
Colors Quotes

There are 1901 quotes

"The Weeping Angel, the angel cried without its gems, one is blue and one is red, give them back it will tell you a secret."
"The white color symbolizes nobility and frankness, the blue for faithfulness, honesty, impeccability, and chastity, and red for courage, generosity, and love."
"It just pops... there's such different colors especially with the orange stripes."
"Damn, I love that suit bro, I'm talking about the colors and everything."
"There's a reason why blue is loved, it's a great color."
"All my favorite colors, yes, sir, all my favorite colors, right on."
"Proof so cute a cheese puff butterfly... we all agree cool it's also got super psychedelic colors."
"These come in a few different colors... Hawaiian blue, charisma, onyx... and then it comes in the color Eden."
"My favorite color has always been purple, but like royal, but like, I like bluish purples. I'm really into periwinkle these days."
"Relearn pink and blue as colors that do not have genders."
"I want yellow black red white and blue, and that's how it should be."
"Colors have long been known to evoke different moods and behaviors."
"The colors are so vivid... I've never seen anything like it before."
"The grayness of this game. It feels so gray and so blue, so sad and so empty."
"Welcome to the NASA berry challenge: a 10 generational legacy with the focus of bright colors and new experiences."
"I've been trying to find the color in other brands and this right here looks really, really close."
"My favorite of which, and the one I have received the most compliments about, has been a few variations of lilac."
"I love the shades, I think the colors are really beautiful."
"I love my lips, and I like to try different colors, from bold reds to new pinks and darker shades."
"It's like totally weird because you're always in red and I'm always in pink."
"It's a lot of my personal favorite tones in one palette."
"Seeing the blue red green yellow and pink colors in nature is something to remember."
"Colors can either be vibrant or super muted and dull - they're on a spectrum."
"Wow, look at these eyes. I cannot believe the pigment and the colors."
"If you like these colors I would definitely recommend picking it up."
"So we'll move on to the next section and that is gonna be about colors."
"She said it was time for me to go. She stepped through the colors on the other side."
"The color pink doesn't determine if you're a girl or a boy."
"This collection comes in four very spring-like wearable colors."
"Her eyes were closed. And this was my answer. Brown. Yellow. Well, your eyes are red right now."
"They come in all kinds of really beautiful colors. They kind of have that minimalist feel and the colors and prints are just more stylish in my opinion than a lot of the other brands."
"So, next time like I have it, I'll show it to you because I saved some colors but I haven't been using it for this reason."
"It just has these really nice vivid colors and it's simply just nice to look at."
"No matter what skin type you are, there are three colors that are considered to be universally flattering."
"The Pixel 3 XL produces beautifully detailed shots with nice natural colors."
"I'm just like filling in with the dark blue."
"Seeing all these colors just makes me so happy."
"I'm really into bright spring pastels at the moment."
"...the first and only Star Wars movie scene to possess four different lightsaber colors on show during a showdown blue green red and purple naturally."
"You look amazing. I love the colors. Oh yeah, yours are nice too."
"I just wanted kind of a warm out of focus background that maybe represented some trees in the background nothing in focus at all just I really just wanted a variation of different colors in this."
"I'm absolutely loving how it looks in my decor even right now because I love these colors that much."
"I'm very partial to the turquoise and the orangey red, those are my favorite colors."
"These new cool colors are super exciting for those of us that like cool colors."
"I want the vibes to be beiges, greens, Earth tones, plants, like woods, you know?"
"I really love this box, love it, look they've got the colors and the design right."
"Amongst the colors bright and bold, which one's different, young and old?"
"I've loved it since I was a kid, just love the bright colors and the oversized scale and patterns."
"Babies can see red and black, so he was able to see the sunset yesterday."
"I love these super soft colors, I just think it's stunning."
"The color palette was exceptional, the most beautiful autumnal toned neutrals."
"Whoa, colors! I think this one's my favorite. They're so fun and cozy and so cute."
"It's like McDonald's red and yellow, you just see this thing, this brand."
"The display is bright, and the colors look great out of the box."
"It's not only the silvery greens touching my eye on this glorious morning, there's every shade from emerald to lime."
"Those two colors are going to look insane together."
"I love the colors, I love how bold it is, how colorful it is, and it's so shiny."
"There is no limit to the number of colors that you can include in your deck."
"I love spring. I love Easter, the spring colors."
"I just absolutely love about self-striping yarn, you're getting all of these fabulous colors without any additional ends to weave in."
"Patience is so, so important when mixing your colors."
"It's amazing because I do gravitate towards neutral colors, but actually, when you do introduce a bit of color, it's like it's really lifted my mood."
"The colors of the season are often yellows, reds, golds, blues, greens, white, and pinks; they're often very vibrant colors."
"Colors don't have to be perfect because having a little bit of color shift in your painting is not going to hurt at all."
"When you think of ice, you think like whites and... different variations of blue and white."
"One thing I really like about Uniqlo is that you can rely on them to have a really good selection of colors."
"The festival of rainbows in the sky."
