
Army Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"Hades isn't just on his own anymore, guys; he's going to be amassing an army."
"I myself have got to admit that I've always loved being tested and assessed on my level of fitness in the army."
"The elves are really cutting through my men. My army is pretty much spent at this point."
"Army pilots have been a considerable part of its warfighting history."
"There is a soul to an army as well as to the individual man, and no General can accomplish the full work of his army unless he commands the soul of his men as well as their bodies and legs."
"This Army is one of my all-time favorites."
"Vampire Counts is probably my best looking Warhammer fantasy Army currently."
"My Bretonnian Army is one of my favorites."
"How does a ragtag volunteer army in need of a shower somehow defeat a global superpower?"
"Men and women are equals in the Army."
"Enlist in the Army without meeting the standards? Lose the weight, then join."
"We really didn't have much of an Army in 1941, but we got better real quick."
"An army awakens and a soldier prepares for battle."
"Shout out to my vets out there, they're strong, and then there's Army Strong."
"This is why you don't see any other dragonflies in the army."
"There never was such men in an army before, but there is the difficulty: proper commanders, where can they be obtained?"
"Moving forward with a massive Army of 300,000 troops he conquered East and West annihilating over 40 countries and subjugating more than 720 ethnic groups."
"Our phase two Clone Army portion."
"You could hypothetically make an army here. A tier."
"That's how it should be. And a leader should have an army, it should have an army of killers, you know?"
"The oath Breakers, his army of the dead."
"Thanos has the biggest army in the universe."
"Motivation such a key factor. I mean you have two otherwise equal armies on the battlefield and the more highly motivated soldiers is going to win almost every time."
"One of the things that really occurred to me, you know, as I studied World War II over over the years, um it stood out to me is this sort of myth that I think is is still very very powerful in American memory of World War II that the Army focused on Europe."
"This is an army of the 21st century. It's a very inclusive Army."
"Five up save for your whole army."
"The more you like an army the way it looks and not necessarily the way it plays the more likely you will actually end up painting that Army and enjoying it regardless of how good it is."
"Alucard's army washes over everyone like a tidal wave, a literal army."
"Saitama faces off against 100,000 opponents, wiping out an entire army in the most horrific way possible."
"Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable and procures success to the weak."
"Destroy his discipline, you teach an army to march, to fight, to obey orders."
"It incorporates his army history, his veteran status with the symbiote."
"Just because you know how to build an army doesn't mean you know how to lead one."
"That was the most beautiful food and lovely army chow that was ever made."
"The army that's coming is going to be an army of housewives, of young people, of ordinary people, not that have been trained, but those who have been raised by the Holy Ghost in the secret closet of prayer."
"A respectable retired army couple."
"Funded the creation of the Clone Army completely out of his pocket."
"An army is a team, it lives, sleeps, eats, and fights as a team."
"The emergence of this new army decisively tips the balance."
"It's such an honor to take part, they are of course the most senior Regiment in the army, the Queen's Monarchs personal guard. It's a very proud day for all of them."
"You're fighting with no army. How are you going to win this battle with no army?"
"The coup Army has set out with a large number of soldiers under their command."
"You have to be converted to a disciplined army that could take territory."
"After some basic instructions on how to use the gears, Eric gets the army's truck back in one piece."
"It's the longest temporary footbridge the army has ever erected."
"The Japanese scrambled to put an army together themselves, which actually included thousands of White Russian immigrants."
"The Waffen-SS was far more egalitarian than the army."
"Coins assemble, man. It's the best type of army."
"Discipline is the soul of an army."
"I suggested the film specifically for those who had just entered the army a film in which the bridge between civil and military life would be created by means of humor and comprehension."
"It doesn't matter how big his army is, he will free Siri."
"When I've thought about the importance of horses, I thought you know, there wouldn't have been a battle if it weren't for horses. All the way! They were as essential to the army as the fighting soldier on the ground."
"The quality of leadership in an army is the most important single determiner of morale and performance."
"God is putting an army together in heaven right now. What a blessing it is when He calls somebody home and they are enlisted in that Army ready to serve the Living God."
"In today's army we can afford to keep only the worthwhile individual in our ranks. Every effort must be made to strive for professionalism in all things."
"If you enumerate the various things that have to be done in order to produce a combat ready army to meet the demands of our country in case of emergency, I believe you will find that these necessary operations pretty well cover the field."
"The English army was much less well protected and they were vastly outnumbered."
