
Employee Rights Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Frankly, I love it when service workers stand up for themselves."
"The changes were expected but most of them were really unfair, cutting our sick days more than half, worse benefits, no options to become an owner leader in the company."
"Everyone has a right to a healthy and safe work environment at all times and under all circumstances."
"HR exists to protect the company from liability, not necessarily to seek justice on an employee's behalf."
"Seeing Activision Blizzard just essentially being bombarded on all fronts over their negligence, over the way they've run their business, over the way they failed to protect their employees, this is some satisfying karma to witness and behold."
"Having done that, to now see some of those same businesses wanting to fire employees over these injections, I kind of feel like they're stabbing us in the back."
"We deserve a say in how the results of our success, Amazon's profits and its innovations, are being used."
"Democracy should be implemented in workplaces."
"I either quit, and I'm looking for another job, or, you know, my employer, if my employer is not going to give me more respect and more security, and the kind of treatment that I think I deserve. Well, that employer can shove it."
"If you don't use all of your PTO, you are literally giving your employer more of your time than they're paying for, a.k.a. free money."
"They don't care about you. It shows right in that moment. Anytime you speak up for yourself or speak up for another, they see that as a liability."
"Not everyone's equal when it comes to being an employee in this country."
"Unionization at this point seems to be the only way to give employees... power."
"Tao Blevins and Steve Butts were scumbag bosses who abused their employees."
"If you're being harassed by your employer, you let them know."
"It's wrong to force employees to disclose their personal medical decisions."
"I like it when I don't get abused in my workplace."
"This person appears to follow that whistleblower protection laws and ought to be heard out and protected."
"Knowledgeable, dedicated, and hardworking, they deserve a pay rise not a pay freeze."
"Every employee in the government of Canada has the right to work in a safe and healthy environment, and we will always take this very seriously." - Prime Minister's statement on workplace safety.
"It's not intended to run down the statutory clock and redundancies. This is disgraceful. It's the worst form of capitalism that you would ever see."
"Threats of termination and deliberately vague codes of conduct surely must be counted as infringing on free speech, private company or not, that is, if you aren’t a corporatist."
"You're so bossy, D people who have been with the company for a long time have the right to be bed."
"We deserve a lot more respect and consideration than what we're getting here."
"We need more people like David Lockridge, the employee who was fired for raising concerns over safety."
"It's very cool I think it lets people like digest like yeah like how yeah yeah you gonna grow with the characters exactly yeah."
"If you ever get called a resource at your job, I would almost say walk out. You are not a resource. You are a human. You deserve to be respected as such."
"Don't be a person who gets taken advantage of by bad employers. If you don't fight back, they will never learn their lesson."
"Okay, that's insane. It's one thing to say, 'Listen, I don't want you to be on your phone playing Candy Crush at work all day,' but it's another to outright ban phones."
"HelloFresh, in my opinion, is systemically putting things in place that do not allow workers to have a word at all. It's extremely intentional."
"It's sad how we even fantasize the workplace so much that employees feel the need to apologize for having personal lives."
"Welcome to Corporate America where your boss makes a dollar, you make a dime, and you take the heat for the company’s crimes."
"The mistreatment of employees: a big one right here."
"A toxic work environment is one where the company will tell you 'use your leave' but then when you actually go to request those days off you're denied."
"I did not feel protected by the people that were supposed to be, you know, I'm working for them. I didn't feel protected with them at all."
"Japanese marketing firm Piano Inc. received a complaint from non-smoking staff..."
"We Trust upon us the threatening or thereby ending their employment."
"Threatening workers with job loss and firing them won't stop the momentum of unionization."
"It should be hard to fire workers, but workplace behavior needs to be addressed without public shaming."
"this can never happen again I mean this was open you know being somebody's employer was not an excuse to control their body and control their medicine and and overrule their religion um and I found deeply offensive at multiple levels"
"Courage is being afraid and doing it anyway. You should not be afraid to go to work, right?"
"It's been a long 2020 and we need a month off. Yeah, we do. We do. Everyone else gets a holiday, so we should as well."
"There's a problem with the hazard pay bill. The problem with the hazard pay bill is it says that the employer applies for the hazard pay, not you."
"Starting out a conversation where we have to defend ourselves for doing what we think is right is a sore spot for any employee or anyone."
"We're not gonna accept that you're gonna try to ask us to trade sex for schedules."
"Management will go after you for tasks left unfinished due to call-outs."
"You just go in and ask. If you know you're a good employee, this is your future at stake."
"You don't want to be a tool for your boss to just offload workloads."
"Why are you required to be 100% transparent with a company?"
"Any environment where you're experiencing some type of psychological harm... where you don't feel respected or affirmed, that's toxicity."
"We deserve better environments... you don't deserve to be somewhere where you're being mistreated."
"We're not going back to being loyal to employers and jobs who are not loyal to us."
"Elon Musk pledges to foot legal bills of users mistreated by employers for posting or linking content."
"Entire Dollar General store closes after staff quits over lousy pay."
"If a company says one thing does another thing and treats you a certain way then you should be able to talk about it without being instantly categorized as a negative employee or in this case a loud quitter."
"If you go over your sick days then it starts coming out of your holidays, your actual vacation time."
"I think it's important for employees to have a voice in the workplace. You shouldn't always be at the whims of your employer."
"The California Superior Court of San Francisco ruled that Google's employee confidentiality agreements are too broad and violate state labor laws."
"This is on you, this is on Best Buy. They need to create a safe and secure working environment for all their employees."
"What an amazing story! It's just great to see a worker standing up for what they believe in and their rights as an employee."
"...demanding employees come in early and remain strapped to their desks until the clock strikes at the end of the workday is not a reasonable policy. It's just demeaning and glossing over the fact that they're getting free labor on a daily basis from dedicated employees."
"Don't screw over your workers. If they've got vacation time, don't force them to use it in some weird, super stressful way. Don't restrict them from things that you gave them and then try to take them away like candy from a baby."
"They deserve some knowledge from their boss, right?"
"No hospital may discipline, charge, or take any adverse employee action against an employee solely because the employee expresses a concern or complaint regarding the alleged violation of this section."
"Process Safety Management is like the hazard communication standard; it's the employees' right to know."
"An employer cannot fire you for engaging in a protected activity."
"A wrongful termination occurs when you get fired because you engaged in a protected activity or because you have a protected characteristic."
"You shouldn't have to ask for bereavement leave."
"The Family-Friendly Workplace Ordinance requires employers with 20 or more employees to allow employees the right to request a flexible work arrangement."
"If an employee complains about an issue such as not being paid overtime or working too many days in a row, that is a legitimate complaint that an employee should feel free to bring to management."
"All workers must be informed of the chemical hazards in their work area and be given the knowledge and means to protect themselves from injury or illness."