
Homesickness Quotes

There are 326 quotes

"There are still some times when I feel a little homesick, but all in all, I sure love this city."
"Dude, you know, did I miss my mom's cooking so much."
"I just want to come back to the States, to be honest. I miss it a lot."
"Once you go out of your home, you will probably really miss them in the first few years that you are out."
"I'm 24, I need to learn that this is what it comes with, people get homesick, but they power through it."
"Every day feels like dying now that I'm back in the States."
"One of the other things that happens when we're up here, you know, we talked about all these fantastic views of the Earth, but one of the other things that makes you do is it makes you miss the Earth." - Victor Glover
"So definitely right now, I'm missing all my friends and family back in England. I miss you guys, I hope you're doing okay."
"There is none among those Japanese who were wrecked abroad and drifted to a foreign country that did not yearn for their native traditions and to return home."
"I'm feeling very homesick even though I have thoroughly enjoyed being here."
"You got to get back to New York... what makes me want to stay here?"
"I was much more homesick this year than last year."
"We miss you, we want you back home, we don't understand."
"There's no place like home. Some of you guys are feeling homesick, or like you haven't found your place in this world."
"Sandy admits to SpongeBob that she's feeling really homesick, and that's why she was crying."
"I'm thinking about it more and more every day... miss my family and friends so much... I have no life..."
"Victor felt lucky that he didn't miss his homeland more than he did."
"I felt like I was homesick for a place that I had never been."
"There's no place like in a while now since I've been away."
"She misses the blue grass and the green skies of Namek so she'd rather live in the wastelands here that remind her of her home."
"I've cried every single day about missing home, but there's also great moments."
"I am homesick and I want to come back to you."
"I feel like I just wanted to go home."
"I miss home, and it's becoming fall, and I just want to go home."
"It just feels like one of those times where you're a little like homesick for your friends and family."
"I'm really thankful to be here in Korea, but living here for as long as I have, I start to miss my family."
"Sometimes you just want to go home."
"I feel like all I need is just like a hug from someone from home and then it like yeah that's like kind of all I'm really craving."
"People become homesick, fed up with constant danger."
"Doctors will never tell you that homesick is the worst kind of sick."
"I miss my home. It is very cold in Russia now, but I miss it," Valentina confessed.
"Every dreamer knows that it is entirely possible to be homesick for a place you’ve never been to, perhaps more homesick than for familiar ground." - Judith Thurman
"My family and just being away from my family is something that I really struggle with."
"Every day we drift further from home."
"I'm glad to be going home because I'm sick of being here."
"It's far away from home, and the one thing about living here that you miss is the things you love about home, which certainly for a lot of people includes friends and family."
"I'm happy to be going out and promoting this record yeah it's definitely tough to leave home but it's also makes it sweet to come back."
"I never did like to be away from home, never did."
"Being with him made you forget your homesickness."
"This place is Beautiful by the way I would like to move here I miss home."
"Our hearts and minds are here to back home where most of us think we belong."
"Every morning she wakes up to the same thought of giving everything up and running back home."
"What's the worst part of traveling? My heart goes to... you're away from family and friends."
"As fun as this vlog was, it is my last night. I'm ready to go home. I miss my dog and my boyfriend and I want to go back home."
"I need my mom. I need my family. I need to be home."
"Honestly, I just want to go home."
"I just want to go home that's all just want to go home."
"He was like, 'I just want to go home.'"
"I feel like just day by day I noticed like that I wasn't missing home as much in the best way possible."
"I just miss my family, dude. I miss my friends. I wanted to be home."
"I prayed and wished for this my whole life and then I got it. I'm like, 'Oh man, I'm never home,' and it's like, 'Oh, this is tiring.' It's a beautiful problem, but, yeah, I'm a little homesick, I'm not gonna lie."
"You're feeling scared and a little bit homesick, which doesn't actually make you a bad person, just a normal one."
"I miss home. I miss my family the most."
"It's very normal to feel lonely or to feel homesick."
"I feel homesick a lot because I miss the quiet. I love silence so much, it's just the most beautiful thing."
"I never stay really that long, and if you've never lived in another place and then had a chance to go back home, you don't know what it's like."
"I don't really think you can explain to somebody how much you miss home how much you miss your friends your family your routine even work."
"The thing that I miss the most about the US... it's tough sometimes. Within that category, because there's a lot that I miss about being home. Like, this has become home, but it's not like where we're from, you know?"
"I just want to be around my mom I just want to eat my regular food and you know like I haven't been able to go on dates and my girlfriend like we normally do every other day."
"When I went and lived in Germany for a few years, my heart ached for New York. It didn't ache for Canada."
"It's hard being away from family and you very much feel like...everyone's living their lives and you're not part of it."
"I wanted to come home, even though I started liking the city, liking where I was at, I was adapting to it, I wanted to go home, you know, at some point I, I don't know if I had faith or hope even when I didn't have faith or hope."
"The lack of trees and mountains made Southern Germans and Austrians homesick."