"The happiest Marines you'll find are in the Army, which is the funniest thing."
"I want Eneru to come back down from the moon with an entire army of automata."
"The reason I started my Sons of Horus Army was because I was listening to the Horus Heresy novels, and it inspired me."
"This army camp is my home, and you're welcome to stay while you recover."
"The TAP is a tactical assault panel used currently by the US Army and the Houston Marine Corps."
"The 5th Special Forces Group is stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, with three battalions."
"Just one angel of the Lord destroyed his magnificent army."
"An immense army glowed with ardor and combined military discipline and goodwill; it could have been invincible to all the world."
"Overall, I think the Clone Army would be a pretty good fit as an Imperial Guard regiment."
"Delta Force candidates largely come from the US Army, most come from the 75th Ranger Regiment or the Special Forces."
"That's basically why so many warrant officers fly in the US Army today."
"They will be the most trained and most knowledgeable army of all of them."
"We now have over 5,000 men ready to fight for you."
"Lee's able to cobble together a winning army with these kinds of officers and men."
"For the first time in history, the army now has an authorized army of women."
"This was no despot's ragged, bullying collection of thugs. This was a true army," he thought.
"I intend to be a part of a restoration army that sees dry bones become a mighty army."
"An army can't fight if it doesn't have food," Sharp said.
"Any army done to this standard would be absolutely incredible."
"An army," said Ser Jorah. "If Strong Belwas is so much to your liking, you can buy hundreds more like him out of the fighting pits of Meereen."
"Odin has an army of fallen soldiers that come back to fight at Ragnarok."
"The Revolutionary Army was formed during the dreadful eight-year war that was started by Eduardo."
"They had this grassroots, such a huge awesome following that is ARMY before they really took over in America."
"We as Army want representation for BTS in all areas, or like say, in as many areas as we can get."
"This is the army, a chance to serve your country as you serve yourself."
"An army is a team. Every single man in the army plays a vital role."
"They will constitute a civilian army that may well save thousands of lives."
"Welcome to an all-new video. I'm US Army veteran Christopher Kaos, and in this video, we talk about the Army loadout."
"I'm grateful and I will be grateful about everything with BTS members and A.R.M.Y."
"This is a both an exciting and a challenging time for the army."
"Every 40 years the army goes under a major transformation."
"He represented the heart and soul of the Napoleonic army."
"The bond BTS and Army share is beautiful. BTS boys love the Army from the core of their hearts and have expressed their love and gratitude to the armies."
"I really want a cool death army that I love."
"Mance Rayder marches on the wall with an army of a hundred thousand."
"I wish I had the finance for this army, it looks so good."
"Our ability to recruit and maintain a smart, fit, lethal, all-volunteer army is the most important thing TRADOC is working on."
"Indeed, I have the finest army in the world, and I welcome you to it, young prince of Pythia."
"Thrain amassed what is probably the greatest Dwarven army ever assembled in Middle-earth's history."
"Alexander's army was about forty thousand strong, drawn from all parts of Greece."
"What does ARMY really mean to you? It's something very, very special; it's more than just a fan."
"It's also something really fun that you can add to your army."
"Napoleon's Army might have found some nice muscovite necklaces, but what they really needed were some potatoes and a blanket or two."
"I had a lot of fun doing them and I'm looking forward to actually getting lots of them painted so I can produce an army."
"Voldemort wants to build up his army again."
"An army marches on its stomach. Food is security."
"Golden rule number two is unit killers: every army needs something that can deal with tanks and infantry."
"He commands an entire army of obedient Quincy servants that are willing to die with an honest-to-goodness smile on their face just for him."
"One of ARMY's main charity fan bases, One In An ARMY, created in 2018, is a collective that acts as a guide in global fundraising initiatives for fans to donate directly to charities."
"...there was a maturity gap in the leadership of the army and the government deemed it necessary therefore to bring in more seasoned personnel from Nigeria to guide the army in that development stage."
"...regimentation is also a very important aspect of running an army because in the army we have various ranks and then it is important that everybody understands where you are and then to do what you are required to do in a disciplined and orderly manner."
"I could be happy through them" so I became a member of the "ARMY".
"I wanted to be accepted by the army for two reasons: foremost was my great desire to belong, to be needed, and to join the stream of activities around me; second, I wanted my parents to be proud of me."
"Love for ARMY has also helped them decide on re-signing another seven-year contract with Big Hit Entertainment."