"oh these colors just makes me so happy"
"Go for desaturated colors for a restful space"
"A really easy way to elevate your spring outfits is to embrace some of your favorite colors."
"The formulas are incredible in this palette, if this was my type of colors this would be right up the top."
"These colors really suit me, they're very much in my comfort zone. It's that beautiful handy midi size and it just gives me a lot of joy to use it. It makes my heart happy."
"The display looks absolutely beautiful. I love the vivid colors."
"These crazy camo colors are usually for jet ski instead of a boat."
"I love wearing bright colors because they bring me joy."
"It's like Christmas, I feel like I'm just surrounded by all the colors and patterns and textures that I love."
"I really do recommend visiting this one in the fall if you can; the colors are fantastic."
"Nature is really the best designer of colors."
"Pink Opals are admired for their soft and soothing hues that range from pink to vibrant Rose."
"Look how beautiful those colors, nope guess what I'm keeping them."
"It kind of does, it's red and red white and blue like the American flag."
"I love the contrast, blue and the yellow."
"Your day will be fine, you'll have much joy, unless you're wearing the color orange, then uh-oh."
"Colors, no one exposes colors like Africa."
"Wow, that's beautiful, look at those colors."
"Rainbow, rainbow, red and orange and yellow and green and purple and blue!"
"The colors are just so distinctive."
"When it's getting clear on the canvas, it's also getting clear to me how fun the vivid colors get."
"Isn't that pretty so if you like the muted good colors and the nudes it's very very Velvet Teddy very honey love all of those colors."
"Pink and yellow are my favorite colors."
"This just screams fall with the colors"
"I love the colors used. I love just... I don't know, there's... I think they did a really good job crafting the movie just in terms of visuals."
"Absolutely love the colors, there's just something about hourglass for me that does lip colors really beautifully."
"I legit want this in every color that they have."
"The colors that they have available, they have it in black, they have, I think, camel, I want to say bordeaux or burgundy."
"This purse right here comes in eight different colors."
"The colors here are absolutely sensational."
"I mean, I'd let it sit on my desk it's so... I mean the colors, everything about it I think just really, really shines."
"I have a preference for colors that are somewhat off the beaten path grungy is probably the most mainstream term that kind of colors that I'm into in makeup."
"The colors of this setting sun splashed across them, painting meandering rivers with orange, pink, purple, and gold."
"Fashion to me should be fun, you shouldn't always just go for black or gray or neutral colors, you should definitely have some pops of color in your wardrobe because they really brighten your mood."
"I have no problem whatsoever, I love colors."
"You hit a scene like the Hitman nightclub and every color is represented since every type of person is represented."
"This is my kind of color story again with the grunge, the muted tones, I love it. It's beautiful; I'm still testing it, but so far, I love this palette."
"I just can't stop staring at it I think it's the combination of the two colors."
"Colors like this are just... if you have brown eyes or hazel eyes, this is a gorgeous, gorgeous color."
"Pulmonary's flowers are blue, pink, and white."
"Finally, sometimes Crayola doesn't add black or brown, which bothers me because I love my black and Browns."
"Ooh, I really like this one, it's pastel and it's a gradient between yellow pink and purple."
"So now we get to start playing with other colors like our cadmium red and our primary yellow."
"So what I also love about the tapestry is the colors that remain vibrant and fresh as the day they were woven."
"I love the colors in this plate, I absolutely love."
"Are the colors gorgeous? Absolutely."
"I love it so much, the colors, the patterns, everything. It is beautiful."
"10 bit footage can capture up to 1 billion colors."
"You can wear almost any color, it's the shade and intensity that count."
"It's a celebration of the joy of those pinky colors with a bit of something extra."
"...just this wide range of beautiful colors."
"Pink and orange together, beautiful."
"This is definitely my favorite color in this formula."
"Yellow and blue together are just so fabulous."
"I love all shades of red, they each bear a part of me."
"What can I say Action Bronson clearly knows something about combining really strange colors on a shoe and making it work."
"Parrots are already some of the most colorful creatures in the world."
"colors are hard it's like easier to get 20 lightning Lings in Magic Kingdom than fine a to go in food"
"I love the way it looks the red dragon just pops perfectly I love the color Aesthetics overall on this set you just got greens purples oranges um Grays like all of it just Blends together so well."
"Different manufacturers use different colors because they have different mixtures or different types of coolant."
"What Vibrance does is bring up all of the colors in your image except for the skin tones. Vibrance is saturation designed for people."
"Are they at least white? No, they're colorful."
"These polishes no one talks about and the thing that I love about them is that the colors are so unique like you don't see this kind of a shade everywhere."
"Paint colors really have such a huge impact on our emotional and mental welfare."
"The Branding and the colors, you know, people love and it's something we're very proud of."
"They think that their true colors are good colors. They don't think that it's like their true colors are bad colors. They think that they're great."
"Good vibes is much more coppery and heartbeat has a little more pinky rose."
"I think there's a spot for each of them but pink blue is impressive."
"This is where we see a lot of muted and natural tones of the earth."
"I colored their hats red hats and scarves red and the moon is yellow."