"I miss home so much. I think I'd give my right arm right now just to be back home in my warm bed."
"When you're away from your homeland, you get homesick. So it is with us in the kingdom of God. We get homesick."
"It builds our morale if we're missing home, missing family."
"Homesickness is not always a vague nostalgic, almost beautiful emotion. It can be a terribly keen blade, not just a sickness and metaphor, but in fact as well."
"I think I moved maybe 10, 15 miles away and was still like 'wow I am really far from the homestead and the family.'"
"Sorry guys this Vlog kind of took a turn. Didn't expect to be homesick this week."
"I feel like being back home on family is something I really need right now."
"Like, the first week is okay. The first week I'm fine and then I start getting really homesick. I start missing my wife and daughter."
"We were actually really homesick, and being back feels so, so good."
"Homesickness is a real sickness, the ache of the uprooted plant."
"Would you ever think that four children could be homesick in such a beautiful house?"
"I cried almost every day guys, I cried almost every day because I just wanted to be at home with my mom."
"I have not had any desire to go back to LA obviously I miss my mom I miss my friends there are places that I miss of course but I have not felt like going home at all."
"I'm excited to go back home, but when you're home it's like you're probably going to miss all of this."
"I'm lonely living in London. I want to move back to Stockport to be nearer my family."
"I'd go back home, easily. I just love it there, bro."
"I don't know. I just want to go home."
"I just wanted to get home as soon as possible to see my family my friends ollie my cats oh my god my cats."
"I've been missing my family a little more every day, but I had a feeling this would help keep me strong in my determination to finish out my vacation."
"I just really miss my friends and family."
"I'm making a winning dish. I'm really missing home today so first thing that comes to my mind is a home homey dish."
"I'd long to be home every time I was away but once I get home I'd miss the company of my mates."
"So how do you cure the homesick blues? Well, most experts today agree, when you feel safe, connected, and seen by the people around you, it makes it much easier to feel at home wherever you are."
"Missing your family is so normal; it is hard, especially for someone who's really close to their family and friends."
"It's flattering that you are homesick though, and that you miss me. I miss you too."
"It made people feel like they were home again, back in their country."
"When I first came here, I worried about forgetting my other home in Kenya."
"The worst part was the homesickness."
"You want to go have a good time but you also know that you're going to miss the cows."
"I was extremely homesick... I decided that I needed a pet. When I first saw Turtle, my heart was full."
"The child is pining away with homesickness. Now there is only one remedy, and that is to send her back home at once."
"I was so homesick for some Jamaican oxtail that I went down to a cook shop and got myself a good oxtail."
"He cries and says it has been so long since he had a home-cooked meal."
"That's how you know you've really got a home. When you leave it, there's this feeling that you can't shake. You just miss it."
"Sometimes you come to grips and you'd be like, man, I miss home."
"The main solution that I had to the homesickness was all the photos that I had of my friends and family around my room."
"It's been a good week, I've had my low points, like the other day I woke up feeling a bit like I miss home."
"This is our life now, and homesick passes, and you realize how much better your life is here."
"Like a lot of Irish and English that come out here, I think they got very homesick."
"Doesn't matter where I am, if I'm away from my family, it kind of sucks."
"We all get homesick, and so if you have a little something that you can eat and then you're like, 'All right, I'm good,' it's great."
"I'm homesick for a place that doesn't exist yet, so I can feel my soul searching for home."
"I'm very homesick; I really would love a picture of my beautiful fiancee and son."
"I feel like my heart's always going to be torn no matter where I am, which is a bummer, but so goes life, you know."
"You have no idea how much I miss home."
"It's Thanksgiving today. I'm filming this on Thanksgiving. I didn't go home because I'm from California and I have a game."
"I know that my family is watching back home and I do miss you guys a lot."
"I just want to go home, I just want to see everyone."
"You don't realize how much you miss home until you're told you can't go back."
"Goodness, I'm gonna import some cool fresh air from home just for you guys."
"I miss my family, miss my dogs, miss my birds."
"Even though I'm homesick, the truth is there's still no place I'd rather be than here with you guys."
"So although I may, I'll be coming home soon, 'cause I don't want to live on the moon."
"This is like one the furthest place we've ever been and also the longest time we've ever been away from home."
"I just miss my family, that's it."
"It's a good time when you actually miss your life at home because then you know it's healthy and you're happy."
"When I dream about the moonlight on the Wabash, then I long for my Indiana home."
"Let me go home," replied Maximus quickly.
"I do miss my brothers, man. I miss my sister, miss mum and dad. It's crazy, like really miss them."
"The two main causes of homesickness are missing family members and the familiarity of the new town."
"I want home, home, home, home, home."
"I started feeling homesick... but there were enough other good feelings going on that I wasn't miserable the whole time."
"Master is right, the Moon is bright in my hometown."
"Mom, I want to go home; this world is too crazy."
"It's getting tiring, not gonna lie. I'm starting to really miss my family."
