon Ball GT."
"The invoice processing is categorized into three phases: setup, capture, and transfer."
"All projects will go through the general phases of feasibility design build test deploy and close."
"Iron Man alone carries this thing to phase two, which I have to say looking at the list, it's a damn good phase, baby."
"I call this the honeymoon phase of dieting when you're really enjoying the fact you're dieting."
"I think as long as my first trimester is gonna look different than postpartum is going to look different than when my youngest is two years old and I'm second trimester it's like a really different View."
"Relationships go through phases, and some phases, it's like 'wow, this is really hard.' But then you realize the root of it started from some small stuff. It could be minor stuff that you would look over back in the days."
"The moon never looks the same way twice, right? There's not two nights in a row you can go out and it will come up or go down at the same time it'll be in a different phase."
"Wound healing involves inflammatory, proliferative, and maturation phases."
"God leads us in phases. He opens doors and shuts them."
"Knowing your body and yourself so that you can support yourself through every single phase is so important."
"...here's all three of the phases side by side..."
"Major Galactic Civilization has three distinct and recognizable phases: those of survival, inquiry, and sophistication, otherwise known as the how, why, and where phases."
"Though it will usually take a large civilization many thousands of years to pass through the how, why, and where phases, smaller social groupings under stressful conditions can pass through these phases with extreme rapidity."
"Like Saul, we can go through phases of despair where, cornered, we contemplate the worst."
"What I love about this game is not only in both phases there's just an incredible palpable amount of tension."
"The first phase of project management is conception and initiation."
"Agile is a project management approach which involves breaking down your projects into different kind of phases."
"Each phase impacts the phase that comes after it."
"These are the phases you go through."
"God moves in phases and seasons and cycles for individual purposes."
"Low life is all one of the same because it all goes through phases. The past make the present and the present make the future."
"Healing happens in phases, it ebbs and flows."
"You slid straight into the later phases of the danger zone."
"The Moon captivates people, makes them stop and stare, and love every phase and cycle."
"I love this this is so fun I don't want anything serious right now so it really it's like it's different it's different phases."
"Every band goes through bad phases with their bands. If you're around long enough, you're gonna make a bad album or two."
"This car is going to go through various versions or phases."
"Some relationships don't have to look like as much compromise or losing any of your individuality or individual goals. You know, I think that they can look different at different phases in your life."
"Develop a phased plan... think about all the different phases of your life."
"Full moon, half moon, total eclipse."
"Everyone's kind of had a cringy or an immature or a douchey phase."
"...there really are three phases of love in a lifetime of love..."
"We've gone through these phases in our lives where we just got really obsessed with something that didn't have a clear payoff."
"Well, I think I still use certain qualities of it in certain phases of it; it's very helpful to me."
"Human beings can't just be in one emotion; we have to be in different phases like the moon."
"Yellow fever attacks the human body in two phases: the acute phase and the toxic phase."
"Gameplay begins. Player turns are divided into two phases."
"We are just past technically the full moon."
"They've just won in every phase of the game."
"The triple point is where all three phases are in equilibrium together."
"A voyage can have three distinct phases: one is the ocean passage, the second one is the coastal passage, and the third one is the pilotage."
"You could absolutely love two people, especially at this phase of relationship."
"We know it's our last baby and so I'm just kind of enjoying every phase that is coming."
"And just like the moon, you shall go through phases of light, of dark, and of everything in between. And though you may not always appear with the same brightness, you are always, always whole."
"This is a good example of using a folder to represent the overall project and then different lists in that folder to represent different phases of that project."
"Hemostasis is the formation of a blood clot and it occurs in three key phases: vascular spasm, platelet plug followed by coagulation."
"The Green Monkeys are truly the best team when you consider all four phases of the show."
"I go through phases, you know, but I also feel like I need to do what I really love to do."
"Uncertainty is always there in all phases of life."
"Pain is just another word for a project. There's a deconstruction phase and there's a construction phase."
"That's the thing about solar, you can do these things in phases."
"We will not be allowed to cut any corners, so there will have to be phase one, phase two, and phase three."
"They're either going to be in a growing phase or they're going to be in a fruiting phase."
"Sometimes people just go through bad phases in life."
"There are three kinds of Twilight."
"I love dogs too, but I like the puppy phase a lot."
"It's a honeymoon phase; it's supposed to be good, it's supposed to be fun and light-hearted, but every relationship has its issues."
"I feel like phase 1 through 3 was all a story. Is this a continuation or just like the next trilogy of phases where it ends at phase 6?"
"The reason why we see the moon in various shapes is because of its position in relation to the sun."
"It's a mixed feeling, both positive and negative. I guess everyone goes through these phases."
"One of the defining attributes of a topological phase should be a bulk edge correspondence."
"The integer quantum Hall effect and topological insulators are kind of the original topological phases of electrons."
"A business is like a relationship, you go through your honeymoon phase with it."
"When the phase is gone, I miss it."
"Well, no judgment, we all go through phases."
"There's season life, and then there's NCAA tournament life."
"My weight loss journey was really broken up into three phases."
"Make a good model for your simulation and follow the three phases that I presented earlier."
"Life is temporary, yeah, every period of your life is temporary."
"When things are tough, you hang in there because it's a phase; it will come and it will go."
"Life is short and everything mostly in life is temporary, and our life is in phases."
"Marriage has two phases: phase one is called romance."
"We have to understand the phases of sprinting... the start, the drive phase or acceleration, and then max speed."
"How to enter it and how to use its subphases, measurement and placement, to your advantage."
"One month for requirements, one month for design, one month for development, and one month for testing."
"In a broad sense, the term composite materials refers to a solid matter composed of more than one component, wherein those components are in separate phases."
"Each phase is one month long. The entire program is one year long."
"Spiritual awakenings tend to happen in phases."
"Cardinal means creative energy, like the cardinal moon is the waxing moon, the fixed moon is full moon, and the mutable moon is the waning moon."
"The entire lifecycle of a component can be divided into three parts: mounting, updation, and unmounting."