"The bright crimson hues are beautifully set off by the gold accents."
"Absolutely obsessed with this, the reds, the greens, it's so Christmas, it's beautiful."
"...we're going to have an array of yellow, red, and purple tulips and purple hens for pennies."
"It changes colors. Let's see. Red, which we don't use, but it's there. Green, pink, turquoise. This one's a good one."
"Pinks and purples are not the most relaxing colors for a dining room."
"Jade can actually come in any color of the rainbow."
"People have always been fascinated by flames and by fire and especially the colors which they produce."
"Better than a postcard in fact because no flat image could capture the vibrant yellows, flaming oranges, and rich ruby reds that cover every hillside."
"I think it looks so beautiful with the orange and the green."
"Red. I like the red. So I have the red one and that one. Okay, okay. Nice one. Yeah, nice."
"That looks awesome it's actually I love watching this clip back it's so cool to see myself in colors that actually really compliment me."
"All the colors in this are so good."
"Certainly without the colors of nature there would be no art."
"This setup looks fascinating for some reason. I don't know, I just love how the colors pop."
"I love the colors, they're like a little bit more orangey poppy."
"I just love the warm colors that you get from this camera, the way it's actually been tuned, the color science, I just absolutely love it. It's fantastic."
"Now is the chance for them to like yeah that doesn't look right right so if you're burning a bait past them and it's reacting and they're chasing it down you have a little bit more wiggle room or play to mess around with colors and such."
"The colors are just magnificent if you have any good um white jeans or um even white even those white wide leg pants that I got from Walmart or any of the white like Gauzy wideleg pants this would look good with it."
"Colors set the mood, they often tell as much of a story as the drawing itself does."
"The colors really pop and it all works together."
"That's before, and now here's with the Vivid colors."
"Literally, look at these colors... the yarn is literally popping off the screen because it's that bright."
"And the way it stands proud, the blue dial is captivating, the red accents. Isn't it amazing that the watches we've seen, red and blue, just work hand in hand together? It's amazing."
"I feel like I'm hiding behind these fun colors and some like fun glossy highlights instead of actually defining form."
"Colors are important if we're trying to go for gold."
"Love the muted tones, the neutral colors for Easter."
"I really like these pillows. Aren't they pretty? All the pretty colors."
"The new colors of the world set are made with brand new colors with the help of a chemist who actually worked in the makeup industry named Victor Casale."
"In the early 1990s multimedia PCs were boasting about how many millions of colors they could display... Well here is a multimedia Mac from the early 90s which can display exactly two colors: black and white."
"'How many colors feature on a standard set of UK traffic lights?' 'Three. Correct!'"
"Gasket. It's right. Very well played. The blue represents water and rain and the black and white is for racial harmony and peace."
"Look at these colors, absolutely stunning."
"Different temperatures can alter the color of paint pigments."
"This comes in like six or seven interior colors and a bunch of exterior colors so thank god yes for giving us color."
"From these colors, you can make almost every other color of rainbow. Did you know that?"
"I just like the colors. Very retro."
"They come in loads of different colors, but I got the Navy 'cause I thought these look really nice."
"A rainbow only comes out when it's rainy and sunny at the same time. It's got all our favorite colors in it."
"I thought it'd be fun to do just something simple, but still having the classic red and green coloring."
"...colors and contrast alongside strong compositions... a quit essential modern master class..."
"...creates a perfect blurry line between reality and Illusion by blending highly saturated colors..."
"I actually bought two colors. I bought like a black one and a pink one."
"I love the holiday colors and the comfy cozy vibes."
"Look at those colors! My gosh, they look so... It looks like a whole rainbow."
"Colors and all that stuff, it just looks really beautiful."
"It paints the skies in a mosaic of colors - Clementine, salmon, sanguine, Golden Rod, even lilac and lavender."
"Nobody can create a color palette better than nature."
"The colors just feel like they're kind of like competitive with each other."
"It's definitely giving us fall, giving us our deep fall winter colors, I love it all."
"I love the colors here. It's vibrant, it's almost got this rasterized rainbow effect like some TV scan lines."
"The colors look a bit rich here in the bottles but they're actually so easy to wear."
"Everybody's falling in love with the colors because it has a place in everyone's hearts."
"I'm really excited about it. I like how the colors are going to coordinate with everything else that I have put together."
"I wanted the whole painting to have pastel and iridescent colors of the opal."
"Razzled Dazzle... has fuchsia purple flowers that then transition to raspberry red with a cream Center."
"Each granny stitch layer is a different color, and I feel like that is so summery, so cute."
"The production design is amazing for this film. The colors are unusually bright for something that's dark."
"These colors are so cute for 33 dollars for a full set of hooks, mostly full set of hooks, they're fantastic."
"But I'm going to stick with some brown and white."
"If you look at nature, you can see all these fabulous colors, and they all look beautiful together."
"The power of a flag... turn the colors on it."
"These colors are magnificent. I just cannot get over it."
"The colors on this are super bright, I really like the red color and the little starfish are such a cute detail."