"I think I should like to go home."
"I feel really bad just because I know what it feels like being out of state, being so far away from home."
"There's so much more beauty and so much that I love and care about more at home, and so I'm anxious to get back."
"Do you really enjoy it that much and don't miss home? We always miss home, but we have a heck of a good time."
"I feel like my heart's still at home."
"I miss my 20 acres, my barbecue, and peacock when I'm so far from you, Texas."
"Farther from my home, the more I wish it, the longer I've been gone, the more I miss it."
"Homesickness overcomes Harker; the Count's Castle brings him an uneasy feeling."
"I've never been so far from home and felt like I was at my house."
"Blood is thicker than water. I miss my people, everything about home."
"I'm forgetting home... you get caught up. Have some balance."
"I admit that modern technology helped me feel less homesick."
"I want to go home," she whispered.
"We all know that feeling when you miss home."
"This place is beautiful, but I can't but feel that I'm still an Alabama girl at heart."
"I've had time to think a lot since I left Pinehaven, and every moment I've been in New York, I have wanted to just go home."
"By the time we got back to Cincinnati, I was definitely homesick. When we crossed the Ohio River, I felt like I couldn't possibly get home fast enough."
"Even the sophisticated and alluring charms of Paris were not sufficient to cure the young expatriate of his yearning for the simple and quaint charms of his rural American home."
"Whenever I'm in a different country and I just miss home, I just go to the local IKEA."
"Do you ache to think about your home?"
"I got so homesick for you, I couldn't stand it."
"You gotta get back to your own family too. They probably miss you."
"It's more than nostalgia; it's home."
"I just want to thank everyone for all the support, and I'm far away from home, so this is kind of cool."
"I want to go home, not live in exile for the rest of my life."
"Spirit can only come from Spirit, and this first pure spirit is where we come from, which explains why we sometimes feel homesick for something that we don't even know what it is."
"I just miss the feeling that I have of home."
"That yearning for home, that yearning for breathing my air, that yearning for the trees."
"We haven't really felt homesick... Of course, we miss our families."
"I miss my family, I miss egusi soup, I miss suya, like I miss all of the goodness of Nigeria."
"I could never settle down, too far away from my hometown, with my family I am bound."
"Send me back to Kansas, where my Aunt Em and Uncle Henry are," she answered earnestly.
"My greatest wish now," she added, "is to get back to Kansas."
"I'm so excited to go home, like I just want to be home."
"I just wanna like fix this homesickness."
"Being homesick... does not necessarily mean that you have made the wrong choice or that you are a failure in this particular adventure."
"It's the saddest part of being far far away from home."
"At night I look out of my window up at the stars and I cry, somewhere out there is my homeland."
"Lauren was all about family, so being hundreds of miles away from her hometown was tough."
"...in times of uncertainty, we latch on to nostalgia. Nostalgia is a powerful feeling because by definition, it's a homesickness for a home that we can't possibly return to, for the past."
"I'm really excited to go home. I just miss my friends from home. I miss them so much."
"There aren't necessarily things that I miss that much from the US; it's mostly people."
"I've been away from home and I still call it home for 43 years."
"Oh my gosh, well, of course, Indiana, there's no place like home."
"It would be good to return to Winterfell."
"I do miss New Zealand for many different reasons, but I'm so, so happy with where I am right now."
"I missed my family. I love traveling, but it loses the appeal when you have no one to return home to."
"I'm so excited to go back home, I really miss Kenya."
"I'm really homesick. I miss my family, I miss my pets, I miss my house."
"They were restless, they longed for the red sand of the desert, the starry sky at night, the warmth of the campfire and the security of their family, they longed for home."
"Looking up, I find the moon bright; dropping my head, in homesickness I'm drunk."
"I cried every single hour of every single day... because you miss your family."
"It's funny, you can be in the most beautiful place in the world, and sometimes all you want to do is come home."
"I'm probably going to miss home more than I was expecting."
"It's a very emotional time to be away from your family, your wife, your children, can't go home, you're afraid to fly."
"Everyone is so good, I just want to go back to the place where I was born."
"Too far away from my hometown, with my family I am bound, I stick by them till I'm in the ground."
"No place like home, we miss our kitties, we miss our van."
"I'm feeling homesick, but I want to come back."
"Eight weeks is a long time to be away from home."
"I miss my home, miss my mom and dad."
"And I don't know why, I'm always feeling homesick."
"You start longing for your people a little bit."
"No matter how far you go, the flavours of home always lead people back to the direction of home."
"Longing for home, homesick for the stars."
"I just can't wait to get home, I miss my wife so bad."
"My fiance has been feeling a little bit homesick."
"I can't wait to get home; I haven't been home in a few days and I'm really missing everybody."
"I miss you guys every morning. Lots of love from Vermont."
"I would do anything to go home now, except somehow there's a tiny bit of me that's still stubborn enough to think, 'Alright, I can do this.'"
"My heart's in between; I miss my family, I had such a nice time with them."